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Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

A bunch of my friends on Facebook (mostly women and men of questionable sexual orientation) have been sharing and linking this video interview with Dustin Hoffman, where the actor goes on about how he dressed up as a woman for a role in a film. He says that he had an epiphany when he realized that he wouldn't approach himself as a tranny, and broke down crying because he thinks that he passed up the opportunity to meet so many "interesting" women in his life, which he blames on brainwashing. WTF Dustin?

As if women never do the same.....


Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

watching that , just felt completely WRONG.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

I saw this earlier and almost posted it. All respect for this guy out the window. What a douche...

I almost capped off on Facebook when my mom's friend posted it but bit my lip in the end.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Well - there is nothing wrong with being friends with an interesting woman - who happens to be ugly. As long as she doesn't think that being interesting makes her sexually attractive in any way.

Sorry - that is not how shit works.

Shame - since I would score alot more pussy if being interesting was all it took.

Anyway - I think Hoffman is too brainwashed by LA LA land to understand what point he is trying to make. Does he really think that being interesting is reason enough to be attracted to somebody? If so - Al Pacino and Jack Nicholson should watch out next time they hand with him.

And - he is wrong anyway - since men are waaaay more interesting than women. At least most of the time. Hell - even Hoffman in a wig is going to be more interesting than most chicks I have met.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

We are all forever less masculine, having now watched that clip

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Quote: (07-09-2013 01:02 PM)STLMO Wrote:  

We are all forever less masculine, having now watched that clip

Not gonna watch it

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Fuck this video.

Just because a woman is beautiful doesn't mean she's uninteresting. Just because a woman is "not conventionally beautiful" doesn't automatically mean shes interesting.

Hes being totally solipsistic and assuming that because his CHARACTER in the MOVIE is interesting and ugly, all ugly women must also be interesting.

This line of thinking makes him a fucking loser. Any man on earth would rather have a pretty girl over a butt ugly one, he wouldn't say "sorry you don't meet the societal expectations of being interesting, you don't have a PhD I can't date you" being interesting is just a bonus for a woman.

The ideal woman is both interesting and beautiful, just as is the ideal man.

SWPL/PC people want to romanticize lesser people ie. ugly and boring ones so that no one person has any drive to become anything better than the pencil pushing shit they currently are.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Most actors are soft pussies. What kind of grown man cries over something like this [Image: laugh2.gif]

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Does he have a movie coming out soon that is targeted at a female audience? Feminism is religion for unattractive women.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

I always just assume that most major Hollywood actors have been forced at some point to sleep with producers and directors to get ahead in the business.

John Travolta supposedly said as much to the dude he molested on a cruise ship. Granted he's a closeted gay man, so he may have been exaggerating but there's some evidence that straight male actors in Hollywood have taken it from other guys for the sake of their careers.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

I'll give him something to cry over.

[Image: marathon-man1.jpg]

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Quote: (07-09-2013 02:43 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (07-09-2013 01:02 PM)STLMO Wrote:  

We are all forever less masculine, having now watched that clip

Not gonna watch it

Lulz, I didn't watch it either, but I gathered what is was about form the posts here. Some - over - 30- and- married chick on my facebook posted a link lol. . .(I'll need to take her off as I only put her there for networking. .only to find out shes a loser and isn't connected to anyone I'd ever want want to get to know)

If he thinks being a woman is "hard" here , he should go out to Japan.

Pretty much Ugly/no-style girls don't even EXIST to the rest of society!

There is no feminist B.S. there. . .

They try though, there was some fat acceptance campaign where they would put pictures of fat women on a Bilboard in train stations. . .

Thing was, they put it in ONE train station:

Shibuya Station!

When I saw it and thought about it I laughed my ASS OFF!

See, Shibuya is like the Style capital of the Asian world for young asian girls, mostly because of the Shibuya 109 which is a ten story shopping mall ALL for women's clothing. To work there, you've got to be a sexy young female period. It is the image they want to keep. Ugly/fat/bad with makeup women don't get hired, and they never set foot in there. When you walk in the place it is FULL of hot young women. . .(I tried hitting on some of the women there a long time ago and was asked to leave by security [Image: sad.gif] but I did get some numbers haha...)

Because of 109, pretty much Shibuya has built itself around that, attracting the youngest, hottest girls there to hang, chill out, go clubing etc. . .

So putting a fat acceptance poster in a place like that. Not going to work. . . It was taken down in a week.(it costs MONEY to put ads there)

The worst part of it? The person of a poster is a Fat Transvestite that is Famous, his/her name is Matsuko Deluxe. "It" isn't famous for fat acceptance and "making it despite being fat" no no no, see the people who put up the poster didn't realize that "it" was famous because "it" is pretty much a walking joke. The whole premise of the fame for that person is. . being laughed AT. Meaning no one would ever take "it" seriously!

I am actually glad I traveled out of the western world. . .I mean I kinda realized this when I got out of college, but it really hit me once I got out of the U.S. and that is:

Feminist/PC/Handholding nonsense DOESN'T APPLY outside of the western Internet, or a college campus. Sure, people think that Japanese guys are herbs/Omegas, but that's only about 15-20% of them. The rest are pretty much red pill. Thing is, they know that the west, etc etc thinks badly of that so they just hide it under the rug, and present the "Face" that the west would like to see.

It's complicated and I won't go into that but the point is, that this dennis hoffman dude's crying does him NO GOOD. it's not going to change things around the world, as they as more "harsher" than whatever he's crying about. . .

Outside of PC America, the world operates more on Biological truths: men like sexy women, and like sex. While women like dominant men, and will do ANYTHING (including dressing nice, hitting the gym, eating less etc) to get that man's attention. no amount of crying is going to change this

Isaiah 4:1

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Was also going to post this.

Quote: (07-09-2013 04:07 PM)Menace Wrote:  

Does he have a movie coming out soon that is targeted at a female audience? Feminism is religion for unattractive women.

Call me a cynic, but that was my first thought as well. Very little comes out of such a celebrity that hasn't been carefully crafted by a publicist.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

He's ingratiating himself to feminists.

Follow the money...

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

It's a shame that he's droning on about "Tootsie." Because the film he made before that, "Kramer Vs. Kramer," is not only one of the most Red Pill movies ever made, but is more relevant today than ever. That's the one he should think of as life-changing.

If you're thinking about getting married, see this film...but see it with the realization that the family courts are more horrific today than they portrayed.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

I agree with Broken Arrows. Tootsie was filmed in the 70's, wasn't it? Why would he want to cry about it now unless he's attention whoring.

I saw a fat chick on my list post this and rant about "men are brainwashed to only consider certain standards of beauty". I refrained from commenting that we don't like trannys and land whales, and it's perfectly normal. But I didn't.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

I remember a few years back Gwyneth Paltrow did a similar interview about how people responded to her when she was in the fat suit filming "Shallow Hal." She claimed that she went out in the world wearing the suit, and that people either stared, ridiculed, or completely ignored her. She talked about how hurt she was, but gained a new sympathy for less-than-attractive people. Yeah, right.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Quote: (07-09-2013 01:02 PM)STLMO Wrote:  

We are all forever less masculine, having now watched that clip

I saw it posted on my facebook and instantly decided I'd never watch it.

Dustin Hoffman crying about being a woman

Post should be titled 'Why Dustin Hoffman is a Genius'
Think about how he got the opportunities he's had early in his career. Yea sure he is a talented actor, there are plenty of them out there.
You also have to be lucky, and you also have to be able to make grand gestures such as this, which support the status quo. Mr. Hoffman does so masterfully with great universal appeal (cept to red pillers). Serves as a reminder of what you need to be prepared to do if you want to please the powers that be

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two genders
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