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If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I remember that years ago, a guy who worked at the airport in one of brazillian cities found 10.000 euros in a wallet. He was a toilet cleaner and he returned the wallet to the airport security team and it was latter given to the owner of it. I remember that my nephew was proper mad at him, ''what an idiot, finds 10.000 euros and gives it back''.

I just saw another story on youtube where a taxi driver finds 300.000 dollars worth of cash and he returns it to the owner. His taxi company compensated him with 1000 dollars (1000 dollars you know).

One time I was on the train going home and I looked under the seat I was sitting and I found a wallet that had 200 euros plus 100 pounds. The guy also left his documents. I thought fuck it, I am keeping the money. But because his driving license had his address on it and I understand the stress of getting another license, I returned his driving license and his other documents but I kept the money. My other friend was trying to convince me to send the money back, I was like ''fuck outta here, If he found my money, I am damn sure he wouldn't give it back''.

Now If I see someone dropping his wallet, I would let him know that he just dropped his wallet, I did this several times before. I remember one time this lady was withdrawing cash and she took her card and left the 50 pounds on the atm that she just withdrew, I called her and told her that she forgot her money on the atm, the woman behind me was super impressed and said ''you are a honest guy''.

However, my policy totally changes when I find the money in the streets, public transport or any other pubic place. If I lose a wallet full of cash, I assume that is gone for good, If I find in the streets, I don't care if the address of the owner is there, I am not returning it, unless the money is insubstantial for me.

I have never robbed from another human being and probably never will. However when comes to this I don't think I will change my attitude.

What about yourself? Would you return it?

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

This is a good question and when I lived in London, I had that fcuk you, it's mine attitude. If you lose something in London, it's gone..fcuking bastards.

Living in Nigeria, you better return that shyt because if they find out (and somehow they do), they will flog you and your fam can't do shyt to resist.

But living in Canada, I gained more of a benign nature and started giving back shyt I found. Once I lost my smartphone in the cinema..the one near Warden and Eglinton and lo and behold, when I went back to enquire, the cleaners had found it and returned it to the front.

If that happened in London, trust me, it's curtains on that.

I also found a blackberry in Borders on one of the cartons. I returned that also.

I would probably return cash in Toronto. I felt that people were generally nice there and so I wanted to give back.

At this present point in time, I am not sure, I'd probably give it back but the thing is, the person you return it i.e. the security guard might pocket the money and not give it to the rightful owner.



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If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I'd keep the cash and mail the wallet back to the owner.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

A few years ago I was walking down the street when I came across a wallet on the sidewalk. It was open with a few hundred dollars in cash. The ID was also still inside. I could see that it belonged to an old man in his 70s who lived in the area.

I looked down the street. Far off, I could see an old man walking along with a cane. I was able to catch up to him in a few minutes and I gave him back his wallet, cash and all.

He thanked me and said "Good to know there are still some decent people in this world." I kind of wished he had offered me $20 as a gesture of thanks, but he gave me nothing.

I was a broke college student at the time, but I still returned the money. I don't think I'd feel right spending it as my own, especially when I had the rightful owner's ID in my possession, making it easy for me to return.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Probably depends on how broke I am at the moment.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I have never found a wallet, but I have found other items that I have returned. If I found a wallet with a lot of money, I would return everything without a doubt. I grew up in the Midwest and I believe it's right thing to do.

Finding a 20 dollar bill or something on the street is fair game though.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I have and would again. Once, when I hadn't been living in Taiwan that long, I saw a guy on a scooter drop his wallet. I was with a girlfriend. We couldn't catch up to him, so we found something in his wallet and contacted his father, went to his father's work, and returned it. His father was incredulous. It felt a little weird and dirty just looking through the guy's wallet for some kind of contact details. There was some cash in there. I don't know how much, didn't care as it wasn't mine. Taking it would have been theft and would have been wrong even if I had never been caught.

It's a sign of a civilised human being in a civilised society that social trust can occur. What a sad place London must be if people think like the above poster. If you live in a bad place and become just like them, then you're part of the problem. There's no justification for it. You have looked into the abyss and the abyss has looked into you. Likewise, if the deterrent in Nigeria is that you behave yourself simply to avoid being whipped, then that's a fucked place I never want to visit, let alone live in.

In Taiwan, there's a bit of a cliched question on English exams that goes "If you found $1000 (~30USD) in the street, what would you do?" The correct answer (according to the exams) is "Hand it in to the police." The kids don't just memorise the answer, but really believe it. I was like GTFOOH the first time a kid said that. Of course, there's a disconnect between kids and adults, because quite a few adults here are pretty hard-nosed when it comes to money.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I don't know if It was an older person I would return it but some one who is younger than 60 I'd take the cash and mail the wallet

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Absolutely I'd return it. (And have done so.) I am not a thief, and my personal integrity is worth far, far more than any wallet or purse could hold.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Honestly, I would go to the bank and get a check made out to a decent charity/ies once I fucking screen the shit out of them.

I've been blessed with more than just two hands, eyes and legs and I've been proud of what I've earned with just that.

I don't need to take more when there are people that don't have the opportunities I've had.

What causes would I commit to? Now that's a more interesting discussion.

Edit: I believe the person that lost that much cash has a better ability to earn it than the people I would contribute it to on his/her anonymous behalf; and yes I would take it upon myself to make this decision for them.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

I lost a wallet with $400 in it. The guy who found it drove an hour away to my old address to return it. He eventually tracked me down by having his wife who worked at my bank look up my number and called me.

Gave it back with all the money in it. I gave him 50 bucks for the trouble.

If I find a wallet I'll return it to the owner. I'll never return it to someone who will return it for me.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Ive returned three wallets and a few phones that I have found over the years.

I am a strong believer in karma and if there is a way of returning it I always will.

Kind of related - a few weeks ago I was driving around town with my girl in my truck.
A kid was playing with a small RC car so I shouted out the window to race him. Towards the end of the race he spun out and I ended up driving over it. It was a one way street so I had to keep going. I was initially tempted to just keep going since it was his mistake but I quickly changed my mind. I went and got some cash out and returned to the scene of the crime. There was no sign of the kid so I beeped my horn and started going door to door. Eventually got the house and his dad answered. He was hiding in the next room crying. His dad had just given him a lecture for racing proper vehicles. I gave the kid a hundred dollars, told him some funny stories about a RC car I had growing up and told him to by a RC helicopter instead. Karma balance restored haha. My girl was super horny after my good deed too.

I always remember people who went out of there way to help me. I try and return the favour as much as possible. I think it comes down to abundance mentality.

Another quick story. First day working at a cafe I found a dollar tip left under a cup on a table. I was slightly tempted to just pocket it. Instead I put it in the staff tip jar. Turns out its a test the owner uses to see who's trust worthy. I was managing a week later and he told me all about how many people pocket it.

That being said I eat 'free' pastries while doing my grocery shopping all the time. The big companies can suck it.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?


The money, I don't need it. I didn't earn it.

It's someone else's money and they didn't lose it on purpose.

That said, the unconditional return hasn't always been this way. I would have been in the past, conditional depending on my circumstances.

MikeCF's abundance mentality series has brought light on the matter. I no longer feel like I lose anything if I handed it all back.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 09:13 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

I am a strong believer in karma and if there is a way of returning it I always will.

I do too and am a big advocate.

Also in my view me contributing the money to charity is building karma for the guy who lost it rather than myself; he may need that more than I do and he can have it.

Fuck, am I way off here ? [Image: lol.gif]

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Keep the cash AND steal his identify get a spare passport in his name then run up all his credit cards to max while applying for more in his name. Hijack all his social media and have sex with his wife.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:02 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 09:13 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

I am a strong believer in karma and if there is a way of returning it I always will.

I do too and am a big advocate.

Also in my view me contributing the money to charity is building karma for the guy who lost it rather than myself; he may need that more than I do and he can have it.

Fuck, am I way off here ? [Image: lol.gif]

So you lose your wallet with $500 in cash in it. Bertha Acidcrotch finds it and "donates" your money to Jezebel for their "fine work in the advancement of feminism."

Feeling that karma are you?

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:07 AM)Baphomet Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:02 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 09:13 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

I am a strong believer in karma and if there is a way of returning it I always will.

I do too and am a big advocate.

Also in my view me contributing the money to charity is building karma for the guy who lost it rather than myself; he may need that more than I do and he can have it.

Fuck, am I way off here ? [Image: lol.gif]

So you lose your wallet with $500 in cash in it. Bertha Acidcrotch finds it and "donates" your money to Jezebel for their "fine work in the advancement of feminism."

Feeling that karma are you?

Not sure what your tone is trying to convey. Welcome, and I wish you luck on the forum.

In response though, I guess I'll never know. And I don't care since I create a wall against bad Karma through meditation.

All I can hope for is that Ms. Acidcrotch doesn't let me know about the $500 Jezebel donation. That would hurt so bad.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:06 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Keep the cash AND steal his identify get a spare passport in his name then run up all his credit cards to max while applying for more in his name. Hijack all his social media and have sex with his wife.


same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:06 AM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Keep the cash AND steal his identify get a spare passport in his name then run up all his credit cards to max while applying for more in his name. Hijack all his social media and have sex with his wife.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 08:43 AM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

In Taiwan, there's a bit of a cliched question on English exams that goes "If you found $1000 (~30USD) in the street, what would you do?" The correct answer (according to the exams) is "Hand it in to the police." The kids don't just memorise the answer, but really believe it. I was like GTFOOH the first time a kid said that.

Taiwanese people are the goddamn friendliest people on Earth. Me and friends used to rant about HOW friendly they are when I lived there.

Interestingly, I dropped my wallet (Cash, cards, ID, the lot) once in Roxy99.

I went to the bar as soon as I realised and was handed my wallet with everything in tact.

I hugged the bar man.

Everyone talks about the famous 'Thai Smile', fuck right off [Image: lol.gif] Taiwanese smile for sure.

In answer to the original question, I'd hand the wallet in if I was in Taiwan. In England, I'd hand it in unless it was a chav

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

One time when I was in Slovenia, I lost about 40 € in cash and another 40 € in coupons for a shop, making me quite distraught when I arrived home and noticed it. I decided to retrace my steps and was overjoyed to find the money 10 minutes later, still lying on the bend of a relatively busy street where it has fallen out of my pocket. Incredibly honest and kind people! I was stunned in the most positive way possible

[Image: youtheman.gif]

What makes this story hilarious is that when I came home, I noticed that the 10 € I had put in my pocket when I was going back to search for the lost money (in case I needed to get a bus ticket or something) was gone. Probably fell out of my pocket while I was leaning down to pick up the original money.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

I said "fuck it" and decided not to go back again. You can't fight fate.

There's an appropriate saying for it here in Croatia: "Kad ti je suđeno da budeš jeben, same ti gaće padnu", or "When you're doomed to be fucked, your pants fall off by themselves."

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

It all depends on who the wallet belongs to. What if the wallet belongs to a feminist?


If the wallet belongs an old man or old woman. Yes, i will return it. I have respect for the aged.

If the wallet belongs to a young man(high school and above), i will return it unless he is a banker or police officer or a politician; in that case, I will take the money and drop the wallet in a dropbox at the post office.

If the wallet belongs to girl/woman, i will look through the content to ascertain what kind of woman she is. If she is a straight A with honours, etc.... i will definitely return it or mail it back.

If however, she is a standard, typical, basic female cunts that surrounds us all, my answer? fuck no. I will simply take the money, and throw the wallet in a gutter somewhere.

Where things get interesting is if the wallet belongs to a *professional working woman*. This is where i am willing to put in the work. Let me try and break it down. If in her wallet there is info that states that she works in H.R. department or if she is some "professor" of women studies or work for non-profit government organization, or write for a publication like jezebel, etc ....I will do the following:

(1)take all the cash

(2)Go to a public computer and make large online donations to RVF and other manospheric sites.

(3)Use her personal info to search for her male friends on social network, and then use her credit cards to order manosphere books and send it to those male friends(find their addresses using intellius or something like that. of course, all paid for by her credit card.)

(4)Use her credit cards to subscribe her to the most demeaning porn websites i could many as possible...set up the account for the next 10 years.

(5)Order multiple packages of all kinds of sex toys, porn tapes, etc and have it shipped to her mother and father; my gift to them for bringing a H.R cunt into this world.

(6)Again, if she works in H.R., i will even seriously contemplate ordering some drugs and weapons off the Darkweb(e.g. silkroad) in her name; it all depends on how much of a cunt i think she is, based on her postings on social media.



p.s. I have an intense dislike for H.R cunts and white knights.

A year from now you will wish you had started today.....May fortune favours the bold.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

@ Nemencine, I like your response more than mine.

I should have given it more thought [Image: lol.gif]

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Here in Japan you could drop a wallet with 1000s of dollars in it and it would almost certainly get back to you. It is the only place I've been to where going to the police is actually worth it when you lose something. In the UK, never ever.

I've found mobile phones here in Japan and tracked down the owners. Funnily enough, they barely even thank you here. Handing things back is the normal thing to do, so you get a gruff "Thanks" and that is it. In England, people would be in shock by such a miracle!

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

If you found a wallet full of cash, would you return it?

Quote: (07-11-2014 09:13 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

I am a strong believer in karma and if there is a way of returning it I always will.
I gave the kid a hundred dollars, told him some funny stories about a RC car I had growing up and told him to by a RC helicopter instead. Karma balance restored haha.

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:02 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

Also in my view me contributing the money to charity is building karma for the guy who lost it rather than myself

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:18 AM)Cobra Wrote:  

And I don't care since I create a wall against bad Karma through meditation.

Do you guys actually believe in "karma"?

Are you only returning the wallet because you are trying to avoid some retribution in the future?

I would return the wallet of course, but not because I'm afraid of some magical force that will come and get me, but because it's a decent thing to do.

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