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My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

To celebrate my 1 rep point (which I cherish; props to CaliforniaSupreme) and upgrade to my membership with a star thanks to an opportunity to buy a lifetime gold membership, want to share my story with you cats. Props to Suits for asking me to do this. +1 to you brother! Took me about an hour but totally worth it. I know this is long so I left summaries for those of you don't want to read me ramble.

Pre Rooshv:

23 years ago:
I landed in this country. We lived in upstate New York. My English sounded like I was a little 711 cashier. Parents scared me about obstacles on my path to school one day or scared me about what the wily white man or scary black man could do the other day. Naturally, I believed it and somehow steered away from socializing at all.

Middle school was located close to the ghetto and attracted a violent crowd. I made friends with the dweebs and nerds to keep away from the others. I got called names even by the girls. High school was even worse. One day I shaved off my growing ‘stache. My mom and dad reminded me that it’s a sign of manhood in India. So no more razor. Of course, the ‘stache fought harder and grew into something that the Monopoly man left behind.

Summary: I felt like I was in an alien country and had to conform to its standards or I would be marginalized. So I did. However, through it, I learned how to speak english and speak it well. My biggest achievement was that. Nothing else.

19 years ago:
High School was done. College was near. Parents wanted me to stay close, go to college, graduate, make money and take care of them for the rest of their life. Somewhere in there, I was supposed to marry an Indian girl that would also take care of me and them. Did I mention I was fucked.

Something interesting also happened. The most aggressive people targeting high school kids at that time are military recruiters. I fell into their lap, with all their promises about adventure and travel. I signed up in a heartbeat. I’m not sure if it was because I was impressionable or because I wanted to get the fuck out of there.

I joined the Navy. Boot camp was one fucking enlightening experience. Gained a lot of strength mentally and even physically although I was a skinny motherfucker (130 lbs soaking wet). Got close to a lot of good cats.

First ship was a oiler (floating gas station). Lots of girls; back then the Navy truly didn’t put women on combat ships so I got them on my little supply ship. My boss was a smooth older black man that could convince a lesbian to turn. I learned a lot from this guy, a lot. If I have an iota of game, he taught it to me. I used it to flirt with all the girls I could on the ship. However, I was reminded by something deep in my head that sleeping with these women is bad and I must marry this indian girl (so damn contrary to game). Still had lots of fun, got fucked up in the wildest parts of the world (Yeah the shit from “Taken” could be quite real – I saw it in Turkey). Also, anyone try Savannah, GA on Mardi Gras? What a fucking blast!

Summary: High school was shit. Navy was awesome; taught me to flirt and game even though I did not use it as a means to an end (bangs). Got to see the world and allowed me to be more open to everyone (black, white etc. etc.). I learned to be strong and mentally tough but nothing could prepare me for heartbreak. However, it taught me to destroy stereotypes that my some of my trolling brothers carry. All by being all I can be and pushing to better myself.

15 years ago:
Got out of the Navy. Went back to upstate New York for college. Almost slept with one chick, but I tried to be a gentleman and she broke my heart later (surprise).

10 years ago:
Joined a big firm. Tried to talk to girls; no luck; no bangs; hung out in my nice guy frame. Met one online; had a long distance relationship; dated her and her family. Then, one fine day we got married. In case it wasn’t clear, I married her AND her family.

4 years ago:
In comes a kid a few years later, so we move from the city to the suburban home of my inlaws for a year and a half. Worst years of my life. I would work 60 – 70 hours a day to come home to inlaws that controlled everything. Wife expected me to also be a mother; wake up to hold or change my daughter as she got milk ready. My stressful job was a welcome getaway.

Summary: Weird thing about my post Navy phase is that in my mind I felt like I entered the real world when I was in the navy, a world which I left to re-enter my old more shitty world. Instead of applying myself with what I knew, I reverted back to my old mentality and ways. Cues, familiar sorroundings, and even people can do that if they are consistently in your face.

Post Rooshv:

3 years ago:
We move out finally ; suburbs. Work sends me to India to provide training. I start searching the Internet for travel tips. In comes I start developing this elaborate idea in my head to create a side trip. I worked out many options but India – Thailand – Sweden – Finland seemed best. While I read about game and I wanted to game, it turned into my focus and even stooped to pay for play in Thailand. What I should have done was enjoyed the countries I was in; but I wanted to cheat, I wanted to be with other women, I wanted to be a man.

I came back and something incredible happened. I became aloof. My wife noticed the change and she didn’t like it. I realize that I’ve taken the red pill. This time I actually see results. I stop caring about what she wants. I keep letting her cry. “Fuck that shit” is what I say when she cries. In the end it actually helps her that I think that way. Try it when women give you shit, say it mentally; it will help you with your reaction. Anyways, keep reading.

2 years ago:
I hit the gym. I work out and start getting a nicer body. Sex is better. She likes it. I stay aloof, not giving too much a fuck about her babble about her family and all that. I ignore her rants and about an hour later I get a 50 word text about how she didn’t mean to say what she said. Frame is a beautiful thing. More sex. Everything is then back to normal until the next rant. More sex.. cycle continues.

Few months ago:
My boss - short irish guy. He’s chubby as a fuck, but wears tight ass clothes that hang out his belly; probably raped as a boy and dressed up in panties. Has a wife that’s heavier than him. I hire 2 cute girls. They wanted to work for me not him. He talks directly to the girls about work, not me. I lose interest in the job. He wants to put me on a performance improvement plan. I walk into his office, ask him some questions that he can’t answer but maintain my frame. He says why don’t you stick around until you find another job. On the other hand, few minutes later he said why don’t you take a month off and we’ll pay you. In short, got a month off with pay; due to game and standing up for myself. On the other hand, if I signed that piece of paper, I would have been a beta bitch that would have gotten a 30 day 9-5 assfuck guarantee instead of 30 days of free pay.

Wake up at 4 am. I hit the gym. Still work a 9-5 (somewhat). Soul crushing but there’s some cool folks to hang with so I can stand it. Columbian chick randomly asks (separate department, same profession) if she can help me with something. Gaming her now; she’s asked ME to lunch next week. Drinks later maybe. Meeting up with a fellow forum member soon. I read Bang and other manosphere material that comes my way. Return of kings tops the list. As far as podcasts, I listen to Christian McQueen and Manosphere radio. McQueen keeps me in check. Looking forward to reading Alpha Playboy.

I have bigger arms, nice chest, broad shoulders. Columbian chick has sucked my dick or has gone back to her fiancée. Either way, I don’t give a flying fuck. My boy and I fly to London/Edinburgh; have fun with some redheads. Need to start another thread to ask you cats for tips.

Final Summary:
Before: beta bitch that got feelings hurt by girls. Skinny as hell. Got pushed around. Got married to someone that let me go downhill and didn’t stand up for myself.

After: I'm 35 fucking years old and feel the best I ever have. I come off as a nice guy (work purposes mostly) but don’t let the fan shit on me when shit hits the fan. I work out, try to smile at everyone (shit’s hard when I see ghost faces though). Roosh’s forum and other blogs initially helped me discover my inner game, but now it also helps my practical game. Podcasts help on long ass drives (especially McQueen). Getting back to my Navy frame slowly while dribbling in the wisdom I’ve attained from marriage game. Future has me meeting some of you cats and learning from you and becoming the best I can be; also am looking forward to contributing as much as possible to as many of your lives as possible. This site is one of THE biggest contributors to the positive results in my journey. Looking forward to comments.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Great to hear things like this. It's funny how you when you first get into game, its always about getting more and more pussy.

Then you start applying it to every aspect in life. Like how you kept your frame with your boss and reaped the benefits 100 fold. This shit is real.

Welcome to the masculine information revolution with dudes like Roosh at the helm.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

^^ Good to be here. Always learning more everyday. Trying to close the gap between learning from the manosphere and actually applying it.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Red Pill. It's like walking out of prison, taking breath of free air, seeing the green grass, and no walls to hold you in.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Since I wrote the above post I became more aware of myself. This translated into more social interaction in general especially with random ass people not just girls.

I met up with the other forum member last night. Grabbed some drinks and fucking gamed right then and there. Specific mini data sheet to follow.

Just not sure if I post that here or the newbie section? Maybe this whole thread can go to the newbie section? Suggestions?

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

The most interesting thing about this post is how repressive and destructive the Indian social programming is. It really destroys Indian men's ability to have healthy sexual relationships.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

[Image: clap2.gif]

Take note, IRT.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Quote: (03-07-2014 09:50 PM)vinman Wrote:  

Red Pill. It's like walking out of prison, taking breath of free air, seeing the green grass, and no walls to hold you in.

Yes, but depending on your social programming that walk, that breath, that green grass and the destruction of those walls, come with time. Time that's invested, time that's utilized. See below.

Quote: (03-08-2014 07:37 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

The most interesting thing about this post is how repressive and destructive the Indian social programming is. It really destroys Indian men's ability to have healthy sexual relationships.

Yes that walk into red pill life is extremely difficult when there is such social programming set up and reinforced by almost everyone in your life. Bojangles wrote a great article about this a while back. Takes a long fucking time to unwind it all since it's seeped in to even the most minute of behaviors. But guess what, I've done it. Do I wish I did it when I was 18, hell yeah; but do I regret the last 2 years of my life, hell to the fuck no! If I can do it, there is no reason on god's green earth (or whoever's) that guys with western social programming, with less to unwind, can't do it.

Quote: (03-08-2014 10:08 AM)Avarence Wrote:  

[Image: clap2.gif]

Take note, IRT.

This shit actually made me hesitate to post for a while because I thought other guys would be averse to my posts. Glad I broke through that barrier too! Here's to breaking barriers!

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Thought I would chronicle some movement in my lifestyle since this post. The movement is significant as I haven't gamed or cold approached a girl since before marriage.

Of course I face some given my matrimonial commitment, so I game when I can. This is hampered by logistical disadvantages that are tough to overcome in addition to the obvious risks that could affect family life. So being local, I hesitate, naturally. I've been wanting to push through this hesitation for a while. And here it goes.

Hung out with another forum member the evening after I wrote this post. Approached about 4 girls cold. There were no obvious signs (as a matter of fact there were more "not to approach" signs). Did it anyways for the heck of it with some motivation by the RVF cat. This was also a suburban bar/grill where us two were the only ones approaching. The other guys approaching were the ones that chivalrously moved from their seat to make way for the girls we later approached. Anyways, realize that this process drains energy especially given the family commitments.

I'm also actively gaming the columbian chick from work; but this is a more careful endeavor that I realize may lead to a flake. She's engaged; getting married this summer. Went to lunch with her. I wasn't too overt. Reasons being that first of all it could impact employment. Other reason being that I needed to feel out what she's looking for. There was a somewhat memorable (at least for me) messenger exchange between her and I afterwards that set up the next step (drinks).

See the memorable text messages thread. I'll post it there now and post a link later.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

I took a little stroll through the past and just read some of my earlier posts here. Holy fuck! I should have been banned. Thanks Tuth and Roosh.

Work: My last day is this coming Friday at work. Inviting people from work out on Thursday "for a drink." Some girls will be there. Some 7+ hopefully. The HR hamster will stop kicking so I'll be a bit more "open."

I quit cold fucking turkey, meaning I don't have a job lined up. More details in the Lifestyle thread. In summary, people say "oh my god, really? wow." Reason is that I'm confident about the market based on my adventures in the past few years. Also, I'm done with my current profession and will likely go into recruiting. This is sales (game necessary). This is all pretty risky given my situation but after discovering the red pill here, I can't just choose a safety net anymore. I'll give it my all.

Colombian hamster: I have been gaming the Colombian girl. The hamster is in high gear as she gets married in June. It was tough, but I did pound out an evening of drinks with her but being employed there and her being acquainted with my real name and personal details, found it risky to escalate even though I only have a week left. It's even tougher to knock that "good girl getting married" hamster out. I'll post some questions maybe in the newbie game thread.

Adventure: I'm also going to take a 2 - 3 month hiatus in which I will travel maybe within the U.S. and possibly internationally, meet some players, and improve my game. Need to figure out who is willing and who has time. I'm ready for some true observation of my style. Suggestions welcome on this. I'll post more in the Travel section.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

It's been a while.

I've got about 5 more posts left until I go from "Chubby Chaser" to "Wingman." These titles are irrelevant right? Nah, I believe in it.

I remember when I first started. I always wanted to get at least these three stars and a few reps. I looked up to the guys that were respected for these stars combined with the history and reps. And rightfully so. It's a system that represents something: quality posts make a quality member but a high amount of posts combined with quality reps represents a unique level of commitment to the forum and to the betterment of men that want to improve every aspect of their life, even beyond game.

So as I go through this journey, I feel the need to add more value to the forum and "up my game" per se. Maybe it's a personal goal but one I believe in since my personal goals have been very connected to this forum, whether it's game, career or lifestyle in general.

So I want to make these 5 posts count. I'll be writing about:

* 2 girls that used to be my friends for a while that I "cut off" for being cunts and not sharing the same high values as me.
* 2 gay people I indirectly know who raised their daughter to be "gender neutral" and recently had a WTF moment.
* My first so called "date" from a "cold approach" since discovering game and taking the red pill.
* More about different aspects of other players I have taken into my own game and how I have improved by meeting these cats.
* A "Hiring and Firing in the Corporate world" article or data sheet.
* My overall development on the forum and my recent more brutal to the point posting history

I was actually out with another forum member chillin out over some drinks as I thought through this. The journey continues..

Edit: I would even wash Quintus Curtius' car for a rep point from him [Image: lol.gif]

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:21 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

It's been a while.

I've got about 5 more posts left until I go from "Chubby Chaser" to "Wingman." These titles are irrelevant right? Nah, I believe in it.

I remember when I first started. I always wanted to get at least these three stars and a few reps. I looked up to the guys that were respected for these stars combined with the history and reps. And rightfully so. It's a system that represents something: quality posts make a quality member but a high amount of posts combined with quality reps represents a unique level of commitment to the forum and to the betterment of men that want to improve every aspect of their life, even beyond game.

So as I go through this journey, I feel the need to add more value to the forum and "up my game" per se. Maybe it's a personal goal but one I believe in since my personal goals have been very connected to this forum, whether it's game, career or lifestyle in general.

So I want to make these 5 posts count. I'll be writing about:

* 2 girls that used to be my friends for a while that I "cut off" for being cunts and not sharing the same high values as me.
* 2 gay people I indirectly know who raised their daughter to be "gender neutral" and recently had a WTF moment.
* My first so called "date" from a "cold approach" since discovering game and taking the red pill.
* More about different aspects of other players I have taken into my own game and how I have improved by meeting these cats.
* A "Hiring and Firing in the Corporate world" article or data sheet.
* My overall development on the forum and my recent more brutal to the point posting history

I was actually out with another forum member chillin out over some drinks as I thought through this. The journey continues..

Looking forward to your future posts. Glad the red-pill has positively changed your life as it is just beginning to transform mine.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

If anything cobra, I will remember you as "the dude whose last day at work was the same day as mine".......and for building your red pillness while on break.

We both got tired from the corporate world, put in our notices around the same time, and left the same day.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Cobrah (haha)!

Good shit. I feel like I've read this somewhere before, but it reads differently now that I met you. Great thing to read again and a reminder that change is possible as long as a man actually wants to change. Good stuff.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Great thread! Keep up the good work mang.

"When in chaos, speak truth." - Jordan Peterson

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:21 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

* My first so called "date" from a "cold approach" since discovering game and taking the red pill.

You always remember your first.

How often have you been approaching? This is easily the most important priority for you right now, theorizing is worthless compared to real life experience after all. You really need to HAM on approaching when you start out so you get into a positive feedback loop of results -> confidence. I've seen too many newbies in my community fall into this trap where they just dabble their feet in the water and do an approach here and there, none of them ever became good and most eventually quit. You need to go all in.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Quote: (07-21-2014 10:21 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

It's been a while.

I've got about 5 more posts left until I go from "Chubby Chaser" to "Wingman." These titles are irrelevant right? Nah, I believe in it.

I remember when I first started. I always wanted to get at least these three stars and a few reps. I looked up to the guys that were respected for these stars combined with the history and reps. And rightfully so. It's a system that represents something: quality posts make a quality member but a high amount of posts combined with quality reps represents a unique level of commitment to the forum and to the betterment of men that want to improve every aspect of their life, even beyond game.

So as I go through this journey, I feel the need to add more value to the forum and "up my game" per se. Maybe it's a personal goal but one I believe in since my personal goals have been very connected to this forum, whether it's game, career or lifestyle in general.

So I want to make these 5 posts count. I'll be writing about:

* 2 girls that used to be my friends for a while that I "cut off" for being cunts and not sharing the same high values as me.
* 2 gay people I indirectly know who raised their daughter to be "gender neutral" and recently had a WTF moment.
* My first so called "date" from a "cold approach" since discovering game and taking the red pill.
* More about different aspects of other players I have taken into my own game and how I have improved by meeting these cats.
* A "Hiring and Firing in the Corporate world" article or data sheet.
* My overall development on the forum and my recent more brutal to the point posting history

I was actually out with another forum member chillin out over some drinks as I thought through this. The journey continues..

Edit: I would even wash Quintus Curtius' car for a rep point from him [Image: lol.gif]

God dammit will you just troll a couple threads with posts already. Chubby chaser is the most gauche title [Image: lol.gif]

U​ of Roosh Class of 2420

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

^ Dude, you made me look up "gauche" in the dictionary.

This post is number 600 actually. I said fuck it .. Couldn't contain or control myself.

Con-trolling is so much harder than just trolling [Image: lol.gif]

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Hey cobra nice post

I am indian married in 2010. Only if I learned pua on 2009. Wouldn't have married. I live in Europe from 2009. Was beta when I left india. Now I am so much improved. I don't game in my town since my wife live with me. But did some game last 2 years in poland when she is away from me and was successful.

Now waiting for another vocation. And become more alpha to my wife. And don't care if she hates me for that.

I am one of the many who changed their life because of the forum

Also looking for options to leave my 9-5 job.

We will see each other one day over beer in some corner of the world.


My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

I haven't posted here in a while and don't plan on doing that much of it at least in the near future unless there are specific career related questions in my other threads where I can actually add somewhat tangible value.

My journey is great except I need to break through a definite inner game barrier that's holding me back.

I'm cold calling random people to do business every day. Shit is hard. Dealing with objections is like game.

I'm almost at a 100 approaches too and that's going fairly well.

Cold calling .. Cold approaching .. What a mix.

I need a killer instinct in my cold calling period. I realized that given the rejections I've gotten over the phone.

I feel that developing this instinct will also develop my game. Travesty444 I hope you're reading this.

I cannot fucking believe I'm doing this.

Till next time players!

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Cobra didn't read your story till now. Holy shit hell of one.

It looks like I've avoided quite a bit of the fallacies of our culture by being born and raised here.

Stoked for you man, I need to do one of these soon.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

How the fuck did I miss this thread until now?

Awesome stuff Cobra!

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Overall progress since April

I haven't posted in a while; I have been somewhat reluctant to actually. I'm done with a 100+ approaches. I started this "approach" journey in April of this year, loosely following Roosh's recommended program, but mostly going direct as of recently. Probably at about 115 approaches to be exact as of a few weeks ago. If I didn't have other obligations, that number could have been higher and more progress could have been made. For those that understand my situation will see why my progress is slow. Most appproaches were cold on the street, some mall and some events, and as an homage to Gio, a few on a college campus. And most were white girls. Most were 7s, some 6s and a very few 8s. Couple dates from 2 black 7s. One resulted in a 2nd date. Another 2 numbers from white girls that I have been texting but in other towns. I see my sticking points into 3 exclusive but narrow fields: Inner game, Desire, and Fulfillment. And I'll write about these further in this thread as I see it as somewhat of a game journal which allows me the benefit of the RVF communities thoughts as a bonus.

Game journey crashes into Lifestyle

Occasionally, there is a period for me where I take a "break" from approaching and relegate to my life as a devoted family man. I am once again in one of those periods. This appears to be a result of a decent amount of effort put into approaches, which consequently result in a negative impact on my family life. I haven't figured out exactly how to balance it out. This period has come many times before but I'm aware of it now as it's here and also acknowledging it with the RVF brotherhood, which takes a lot for me. So at this point I'm taking the time to consciously devote more time to family. But does that mean that the game ever stops...?

Case in point. This time is a bit different in that I can't just "stop" gaming and it's affecting another part of my life, a somewhat unexpected by product of taking this hiatus. My job as a salesman. When I started this new job 4 months, ago I was really into approaching at least a day per week if not a day every 2 weeks and a few approaches here and there as I go about my day. Believe it or not but at that time (and likely even now) cold approaching a girl on the street was easier for me than making a cold sales call. Something I would have never envisioned. As I take this "period" off of game to reflect and keep myself out of approach mode, I see my inner game reaching hard to grip bygone "beta" tendencies I had left behind. For example, I hesitate a little more before making calls during this period now than before (when I was approaching a lot) even if it's a second longer. I thought "If I can approach a girl cold, how is this harder?"

There is no turning back...

I'm not sure how long I can take this "period" off before going out to cold approach again. While approaching may only be a part of the game for the more honed players out there, for me it is a huge step above what I had BEFORE. A step that has caused me to do more "inner reflection" than anything else I had done except for maybe bootcamp in the military. Leaving this benefit of inner reflection behind even for a few weeks is like going back against all the progress I made, whether it's getting girls to stop, taking them out, going for the kiss or even starting to blow through a boyfriend objection in approaches. I wanted to be further along since April; however, the fact that I have come along as far as I have is a testament to this forum and all the support that I have received both here and from the players I have met in person. It's a testament to GAME.

Lack of desire...

Lothario once said, there is something stopping me from being unleashed. I'm starting to realize that a lot of it has related to guilt. As much as I like to think it's never too late to get into the game, it's no secret that I now put other lives at risk by doing so. It makes me tread carefully, and this "highly careful treading" has been a direct hinderance to my inner game. I literally cockblock myself. You know that key moment when you can say something or do something to escalate and not care, and you know what to do (and what may likely work), but choose not to do it. My reason for that choice is partly fear, but also a lack of desire, whereas for most guys I see it as fear which can be conquered. This desire component, this cockblock is one that if I don't get in check, can translate negatively into my income potential as a salesman. But, recently a forum member said desire cannot be created, it's either there or it isn't. Maybe that's true, but for whatever reason, I really think that desire can be hidden behind barriers that a man has created for himself.

There is another factor of inner game which I've written about regarding race. It doesn't bother me much, but I'll be honest, while people may not be outwardly racist, I do believe most Americans are unconsciously biased (based on what they don't know) and this affects my game both externally and internally even though the internal part of it can be controlled to a large extent.

The future...

Truth is, I am very happy with what I have at home but I still think I need to fill a gap even though I have that. I also won't lie, I regret not having done this early in life and yes, it's me making up for it; and yes, that means it could be an ego trip. In another sense, it has been breaking apart a lot of my beliefs about girls and how far I can go. As long as I see that light at the end of the tunnel, I see myself gravitating towards it.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

One thing about the reason I post here. I've always thought about this forum as one of the best things that happened to me. I have utilized it as such. For that, I do give back. A good amount of my value goes in the newbie game section. However, I'm not an expert player. Maybe not a beginner but probably not quite intermediate yet. I just can't be a guy that posts in the Lifestyle and Everything Else section and never the approach thread or meetup thread. I don't want to be known as a poster with good writing and posting observations only. I want to build my credibility. I want to do it through posting about my actions. I believe in that spirit of this forum. I started here with no game and I was in really bad shape physically and mentally. The stuff here showed me a different path. So I try to post as much as possible in the approach thread as well as the newbie game threads. Fitness section, more to come sometime this year when I know what I'm talking about.

I talked a lot in the previous post regarding lack of desire and the future. The thing is, I was letting my other responsibilities overwhelm me into that lack of desire because I was uncommitted to my desires. This year, while it's inevitable, I'm going to have better control in how I let my game journey crash into my existing lifestyle so much. I have started doing this by being better at setting goals.

These goals start with 5 approaches per week and travelling for game as well. However, this time, it'll be better planned so it doesn't eat into family time. I'm going to probably increase this number soon as well, once I get comfortable. One reason I'm balls out about all this on the forum is I want people here to hold me more accountable. Last year, even though I did my first 100 approaches, I focused a lot on meeting other members (not gaming as much). I needed this because, these are the guys I'll likely go back to for more guidance. Building a foundation if you will of peers. I'm also getting to that point where I can also add value to other members that I meet.

Travel wise, I'm going to need some suggestions. I want to spend a weekend gaming in nearby towns or a short, maybe inexpensive flight away. I'm doing my best to travel and game with some other members but it's hard with my existing responsibilities.

Otherwise, I know there are quite a few PMs out there to me from guys on the forum. I want to be active enough and respond back. Honestly, with all I have going on, it's tough and I don't give writing and responding as much attention as I should. My goal is also to explore more in the game niche for Indian guys in collaboration with the other guys on the forum focused on the same, like bojangles, Lothario, Slim Shady etc. I like what Moma and rudebwoy are doing for the black guys and I think it would be nice to have something similar.

Anyways, I really like comments in this thread. That's why I keep it going. I just thought I'd come back and update my plans in here.

My Journey, pre and post Rooshv

Glad you managed to turn things around.

Keep updating this thread when you have news.


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