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Living In the Czech Republic

Living In the Czech Republic

So, I posted I was moving to Russia a while ago, but it didn't work out. The good thing is I've finally achieved one of my dreams I've had for the past couple of years-I've permanently relocated.

I live in Prague 2, and I have to say I miss my buddies from the states, and good TexMex style Mexican food, and family, but Prague is great in my opinion.

Here is some tidbits of what life is like in Prague.

Here's a gem from an 8 I picked up at Roxy recently, paraphrased "I am tired of guys just having sex with me and leaving." Sooo thanks for telling me how to proceed?? I only got a blowjob, but I didn't make her my girlfriend, which, is kinda what I felt like she wanted, was to have a boyfriend. I am a relationship kinda of guy and maybe would have been her boyfriend, so, it really puzzled me why she basically told me she wasn't gf material if she wanted a boyfriend. I've dated cute sluts before, who, I knew where sluts, but had the wits not to blurt it out to me! I've learned how to deal with girls a lot better from reading game stuff, but I don't think any man will ever truly know what the hell goes on up in their brains.

In terms of living in Prague, I'm paying an American/Czech girl to do all my paperwork with regards to my long stay Visa. It would be a very difficult process if it wasn't for her. It costs 500 extra to basically just have someone do it all for you, which, I think is reasonable.

The food is great, I even like to get the cheap chinese fried rice every once in a while. Grocery shopping is a lot cheaper than in the states. My rent is 700 a month and I live in a great part of the city.

I am more of a relationship guy, so, I've just begun a relationship with a receptionist from the bank I started an account with. She's thin, a brunette, wears heels, and is really sweet. The city is beautiful. If anyone wants to meet me, go out to Roxy or Chapeu or some other club or just grab a beer let me know, but let me know a couple days in advance, I'm not ALWAYS online.

America is a brutal culture to live under for certain types of personality types in my opinion. The females simply aren't relationship material. Needless to say, I'll be settling down in EE, thank you very much.

Living In the Czech Republic

Enjoy yourself bro, I lived in Prague back in 2012 and still miss it like crazy.

Living In the Czech Republic

THis country is beeping hard on my radar. When I say this, I mean it. We may soon meet up. I mean in 2013 BTW.

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Living In the Czech Republic

Korben are you from Dallas?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Living In the Czech Republic

No, I'm from St. louis. Hit me up elabayarde. It's rather easy to hook up here. I've found to get the quality you want its better to live here. There are A LOT of tourists just passing through. Their eyes light up when they find out you're here for the long haul.

Living In the Czech Republic

Korben, how did you work out the visa situation?

Living In the Czech Republic

I'm getting on this thing called the Zivno list. Basically, its a trade list and you can stay permanently, and its easier than getting a work visa. You get on the list, then you apply for a long stay residency permit. It really really helps to hire someone to help you through, because without a Czech speaker guiding you through the process it would be very difficult imo. I really like the girl I hired, she's been really professional.

Living In the Czech Republic


Great info sharing, appreciate it.

Could you break down your expenses? Sorry, wish the question was more original [Image: biggrin.gif]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Living In the Czech Republic

The following site gives a rundown about how to get residency in CZ: http://alexio.cz/visa_residence_permit/v...it_cz.html

KorbenDallas has found someone much cheaper by the looks of it, so my advice is: get the details from the link above, but get the contact details from KorbenDallas.

Zhiv. list is basically a sole trader (Doing Business As in California) license. It allows you to operate a business or trade without forming a company. In many countries no license is required, but in some European countries it is, even if you only want to run a kiosk selling fruit. Once you have your trade license / are appointed as a director of a company / get an employment contract, you can get your residence permit.

Living In the Czech Republic

I'm getting on this thing called the Zivno list. Basically, its a trade list and you can stay permanently, and its easier than getting a work visa. You get on the list, then you apply for a long stay residency permit. It really really helps to hire someone to help you through, because without a Czech speaker guiding you through the process it would be very difficult imo.

Living In the Czech Republic

Dave-I'm in the process of getting legal, so, the fees very well may end up being more than the 500 I've paid already.

Living In the Czech Republic

I think there is a common misconception of Prague as bad for picking up girls because there is some truth to this if you come here with the wrong strategy or attitude. The clubs/bars in the center can have bad ratios. I mean REALLY bad. The girls at clubs also tend to have their defenses on high alert. It is easy to pull at the clubs/bars a 6/7 and if your lucky with tight game an 8, but really, really, hard in my experience to get to the 9s. This is not where poosy paradise in Prague is though. Poosy paradise in Prague is the receptionist at the bank. The hot waitress at the hip restaurant in Prague 8. The students, the hostesses, the girl on the street, the waitresses at the nice casinos, the girl that see's you come into her restaurant to eat lunch every Thursday.

Czech girls, especially ones from the countryside, are some of the best in the world. They don't view sex as bad, they are in touch with their femininity, and a lot of them are quirky. A good date I had with an 8 recently was going to Las Adelitas, a solid mexican joint, she ordered a crazy fruity drink, we had some good food, then hopped to a bar by my place, then headed back to smoke some weed and capped the night off with a beer and then hit the bedroom. Total cost, 50 dollars. I've found Czech girls love going out with a guy who shows some leadership, teases her, and buys her dinner. I think Prague is what you make of it. If you think your going to lay models just because you speak english and put on a nice shirt to go clubbing it may not happen for you. If you learn the city a little bit, in my opinion this place really is amazing.

The girls are slutty, but they want a gentlemen. What this means is feed them a good meal and have a few drinks and their in your bed. Or be a total asshole and they might also hop in bed with you too. lol I just struggle with being a TOTAL asshole so I take what is an easier path for me.

Living In the Czech Republic

How do you find getting around the city? Can you walk everywhere in 10-15 minutes, or do you drive?

Also, do you speak any Czech, or are you relying on English? Would you be at a disadvantage if you didn't learn Czech? I speak Russian, so I think after a month I would be able to read most signs and get by with basic phrases, ordering taxis, etc. Going further than that would require a lot of study. Not sure if I want to learn another Slavic language, to be honest.

Living In the Czech Republic

Getting around the city is really easy. You don't need to learn czech, but it is helpful to learn how to call a cab in Czech because the Czech taxi's that only have Czech speaking operators are cheaper. But, public transportation is really cheap and easy to use. Everything is basically within walking distance. The city is pretty big, but a car is definitely not needed.

Don't let the potraviny shopkeepers rip you off. They try to rip you off if they hear you speak English, so, learning how to say good evening and how much helps.

Living In the Czech Republic

Was it hard to find work there as a foreigner?

Living In the Czech Republic

You say your a relationship guy... however, if you're up for it I'd recommend having a few others on the side from your MAIN girl. Or at least get in a few ONS in your area or while traveling around. I'd highly recommend taking some trips to Brno. Although I liked Prague, Brno was WAY better for laying Czech girls.

Quote: (10-12-2013 04:26 PM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

So, I posted I was moving to Russia a while ago, but it didn't work out. The good thing is I've finally achieved one of my dreams I've had for the past couple of years-I've permanently relocated.

I live in Prague 2, and I have to say I miss my buddies from the states, and good TexMex style Mexican food, and family, but Prague is great in my opinion.

Here is some tidbits of what life is like in Prague.

Here's a gem from an 8 I picked up at Roxy recently, paraphrased "I am tired of guys just having sex with me and leaving." Sooo thanks for telling me how to proceed?? I only got a blowjob, but I didn't make her my girlfriend, which, is kinda what I felt like she wanted, was to have a boyfriend. I am a relationship kinda of guy and maybe would have been her boyfriend, so, it really puzzled me why she basically told me she wasn't gf material if she wanted a boyfriend. I've dated cute sluts before, who, I knew where sluts, but had the wits not to blurt it out to me! I've learned how to deal with girls a lot better from reading game stuff, but I don't think any man will ever truly know what the hell goes on up in their brains.

In terms of living in Prague, I'm paying an American/Czech girl to do all my paperwork with regards to my long stay Visa. It would be a very difficult process if it wasn't for her. It costs 500 extra to basically just have someone do it all for you, which, I think is reasonable.

The food is great, I even like to get the cheap chinese fried rice every once in a while. Grocery shopping is a lot cheaper than in the states. My rent is 700 a month and I live in a great part of the city.

I am more of a relationship guy, so, I've just begun a relationship with a receptionist from the bank I started an account with. She's thin, a brunette, wears heels, and is really sweet. The city is beautiful. If anyone wants to meet me, go out to Roxy or Chapeu or some other club or just grab a beer let me know, but let me know a couple days in advance, I'm not ALWAYS online.

America is a brutal culture to live under for certain types of personality types in my opinion. The females simply aren't relationship material. Needless to say, I'll be settling down in EE, thank you very much.

Living In the Czech Republic

What I meant is that I actually enjoy having a girlfriend. Some people on this forum have said they get tired of practically all girls after a while, while, I see myself eventually settling down. It doesn't mean I don't/won't cheat. I think it's fine as long as she doesn't explicitly know. When they know you can get tail at will with other good looking girls it just makes them step up your game. No need to rub it their face though.

Living In the Czech Republic

This is a good assessment of the situation from KorbenDallas. Since I joined this forum, I've been paying a lot more attention to why tourist guys might find it hard in Prague and in the Center of Prague, it really does come down to being able to speak Czech a lot of the time. Recently I was in the "exclusive" Maxxim club and this guy came up and started talking to me. He was about mid-20s getting a lot of IOI from hot girls, but he was complaining about the bad 2 or 3:1 ratio in there. I just pointed out that all of the guys were just looking and none were opening. So he decided to hang around. At one point two babes were staring at him and then one opened him in Czech. But as soon as they found out he wasn't Czech they refused to speak to him. Same thing happened on the next set he tried, but when I spoke Czech they were friendly. This happens a lot, but a lot of the time as soon as they decide that you speak well enough to live there, or that their English is better then your Czech, they magically start to speak English. This is the situation you can find in lots of bars outside the center as well.

The bad ratio tourist bars can be a good option if you have good game, because 1) girls will speak English because they expect to meet foreigners there and 2) most of the guys either aren't talking to them at all or have no game. The hardest thing about those places is the tourist cock-block. One night i was in Harley Bar and over the course of about 2 hours, every English speaking guy I saw who was making progress with a Czech girl had another tourist guy trying to cut in on it. For day game, as described above, girls you meet in day to day situations are really easy to meet a lot of the time and there are at least 8 shopping malls in Prague where you can try. But my best successes are in the tram and the Metro where you just have to have your eyes open and every once in awhile you find an interesting girl you can meet.

@KorbenDallas: May I ask if you think money has an impact on the girls you close? You speak of casino waitresses and bank tellers. From my experience, tipping a casino waitress $50 during the course of a night or opening an account with a big initial deposit ensures you can get a phone number. That doesn't work as well for 9s and 10s because every Czech guy who thinks he has money is trying it.

Living In the Czech Republic

How do you guys make money in Prague? I'm Slovakian who emigrated to USA right after college 10 years ago. The money here is decent (working as a software developer), but I don't really feel happy here and thinking about moving back to Bratislava (lots of good friends and family, great girls) or Prague (some friends as well, but more exciting city, decent girls situation as well). I speak Slovak/Czech natively of course. Just cannot imagine getting a job for quarter or third of what I would be getting here. Lately I saved some money with the idea of location independent investing income and I'm working on my investing skills, however, it might take a several years to save enough to be able to retire. Any ideas on income in Eastern Europe that would be comparable to my US income (currently about $80k in a relatively cheap city)?

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-14-2013 07:14 PM)SVK Wrote:  

How do you guys make money in Prague? I'm Slovakian who emigrated to USA right after college 10 years ago. The money here is decent (working as a software developer), but I don't really feel happy here and thinking about moving back to Bratislava (lots of good friends and family, great girls) or Prague (some friends as well, but more exciting city, decent girls situation as well). I speak Slovak/Czech natively of course. Just cannot imagine getting a job for quarter or third of what I would be getting here. Lately I saved some money with the idea of location independent investing income and I'm working on my investing skills, however, it might take a several years to save enough to be able to retire. Any ideas on income in Eastern Europe that would be comparable to my US income (currently about $80k in a relatively cheap city)?

You're a software developer. Why not ditch the 9-5 and freelance?

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-14-2013 07:14 PM)SVK Wrote:  

How do you guys make money in Prague? I'm Slovakian who emigrated to USA right after college 10 years ago. The money here is decent (working as a software developer), but I don't really feel happy here and thinking about moving back to Bratislava (lots of good friends and family, great girls) or Prague (some friends as well, but more exciting city, decent girls situation as well). I speak Slovak/Czech natively of course. Just cannot imagine getting a job for quarter or third of what I would be getting here. Lately I saved some money with the idea of location independent investing income and I'm working on my investing skills, however, it might take a several years to save enough to be able to retire. Any ideas on income in Eastern Europe that would be comparable to my US income (currently about $80k in a relatively cheap city)?

1 - Try to get a US job that lets you live elsewhere
2 - Start freelancing or become a contractor

Although I'm not sure you will get 80K using option 2.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-14-2013 07:14 PM)SVK Wrote:  

How do you guys make money in Prague? I'm Slovakian who emigrated to USA right after college 10 years ago. The money here is decent (working as a software developer), but I don't really feel happy here and thinking about moving back to Bratislava (lots of good friends and family, great girls) or Prague (some friends as well, but more exciting city, decent girls situation as well). I speak Slovak/Czech natively of course. Just cannot imagine getting a job for quarter or third of what I would be getting here. Lately I saved some money with the idea of location independent investing income and I'm working on my investing skills, however, it might take a several years to save enough to be able to retire. Any ideas on income in Eastern Europe that would be comparable to my US income (currently about $80k in a relatively cheap city)?

Try to move into a managerial position and then start your own outsourcing company back in Slovakia or Czechia. There's a huge gap between $80k and local salaries there.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-14-2013 08:14 PM)DaveR Wrote:  

Quote: (10-14-2013 07:14 PM)SVK Wrote:  

How do you guys make money in Prague? I'm Slovakian who emigrated to USA right after college 10 years ago. The money here is decent (working as a software developer), but I don't really feel happy here and thinking about moving back to Bratislava (lots of good friends and family, great girls) or Prague (some friends as well, but more exciting city, decent girls situation as well). I speak Slovak/Czech natively of course. Just cannot imagine getting a job for quarter or third of what I would be getting here. Lately I saved some money with the idea of location independent investing income and I'm working on my investing skills, however, it might take a several years to save enough to be able to retire. Any ideas on income in Eastern Europe that would be comparable to my US income (currently about $80k in a relatively cheap city)?

Try to move into a managerial position and then start your own outsourcing company back in Slovakia or Czechia. There's a huge gap between $80k and local salaries there.

I think you have good suggestions here. I've heard that a good rule of thumb is that for IT, if you make $80k in the US you should plan on making 80,000czk ($40k) in Prague, but even that seems inflated. A lot of CEOs in Prague make around 150,000 - 200,000CZK ($75-100k).

Most of the Western guys in CZ are not here to make money. Pretty much everybody would make more if they stayed home. So if you like the fact that you make 2-3x more where you are now, you need to reevaluate your priorities or maybe learn German (if you don't already know it) and get a job in Vienna or Munich and then go home on weekends (Berlin doesn't pay much better than Prague)...I wouldn't recommend Germany as an improvement over any Tier I US city however -- LOL -- but it can be a good intermediate step.

Most of the Western guys in Prague are either:
- recently finished college and are doing whatever they can, making a lot less than they would in the US. After a few years, if these guys don't go home, they try to get a job in a local office of a western company and are usually making a local type salary, but they are happy because they have their double income with their ambitious czech wife.
- are a mid to high level professional on an expat deal, making a western salary in prague
- running a business that caters to non-locals (e.g. tourists, expats )
- are mid 30s - 40s, were successful early on and are semi-retired doing consulting gigs here and there or are remotely running their business that made them all their money and doesn't cater to locals.

Your big advantage would be as a local who can speak excellent English and understands the Western mentality very well. As DaveR pointed out, your best bet is to get enough experience so you can be a manager or even a CTO when you go back. I know a Romanian girl in Romania who studied in the US and went straight to work for a Romanian internet development company that provides development services for US companies. She's like the Project manager - a liaison between the client and the programmers. I don't think she makes $80k, but maybe $50k. She is something like a partner I think.

As a footnote, it's interesting to see that a lot of former FSU girls (Ukraine, Kazakh ...) who come to CZ just see it as a stepping stone. They study in Prague, get some work experience and move on West at the first concrete opportunity.

Living In the Czech Republic

There's some advantages in the tax regimes of CZ and SK (and all other former Eastern bloc countries except Slovenia and Hungary). If you're making international deals, eg. a client in the US, developers in CZ/SK, and your company managing it, you can register an intermediary in a low-tax country. Singapore, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, are examples. Say your annual income is $200k but you only spend $50k on living expenses, you would declare $50k as your income in CZ/SK and leave $150k in the intermediary company, tax-free. After 5 years or so, you can decide to relocate to a different country (even if it's just across the CZ/SK border) and at that time you can take all of your accumulated earnings out of the intermediary company without paying a dime in tax.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-14-2013 10:45 PM)JohnQPublic Wrote:  

I've heard that a good rule of thumb is that for IT, if you make $80k in the US you should plan on making 80,000czk ($40k) in Prague, but even that seems inflated. A lot of CEOs in Prague make around 150,000 - 200,000CZK ($75-100k).

Just realized my numbers are wrong.

A good rule of thumb is that if you make $80k in the US you should try to make 80,000czk/ month which is about $4000/month.

And CEOs often make 150-200,000CZK/month which is $7500 - $10,000/month.

@DaveR: There are lots of good tax methods, but in CZ there is a flat tax and if you are a sole trader using the "zivno" thing described above, your effective income tax rate is around 6%. You still have to pay social charges, etc. but if you are American and recognize some income in the USA (stay below the foreign exemption of $97k which is taxed at 0%) and enough in CZ to meet visa requirements, you are paying very little tax...

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