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Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

I think a lot of guys here are ridiculing and condemning this woman without looking at the message. She may not have Ciceronian eloquence in expressing her views, and she might not have polish or panache, but don't fault her for that. Her frustration is spot-on, in my opinion.

In fact, her statement is refreshing honesty.

She's furious that the ruling classes in this country have basically sold us out so that big business can benefit from de facto slave labor. And this is something I completely agree with.

The US gave up on the illegal immigration issue a long time ago. The government here doesn't have the balls to confront it as it should: establishing free-fire zones, immediate deportation of illegals, and punitive military incursions to get Mexico's attention.

The situation matches exactly the situation in the Western Roman empire around 250-350 A.D. Large amounts of Germanic and Slavic barbarians (in those days they called these people what they were, in contrast to our politically correct world) were pouring across the frontiers in Gaul and Dacia, and the local governors didn't care as long as they had cheap labor to work the big "latifundia" estates.

At the risk of going over the top, I incline more and more to severe and unrelenting savagery towards all the problems we discuss here on the forum. It seems like nothing else works.

Maybe we should just go all-out. Re-establish the Inquisition to root out degenerates, corruptors, and scum. Smash all illegals with a brutal fist. Set up free fire zones.

When the crisis is so severe, as now, the solution needs to be equally severe. But of course, as we know, this won't happen.

We're going down.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 06:18 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Maybe we should just go all-out. Re-establish the Inquisition to root out degenerates, corruptors, and scum. Smash all illegals with a brutal fist. Set up free fire zones.

They're already doing this in Europe. It's called the Golden Dawn. Look it up.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

I hate to hassle the guy when he’s scoring a righteous point on President Buckpasser and I really hate to do it at a moment when even some liberals are in agreement, sniffing that O’s sad little presser last night had more to do with blame-shifting than with actually solving the border crisis. But listen: Obama ain’t the only one who’s been signaling “permiso” to would-be illegals in Mexico and Central America with nonstop chatter about amnesty over the past 18 months. He’s the guiltiest culprit, sure. He issued that DREAM amnesty for young illegals in 2012 as an election pander and he’s spent his days ever since whining that Republicans aren’t doing enough to bring adult illegals “out of the shadows.” Even when there’s a surge in illegal border crossings that could be partially solved by undoing a law that prevents kids from being summarily deported back to their home countries, he decides not to ask Congress to undo it for fear of annoying his pro-amnesty base. This is mostly his fault.

Mostly. If you’d been following U.S. immigration politics from afar since election 2012, you would have heard lots of blather by now about “reform” from prominent Republicans too, including and especially the Speaker of the House, the 2008 Republican nominee for president, and the Senate’s biggest Republican Latino star. Go figure that foreign media would have inferred that newly arrived illegals stand a better chance now of being allowed to stay in the U.S. than they have in years, partly because even the opposition party is led by people who are “hellbent” for their own political reasons to reward illegal immigration. Boehner, more than anyone outside the Chamber of Commerce on the right, shares the blame he’s pawning off on Obama. And I guarantee you: As angry as he appears to be here, he’s still quietly trying to game out a way to bring a comprehensive reform bill to the House floor without blowing up the party in the process. Maybe next year.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

"Haha! The blacks are scared. They are being replaced as the minorities who got all the handouts with the new Latino lower class which will now fight them for the same handouts. It's like two beggars fighting over a dime.

Competition brings out the best in people..."

Are black people spontaneously disappearing or something?

This is actually how many scared spineless white liberals and conservatives - they think that a Hispanic underclass is more pliable and less violent than a black underclass, so they lay out the welcome mat for Hispanics. One small problem: it does nothing to make the black underclass any smaller. Instead, you've just doubled the size of the underclass, and all the problems associated with it.

Of course, they never say this sort of thinking outright, so they can't be mocked for how silly and nonsensical it is.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:43 PM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:35 PM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

Geesh where do you guys live? Am I the only one who's lived in states with a majority of white on welfare?

LOL, yep. America never will have an honest discussion about the decline of white Americans in the last 30 years. It would be interesting to see statistics regarding the numbers of non-Jewish whites in this country who are struggling financially, economically, and academically and compare that to Asian immigrant groups.

Charles Murray had a pretty good go with Coming Apart.

There was also the second season of the Wire. Frank Sobotka is perhaps one of the greatest characters ever to appear on television. The tragedy of his fate was utterly predictable, but no less compelling as viewing for it.


Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

She seems frustrated. I have trouble understanding her point, but the fault for that lies more with the news crew (for not structuring the interview) than with the woman.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-10-2014 11:51 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Handout recipient is angry other handout recipients are taking away handouts from handout recipients.

The logical conclusion of all socialist societies.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Haha I grew up in some very "multicultural" areas of London and I can tell you some stories ... phew.

Yeah either way when I started to travel, I fully realised; that look, people around the world have their different ways of doing things. We are told in the media and schools, university; that a lot of parts of the world are poor because they have been oppressed by Europeans. But when you live in these locations you realise that a lot of comes down to their cultural values and how they get things done.

There are positives to be had from multiculturalism, different food, music, you can make some new friends. But you can have this in a homogenous society, the whole bombardment of mass immigration alongside of a progressive agenda to destroy any national, cultural identity, is just ideological utopianism. Ancient Rome, Napoleon, Alexander the Great, all attempted to create a one world, one identity; it just never worked.

The only black people I met who I would say were truly successful through business channels. Rejected the victim narrative and just did their own thing; they had style, game and genuine respect from white co workers and friends. No group of people in history has alleviated themselves and risen to the top, through welfare handouts and victimhood, same applies for the individual.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'


Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-12-2014 05:19 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

Not shocking. He is a politician. He will spin to whatever his supporters think. If he claimed that he formed this opinion on his own accord, who would believe him? Not saying he did not feel this way, just saying he has no credibility.

Actually once I finished watching the video I realized that he just wants the money that Obama is trying to allocate for these immigrants to more social stuff he champions and gun control. I feel bad for that ranting lady being paired up with him in the same video. I wouldn't like that if it were me. Their positions were not the same.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Jesse does some strange things with the King's English.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

If you want to see a real life example of what happens when you have multiple competing underclass "communities" tearing each other apart then just look at Long Beach as a case study. Back in the day it used to be a pretty up and coming middle class blue collar area for dock workers and shipyard employees. Then when the jobs left it became a dumping ground for 'po minority trash.

The government would send new asylum seeking immigrants straight to the ghettos of long beach. So you ended up with a lot of disenfranchised Cambodian immigrants forming gangs to battle it out with the local savages. The area devolved into a trifecta gang war between blacks, hispanics, and asians that lasted for at least a few decades before burning out in the 00's. The death toll was high and innocent people (even children) were getting popped left and right.

The situation was so bad in the 90's you could get shot just for being asian, black, or latino in the "wrong" side of the neighborhood.

I'm afraid this is what most of America will become to some extent. When you have competing underclasses like this fighting over a few table crumbs things get shitty for everyone.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 12:50 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

If you want to see a real life example of what happens when you have multiple competing underclass "communities" tearing each other apart then just look at Long Beach as a case study. Back in the day it used to be a pretty up and coming middle class blue collar area for dock workers and shipyard employees. Then when the jobs left it became a dumping ground for 'po minority trash.

The government would send new asylum seeking immigrants straight to the ghettos of long beach. So you ended up with a lot of disenfranchised Cambodian immigrants forming gangs to battle it out with the local savages. The area devolved into a trifecta gang war between blacks, hispanics, and asians that lasted for at least a few decades before burning out in the 00's. The death toll was high and innocent people (even children) were getting popped left and right.

The situation was so bad in the 90's you could get shot just for being asian, black, or latino in the "wrong" side of the neighborhood.

I'm afraid this is what most of America will become to some extent. When you have competing underclasses like this fighting over a few table crumbs things get shitty for everyone.

How dare you say that! We're a nation of immigrants. Everyone is illegal except Native Americans. Who has the right to stop anyone from coming here!

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 12:50 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

If you want to see a real life example of what happens when you have multiple competing underclass "communities" tearing each other apart then just look at Long Beach as a case study. Back in the day it used to be a pretty up and coming middle class blue collar area for dock workers and shipyard employees. Then when the jobs left it became a dumping ground for 'po minority trash.

The government would send new asylum seeking immigrants straight to the ghettos of long beach. So you ended up with a lot of disenfranchised Cambodian immigrants forming gangs to battle it out with the local savages. The area devolved into a trifecta gang war between blacks, hispanics, and asians that lasted for at least a few decades before burning out in the 00's. The death toll was high and innocent people (even children) were getting popped left and right.

The situation was so bad in the 90's you could get shot just for being asian, black, or latino in the "wrong" side of the neighborhood.

I'm afraid this is what most of America will become to some extent. When you have competing underclasses like this fighting over a few table crumbs things get shitty for everyone.

Legal guns are really the only thing protecting a lot of people from a big uptick in interracial violence.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 01:05 AM)Alan Partridge Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 12:50 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

If you want to see a real life example of what happens when you have multiple competing underclass "communities" tearing each other apart then just look at Long Beach as a case study. Back in the day it used to be a pretty up and coming middle class blue collar area for dock workers and shipyard employees. Then when the jobs left it became a dumping ground for 'po minority trash.

The government would send new asylum seeking immigrants straight to the ghettos of long beach. So you ended up with a lot of disenfranchised Cambodian immigrants forming gangs to battle it out with the local savages. The area devolved into a trifecta gang war between blacks, hispanics, and asians that lasted for at least a few decades before burning out in the 00's. The death toll was high and innocent people (even children) were getting popped left and right.

The situation was so bad in the 90's you could get shot just for being asian, black, or latino in the "wrong" side of the neighborhood.

I'm afraid this is what most of America will become to some extent. When you have competing underclasses like this fighting over a few table crumbs things get shitty for everyone.

Legal guns are really the only thing protecting a lot of people from a big uptick in interracial violence.

Most people in America inherently dislike Americans not of their own race. If given the opportunity people will naturally seek to fuck over the other side. This mentality is very much engrained in the culture. Just look at how the prison system is already a race war atmosphere. It's a reflection of deeper social conditioning.

When violence is normalized in a community then you will see an entire geographical area devolve into a race war pretty fast. LB is a good example of this but there are many many other similar situations.

Widespread legal guns may keep things somewhat civilized in the short term but I expect things to go to shit over the long run anyhow.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

As more illegals are let in and the US Gov can no longer afford to buy housing and healthcare for poors, then the fun times start.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

Follow me on Twitter

Read my Blog: Fanghorn Forest

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:00 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

The USA will end up being one of two things...

#1) The first country to truly shake off the loser socialist liberal mentality and reclaim their greatness. A lesson to all other historians in the future as to how worthless and mentally deranged socialism is.

#2) A great study lesson in how liberalism does not work. How the USA, a country that...

- Beat the world's great empire in back to back wars, in founding this country.
- Survived a ungodly brutal civil war and restored the country.
- Was on the winning side of two World Wars and in the 2nd world war we got all the goods afterwards.
- Built a military with technology that could destroy all other militaries many times over.
- Had the greatest economic run ever.

Only to be taken down and destroyed by the virus that is liberalism. Forget nuclear weapons, forget a military of 100,000,000 well trained soldiers. You want to defeat your enemy, spread liberalism there and you will win in due time.

Whatever the outcome, I just hope I can get out of here before the inevitable happens. With this debt, it is only a matter of time.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:08 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:00 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

The USA will end up being one of two things...

#1) The first country to truly shake off the loser socialist liberal mentality and reclaim their greatness. A lesson to all other historians in the future as to how worthless and mentally deranged socialism is.

#2) A great study lesson in how liberalism does not work. How the USA, a country that...

- Beat the world's great empire in back to back wars, in founding this country.
- Survived a ungodly brutal civil war and restored the country.
- Was on the winning side of two World Wars and in the 2nd world war we got all the goods afterwards.
- Built a military with technology that could destroy all other militaries many times over.
- Had the greatest economic run ever.

Only to be taken down and destroyed by the virus that is liberalism. Forget nuclear weapons, forget a military of 100,000,000 well trained soldiers. You want to defeat your enemy, spread liberalism there and you will win in due time.

Whatever the outcome, I just hope I can get out of here before the inevitable happens. With this debt, it is only a matter of time.

Which wars would those be? Surely you're not talking about the War of 1812 in which both sides returned occupied territory to each other at the conclusion of the war (i.e. there were no territorial changes), the U.S. failed to conquer Canada, and the British burnt Washington, including both the White House and the Capitol.

I also think the claim of the greatest economic run ever could be disputed. Anyway, I'm just nitpicking. I agree with you in general.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:04 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:08 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:00 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

The USA will end up being one of two things...

#1) The first country to truly shake off the loser socialist liberal mentality and reclaim their greatness. A lesson to all other historians in the future as to how worthless and mentally deranged socialism is.

#2) A great study lesson in how liberalism does not work. How the USA, a country that...

- Beat the world's great empire in back to back wars, in founding this country.
- Survived a ungodly brutal civil war and restored the country.
- Was on the winning side of two World Wars and in the 2nd world war we got all the goods afterwards.
- Built a military with technology that could destroy all other militaries many times over.
- Had the greatest economic run ever.

Only to be taken down and destroyed by the virus that is liberalism. Forget nuclear weapons, forget a military of 100,000,000 well trained soldiers. You want to defeat your enemy, spread liberalism there and you will win in due time.

Whatever the outcome, I just hope I can get out of here before the inevitable happens. With this debt, it is only a matter of time.

Which wars would those be? Surely you're not talking about the War of 1812 in which both sides returned occupied territory to each other at the conclusion of the war (i.e. there were no territorial changes), the U.S. failed to conquer Canada, and the British burnt Washington, including both the White House and the Capitol.

I also think the claim of the greatest economic run ever could be disputed. Anyway, I'm just nitpicking. I agree with you in general.

The USA was but a baby of a country, and while we didn't take territory, we ran off the greatest army in the world to protect this country. It wasn't some great decisive win, but the USA was able to survive an invasion by the greatest army in the world. Call it a draw if you like, the fact the USA has been through all of this and not only survived but thrived is amazing. Even more amazing is that liberalism is such a terrible virus that even this once great country cannot survive it, IMO.

The economic run from 1946 through about 1999 was nearly unprecedented. We went from a country returning from war and recovering from the great depression to economic heights never imagined. But that is over now.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:10 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:04 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:08 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:00 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

The USA will end up being one of two things...

#1) The first country to truly shake off the loser socialist liberal mentality and reclaim their greatness. A lesson to all other historians in the future as to how worthless and mentally deranged socialism is.

#2) A great study lesson in how liberalism does not work. How the USA, a country that...

- Beat the world's great empire in back to back wars, in founding this country.
- Survived a ungodly brutal civil war and restored the country.
- Was on the winning side of two World Wars and in the 2nd world war we got all the goods afterwards.
- Built a military with technology that could destroy all other militaries many times over.
- Had the greatest economic run ever.

Only to be taken down and destroyed by the virus that is liberalism. Forget nuclear weapons, forget a military of 100,000,000 well trained soldiers. You want to defeat your enemy, spread liberalism there and you will win in due time.

Whatever the outcome, I just hope I can get out of here before the inevitable happens. With this debt, it is only a matter of time.

Which wars would those be? Surely you're not talking about the War of 1812 in which both sides returned occupied territory to each other at the conclusion of the war (i.e. there were no territorial changes), the U.S. failed to conquer Canada, and the British burnt Washington, including both the White House and the Capitol.

I also think the claim of the greatest economic run ever could be disputed. Anyway, I'm just nitpicking. I agree with you in general.

The USA was but a baby of a country, and while we didn't take territory, we ran off the greatest army in the world to protect this country. It wasn't some great decisive win, but the USA was able to survive an invasion by the greatest army in the world. Call it a draw if you like, the fact the USA has been through all of this and not only survived but thrived is amazing. Even more amazing is that liberalism is such a terrible virus that even this once great country cannot survive it, IMO.

The economic run from 1946 through about 1999 was nearly unprecedented. We went from a country returning from war and recovering from the great depression to economic heights never imagined. But that is over now.

So having your capital burnt is a victory. Okay. You are also aware that the British were dealing with a little Corsican at the time, I gather.

I'm no economic historian, but I don't know that you can make that claim about economics. Just off the top of my head, the British economy in the 19th century was pretty impressive. Likewise, the Dutch economy in the late 16th century through to the late 17th century was pretty impressive also. In fact, I just looked this up, and in 1670, the Netherlands controlled 50% (!!!) of European shipping. I am sure there are other non-European examples, but I am not familiar with them.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

The U.S. is still eclipsed by ancient Rome. Despite the comparison a lot of people like to draw there's really nothing like the dominance of Rome at its height and probably never will be again.

The U.S.'s golden age is only really from the 40-60's and coincides with the collapse of european countries leaving an industrial gap that is narrowing every year since then. That's a tiny drop in the ocean of time.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:35 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:10 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:04 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:08 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2014 06:00 PM)objectivist tree Wrote:  

I believe it was Pat Buchanan who said that when you flood first world countries with third world people, that first world country will become more and more third world. So true.

Goodbye America! We had a good run.

The USA will end up being one of two things...

#1) The first country to truly shake off the loser socialist liberal mentality and reclaim their greatness. A lesson to all other historians in the future as to how worthless and mentally deranged socialism is.

#2) A great study lesson in how liberalism does not work. How the USA, a country that...

- Beat the world's great empire in back to back wars, in founding this country.
- Survived a ungodly brutal civil war and restored the country.
- Was on the winning side of two World Wars and in the 2nd world war we got all the goods afterwards.
- Built a military with technology that could destroy all other militaries many times over.
- Had the greatest economic run ever.

Only to be taken down and destroyed by the virus that is liberalism. Forget nuclear weapons, forget a military of 100,000,000 well trained soldiers. You want to defeat your enemy, spread liberalism there and you will win in due time.

Whatever the outcome, I just hope I can get out of here before the inevitable happens. With this debt, it is only a matter of time.

Which wars would those be? Surely you're not talking about the War of 1812 in which both sides returned occupied territory to each other at the conclusion of the war (i.e. there were no territorial changes), the U.S. failed to conquer Canada, and the British burnt Washington, including both the White House and the Capitol.

I also think the claim of the greatest economic run ever could be disputed. Anyway, I'm just nitpicking. I agree with you in general.

The USA was but a baby of a country, and while we didn't take territory, we ran off the greatest army in the world to protect this country. It wasn't some great decisive win, but the USA was able to survive an invasion by the greatest army in the world. Call it a draw if you like, the fact the USA has been through all of this and not only survived but thrived is amazing. Even more amazing is that liberalism is such a terrible virus that even this once great country cannot survive it, IMO.

The economic run from 1946 through about 1999 was nearly unprecedented. We went from a country returning from war and recovering from the great depression to economic heights never imagined. But that is over now.

So having your capital burnt is a victory. Okay. You are also aware that the British were dealing with a little Corsican at the time, I gather.

I'm no economic historian, but I don't know that you can make that claim about economics. Just off the top of my head, the British economy in the 19th century was pretty impressive. Likewise, the Dutch economy in the late 16th century through to the late 17th century was pretty impressive also. In fact, I just looked this up, and in 1670, the Netherlands controlled 50% (!!!) of European shipping. I am sure there are other non-European examples, but I am not familiar with them.

If England's only goal was to come here and burn down our capitol and then leave without gaining any territory, then they won. I just don't believe that was the case.

There were other economic booms, to measure them would be interesting.

Regardless, the USA went through lots of real bad shit, and came out on top. But the one thing the USA will not survive is liberalism-feminism. All those obstacles and the USA came out on top. But liberalism-feminism is destructive even the USA cannot survive it.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

As somebody who's witnessing this American decline firsthand, I find it odd everyone is blaming this on the influx of illegal immigrants and not the exodus of well paying jobs to Mexico and Canada.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-13-2014 07:44 PM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

As somebody who's witnessing this American decline firsthand, I find it odd everyone is blaming this on the influx of illegal immigrants and not the exodus of well paying jobs to Mexico and Canada.

You can't blame it on any one factor and I don't think anyone is. It's a perfect storm of variables all accumulating over time and compounding.

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