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Living In the Czech Republic

Living In the Czech Republic

The Czechs are slavic top definitely.I understand now why model agencies choose vastly from Czechoslovakia and not from Poland. There are almost no butterfaces in CR and the bodies are on par or better than polish ones.CR kicks ass regarding appearance of women an 8 in CR would be considered 9 in Ukraine and there are women of caliber you find nowhere else. The advantage of Russians is that they are more on the thinner side but Russians lack the dynamic effective mix of Czech facies they look too slavic(fat lips,high cheeks etc).Also Russian boobs are nothing to write about compared to three machine guns here. The same Russian ass is a joke compared to Czech and polish one.
The disadvantages here are the thin hair(common in all slavic countries also guys have thin hair) and the bad teeth( also common in all slavic countries).I think these two characteristics are genetic.
Butterface is also slavic however Czechs deviate(due to Celtic mix),Slovaks also deviate(due to Hungarian mix),Serbs as well(due to Mediterranean mix and Russians in many cases escape this(due to Tatar mix).Butterface is not a dominant slavic gene.High cheeks,super legs are dominant.

Living In the Czech Republic

Also here you smell hassish everywhere. They must be great potters in this nation.Generally girls are dressed very interesting with individual style not the same monotonous style you see in Poland.Too much liberty and individuality.
Next time I will come with an Albanian guy.When I unleashed him with the word attack he could stop every pair in their tracks.Alone it is more difficult to make them stop.He also wanted portions later of course.A lot of girls flake here it did not happen in the past.Craziness the same as in Poland with many of them giggling at the streets etc.

Living In the Czech Republic

Flaking is huge here until the relationship starts. After a while they cut it out. its bullshit though.

Living In the Czech Republic

How cold is it there now? I usually find myself affected by colder weather (mood,how to dress),id say temp getting 13-14degC or lower changes my way of thinking.

Living In the Czech Republic

Today is better weather but I already have to leave. The place is good although definitely germanized in a degree.It is best if you are 28-32 years old. A lot of girls underdate some monstrous mismatches which you see only in Russia from the rest of countries.The girls are also used to a higher level of male appearance compared to Poland, Ukraine.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-18-2013 11:44 PM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

Flaking is huge here until the relationship starts. After a while they cut it out. its bullshit though.

Actually to fuck a Czech girl you have to stay with her for a while. A Czech woman revealed me this basic principle.The concept of dating is foreign in CR.
A lot of girls give numbers and then flake.You have to make an effort to enter the scene it is not in your face like in Poland or Ukraine.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-19-2013 09:44 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Today is better weather but I already have to leave. The place is good although definitely germanized in a degree.It is best if you are 28-32 years old. A lot of girls underdate some monstrous mismatches which you see only in Russia from the rest of countries.The girls are also used to a higher level of male appearance compared to Poland, Ukraine.

Hi Kamaki I am confused...they are under dating but used to more attractive males??

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-19-2013 04:23 PM)EU Explorer Wrote:  

Hi Kamaki I am confused...they are under dating but used to more attractive males??

Let's say that, on average, a Polish male 5 gets a Polish female 7, whereas a Czech male 6 gets a Czech female 7. Both the Polish and Czech females are underdating, but the Polish chick has it worse. On average.

"The great secret of happiness in love is to be glad that the other fellow married her." – H.L. Mencken

Living In the Czech Republic

Greek, I respect your knowledge, but you make sweeping generalizations as if every Czech girl behaves in the same way. I have found that girls here tend to have way more individuality than their American counterparts who simply follow the herd.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 02:59 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

Greek, I respect your knowledge, but you make sweeping generalizations as if every Czech girl behaves in the same way. I have found that girls here tend to have way more individuality than their American counterparts who simply follow the herd.

I have already refered to the individuality and liberty of Czech girls this is also of the nation's.Czechs are very eccentric people they hate to look the same to each other so they exhibit a range of appearances and behaviours.Sometimes you get upon rather crazy situations.They use slight irony which is they make fun of you without you understanding a bit since on the exterior they are smiling.Anyway there are quite a lot of features in this country with eccentricity the most common(they resemble somewhat the British in this regard).
They are also very good at understanding the other part's needs and facilitating you.This does not happen in Germany or in Poland where people prefer to forbid things and obstruct natural procedures in favour of order.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-19-2013 04:23 PM)EU Explorer Wrote:  

Quote: (10-19-2013 09:44 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Today is better weather but I already have to leave. The place is good although definitely germanized in a degree.It is best if you are 28-32 years old. A lot of girls underdate some monstrous mismatches which you see only in Russia from the rest of countries.The girls are also used to a higher level of male appearance compared to Poland, Ukraine.

Hi Kamaki I am confused...they are under dating but used to more attractive males??

The guys' appearancel in CR is at very good level.(eg lots of gay porn comes from CR).So visually the Czech girls are used to a satisfactory level of appearance(no mosters,now guys also shave,have decent haircuts,bath frequently,do not have odours it was not so in the past and dress well slightly worse than German guys).
This does not mean that Czech girls make their choices based on appearance quite the contrary.I saw many gorgeous girls holding hands with some of the most underwhelming guys around.The opposite is also true.Generally the choices of Czech girls are rather weird.Imagine that one who I asked what type of guys she prefered she answered 'I like fat,short,balding guys' so sometimes they have requirements difficult to fulfill.

Generally they stare a lot and Mediteranean appearance is considered top.They also pay attention to clothes.It is a very good country for Italians who have strong fashion sense.As Balkan I am no longer considered exotic,most people regarded me as Czech so we do not make an impression at all.Blacks make an impression due to musculature other less dark skinned nationalities should avoid being confused with gypsies since the sentiment against the latter is really not good and their presence is felt in CR.
The mismatches in CR are amazing you can see the most ridiculous looking foreigners or Czechs with the most statosteque girlfriends more so than in Poland due to girls' weird choices.(not so bad from genetics point of view since these choices reduce ugliness of the population in the long term while in the western world there is concentration of wealth and beauty in the same families).

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-19-2013 05:04 PM)Icarus Wrote:  

Quote: (10-19-2013 04:23 PM)EU Explorer Wrote:  

Hi Kamaki I am confused...they are under dating but used to more attractive males??

Let's say that, on average, a Polish male 5 gets a Polish female 7, whereas a Czech male 6 gets a Czech female 7. Both the Polish and Czech females are underdating, but the Polish chick has it worse. On average.

It is not like that.If you see the brother of the polish 7 he is a 5.This is because slavic charactristics look much better on women than in men.For the same reason the sister of a Mediteranean guy 7 is a 5.
So essentially polish women date their brothers it is just that the average for males is low and for women is high.This is the reason you do not see much mix or variation in Poland most people look the same.

In CR girls conciously choose men in extreme polarization to them so you may see a Czech female 9 with a Czech guy 4 or a Czech guy 9 with a Czech woman 3.It happens all the time.They have strong criteria for choosing partners some of them weird.(you may hear I like guys with glasses,I only date Black guys,I want only married men etc).A certain subcategory likes guys with big cocks(they explicitely say 'only guys with cock over 18 cm are acceptable'),generally each one has different criteria.For sure they like conversational guys because Czechs are excellent conversationalists.They also appreciate some kind of spirituality mainly of the slavic style spirituality.There are also gold diggers who go directly for the hard cash but they are not in your face like in Poland,Ukraine meaning you have to search for them.

A lot of girls give it out if you offer them paid holidays to exotic places.Then they return to their boyfriends who they continue to love no damage done.
Some are seen with Chinese and Japanese guys.There is a rumour that some Czech girls whore themselves for one-two years as high class escorts in Far East and then they return rich to their families.Husbands turn a blind eye to that if they do not support it.This is a rumour of course.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 02:59 AM)KorbenDallas Wrote:  

Greek, I respect your knowledge, but you make sweeping generalizations as if every Czech girl behaves in the same way. I have found that girls here tend to have way more individuality than their American counterparts who simply follow the herd.

Agree with this, although I wouldn't try comparing them to Americans. When you described them as "quirky" that is probably the single word that best describes this culture.

Kamaki you have some very astute insights, but for every one that is spot on, you'll write two things that come from left field. Some of these statements, like "we only want big dicks" are the Czech way of pulling your leg and a sort of shit test. I had one tell me last weekend, "we are professional gold diggers".

Let's get away from the The Greek Fisherman's Guide to Czech Cultural Anthropology and back to Life in the Czech republic, which means, good to better quality of life and hot girls always within reach.

For guys who think maybe CZ is OK but can't quite figure out the difference between it and Poland or Ukraine, for example, one thing is that it's closer to western culture and mentality. A lot of czechs think the only difference between them and the West is money, but probably few people to nobody from the West agrees with that. When you wake up one morning and ask yourself, what am I doing here (and this comes sooner or later if you spend any amount of time in another country), the answer will come a lot more easily than when you are in Ukraine or Russia methinks, because "I can get laid more" will only hold you over for so long. In Prague it feels a little bit closer to home and they are trying very hard to be Western (maybe Poland is similar, but it's still a bit more raw IMHO).

A big positive is that a lot of Czech girls who have spent a significant amount of time in the West, don't want to have anything to do with Czech guys when they come back. This is also true of girls who have serial bad experiences with Czech guys and OK experiences with foreign guys. But to support something that Kamaki hints at, a lot of these have a czech f*ck buddy who gives them dick, while they are hunting for a foreign guy every chance they get. I know several of these who explain it just like that. So they are hunting for us, you would think that you need to convince them that you offer something better than they can find at home, but I think for a lot, not Czech is enough.

Back on topic, in August during my first month in this forum, I was inspired to put in a bit of extra effort in day game and getting out of my routine places. Here are some examples and observations:

The clubs in the center got steadily worse as the summer progressed. But still could yield results.

James Dean Bar: Here's what you can see one Thursday night in August. I usually ignore those crowds of guys and mismatches and stay focussed on the targets.
[Image: IMG_0227.JPG]

No luck with those, but a few months ago in Harley's I met a babe who was in town for the weekend.
[Image: s_ostrava.jpg]

There are a couple of places I'd always heard about as good during the day, but never really checked them out. So here is one place along the river. On a Thursday in August there were a few HBs and a lot of retirees. But the girls were high quality

20yo with big rack
[Image: IMG_0224.JPG]

MILF with nice behind
[Image: IMG_0217.JPG]

stalking cat style:
Prague is very small so you can't do too many openers when you live there. The next night I saw this one (yellow bikini) walking out of a club when I was going in with a friend. I said, I saw you yesterday at the river, she said 'I know! I saw you too!!".
[Image: IMG_0214.JPG]

Clubs aren't full of Tier I HBs so much anymore. They don't want to get hit on all night. But when you go to special events, private parties, etc. They are out in large numbers. You have to know the names of the local celebrities and key DJs and when those are on the invitation, these HBs will show up. But the top Tier in Prague can match the top Tier in any city.

Here is one "Erotic Party" in August that was sort of a flop. Not too many people, but 2:1 girls. These two here were about the average talent level that night and one guy is trying to work them both.
[Image: IMG_0378.JPG]

In September I went to a party at a club that is usually completely empty, but that night it had the highest level collection of babes that I've seen in quite awhile, anywhere including kiev and odessa. Here's a short clip, towards the end of the night when it was thinning out and the face control was off (previously 1:1 ratio and only well dressed guys) and I didn't feel so geeky for taking videos.

Re: Flakes: The Tier I girls flake a lot because they have so many options. Unless you can get some good connection with them, have friends in common (social circle) or get them really excited the first night, they usually flake. But when you keep trying once every 2-4 weeks, over 6 months you can usually convert a few of them...I never thought that was a good strategy until multiple HBs told me they got their last bf because he was calling all the time.

Living In the Czech Republic

Proffesional gold diggers is a very good description.Polish girls always claim they are not proffessionals.What interests the average guy here is not to stay in CR but if it is possible to fuck in CR in a limited amount of time(holidays) and most importantly whether it is better than Poland or Ukraine in this regard.I tried to give answers to these questions to explain the mentality.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 02:34 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Proffesional gold diggers is a very good description.Polish girls always claim they are not proffessionals.What interests the average guy here is not to stay in CR but if it is possible to fuck in CR in a limited amount of time(holidays) and most importantly whether it is better than Poland or Ukraine in this regard.I tried to give answers to these questions to explain the mentality.

Fair enough. That's a question of gaming ability and luck. Not this other stuff.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 02:06 PM)JohnQPublic Wrote:  

20yo with big rack
[Image: IMG_0224.JPG]

MILF with nice behind
[Image: IMG_0217.JPG]

What is this venue called? It looks pretty good.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 02:47 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

What is this venue called? It looks pretty good.

River places are hit and miss. Sometimes good sometimes not. You can just start around the national theatre and there are places all along the river. This summer there were only about 4 good weeks. Almost all of August and September were too cold!

Living In the Czech Republic

Actually the pick up in CR looks very much like the videos in Public Agent without the direct money offer.Rosenberg talks to girls exactly the right way Czech guys are very smooth(I understand what they say).Actually the smoothness of Czech guys is an advantage for us since Czech girls assume foreigners will be the same smooth at least and forgive imperfections.They are also not afraid since Czech guys are harmelss(on the exterior).
A common problem a foreigner faces is that Czechs prefer to sit down rather than dance so it is difficult to penetrate when everyone sits in the pub.It becomes almost always social circle game.Once you are into the circle you may try your chances with every girl.But Czech girls always want sth in exchange they just do not state it so blatantly like polish or Ukrainian girls(who shout at your face) so you have to assume and make the right proposition.Czech culture is very much one of understatement and subcommunications when you say one thing and you mean another and the girl gets involved in that game.Girls also give very slight hints regarding what they want so you have to be always in hypersensitive mode.Many have artistic tendencies like painting,writing poems etc so you have to have some basic knowledge of art stuff,some Czech writers,film makers,music groups etc.

The problem in CR can be once you become so subcommunicating and gentle you may miss the point which is never missed in more primitive situations like the ones in Ukraine.There you are more like a bear while in CR you have to take the grob skin out and smoothen.
Czechs as all Slavs seem beaten down and shy,lacking self esteem from wetern point of view but in reality they play the dark slavic game masterfully.I for once as a slavophile always find joy in this country.Others will even deny the slavic nature of things of which Czechs are totally aware of.(We are no Russians but no Germans as well).
For extreme success in CR I advise learning Czech which is a rather difficult language close to polish.This although a 70% of Czech girls speak English.

Living In the Czech Republic

Yes ,apparently a lot of the guys don't mind doing the gay porno,it does not affect their self esteem!

Living In the Czech Republic

In general, are Czech girls slutty or more relationship/dating material? Or a mix of both? I hear ONS are hard in Ukraine, but how would a place like CR compare?

Living In the Czech Republic

There is a high proportion of hot girls if you like tall,high cheekbone Slavic faces with great cat like eyes.
My Czech ex was 5ft10 with great legs and ass ..small breast which is fine with me.
I saw a lot of great figures ,legs and ass and they like wearing tight jeans.
Having a boyfriend doesn't mean that much,if they want to Bang they will!
High kink factor if you lead and like Kamaki said high level of bi sexual interest.

Living In the Czech Republic

Do you guys think PRague is worth it for NEw Years?

"All My Bitches love me....I love all my bitches,
but its like soon as I cum... I come to my senses."

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 03:40 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

In general, are Czech girls slutty or more relationship/dating material? Or a mix of both? I hear ONS are hard in Ukraine, but how would a place like CR compare?

Prague girls are looser. Easier for an ONS than a Kiev girl.

Kiev has higher quality than Prague.

Nightlife was poor for me in both cities. Daygame is great for both. Online game is amazing in Kiev. Prague, I could not find enough online targets.

Living In the Czech Republic

Quote: (10-20-2013 03:08 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Actually the pick up in CR looks very much like the videos in Public Agent

LOL those pornos always crack me up. They have some serious talent to boot.

Living In the Czech Republic

Re:porn. That erotic party that i mentioned above had Robert Rosenberg and Cynthia Vellons as special guests. Rosenberg didn't show up but Cynthia did. Rosenberg is a chick magnet. I've seen him in clubs dancing like a rapper surrounded by babes trying to sacrifice themselves. Not just sleazy girls. I know one finance chick who is a little 24yo 8 blond who should be the homebody type, but told me she would do him to try the big dick. That's quirky. Imagine some Goldman Sachs investment banker chick saying that and you get the idea. I guess that's why the party was 2:1 girls but they all left by 2am because R wasnt there.

There was a table of five webcam girls sitting next to me. They all went to the party together as a pre-work outing. I got the number off one who told me she loved everything to do with eroticism and hated CZ and was moving to New Zealand for good. Not so hot and she flaked. I also got the number off one of the body shot waitresses with a 9 body. Met her 2x with no results to write home about. But now she moved to the USA(!)

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