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Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

I don't know why it's being assumed that the woman in the video is on welfare and crack. Is it just because she's black? If this was an angry white woman saying these same things I highly doubt anyone would assume she was on crack.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:50 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't know why it's being assumed that the woman in the video is on welfare and crack. Is it just because she's black? If this was an angry white woman saying these same things I highly doubt anyone would assume she was on crack.

If an angry white woman said something similar she would be called a "racist" and the Democratic party would use her as an example of all that is wrong with nationalism.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 03:43 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:50 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't know why it's being assumed that the woman in the video is on welfare and crack. Is it just because she's black? If this was an angry white woman saying these same things I highly doubt anyone would assume she was on crack.

If an angry white woman said something similar she would be called a "racist" and the Democratic party would use her as an example of all that is wrong with nationalism.

Well of course, but my point is, why make such assumptions in either case.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:50 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't know why it's being assumed that the woman in the video is on welfare and crack. Is it just because she's black? If this was an angry white woman saying these same things I highly doubt anyone would assume she was on crack.

The current GOP is dependent on getting votes from white people who think all blacks are on crack and welfare. This video was posted on Drudge. Conservatives eat shit like this up. The irony is that a plurality of welfare recipients are white and whites are heavy into drug use involving LSD, cocaine, meth, etc.

Anyway, f--k all this race shit. Sorry I even posted this as I realize it serves no purpose and won't change anyone's mind.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

With all this said, I hope the thread doesn't derail into either a race debate or some comments about the OP lady being on "crack".

It doesn't matter if she is on something or not, she is making a great point.

The USA is in serious economic trouble right now. Add to it our entire culture is decaying. Men are hardly 2nd class citizens and are now starting to give up. When the men give up, it doesn't matter how strong everything else is, we will collapse. But everything else is very weak right now, especially the economy. So it will collapse fast, and having an increase in welfare takers and govt. teet suckers is only going to speed up the process.

If the USA goes under, the rest of the world will get VERY UGLY. So for those of you not in the USA, this does affect you as well.

But what scares me the most is when I look at Detroit or Chicago. The aftermath of the Democratic party is terrifying. But what is more terrifying is those people there will say many the same things this lady is saying, but the will run to the election booth the next election and make sure to keep voting for the Democrats.

I'm not saying vote Republican, I am saying inform yourself. I can't name one Democrat in Washington DC that is worth a damn. I can name a few decent Republicans, but not one Democrat. And the process continues and things get worse until the inevitable, which is the entire country resembles Detroit.

As for cheap labor, if our tax dollars were not going to pay for both these illegal immigrants and also the people who can live comfortable off welfare never having to work, we could pay those sitting at home more money to actually work by paying more at the grocery store and less to the worthless IRS.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 03:43 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:50 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I don't know why it's being assumed that the woman in the video is on welfare and crack. Is it just because she's black? If this was an angry white woman saying these same things I highly doubt anyone would assume she was on crack.

If an angry white woman said something similar she would be called a "racist" and the Democratic party would use her as an example of all that is wrong with nationalism.

QFT X1000. It should also be noted that a Black person not towing the Democrat party-line is seen as a threat to be neutralized via character assassination.


Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Does it matter that every tax payer is about $151,000 in debt?

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 03:57 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

Does it matter that every tax payer is about $151,000 in debt?

It matters big time. Our debt to GDP ratio is pretty much beyond any level that can be repaired. It was out of control when Bush left, and Obama doubled the national debt in 5 years.

We are in serious economic trouble. The only thing keeping us afloat right now are a few wealthy inside fed bankers who are giving us unsustainable low interest rates on WAY too much borrowing.

If you are a govt. worker, don't count on ever getting a pension. Look what happened to the govt. workers in Greece, that is our future.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

"The vast majority of libertarians support open borders ONLY if things like food stamps, tax-subsidized rent and universal healthcare are abolished. "

Nah. Libertarians support libertarian policy, just like Bush Republicans. Bush Republicans didn't wait until the government cut its budget to lowef taxes, nor would libertarians wait for welfare cuts to eliminate borders.

"Because a lot of industries would collapse w/o cheap labor."

Do you know how many corporate tax lawyers are willing to work for the $0.50 an hour I want to pay them? NONE. This is a travesty of national proportions - think about all those fifty cent an hour jobs that aren't being created, because American tax lawyers simply aren't willing to work for those wages. We need to import Indian tax lawyers to take advantage of all these job opportunities.

Nah. Shitty jobs traditionally paid more, because they are shitty. Because everyone is willing to sacrifice a little money for better working conditions. When there's so much labor, employers treat employees like shit because they can. Then you get things like the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, where broke Italians and Jews burn up because their brothers keep coming in by the boatload so employers have no reason to treat the ones they do have well, because their compadres will step up for the chance to work at the first opportunity. If you want to improve labor standards, you limit the supply of labor.

Cheap gardeners has had a terrible impact on Los Angeles. What happens when you hire a gardener instead of doing it yourself? Your gardeners clean early in the morning while people are trying to sleep. They use illegal noisy equipment that blows feces and dust into the air that harms air quality, for landscaping that eats up too much water. All so that what? So that Billy Bob can have a nice lawn just like his neighbor Teddy? Because Mary Sue and Nancy are too busy watching their reality shows to tend a modest herb garden? The best gardens in modest houses in LA are cared for by their owner, not by a hired gardner, and certainly not by a Mexican dude with a leafblower. Nothing against Mexican dudes, just that this idea that without Mexicans we'd have no plants is just silly.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 04:05 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

this idea that without Mexicans we'd have no plants is just silly.

Yeah, about that...

[Image: 149491930.jpg]

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Good points Basil. This is exactly why I can't get behind libertarians. They think American workers should have to compete with people in 3rd world countries making a few dollars a day. Despite the fact that such wages can't support a first world standard of living. Their only answer to that is to shrug their shoulders and dismiss it as the machinations of the free market.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

[Image: heroes-for-sale.jpg?1328106739]

When the housing bubble burst, Spanish-language signs like these should have been posted at every crossable portion of the Mexican border. "Unemployed Latinos, Go Home: We Can't Feed Our Own." There should have been an immediate moratorium on immigration. If American citizens have difficulty finding jobs, adding to the labor pool through immigration is the exact opposite of what we should be doing to repair the economy.

It's over. America is dead. This nation is nothing more than an open-air bazaar for the rich. Brazil with snow. Latinos are cynically sending their children alone across a foreign border because they KNOW we won't fight back, we'll give them freebies and citizenship and green cards for every relative back home. Our government and media openly invite in these Latino kids, call the middle and working classes "racist" for not wanting to give every grifter from the third world a free ride.

This is the new American Dream. The wealthiest civilization in history uses its power and prestige to import millions of low-IQ peasants to fry up pink slime burgers and stuff them down the throats of the welfare class. Nuclear power? Space exploration? The Singularity? None of that is important. The noblest goal America has ever worked towards is paying illiterate Spanish-speaking proles a slave wage to serve McDonald's shitburgers to other fat proles until they get diabetes and die at age 45.

Don't question any part of this arrangement, you filthy, intolerant nativist. Just shut up and eat your pink-slime-and-shit burger and your dirty gym sock-flavored fries, and watch some idiots throw a ball around on your flatscreen. When Thomas Jefferson et al. wrote the Declaration of Independence, it's clear that this was the kind of nation they wanted to create: a continent-wide ghetto where illegal aliens are paid $3 an hour to cook pink slime burgers for single mothers and their screaming brats.

God Bless America.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 04:40 PM)Matt Forney Wrote:  

[Image: heroes-for-sale.jpg?1328106739]

When the housing bubble burst, Spanish-language signs like these should have been posted at every crossable portion of the Mexican border. "Unemployed Latinos, Go Home: We Can't Feed Our Own." There should have been an immediate moratorium on immigration. If American citizens have difficulty finding jobs, adding to the labor pool through immigration is the exact opposite of what we should be doing to repair the economy.

It's over. America is dead. This nation is nothing more than an open-air bazaar for the rich. Brazil with snow. Latinos are cynically sending their children alone across a foreign border because they KNOW we won't fight back, we'll give them freebies and citizenship and green cards for every relative back home. Our government and media openly invite in these Latino kids, call the middle and working classes "racist" for not wanting to give every grifter from the third world a free ride.

This is the new American Dream. The wealthiest civilization in history uses its power and prestige to import millions of low-IQ peasants to fry up pink slime burgers and stuff them down the throats of the welfare class. Nuclear power? Space exploration? The Singularity? None of that is important. The noblest goal America has ever worked towards is paying illiterate Spanish-speaking proles a slave wage to serve McDonald's shitburgers to fat proles until they get diabetes and die at age 45.

Don't question any part of this arrangement, you filthy, intolerant nativist. Just shut up and eat your pink-slime-and-shit burger and your dirty gym sock-flavored fries, and watch some idiots throw a ball around on your flatscreen. When Thomas Jefferson et al. wrote the Declaration of Independence, it's clear that this was the kind of nation they wanted to create: a continent-wide ghetto where illegal aliens are paid $3 an hour to cook pink slime burgers for single mothers and their screaming brats.

God Bless America.

[Image: potd.gif][Image: potd.gif]

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Regarding to the woman whose rant inspired this thread, I got her name from the news footage and was able to look into her background.

I can't tell what kind of job she holds. But she is a homeowner in a suburban part of Houston. In fact, it looks like she owns two properties, although that might not be right.

My guess is she's lower class and struggling, judging from a Google Street View map I got of the road she lives on. I copied a section of the map below (this is one part of her street, NOT her house).

So, with that information, I'm wondering if she's worried about property values and quality of life more than divvying up gov't handouts. Lower class often does not = lowlife. Sometimes the people in the lower rung struggled to get there and are the angriest ones of all when they see their neighborhoods start to go downhill, since the cops and county often don't care.

[Image: attachment.jpg19641]   

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Same in Britain, there have been riots and attacks on immigrants, mostly coming from other immigrants, or ethnics whose families settled here a couple of decades back. It was a big fuck you for the working classes, when the left wing in Britain turned around to British working class people and told them that they were lazy; and should compete with the workers from the East who tolerate slave wages and shit conditions. It is funny in a lot of ways, when even the immigrants say that immigration in Britain has gone too far. It's only the intelligentsia who have a large monopoly on the media, government; that create this sensitive environment, where no one can speak ill about an immigration policy.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

But wait..."they do the work that Americans wont do" [Image: lol.gif]

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Haha! The blacks are scared. They are being replaced as the minorities who got all the handouts with the new Latino lower class which will now fight them for the same handouts. It's like two beggars fighting over a dime.

Competition brings out the best in people...

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Geesh where do you guys live? Am I the only one who's lived in states with a majority of whites on welfare?

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:35 PM)aSimpNamedBrokeback Wrote:  

Geesh where do you guys live? Am I the only one who's lived in states with a majority of white on welfare?

LOL, yep. America never will have an honest discussion about the decline of white Americans in the last 30 years. It would be interesting to see statistics regarding the numbers of non-Jewish whites in this country who are struggling financially, economically, and academically and compare that to Asian immigrant groups.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

The argument also applies to lower class and middle class whites. I'm pretty sure Asian Americans and Jewish Americans don't give a fuck about illegal immigration. The high paying jobs that they do are not in jeopardy.

Last time I checked high finance, law, medicine and technology is dominated by Asians, Jews and some whites. That's not about to change.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:30 PM)maxmueller Wrote:  

Last time I checked high finance, law, medicine and technology is dominated by Asians, Jews and some whites. That's not about to change.

[Image: RUSSIANMACHINE+twitter.gif]

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:30 PM)maxmueller Wrote:  

Haha! The blacks are scared. They are being replaced as the minorities who got all the handouts with the new Latino lower class which will now fight them for the same handouts. It's like two beggars fighting over a dime.

Competition brings out the best in people...

Yeah, because no black person can be opposed to illegal immigration on principle. It MUST be because he's scared of having his "handouts" threatened. Get the fuck outta here...

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Hum can I travel by air with no ID?

MCALLEN, Texas—Illegal aliens are being allowed to fly on commercial airliners without valid identification, according to the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC). “The aliens who are getting released on their own recognizance are being allowed to board and travel commercial airliners by simply showing their Notice to Appear forms,” NBPC’s Local 2455 Spokesman, Hector Garza, told Breitbart Texas.

“This is not the CBP [Customs and Border Protection] or another federal agency renting or leasing an aircraft, these are the same planes that the American public uses for domestic travel,” said Garza. “This just adds insult to injury. Not only are we releasing unknown illegal aliens onto American streets, but we are allowing them to travel commercially using paperwork that could easily be reproduced or manipulated on any home computer. The Notice to Appear form has no photo, anyone can make one and manipulate one. They do not have any security features, no watermark, nothing. They are simply printed on standard copy paper based on the information the illegal alien says is the truth.”

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Quote: (07-11-2014 05:48 PM)maxmueller Wrote:  

The argument also applies to lower class and middle class whites. I'm pretty sure Asian Americans and Jewish Americans don't give a fuck about illegal immigration. The high paying jobs that they do are not in jeopardy.

Last time I checked high finance, law, medicine and technology is dominated by Asians, Jews and some whites. That's not about to change.


I couldn't give two shits about illegals.


I don't compete for jobs with them.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Black Woman Goes on EPIC Rant About Illegal Alien Kids -- 'Why Can't They Go Back?'

Shame on OP for even posting this. There's no need to try to divide everyone with a stupid video. You know what you were doing. EPIC huh?


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