Quote: (06-21-2014 07:32 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:
I'd bang the hell out of Marrisa Meyer
I would too, but to say that 'empowered' women are your ideal type is trolling on pro mode
Life is good
Quote: (06-21-2014 07:32 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:
I'd bang the hell out of Marrisa Meyer
Quote: (06-21-2014 10:18 PM)simondice Wrote:
Quote: (06-21-2014 07:32 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:
I'd bang the hell out of Marrisa Meyer
I would too, but to say that 'empowered' women are your ideal type is trolling on pro mode
Quote: (06-20-2014 02:03 PM)agentaika Wrote:
So I'm almost 40. When I meet a vapid nightclub girl with her ass out, my mind still goes into "pump-n-dump" mode. But as I've gotten older, I've been desiring girls with more substance — who I can have a genuine conversation with. I was talking with a friend about this, who reached this point before I did. He did tons of fucking in high school, and after college he began seeking monogamous, noncommittal relationships. And he's been doing fine.
What are your thoughts on this? Good or bad?
Quote: (06-22-2014 06:46 AM)soup Wrote:
A girl I'm seeing remarked about how older men go after younger women because they are trying to forget the fact that they are closer to death. I thought that was interesting, and kind of cute.
Think about it like this.. Imagine you have pet cat that one day starts talking to you and saying "smart" things.
That's what it's like when a girl I'm seeing is smart.
Quote: (06-22-2014 04:57 AM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:Oh lord, sounds like a horse being asphyxiated. I lost my wood.
Quote: (06-21-2014 10:18 PM)simondice Wrote:
Quote: (06-21-2014 07:32 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:
I'd bang the hell out of Marrisa Meyer
I would too, but to say that 'empowered' women are your ideal type is trolling on pro mode
That laugh
Quote: (06-22-2014 10:49 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:
These so called 'smart' women aren't usually smart. They're often intellectualizers who live in their heads, talk too much, think they know everything and have no common sense.
Quote: (06-22-2014 06:46 AM)soup Wrote:
A girl I'm seeing remarked about how older men go after younger women because they are trying to forget the fact that they are closer to death. I thought that was interesting, and kind of cute.
Quote: (06-22-2014 10:49 AM)VincentVinturi Wrote:
To each their own fellas, to each their own.
I was always drawn to "smart" women in high school and college. The older I get, the "stupider" I like them. Now it's all about pure chemistry. Natural compatibility, if you will.
And let's not forget that intelligence is a multi-dimensional concept. Just because a woman can glibly go tete-a-tete about philosophy, cuisine, history and economics doesn't mean she's intelligent. No more than a guy than a guy who knows every game theory known to man can *actually* pick up women.
These so called 'smart' women aren't usually smart. They're often intellectualizers who live in their heads, talk too much, think they know everything and have no common sense.
I'll take a cute, simple farm girl who knows how to cook, clean, grow food and loves to fuck me over a sophisticated, educated, worldly Hiso girl from a good family who mistakenly thinks I give a shit about any of her 'credentials'.
Quote: (06-20-2014 04:34 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:
Quote: (06-20-2014 03:31 PM)agentaika Wrote:
Quote: (06-20-2014 02:59 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:
I don't think you're going to find it.
Maybe, maybe not. I'm open to opinions.
Also, higher female intelligence correlates with lower levels of Female Oxytocin, the bonding chemical, so more intelligent girls are more likely to problematic and full of issues - uninterested in children, career-focused, lousy girlfriends, sluttier-sexuality, higher notch count. If they're have a lot of dick, they're incapable of truly bonding with any men, including you.
Quote: (04-22-2015 12:13 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:
I'm in my early 30s, and my "type" is the "nerdy" glasses/librarian/goth girl sort of gal who has some brains. If she is not severely overweight I'll will happily take a 5 or 6 in looks of this type over any supposedly "better looking" conventionally attractive woman in my age range.
The blonde bimbo yoga pants wearing club girl type does absolutely nothing for me and I don't even look twice at them.
This preference really makes my life easier.
Quote: (04-22-2015 12:13 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:
I'm in my early 30s, and my "type" is the "nerdy" glasses/librarian/goth girl sort of gal who has some brains. If she is not severely overweight I'll will happily take a 5 or 6 in looks of this type over any supposedly "better looking" conventionally attractive woman in my age range.
The blonde bimbo yoga pants wearing club girl type does absolutely nothing for me and I don't even look twice at them.
This preference really makes my life easier.
Quote: (04-22-2015 07:47 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:
Quote: (04-22-2015 12:13 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:
I'm in my early 30s, and my "type" is the "nerdy" glasses/librarian/goth girl sort of gal who has some brains. If she is not severely overweight I'll will happily take a 5 or 6 in looks of this type over any supposedly "better looking" conventionally attractive woman in my age range.
The blonde bimbo yoga pants wearing club girl type does absolutely nothing for me and I don't even look twice at them.
This preference really makes my life easier.
How do you know they cannot make your dick hard? Have you ever touched a hot blonde bimbo in yoga pants before? Are you saying this because they are out of reach for you?
You are no different than the ass man, that chases literally fat women because they have a 40+ inch ass. Attempting to validate your own hamster by rejecting healthier women as incapable of satisfying you. How would you know that? I used to think skinny women could do nothing for me until I tried them. Now I hate myself for falling into the feminist trap that confuses men into thinking dysfunction is attractive.
Wanna truly help your own self esteem? Walk around with a legit hot bitch at the mall for a day, that is at least 5-10 years younger, and see how that makes you feel as a man. That fat goth bitch will never duplicate that feeling.
Step your game up. Never too late to switch gears and you are in the right place at the right time to learn how to ween yourself off dysfunction.
Quote: (04-23-2015 11:38 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:
Smart girls do get turned on by guys who are smarter still than them.
But only if said smart guy also ticks the other, traditional, "game boxes".
Quote: (04-24-2015 12:11 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:
Quote: (04-23-2015 11:38 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:
Smart girls do get turned on by guys who are smarter still than them.
But only if said smart guy also ticks the other, traditional, "game boxes".
I tick some of the traditional game boxes I think. I'm also tall and getting in better shape and have a nice looking face, or so I'm told. But I'll also admit that I have some flaws (like hair loss) that prevent me from being as confident as I could be. Being somewhat intelligent is one tool I have to compensate that is wasted on women who cannot appreciate it.
Quote: (04-23-2015 11:23 PM)XPQ21 Wrote:
Quote: (04-22-2015 07:47 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:
Quote: (04-22-2015 12:13 AM)XPQ21 Wrote:
I'm in my early 30s, and my "type" is the "nerdy" glasses/librarian/goth girl sort of gal who has some brains. If she is not severely overweight I'll will happily take a 5 or 6 in looks of this type over any supposedly "better looking" conventionally attractive woman in my age range.
The blonde bimbo yoga pants wearing club girl type does absolutely nothing for me and I don't even look twice at them.
This preference really makes my life easier.
How do you know they cannot make your dick hard? Have you ever touched a hot blonde bimbo in yoga pants before? Are you saying this because they are out of reach for you?
You are no different than the ass man, that chases literally fat women because they have a 40+ inch ass. Attempting to validate your own hamster by rejecting healthier women as incapable of satisfying you. How would you know that? I used to think skinny women could do nothing for me until I tried them. Now I hate myself for falling into the feminist trap that confuses men into thinking dysfunction is attractive.
Wanna truly help your own self esteem? Walk around with a legit hot bitch at the mall for a day, that is at least 5-10 years younger, and see how that makes you feel as a man. That fat goth bitch will never duplicate that feeling.
Step your game up. Never too late to switch gears and you are in the right place at the right time to learn how to ween yourself off dysfunction.
I do agree with the poster above with the lovely handle "RoastBeefCurtains4Me". Talking smart to a smart chick probably won't make her pussy wet - it has been my experience they respond to the same things all other women respond to. But as an older guy who is looking towards the possibility at some point of some kind of semi-LTR, it's nice to be able to be with someone who at least has a clue about something and can engage in a conversation that isn't completely tedious.
I believe I understand where you're coming from. But I never said that the club girl couldn't make my dick hard - I have slept with that type in the past and they certainly did. But they do nothing for me now because I know it is a dead end; no relationship has ever lasted more than a few dates with that type because either they sense I am operating on another level than they are and don't want to continue, or I cut it off because I am bored to tears being around them during any non-sex time. They talk about their mundane lives and their horoscope or their weird religious beliefs and are so clueless about anything I just want to hang myself. One girl I went out with didn't even know what the Vietnam War was. I mean FFS!
I don't think I'd mind at all being with a "legit hot bitch" 5-10 years younger than I who is also well educated, has decent command of the English language, and is world-aware and at least has some kind of interesting or witty things to say. I also appreciate women that are actually able to be funny in that they are able to construct their own jokes/non-sequiturs/puns, or do something other than just be sarcastic/parrot other people's humor (a rare quality.)
I'm not sure that this really exists in the United States, maybe in Europe or South America or somewhere.
Also, who goes to malls anymore?