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Question for the millionaires

Question for the millionaires

I will take your word for it if you're well off, so to all the people who no longer have to work for a living what do you guys do to burn all the extra free time?

Do you simply chase higher quality girls or are you simply building up new business opportunities?

Hopefully guys like Hooligan Harry see this but, overall assuming your expenses are in check, do you spend your time chasing more capital or do you basically spend all your time chasing down new girls 24/7/365?

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 10:47 AM)WestCoast Wrote:  

I will take your word for it if you're well off, so to all the people who no longer have to work for a living what do you guys do to burn all the extra free time?

Do you simply chase higher quality girls or are you simply building up new business opportunities?

Hopefully guys like Hooligan Harry see this but, overall assuming your expenses are in check, do you spend your time chasing more capital or do you basically spend all your time chasing down new girls 24/7/365?

They're probably more focused on KEEPING their money. . .

(you know from unsavory people, scam artists, family and "Friends" and of course the government)

Then makin it grow pretty much automatically (investing it in businesses, real estate, etc...)

I would imagine that wealthy people would just have escorts when they need to fufill certain desires. Why chase women when it's cheaper (in your time and your energy/money) to just buy them?

I would imagine wealthy people just do whatever they feel like doing, whether its a hobby, or travel or eating really nice food.

At least that's what I'd do (all of those things I mentioned above)
Basically, growing my money and enjoying life.

Hell, I'd go to thailand get a decent place, and live like a king/work on growing my money remotely, picking up various hobbies, and have a harem of hot concubines. Like a real king hahaha. . .

oh man that would be awesome. One day Ill do it, I'll become a king hahah!

Isaiah 4:1

Question for the millionaires

I noticed when I talk to friends in CT that are millionaires every conversation ends up about money. I got used to not talking about money in Florida (probably because nobody has any) but those dudes are so bad it almost sucks hanging out with them. One of them developed a sick hobby of suing the township.

Anyway most rich people are about money and they want more. I asked a friend who was a developer that's 76 now why does he get involved with all this bullshit?? He just can't stop.

Question for the millionaires

None of the rich guys I know spend their time chasing women EXCEPT guys who were handed their wealth. Guys I went to school with who inherited trust funds chase women ( or did until they settled down ).

The very rich guys I know are rich for a reason and it's very simple; they love the challenge of making money and running businesses. I wake up thinking about travel and women so I dedicate my time to those pursuits and do ok at both. My rich friends wake up thinking about business. If I had the same thrill for business that they do I'd be rich too, anyone would pretty much. That's why Vacancier Permanent will make big money in China, he lives and breathes the idea, it's a cert. It's perspiration more than inspiration for these guys.

My rich friends also are not flash with their money, it's not what they are about. The guy whose house I stayed in the last 7 weeks in France is on the 'Russian Forbes' list, he's a multi multi millionaire. Would you know it if you met him in a pub? Nope. The reason being that it's more the challenge of making money then the actual having it. He is constantly opening new businesses and buying companies, it's what his passion is. He has a very attractive wife ( my ex ) and is totally content with that, he has no desire to chase any more women.

It's why I will never be rich, ever. I place chasing women and travel above all other things.

Question for the millionaires

Vorkuta your friend married your ex-wife? That's a little bit crazy. Not sure how I would feel about that. (Pardon the thread jack).

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 11:51 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Vorkuta your friend married your ex-wife? That's a little bit crazy. Not sure how I would feel about that. (Pardon the thread jack).

He became my friend after marrying her. He is my daughter's step father.

Question for the millionaires

Well I posted the question here, because generally speaking most guys have their sex lives together as well.

So I mean you don't need $10M or something to get laid we all know this. So ideally there is someone on here who is well off that can explain what they do with free time.

Question for the millionaires

Let me qualify I am not a millionaire, but one of best friend's dad is & my friend - through inheritance (his grandma & grandpa), trust fund & investments his dad made for him - is getting close.

His dad is classic narcissist. He married very young, getting his female codependent early. He never flashes money, eats at a dirt-cheap, but very popular local restaurant. He goes and sees many movies at movie theaters - he travels, but nowhere expensive or creative. Most of his time he spends reading, watching college basketball & NFL and working around the house. He has no maids, landscapers, etc. He & his wife do it all themselves. His wife has much, much more free time than he.

As for my friend, all he does is sit around. Classic in-his-head narcissist, as he is probably dreaming away about how awesome he is. When we watch NBA, all he does it bitch & complain about how LeBron sucks - obviously admitting he sees Bron as the best player. He spends much of his time bitching about how this person sucks or how that female is ugly or a whore.

Honestly, he is better looking than I, more money & more social status - but were it not for him being a narcissist, I would regularly out-game him because he is a hater. Instead of thinking why somebody is successful and uses those reasons to better his life, he hates on that person & thinks they don't deserve it. Women are always initially attracted to my friend, but only the serious codependents stick around - some women really take badly to him and realize he is a stone-cold asshole.

See the dynamic between him & Dad? His Dad might be a narcissist, but he knows how to gain from other's successes. My friend, no, not at all.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Question for the millionaires

TBH I am looking for real living experiences, I'm not trying to start any sort of game/money debate or bullshit like that. So I'm really wondering what guys with game and no longer need to work for a living do with their spare time.

Ie: so far sounds like start new businesses, travel and try to bang dime pieces.

Question for the millionaires


Question for the millionaires

I don't know any millionaires like this, but I suspect those that built something up to earn their money don't relax all that much. They probably spend their time like Vorkuta's friend because that is what they truly enjoy. Those who inherited money, like trust funders, etc. are probably the ones who bum around doing nothing very productive.

Question for the millionaires

well what do you call a millionaire?? I have over 1 million(1.7) so technically I am one and will surpass 2 at one point. But that "millionaire next door" doesn't allow one to live the high life in NYC TBH. I would say my ultimate desire is to continue retirement(have pension also). That means NOT wasting it on table service at NYC or Vegas clubs. It means NOT running out and buying a BMW. In other words I am the typical millionaire. Frugal and trying to keep it. Means looking for safe investments like CD's and index mutual funds(safe in long run). That being said I was taught that you take risks to get wealthy but once you are you keep what you have. That means no scam "looks too good to be true" opportunities.
If I wasn't married I can say for certain I wouldn't wine and dine chicks..that's for sure. I go by the rule...if a HO is cheaper than wining and dining..purchase the HO lol. That was often my dilemma in FSU. I could get a whore for 20 a 2 cocktails. The whore was a better deal most of the time. I assume Thailand is similar.I make this point because making purchases to impress women or wining and dining them is the surest way to lose your wealth. Sure the penthouse condo and Porsche looks great ,but when you have nothing left to keep the Sushi flowing going the chicks leave.Something to think about.

Question for the millionaires

So what do you do with your free time if you don't work and you are married?

Yes you count as a millionaire assuming you don't work anymore you fit all the criteria.

Question for the millionaires


MJ Demarco, author of The Millionaire Fastlane, sold for around 10M USD a few years ago.

He then wrote a book. He seems to spend a lot of time playing softball and more or less hanging out. I imagine he now spends a lot of time building the Millionaire Fastlane brand.


Question for the millionaires

Yeah again I am trying not to be a dick but I'm asking for first hand experience since I take the posts more seriously on this forum as guys who have been around longer than not on RVF actually have game.

I can turn around right now and ask a deca-millionaire what he does for fun, but I know the answer is get bitch slapped by his wife and change art decorations every year.

So Jimukr is a decent example anyone else on here retired/financially independent whatever you want to call it?

So basically anyone financially independent + has game on here?

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 11:49 AM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

None of the rich guys I know spend their time chasing women EXCEPT guys who were handed their wealth. Guys I went to school with who inherited trust funds chase women ( or did until they settled down ).

The very rich guys I know are rich for a reason and it's very simple; they love the challenge of making money and running businesses. I wake up thinking about travel and women so I dedicate my time to those pursuits and do ok at both. My rich friends wake up thinking about business. If I had the same thrill for business that they do I'd be rich too, anyone would pretty much

Yeah this. It usually takes extreme drive to become a multi-millionaire, to the point of living an unbalanced lifestyle (be that a good or bad thing) and that doesnt just go away once your bank account hits a certain number.

The guys with more balanced drives for travel + women probably live more balanced lives, and earn less.

You could say, in the end, people pretty much get what they want (i.e. - what they actually are driven and willing to go and get, not just what "would be nice to have" if it landed in your lap, like $1million).

Question for the millionaires

I have enough passive income to be living without working in a very cheap country only. Low six figures. I am planning on going to the Philippines eventually, but to live someplace cheap is boring because the people's intellect is greatly limited due to too many brain cycles focused on survival.

I am living in California and relatively poor-- just surviving.

I spend my time recording music, editing movies and writing. It's great but I don't have good enough game to get really attractive women here because I'm over 50. So I'm trying to work more to get my passive income up.

Ideally I would be in a first world country with high culture but with a hot chick around. I don't have any real need to keep changing women all the time like true PUA.

Question for the millionaires

^^ lol.

Yeah I got no interest in art, culture or sophisticated conversations. I associate intellect with attractiveness so I'll keep the dumb ones. Then again I'm a psychopath so still interested in hearing jikukr's hobbies. Beyond researching funds.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 02:11 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

So what do you do with your free time if you don't work and you are married?

Yes you count as a millionaire assuming you don't work anymore you fit all the criteria.

What I do?hmm. Basically read a lot , forums ,books on investing, etc. I planned on traveling BUT family obligations have put that on hold. No big deal .I originally thought about spending part time in Odessa(Have flat there) But there is really no advantage. Brooklyn is cheaper in a lot of ways. I see scantly dress devushkas every time i leave my flat here so NO reason to go there at the moment. Being married of course holds me back.
My only hobby is films and strategy pc games. I could do that regardless if working or not. I was forced into early retirement and don't have any useful skills(was a cop) or i would probably do something. Problem is commute in NYC is so HORRIBLE going to work doesn't excite me. I often think if there is something I could do from my PC I would.I envy a lot of the portable skills some RVF members have TBH. My only skill was clocking people over the head [Image: sad.gif].
I have started working out again. I am slim but was getting a belly(40 NOW, retired at 37). Lost it now pretty buff.
Do animal rescue once in a while.Like I said if i had a normal profession I might still be working. It gets boring but so was work.If I was single I would MOST likely do other more exciting things. For example move my base to Ukraine and from there conquer Russia, Uzbekistan and Georgia. I would be Ghangis Khan in reverse lol.

Question for the millionaires

I think it`s safe to say, very few millionaires frequent this forum... But it seems like plenty of people on here still have some exciting lifestyles anyway. For some sick reason I like to make things happen with limited resources, it`s some kind of a challenge and makes me want to reach my goals even more. Not saying I wouldn`t like being filthy rich, it`s just not something I find very important to live the lifestyle I want to. I don`t have any millionaire-friends either...

Question for the millionaires

Great thread. I've actually been thinking about this very thing. I'm at a bit of a cross roads with my job, and am seriously thinking about quitting. I don't need the money (mid 6-figures now), and could probably live indefinitely off it in SE Asia. That's exactly the problem, what would I do long term? So since I have no other real plan I just stay the course.

When I graduated university I had about 60k. Good enough that I could put off a working for a few years if I wanted, especially living at home. So I took about half a dozen great trips(Tame though, Mostly North America and Western Europe), went to the gym, read A LOT, did a lot of bike riding, got involved in a job/volunteer program that does summer camp stuff for 7 weeks. Ultimately though, I got bored. So I looked for a job for no other reason than just a change of scenery. That's what I'm worried about now, a year or so of exciting trips, then boredom. One of the biggest I problems I found (also now where I work on rotation and get blocks of time off) is that if I'm back near my home, there is no one else really around to do stuff with, because most people have normal jobs.

Question for the millionaires

They say once you hit it big you go back to doing the shit you really liked as a kid...

So I would be at the gym, hitting the beach, and watching netflix.

And buy a boat (always wanted one)

Question for the millionaires

This thread has inspired me to go out and buy a scratchy ticket.

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 07:12 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

This thread has inspired me to go out and buy a scratchy ticket.

Maybe you can get your mom to take you gimpy. [Image: banana.gif]

Question for the millionaires

Quote: (06-17-2013 07:19 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (06-17-2013 07:12 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

This thread has inspired me to go out and buy a scratchy ticket.

Maybe you can get your mom to take you gimpy. [Image: banana.gif]

At least I only have 1 mother. [Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

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