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Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]


Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

This would be the definition of bad game.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

hahaha... poor guy was expecting easy lay, but instead he gets this.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Now I'll never be able to think of orcas the same way again. Fuck you.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

The posterchild for every bad American woman trait.

Ahahaha this video was awesome!

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

She thinks she's pretty? Am I missing something?

Good looking loser fucked all mankind - he told her she was pretty - asshole! LOL. JK.

I know he is just fucking with her.

Maybe she is reacting that way because she knows she is not attractive and feels like he is messing with her?

Or the default is she is just batshit crazy.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

That chick wants to get banged out so bad.

All those emotions she's spewing are just fodder to be managed. She's begging to be proven wrong on the outside but begging to be proven right on the inside.

I'd take this over a smirk and ignore any day.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Holy shit. That chick is certifiable. At least she was crazy upfront though. It would have been worse if she hid her craziness and he found out after the bang.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

This why you shouldn't approach fat girls.

They are fat for a reason- they don't want to be approached and will resent you and see you as desperate for talking to them because they know that they are unattractive.

Good looking loser usually makes better choices, but she's calling him out successfully here. If you approach ugly or fat girls, asking them for their name and all that shit- it's bad game.

Guess we all have our off days, I know I certainly do.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

I was amazed how nice she opened the conversation. I am dead serious that at 1minute in I never hear a women that nice on a approach here in godless Toronto. Generally they are all nuts like this broad but they stay scorn 100% throughout the interaction from start to finish. This girl was at least normal for 20 secs of the interaction but once he poked the bear she went off the deep end. She has some buried shit under her, I assume she got burned hard by a dude whom just said shit she wanted to hear 24/7 before it all came crashing down.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Genuinely disappointed that this wasn't about actual killer whales.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]


What's your name?
You just asked me my name, you don't even know me.
Heh right exactly.

Your mom's a douchebag

Fukken retarded xD

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 12:55 PM)Sawyer Wrote:  

That chick wants to get banged out so bad.

All those emotions she's spewing are just fodder to be managed. She's begging to be proven wrong on the outside but begging to be proven right on the inside.

I'd take this over a smirk and ignore any day.

Hate is not the opposite of love. Indifference is.

I dunno about you guys, but when a chick isn't interested in me, she stops talking to me or keeps her responses as minimalist as possible. This chick is clearly VERY engaged in the conversation.

She's toxic no doubt, but she is vulnerable to good game. Good Looking Loser could have turned this ship around if he tried. I suspect he was just so surprised, plus he knew he was getting hilarious footage, so he didn't bother riding out her little shitstorm.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

In a normal society authorities would have this woman committed upon reviewing this footage. People would just use common sense and conclude that this woman is very unstable and that would be the end of that. Instead what's becoming normal is this type of behavior from women. Notice how she points him out to other men, I would have laughed if some white knight would have "come to the rescue" of this nut job because it would be so ridiculous you can't help but laugh at such silliness.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

I got to about 3:00 and just couldn't go any further, I am too weak to brave that storm. That and my ears started bleeding.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Is that actually how she talks or was there something done to her voice

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

By the way, that's not coffee. That's a milkshake.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 01:49 PM)MattC Wrote:  

Genuinely disappointed that this wasn't about actual killer whales.


Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

They both seem weird. I would have walked away as soon as she refused to tell me her name and said, "All right, have a good one."

Absolutely no reason to remain in the presence of a toxic cunt like this for even a second longer than necessary.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 05:24 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

They both seem weird. I would have walked away as soon as she refused to tell me her name and said, "All right, have a good one."

Absolutely no reason to remain in the presence of a toxic cunt like this for even a second longer than necessary.
In his defense, I think he legitimately thought she was kidding at first. A reasonable reaction to true insanity.

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

Quote: (01-17-2014 05:01 PM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-17-2014 01:49 PM)MattC Wrote:  

Genuinely disappointed that this wasn't about actual killer whales.

Now that's the video I was expecting when I clicked on this thread. Thanks Alpha Romeo

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

So much resentment. Shit, that whale have some issues.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

hilarious shit.

Surprised to see Chris hitting on such a whale though. He did say at the beginning he didn't have his contacts in, but damn.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

As terrible as she was, this approach just sucked. He had terrible responses, like, 10 seconds after she would say something, he continues to engage (which, I guess is for the amusement of the viewers at home), stokes the fire by refusing to leave, "your mom's a douchebag (and goes to college)".....

I know this guy does some pretty cool game-related stuff, but this was just awful on both sides.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

Fat Feminist Lunatic Flips Out When Approached [Re-titled]

This comes off as scripted.

But if it's not, his opener is awful: "I know it's a little random but I found you attractive and I wanted to come say hi to you."

When you make an approach an out-and-out obvious "approach," you set yourself up to fail because you make what should be implicit explicit. You know how we complain that feminist college types want every "escalation" to have verbal consent? And how that sucks the mystery and romance out of things? That's what this approach does.

Try having a conversation or asking for a favor and letting it build from there. In all seriousness, "I feel sick -- do you have any Alka-Seltzer?" would have honestly been a better opener.

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