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Excel Goal Tracking

Excel Goal Tracking

The learning process towards mastery in game and life in general is full of highs, lows and plateaus.

You need strong beliefs and reference points to see you through.

You want to remove connecting your self-esteem to your results in game and instead focus on the process.

Happiness is progress and what gets measured gets done.

I find sometimes I get buried in the details so to help give me perspective I have started tracking all my goals in Excel.

I created different tabs to measure progress across the following categories:

- Gym and Fitness
- Work Income
- Expenses
- Book and Audio Reading List
- Food and Supplement Tracker
- Language Practice

And then a few more tabs to keep track of:

- Special positive moments through out the day
- Things I learnt
- Notes of life lessons and feedback thoughts
- Negative limiting beliefs that I might have had throughout the day that I need to work on

And finally I have my vision and progress tab

The vision tab is a collection of pictures to visually represent what I am aiming for in all areas of life.

The progress tab is personal photos of cool moments I have had in life/travel/success and the hottest girls I have successfully gamed.

I look at it every morning when I wake up to see what my plans are for the day. I check back in every night to update it.

So far the increase in my progress, attitude and inner game have been huge.

Maybe this all seems really basic or it has been written about before but I definitely thought it was worth sharing.

Takes a few hours to set up but once you put in the effort its well worth it.

Excel Goal Tracking

This is really good stuff. I want to do something like this, I saw a video by Brad from RSD showing his example of it, just can't find it right now.

Would you mind giving more details on how you set those up? I'd love to grab a copy of your original or at least see some (anonymized) screenshots on how you track your progress.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Excel Goal Tracking

I wont be putting up any screenshots but Ill breakdown it down a bit more:

Gym Page tracks my daily workouts and what I lift for each set. It is set up by the week (5 workouts a week).
I am not using any formulas I just type it in to each tab and compare it with last week.

Income page. Its catered to my drilling job so it shows where I worked, who I worked with, my date rate, bonuses, mileage and allowance. It keeps track of how many days I worked per year as well.

Again no complicated formulas except for a 'totals' section down the bottom. Should be easy to set up if you have used Excel before.

Expenses keeps track of my rent, truck payments, phone, insurance etc. Just shows how much my basics cost each month. Maybe in the future Ill start breaking down where I am spending the rest of my income. Also have a savings section to see what I am putting away each month. I aim for around a third.

The reading list is just a list of books I will be reading this year that I will tick off as I go through them:

The Way of Men
48 Laws of Power
Think and Grow Rich
The War of Art
The Power of Habit
Arnold The Education of a Bodybuilder
Starting Strength
Art of Seduction
The Prince
Think and Grow Rich
The Psychology of Achievement
Awaken the Giant Within
Rich Dad/Poor Dad
Eat That Frog
A Guide to Rational Living
The Way of the Superior Man
Never Eat Alone
Pulling Your Own Strings
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
Patterns Of The Hypnotic Techniques Of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Vol 1
The Power of Now
Realization of Being
Living the Liberated life

The rest are just pages where I type in the info as I go along. Make it whatever way best suits you.

The vision page is a collection of inspirational photos that I found that cause an emotional reaction to help keep me motivates.

The 'trophy cabinet' section is some sexy pics of girls I have hooked up with in the past. Its not an ego thing (I won't be showing this to someone else). Instead its about reminding myself of some of the cool girls I have meet and enjoyed some fun times with.

Excel Goal Tracking

my only suggestion is to use an online spreadsheet like google docs over a hard drive based one like excel. It will at least be able to follow you around/easy to update.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Excel Goal Tracking

I've been using spreadsheets in this manner since 1983 ~ they are an excellent device for creating what I call "life-tracking models". I'd be lost without mine - have one for self-improvement, one for financial and one for creative. Good stuff! [Image: smile.gif]

Excel Goal Tracking

Download this(its free)-

The authors original post on RSD is what got me into tracking habits. Great post.

Excel Goal Tracking

Quote: (01-24-2014 08:50 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Download this(its free)-

The authors original post on RSD is what got me into tracking habits. Great post.

+1 Rep Point


This documents the entire process perfectly.

Excel Goal Tracking

Only girls and "betas" read, Irishman. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Excel Goal Tracking

I've been meaning to change my goal tracker from PowerPoint to Excel for a while. Much easier to use/quicker to load and you can automate it to gauge your progress.

Thanks for that, Irishman.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Excel Goal Tracking

I'm giving this a try.

I just setup the basics. It feels like something that starts slow, and picks up overtime and the amount of satisfaction you get is a function of your progress.

I tried this with a journal, that I still write in weekly, to detail my game progress. It's a great feeling to look back on your thoughts and developments. I imagine that to be the same with this, although this will cover more than just my progress with girls.

The daily habits is probably my starting point. So far there I have exercise, >8 hour sleep, no porn, no fap, clean space, significant water, reading (30 min). I am doing it by colour like in the book linked above. I don't mind not going a day or two here and there without exercising, but if I look back over the past couple weeks using this method and notice that I've been slacking too much, I would know it's time to straighten up. On the other hand, if I look back at another habit and see that I'm several weeks without porn and only doing fap once here and there, I know I'm doing well on that front.

edit.. add in language study to that. I've recently taken up the Pimsleur spanish program, done a few 30 minute lessons the past couple days.

Excel Goal Tracking

Quote: (01-24-2014 08:20 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

my only suggestion is to use an online spreadsheet like google docs over a hard drive based one like excel. It will at least be able to follow you around/easy to update.
FYI: Excel is available on as well, as a cloud service. It's also free:

I recently started tracking my fitness regime again. I'm only tracking the 4 big lifts(squat, dl, bench and ohp), 1RM lifts, my morning body weight and HIIT workouts.

Excel Goal Tracking

In my experience, if you need a Excel file, you are not focusing enough. Take one at a time and in the long run you'll do more.

Excel Goal Tracking

Quote: (02-11-2014 03:46 PM)Volk Wrote:  

In my experience, if you need a Excel file, you are not focusing enough. Take one at a time and in the long run you'll do more.
Excel is excellent for tracking numerical data, like lifts. No amount of "focusing" is going to make you remember all of your progress.

Excel Goal Tracking

Hello, have your seen the Daily Practice website by James Altucher?

Excel Goal Tracking

So a few weeks in I can already see this working.

My exercise and weights program has noticeably improved. I have only missed two workouts since Christmas.

Keeping track of my nutrition definitely helps my motivation to eat clean.

Haven't drank either which is in keeping with my goals for this year.

My reading is way behind but its been busy at work and on this particular job I can't sit back and read some pages.

I would definitely recommend it.

Excel Goal Tracking

"What gets measured, gets improved."

Have been doing this for a few years. Started back when I was working restaurants, taking home green crumpled paper. Wondered how much I was actually making, so kept notes on white crumpled paper. Eventually upgraded to an Excel workbook that I use to this day. In addition to the personal finance one, other spinoffs have helped me with:
-side business profit/loss
-exercise (weight/rep, running distance/time)
-language 'flash cards'
-daily work schedule
-travel itineraries/souvenir details

With the money and workout ones, something about seeing that little green line move up, up, up gives you an invisible pat on the back!

Excel Goal Tracking

The trick is to be honest and still fill it out on the days when you skip goals.

Then clearly represent this on a graph so its easy to see when you haven't been following through.

Excel Goal Tracking

I've tried excel for goal tracking purposes in the past but I'd always forget to enter in the data. I prefer using tracking apps over excel now.

-- FitNotes for tracking workouts and to quantify improvements in lifts
-- MyFitnessPal for nutrition tracking
-- SmartGoalsPro - not for everyone but I like using it

You could also use those habit apps like Habbits, Habbit Streak Pro etc.

^^Android apps although I'm sure there are iOS equivalents...

Excel Goal Tracking

Quote: (01-25-2014 01:00 AM)Atlantic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2014 08:50 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Download this(its free)-

The authors original post on RSD is what got me into tracking habits. Great post.

+1 Rep Point


This documents the entire process perfectly.

Bumping & +1 Atlantic

I searched tracking lifts. Found this thread.

Excel Goal Tracking

Anyone know a good goal tracking app?

Excel Goal Tracking

Generally best to find an app specific to your goal. E.g. myfitnesspal is great for weight change goals.

Excel Goal Tracking

Time Tracking - Optimized

Diet and Fitness - My Fitness Pal alternatives are Moves/Fitbit

Finances - Mint

Sleep - Sleep Cycle

Habits - Productive, Balanced or Any.Do

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