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"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

good for him if he keeps trying he hasnt addressed any of the suggestions or issues people on this thread have brought up

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-16-2013 12:19 AM)All or Nothing Wrote:  

All that matters is that he wants to become better and is willing to listen to (then hopefully take and execute) advice from men who are more experienced than him.

"It is all one to me if a man comes from Sing Sing Prison or Harvard. We hire a man, not his history." -Henry Ford

It doesn't matter that he's a virgin. It doesn't matter what self esteem issues that he has right now.

All I care about is if he is the kind of man who will succeed.

He approached 500 women, and is still marching on. He is listening to other people's advice, and is doing whatever it takes to succeed.

He looks like the right kind of man to me.

[Image: agree.gif]

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Well, I'm hoping that the advice given is going to be something like, 'quit gaming for a bit and get your fucking life together.'

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

I was nervous in this and it shows in my speech patterns.

I dont understand the "are you on drugs" shit I get so often.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-16-2013 06:09 PM)straxcity Wrote:

I was nervous in this and it shows in my speech patterns.

I dont understand the "are you on drugs" shit I get so often.

I would have been like, "drugs? I'm high on Jesus."

Stop asking her so many questions, cold read instead. Also, you should have sat down next to her or shake her hand and invite her to take a walk or something.

"I'm guessing you're a freshmen, I remember my first year..."

That girl was clearly into you.

Also, very important... Try to structure your conversations in a way that gets her doing more talking. Get her talking, and listen to her.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Her bf was about to come out... I have negative reinforcement from doing that with bf;'s near. Due to some very very awkward situations and confrontations where the guy chest bumped me ect ect

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-16-2013 07:44 PM)straxcity Wrote:  

some very very awkward situations and confrontations where the guy chest bumped me ect ect

Then you know you're doing it right. And he ends up looking like a loser in the long run. If you can isolate these girls they'll cheat.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-16-2013 06:09 PM)straxcity Wrote:

I was nervous in this and it shows in my speech patterns.

I dont understand the "are you on drugs" shit I get so often.

One thing that stuck out to me in that clip is that you never really engaged her. It was more like you were talking at her rather than with her. You actually had her attention with your opening line but then you shut it down. There were other times where she'd be about to say something (like right after you asked her if she'd taken a bio class) and you steam rolled over her into the next thing you wanted to say. That might be why people think you're on drugs. A more effective way to ramble is to take a beat and pick up on what she says and then ramble with it. So if she says, "No I didn't take biology" you can be like, "I thought everyone did, I loved it. What were you doing with your time?" Draw her in rather than lecture her on something she doesn't care about. Generally the pattern of statement, statement question? <wait for response> <take a beat> then responding with another statement, statement, question? works pretty well. If she likes you after a few rounds you'll be in a normal conversation.

A more advanced technique is to take quick inhales and long exhales as you talk. This will have a naturally calming and comforting effect on both you and the person you're talking to.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Also, your style and overall presentation must be ok. If she wasn't attracted to you at all she would have just said, "I'm waiting for my boyfriend". You actually had to pull the 'boyfriend' out of her. Cut that shit out. She liked you, you just had to engage her more.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Actually I watched the video and you are not doing bad. She is playing with her hair in the beginning she wants the dick. Slow down your speech, speak loud and clearly, lean back. As ensam says don't feel like you have to fill in every second to keep the conversation going. Give her a second, and then if necessary say something yourself.

She didn't really even say she has a boyfriend, YOU said that, defeating yourself.

Overall advice: Wouldn't hurt to try to "date" a a couple of girls. Don't worry if you don't get the bang 1st "date."

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

my advice is slow down and stop jumping around to so many topics. i do it to sometimes but its not a good habit. pause to let her talk. and formulate your thoughts better that peacocking thing confused her. talking more slow will help with that

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

OK, Straxcity, I was waiting for some confirmation that it was actually you before laying the pipe to you directly.

First off, kudos for approaching 500 women. I don't think I've approached 500 women in my life. That being said, I've had sex with a lot more of them than you have. So, let's talk about what to do from here.

You're fucking up. Bigtime. You're trying to push a square peg into a round hole on a machine that only wants triangles. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you live in Kansas? Your game consists of meeting young - 18-19 girls - in a mall - and trying to have sex with them in the back of your Hyundai in the parking lot? Is all of that correct?

First off, stop all that bullshit. Even if I'm only half correct, stop what you're doing. It's dumb. It makes no goddamn sense. Nothing you're doing is conducive to getting a girl, particularly an ultra-hot girl, to have sex with you. You're not GoodLookingLoser. You don't have 190 pounds of muscle on a 5'11" frame. You don't have experience with sleeping with hundreds of girls in order to successfully guide you through the process of banging a girl and then letting her hang out to dry. You ain't that guy. You're 24, you live in your mom's basement, you have no hobbies other than trying to go have sex with girls.

The fuck are you trying to prove.

How is any of that good for a girl? Your mode right now is 'take'. 'Take take take'. Convince a girl to fuck you, to let you put your virgin penis in her vagina. You're not providing any fucking value whatsoever, you're trying to con her out of her vagina. At the 18-20 age, there's a slim possibility that they're virgins. VIRGINS. You want a girl's first sexual experience to be with a guy who's 501-1 in approaching girls and finally suckered one to sit in the back of his (we won't say Rape Hyundai) car and got her to allow him to insert his penis into her vagina? Tell me how meaningful that is. Let's talk about all the great value you provided HER in that transaction. Your penis ain't worth shit. It's a negative credit card balance. You're trying to steal pussy. It ain't coming that way.

You're going to have to start thinking about building a human connection. I haven't watched your videos, but everyone says you're not terrible in the face of female opposition. That's fine. From the descriptions, it sounds like you need to relax. Chill out a bit. See these girls as human beings and not as clay pigeons that you need to shoot. Drop the pretense of fucking them right away.

You know what? Fucking ain't all that great. It's good, but it's not spectacular until you finally get someone you connect with and love. You think you stealing some pussy in the back of your Hyundai in the mall parking lot is gonna change your world? No. Let's say you actually get there. Let's say some horny 18 year old is super high on ecstasy and thinks your windows are tinted and she can actually bang you in the back seat of your car without anyone seeing you. Awesome! I've never done that. But then what. Are you going to level up? What's your life going to be like? Nothing's going to change. You're going to be 24 years old, still living in your parents' basement, still got no career, still got nothing really going for you. You had sex one time. In the back of your car. In the mall parking lot. The fuck do I care? Or anyone else really?

You're doing this all fucking wrong. You're concerning yourself strictly on trying to steal some pussy. You're not at all thinking about how to provide value to a girl. You're gonna need to talk to some girls, establish some human - some REAL human connections - you're going to need to go on some dates - and you're going to need to chill the FUCK out with some of this stuff. You're taking the wrong fucking advice because GLL's advice is not FOR YOU. It is for people with all their shit together, and you don't have all your shit together. You don't have a body, you don't have your money, you don't have actual confidence, and you don't have your future.

What you do have is fearless approaches. That's a major plus and I can't stress that enough. Apparently you can go talk to a girl. Awesome. What you need to do is chill out on the 'need to have sex' part. Because you don't. You can live your whole life without ever putting a dick inside a girl. You can achieve great things without ever putting your dick inside a girl. The only people who will know if you don't put your dick inside a girl is you and everyone you admit it to. And if you cure cancer or AIDS or invent world peace or space travel or whatever the fuck, those would be much bigger achievements than conning some girl out of some free pussy in a Kansas mall parking lot at 4 in the afternoon.

So fuck all that. Your next objective is to take your fearless approaches and just use it to talk to girls. Start fucking talking to them and enjoy it. Enjoy their company, because they're real human beings too. Believe it or not, they have feelings and emotions and thoughts, as banal as they might be or might not be. You need to spend a lot of time around girls, just to start to actually get a feel for how they are. As real actual human beings. Right now, you're just looking at them as some Rubik's Cube to solve in order to get some pussy and to validate your shitty 24 years of existence as a human being. Well, stop. Stop stop stop stop stop. You will have much better success, and even much better failures, when you start to understand them as human beings. Starting with, WHY they don't want to have sex with a guy they met 2 hours ago at a Kansas food court in the back of a Hyundai.

I mean, I'm a guy. I don't want to have sex with a girl at a Kansas food court in the back of a Hyundai. Shoot me.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-17-2013 04:39 AM)aphelion Wrote:  


You're doing this all fucking wrong. You're concerning yourself strictly on trying to steal some pussy. You're not at all thinking about how to provide value to a girl. You're gonna need to talk to some girls, establish some human - some REAL human connections - you're going to need to go on some dates - and you're going to need to chill the FUCK out with some of this stuff. You're taking the wrong fucking advice because GLL's advice is not FOR YOU. It is for people with all their shit together, and you don't have all your shit together. You don't have a body, you don't have your money, you don't have actual confidence, and you don't have your future....

You're right, but not for the reasons Straxcity will think after reading your post.

What's clear is that if Straxcity gets a life and gets money, girls will feel it when they screen him, his confidence will naturally be stronger. It's x factor of sub-communication, of micro body language signals, etc... That are so small no one is consciously aware of them. Krauser has mentioned this.

There are also guys that have their shit together on paper, money in the bank, everything, but they are weak and beta. Straxcity only needs to get his life in check, he's not beta.

Quote: (10-17-2013 04:39 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Right now, you're just looking at them as some Rubik's Cube to solve in order to get some pussy...

Amen there.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

He 'only' needs to get his life in check - well, that's a pretty monumental undertaking at this point. Let's be fair. You don't need to have your life completely in order to get some pussy. You just need to be heading in the right direction. Right now he's not even doing that, from what I can tell.

And furthermore, I can tell that there's a pretty major division between his approach anxiety and the rest of his anxiety. Sure, he can go up and talk to girls. Major win. But then when he starts yapping over them like a robot, getting them to wonder whether he's on drugs, it indicates that his whole mentality isn't really settled. If he can go up and talk to girls, but freaks out once he's chatting them up, how good is that?

Anyway, I believe strongly that the underlying problem is that HE doesn't believe that he's bringing strong value to these girls' lives. Which, frankly, he's not. So, he's correct. But he needs to correct that first before any of this shit will ever unravel itself.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

I read through this thread and some of the thread over on the goodlookingloser forum. First of all I think you have a lot going for you, and once you find your way you will be getting girls left and right.

I also agree with the last poster, that said that your strategy of getting girls from the mall to your car has a pretty low chance of success, and also that you aren't really connecting with these girls. Old school pua Juggler's stuff is great for teaching conversational skills, and the mechanics of escalating verbally. You can torrent it free and I think it might be really useful to you.

I think if you forget about taking them straight to your car, and instead try and get some of these girls out for drinks on a day two, learn how to hold a conversation a little better à la Juggler, and escalate smoothly, then you will be fine.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Aphelion your advice is all good but it's not applicable to me. 500 approaches, is nearly a year worth of approaches. I only used the GLL method for a month or so. I don't try to have sex in my car, the car is just a bounce location (I was mostly using Justin Wayne romantic connection--- try to get hand holds, makeouts and boucne them around so that there is a better chance they will want to see me again.)

But back to my point. You have to realize the grand scale of 500 approaches. This is day game, night game, concert game, coffee shop game, college campus game, and jumping in front of a car pulling out of a parking spot with my hand held out, telling her to roll down her window and getting her number game. I just want to highlight the scope of 500 approaches. I actually AMOG'ed a professional NFL player at a pool party thing. Pulled the girl away from him, isolated her in my car and she got out and walked off(long story but true)

Yes, I've done human to human interaction. I've done coffee with a girl. I've had girls where I knew stuff about what they were passionate about (Stanley Kubrick movies for one girl, really nit-picky medical stuff with another, and some niche music topics.). These are particularly brutal for me when I connect with a girl on a deeper topic and she manages to ignore my future texts. Truthfully, those are the girls that are giving me negative feedback loop which is causing me to get back to fear of approach which I haven't had in nearly a year.

What is value? If I'm offering a girl knowledge of a particular topic, or similar sarcastic conversational flow and am getting stood out to dry... What is value? They want my money? They want to hear about my shitty day at work?

The game that im playing and hoping finally works is really Holden Caulfield-- boy meets world type of game. Just like clueless guy facing life head on and approaching boldly. Thats the game I started out with but getting rejected from this frame of mind tends to be even more brutal. Getting rejected from a Good looking loser, horny douchebag mindset is an easier pill to swallow. I've also thrown a lot of other PUA methods around there too.

I'll check out that Juggler guys stuff.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-17-2013 11:04 PM)straxcity Wrote:  

The game that im playing and hoping finally works is really Holden Caulfield-- boy meets world type of game. Just like clueless guy facing life head on and approaching boldly. Thats the game I started out with but getting rejected from this frame of mind tends to be even more brutal. Getting rejected from a Good looking loser, horny douchebag mindset is an easier pill to swallow. I've also thrown a lot of other PUA methods around there too.

I'll check out that Juggler guys stuff.

Try seeing a girl for an extended period of time.

Go for the five date bang. Forget about the pickup bullshit and get some random lays in there.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

starxcity stop bullshitting around. you yourself said on GLL forums that "I HAVE gotten 10-20 second dates." What does that mean? how many first dates have you gotten? 30-40?

For 500 approaches that would actually be considered pretty good. But with 30-40 dates you can't close a single girl? maybe cause your logistics suck ass and you have no money.

you also wrote this: "Just had another date. Girl agreed to meet up with me in a parking lot. Got in my car. Held hands and made out. I texted her the next day asking if she wants to meet up and she says "where" i tell her where and she says IDK if i can. then goes on twitter and says "why dont some people get the hint" "

you expect girls will want to see you again after a "date" like that?

and if closing the deal is your issue, dont you think having a job and money you can spend and having your own place would help? honestly your story just doesnt add up.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

You have no logistics, no money and you are 24. You seriously need to work on you inner game before anything else. My reccomendation:

- Stop right now.
- Go to gym until you can bench press, squat and deadlift 100% of your body weight.
- Read Emotional Intelligence and Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman.
- Re-read them.
- Get a job, clean your mind, face your fears, dominate them, know yourself, find your purpose in life (may take 4-7 years).
- Read all roosh books.
- Begin to approach women.
- ?
- Bang.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

^^ Why stop? People get laid all the time with bad logistics, little money, and not being able to bench their bodyweight. I'm not saying don't self improve, but doing these things isn't going to suddenly result in the 8s and 9s he is going for queuing up to sleep with him.

Yes, he should work to better himself, but he will eventually start to get laid if he just stays in the game, and reflects on what is working and what isn't. With enough reference experience things can't help but click into place.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-18-2013 12:46 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

^^ Why stop? People get laid all the time with bad logistics, little money, and not being able to bench their bodyweight. I'm not saying don't self improve, but doing these things isn't going to suddenly result in the 8s and 9s he is going for queuing up to sleep with him.

Yes, he should work to better himself, but he will eventually start to get laid if he just stays in the game, and reflects on what is working and what isn't. With enough reference experience things can't help but click into place.

We are learning machines and can't be passive. Guys need to make shit happen.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Logistics and still living with your parents excuse having fewer lays, not having zero.

My advice for the young guys who live at home is this - start screening for girls who live on their own or with roommates.

Within ten minutes of talking to a girl, find out if she lives with her folks. If she does, move on and approach another.

Yeah you can always fuck in a backseat or whatever, but save yourself the trouble if you're in a dry spell. If you have zero lays, screen for the girls who have their own place.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Quote: (10-18-2013 12:51 PM)Therapsid Wrote:  

Logistics and still living with your parents excuse having fewer lays, not having zero.

My advice for the young guys who live at home is this - start screening for girls who live on their own or with roommates.

Within ten minutes of talking to a girl, find out if she lives with her folks. If she does, move on and approach another.

Yeah you can always fuck in a backseat or whatever, but save yourself the trouble if you're in a dry spell. If you have zero lays, screen for the girls who have their own place.

Agreed. I still lived at home until March this year, and still got laid. If a girl honestly wanted to sleep with me, I'd just go back to her place. Not having my own place was never an issue, so I can't see how it can be the case with him.

A good way to screen for girls who have their own place is to go after foreign students, or students who are from out of town. You know they don't live with their parents, who are back in their home country.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

The hottest of the hot girls don't want to be around me. I can go on omegle and the upper tier girls will automatically next me. PUAhate for the most part has been pretty spot on in retrospect.

There is nutrition that is lacking during development that causes people to have crooked teeth. Anyone that had/has badly crooked teeth, has an undeveloped jawbone and facial deformities (Weston A. Price). Basically if you had crooked teeth and even if they were repaired with braces your face did not reach its potential. And hot girls screen for this. The only way to compensate is music, extreme style (tattoos, swag, outlandish clothing.) or a lot of muscles. Possibly game, but not verbal elements of game, moreso social status and jealousy plotline stuff.

"500 approaches, 0 lays." What is this guy missing?

Get the hell off of PUAHate, that site is toxic. And quit worrying about your damn jaw, you look fine.

This thread is making my head spin. I'm gonna page Nigel and have him introduce you to some BBWs at the Golden Corral. I don't understand what your alleged mental block is toward the 6s and 7s. Are you purposely only shooting for the stars so you can feel better about being rejected?

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

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