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Mystery's Actual Results

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-10-2013 06:42 AM)Divorco Wrote:  

You are suggesting he fucked 56 women in one year when he wrote:

Over the course of the last 6 years, Ive fucked 56 girls (not all FUCKED, but sexual cum shoots so I call them fucking).

Then explain why he bragged (in zipped mASF archives): 

Subject: RE: Do I have to be a jerk to use SS?
Post Date: September 16, 1998, 09:00:00 PM (EDT)

... Ive had sex with 9 girls this year ... .

Whoops, I stand corrected. I read it a little too fast the first time.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 12:08 AM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Quote: (04-10-2013 11:48 PM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

A lot of hate for Mystery on here that I think is unwarranted.

Who's hating bro?

My "game" story is pretty simple. I found Roissy's blog after Tyler Cowen mentioned it (but didn't link to it, calling it too evil to link to). Read the site, it all made sense.

Roissy pumped MM. I bought it, read it, tried all that "The Game" shit.

Got the stupid t-shirts. Pea cocked. Used negs.

Dropped all that The Game shit and did better.

That ain't hate. That's simply saying, "This shit didn't work for me."

I'll ask you what I've asked others:

What did you specifically do from MM that caused you to be with a higher quantity and quality of girls than you would have otherwise been with?

This is a game forum.

If you did something specifically that helps and got it from MM, awesome. What exactly did you do?

Did wearing Ed Hardy t-shirts and painting your nails black and asking girls about the fight outside help you get laid?

Drop a (historical) datasheet, yo. I'd genuinely love to hear it.

A big thing that Mystery talked about was calibration. You can't just crudely acquire clothes if they a) are incongruent with the strongest aspects of your personality b)belong to a tribe that isn't part of the scene you are trying to bang.

As it was mentioned a few posts up from this, the main concepts are the most valuable parts of Mystery's legacy.

I can tell you that just not treating women as titted/vagina'd men without dicks and understanding that they are so very different was a thing I got from reading and trying out some of the concepts in MM.

Reading IOIs, compliance tests, understanding LMR, understanding bitch shields and why they exist.. man, the list could go on and on. I got all this from MM. It's funny that the guy is called Mystery, but he did so much to de-mystify the feminine mechanism. Instead of getting angry at girl who throws a bitch test at me, I can see it in the larger context, and not get shaken.

If that's not red-pill, I don't know what is.

In fact, I'm going to say right here that I think this is the crucial defining characteristic difference between game and "red-pill":

(Game is already red pill, but I'm using "Red-Pill" to name the current movement that we have going on here and the other blogs)

Red-pill attempts to make it easier for the average man and classic alphas to get laid. It seeks to change society from the inside-out.

Game doesn't try to change society. It goes into the hostile environment, gets what it needs, and exits; outside-in.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 01:14 AM)soup Wrote:  

A big thing that Mystery talked about was calibration. You can't just crudely acquire clothes if they a) are incongruent with the strongest aspects of your personality b)belong to a tribe that isn't part of the scene you are trying to bang.

Reading IOIs, compliance tests, understanding LMR, understanding bitch shields and why they exist.. man, the list could go on and on. I got all this from MM. It's funny that the guy is called Mystery, but he did so much to de-mystify the feminine mechanism. Instead of getting angry at girl who throws a bitch test at me, I can see it in the larger context, and not get shaken.

Soup, couldn't have said it better. This is what exactly my post was about.

Some of the people here are focusing on the weird traits of his personality: the make up, and the magic and whatever.

What you pointed out is what MM is. In a way MM is game. Whether you are about indirect or direct game, everybody uses that. Even the naturals here use all those things, they just don't have nerd terms for it.

The MM helps you get laid if you just follow Attraction, Comfort, Seduction and the other things you pointed out. We all use them to get laid. This is what Mystery did, he broke these things down and made them easy to follow so guys like me and countless others could understand how to pick up women and get laid.

Mystery's Actual Results

Another thing I did was systematically go through all the PUA definitions here:

I don't know about you guys, but when I found out that there was a way to control my fate with women, I got excited. I remember tearing through "The game," taking notes on stuff to look up.

Thanks to this thread, I'm going to go back and re-read Mystery Method. I haven't looked at it in like a year or more.

I thought he did a great job of just getting down to the basic structure of game. It's elegant. Simple visual layout that is great for newbies. It's not the be-all, end-all of game manuals, but, aside from dissing his fashion choices, has anyone here who is complaining about Mystery found problems with the concepts he presents?

Edit: I just glanced over the manual again. You guys are totally off-base knocking this thing. There is some real gold in there. Simple to read, and a to-the-point-outline of how men and women work. Here's one that is constantly restated on this forum:

"Women are not angels of purity and morality, tit for placing on a pedestal. They are human just like the rest of us. Often in the field you may notice women lying or using other manipulation. They may act jealous, try to make you jealous, use their sexuality to gain power, stir up trouble, and often will not hesitate to ditch you for something shinier — someone with more status, more testosterone, more cocaine.

And as empathetic as women are deemed to be, she will not later wallow in pathos with a solitary tear on her cheek, full of regret for ditching you. Don't take it personally; it's just part of the game. Incidentally, now would be a good time to admit that the same is true of yourself.We are all human."

I believe that Mystery was the first guy to use the Alpha/Beta thing in describing game:

"What do women want? Their various drives and motivations are often in conflict. She may desire a strong, alpha man. But when she acquires one, she may set about turning him into a beta male, bit-by-bit, as a natural nesting instinct. If she succeeds and he is tamed, then she will feel reassured in her feminine power but simultaneously she will find him less attractive as a result."

Mystery's Actual Results

Soup and a few others seem to understand it. There are so many things that the MM taught that are still valid to this day. For me it's mostly the whole inner game teachings that I really valued. When I discovered The game/MM in early 2010 some of his Mysterys teachings were already regarded outdated and I never really used fixed routines or nail polish peacocking.

Ovid made some really good observations and gave some good comparisons with todays hipsters and emo's.
I like to make an even bolder claim. Peacocking is as old as the world itself.

Peacocking is showing off. It's the ultimate "look at me"
Cavemen probably peacocked when one had a nicer looking bearskin then the other.

Peacocking is everything you do to make yourself look better/ better presentable to others/ standing out from the crowd.
New haircut or new clothes = peacocking. You don't have to cut your hair but it makes you look better. Peacocking.

Guys cruising down the boulevard in a sports car = peacocking etc etc.

Mystery didn't invent game but made it popular. I had sex with well over a dozen girls, been in relationships, lived together with girls for a few years, long before I discovered Game. Back then a SNL was considered getting lucky or finding a gf was based on mutual attraction and fate.

I wasn't a social retard but did I have problems picking up girls? Yes. Did I not know how to really attract girls? Yes. was I happy to find a system that claimed to make a player out of me so that I wasn't stressed out when even thinking of picking up ? again Yes.

Did bill gates invent the computer? No but he made it popular.
Did Motorola invent mobile phones? No but they made it popular.
Did mark zuckerberg invent social networks? No but he made it popular.

I can go on for a while but you get the drift.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Mystery's Actual Results

Before reading the Game and Mystery Method I had only ever heard two bits of advice about dealing with women: 'Be yourself' and 'Treat them mean to keep them keen'. I had no idea that such a thing as game even existed and I was utterly shy and inept with women due in large part to being at a boys boarding school until I was 18 and not having a father around from the age of 12.

Discovering Mystery Method changed that part of my life fundamentally. For the first time I realised that there was a process to banging women. Mystery laid down a path for betas like me to follow, one that put you in control of your interactions and not vice versa.

Although as my confidence shot up I dropped much of his techniques something I still use to this day was his Attract - Comfort - Seduce model. That right there has gotten me more closes on first dates than I care to remember and forms the bedrock of my interactions. If it had not been for MM I'd have carried on building comfort from the first minute and being friend zoned until I no doubt wifed up the first average looking girl that showed me some attention.

So whatever mad shit he dressed in or however few chicks he banged how can I not respect a guy who more than anyone else helped me figure this shit out and allowed me to get to where I am now?

Mystery gets a +1 from me.

Mystery's Actual Results

@ Gmanifesto.

Those coins you showed are probably worth a fortune. 10 guilder in 1912 was the equivalent of a couple of thousand dollars now so you can imagine who valuable they are.

Regarding your other regular and non original bashing on my financial state. It's getting old man. I'm not that poor and more importantly; people who know me on the forum and in real life know me as an honest guy who tells the truth as it is. Half the people on the forum regard you a faker, a guy who fantasizes about being a super rich player who swoops fly girls (say what?). I had many mails from high repped players saying the same.

Seriously dude, not many here take you serious or believe any of your claims. Most laugh behind your back.

Meet me in NY or LA this summer for 10 minutes in a park or something, proof you are not a fantasy boy and I'll take back my words and even apologize to you and write a whole praise about you and how wrong I was. I do not need to know your identity, will not look at a license plate. I frankly don't give a damn about your real identity.

Till then, me and many others consider you a fake. A fantasizing wannabee.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Mystery's Actual Results

I think one issue you serious game dudes have with the MM is that you're not the intended audience of the book. I'm not talking shit, the point I make here is that it was designed for frustrated nerd virgins to go from zero to somewhere above zero in terms of women. Some of these guys giving the book positive reviews on Amazon say "Today I talked to a hot woman and she actually paid attention to what I was saying for more than twenty seconds" and that's good game in their opinion. They have a point, small steps add up.

A lot of you guys would probably be at (at the least) greater beta stage with decent game before even examining the book when the text was designed for average frustrated chumps. That's why dropping the MM bullshit would bring results, in my opinion. If you're at any good stage of game there's significantly less you can take from the book. Here's a few arguments that anybody can take away from the text without getting into specifics.

"Attraction is not a choice"
"Dressing flamboyantly will make women curious about you before you even talk to them"
"Good body language is important"
"Women respond to men with value and status, looks are not as important"
"Limiting beliefs keep you from getting laid, not limitations.
"Approach, approach, approach"

The criticism of the MM for any actual mack would probably be like
"You're not going to get the bang if you don't push for it" (that's why Roosh's "Bang" is >>>>> MM)
"Dressing like some kind of queer at the clubs is not always conducive."
"Alcohol can be an important component of the one night stand"
"Women push for commitment, not men." (minus one million points, sorry Mystery)
"The one night stand is not a fool's mate, it's solid game and should not be condescended to"
"Being in a pack of ten sober fuckers all dressed like Marilyn Manson at the club kills the fucking vibe".
"Toronto sucks a fat one".

Most of Mystery's inner game is sort of shitty in my opinion, since it uses evolutionary psychology to agree with hamsterizations. It's a reaction to women's bad behavior and it puts far too much onus on men.

Mystery's Actual Results

Lol hilarious thread. A bunch of dudes who are completely irrelevant outside of this forum hating on the guy who brought pickup to the mainstream and changed countless lives. Its obvious the guys talking shit about mystery have never even bothered reading his books. They think MM is all about dressing like a fag and spitting routines well its a bit more than that. Half the concepts guys are talking about on this forum were coined by mystery (LMR, neg, freezeout, DHV). Sure guys like Wilt Chamberlain banged more hos but they never broke down the whole process into a teachable model. His M3 model got ripped off and watered down by pretty much every PU company. Im not even a fan of the guy but jesus christ the level of ignorance here is incredible.

What cracks me up the most is Gman, half the game shit he spouts is just rehashed Mystery Method and yet he talks the most shit about the guy. His pet peeve is custom suits and Mystery was talking about wearing suits in his old mASF archive back in 98. I remember another post of him where he had the huge revelation to ignore the target and talk to the obstacle ... wow thats Mysterys group theory and at least 10 years old. I finally put his ass on ignore so I dont have to read his cringeworthy drivel anymore. I have to give him props for his ryanair game though!

To the guys who hate on his player skills, the 56 number is back from 98 nowadays I believe its somewhere around 350+ I think thats pretty respectable for a guy who came from zero and had to figure out everything on his own.

Mystery's Actual Results

Regardless of whether or not he himself was a player, his material did work.

If you're already good, you learn from the best to be better. That's a given. You are talented, you may work hard, but you learn from the best to really optimize what you know.

If you're completely and utterly inept at whatever you want to get good at, learning from the best will only frustrate you. It will only be a picture of the destination you want to get at, with no roadmap to get there. It's like showing a 130 lb skeleton of a man a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger. That does not help him. He needs to learn the basics first.

The same was with Mystery and his form of game. His shit wasn't terribly red pill, but it sold the average loser ideas he could accept. Some of it's blindingly obvious to the rest of us, but it wasn't to me when I first started out.

edit: Here's a good analogy. Way back when, there was a Charles Atlas system for teaching skinny little shits about how to build muscle.

[Image: Charles%20Atlas%20Comic.jpg]

His book said a lot of obvious stuff, like eat enough food and stick to these exercises he detailed in the book.

I would argue that the Mystery Method is like the Charles Atlas system in this respect. It didn't make more Mr. Universes with it's methods, but it allowed these kids to build some muscle and learn the basics. If they wanted to go further, they would do the research on their own time. For many of these kids, the Atlas system was sufficient. Same with the Mystery Method.

Bang is like the Starting Strength of game. For many newbies, it's a great book. For the more advanced players out there, they can still learn from it, but most of it they would already know. In fact, following the book verbatim doesn't work as well for them as their own system. Top athletes would probably backslide on a training regimen of only Starting Strength. For that reason, a lot of top athletes tend to shit on Starting Strength. However, the program is for noobs to get to the next level. If you want to be elite, you have to put in the time and figure out what works for you.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Mystery's Actual Results

BTW, the guy does talk about lifting weights and learns karate etc., all parts of lifestyle game.

In the future, there will be guys on a forum talking shit about Roosh in the same way Mystery is getting bashed here.

"Ha, those idiots traveled all over the world looking for pussy, now we've got robots that are hotter than any of 2013s hottest women."

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-09-2013 03:15 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (04-09-2013 02:04 PM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (04-09-2013 01:40 PM)houston Wrote:  

I didn't know about Mystery until this forum. I'd never heard of PUA's and all that until I found Roosh forum. I'm not good with techniques, I just know what works for me. I think some guys on here get to wrapped up in their head trying to think of techniques and moves or whatever. Just gotta relax and be smooth.
This sound like when you hear women tell guys who have trouble with women "Just be yourself".

If I was just going to "be myself", I'd be nowhere in the game. It takes a lot of work to turn your life around. I've had to alter almost everything- I've changed my body language, I walk differently, my voice is lower, I've built more muscle, I've increased my sense of style, I've busted my ass in what seems like countless hours at the bar and online, I go against my anxiety and have re-shaped or released my instincts to approach women and not to fear rejection.

Yes, relax and be smooth. Easier said than done.

My question is this:

Why did it take a guy with goggles on his head and eyeliner to get you to do that?

I guess that is my disconnect. Wouldn't "life" itself get you to do that?

I mean hell, by 7th grade, I told myself "I better figure this sh*t out". By high school, I was well on my way. Senior year, swooping cheerleaders.

For us guys that figured it out "on their own" it sounds ridiculous when kids call Mystery a "pioneer".

Personally I would just skip the cheap knockoff and go to the true source, but maybe that is just me.

It is probably easier to just read an e-book for people these days.

I'll jump on the bandwagon here because my story is rather similar to soup's. I was shy, nice, polite, educated but hopelessly Beta. Fearful of offending girls who are (as everyone knows) disgusted by "jerks" etc etc. A classic love-letter writing, flower-bringing guy that would have been appreciated 50 years ago, but is the bottom of the barrel today. No good looks, height, fame or serious money to help me get at least some accidental attention either. Here's what I take issue with:


I guess that is my disconnect. Wouldn't "life" itself get you to do that?

Do you seriously think that people don't try to fix this? I've always felt that something was wrong. You don't just grow up to 21 without ever experiencing sex and never ask yourself what the problem could be.

Of course I tried to fix it.

First I thought if it would help if I were more muscular or did more sports and was told over and over that girls appreciate nerdy guys rather than those "meatheads" (hat tip to Tuthmosis).

How about inviting girls to dates rather than asking? No way, everyone knows girls would get offended if you just assumed they liked you.

Teasing? Oh god no. The "world is full of jerks who don't take women seriously and treat them like pieces of meat" already.

But wait, I had a friend, a natural who was really good with girls and had banged several and made out with dozens by the end of high school. He told me that "it just happens" and that "you just have to believe in yourself" or, at best, "be confident", as if that's some kind of switch. The idea of seeking out guys who gets lots of women is laughable. Prior to game, a huge majority of those were naturals, and they had no clue. To them, like to my friend, things "just happened".

My dad, when I now occasionally mention evo-psych, basics of seduction and some statistics about the sexual market (such as the famous # of partners / divorce probability graph), just stares blankly, shrugs and says (the same as 10 years before) "you just have to be yourself" or "everyone gets what they deserve". I don't blame him, he grew up in a different time. My mom looks great for her age, doesn't bust his balls and he found her through simple social circle (family friend) in high school. To them, things also "just happened".

Then there was the internet, which emerged strongly during my teen years. Mainstream forums filled with thousands of white knights, making fun of anyone who dared to ask if a slutty girl that played him might be just a slut rather than "a woman who needs love and attention even more." Laughing at the idea of giving up always being nice and understanding, laughing at the idea of "seduction" and claiming that either it doesn't exist, or that only girls who "fall for some lines" are low-quality, stupid, drunk etc. If you could have Yahoo or AltaVista searched for advice, the RSD stuff or Doc Love, as basic as they were, would have never been on the first 20 pages.

The point is, I got good ideas for fixing it on my own. The environment stamped them away ruthlessly. You need a huge, concentrated jolt to break out of that shit. Some guys learn the truth on their own, and it probably helps if they are innately more stubborn, or if were born earlier (say, 70s), with some basic assets to get confidence from, or if their environment weren't so toxic yet. Great for them!

But I was unfortunate in that regard, and many other guys are. All of those guys have low chances of ever improving unless they receive a concentrated, no-bullshit summary of how things are, like you would find on this forum, in Bang and Day Bang, or in Mystery Method and Game. Maybe it sounds incredible to you, but before Mystery, it had been easily possible for a guy in modern society to have lived for decades and never have stumbled upon the truth about what attracts women. There is just no conversation about it, it's just a huge echo chamber.


Personally I would just skip the cheap knockoff and go to the true source, but maybe that is just me.

Forget about it. There is no true source. At best, if there are inklings of it, they're buried under too much mainstream media bullshit for anyone to find other than a few fortunate souls.

Since discovering game, I've never worn fuzzy hats or painted my nails, or even peacocked beyond a bright-orange shirt once, but knowing how and when attraction happens has made a huge difference. Qualifiers serve me well, agree & amplify does wonders, and I have turned many a disinterested girl into an interested one with a mild neg. Everything is internalized to the point that I don't have to think about it at all. I get all the sex that I want and all the love that I want. The opportunities have increased infinitely. But I would have never discovered them if it weren't for some guy on a game forum (neither Mystery nor Roosh, but still part of the modern evo-psych and analytical approach) and his e-books.

Leave a young Beta in a society full of blue-pill bullshit where "true sources" are scattered like the ruins of Atlantis, and the blue-pill bullshit wins 9 times out of 10.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Mystery's Actual Results

Handsome creepy eel

[Image: potd.gif]

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Mystery's Actual Results

Btw, I just read Roosh's 'Bang Ukraine'. His statistics there seem to have been worse than Mystery's so will the people calling out Mystery also be calling out Roosh?

Pay no attention to what Mystery's bang rate was as it's irrelevant to anyone but the man himself. Just pay attention to his advice and whether or not it helps you improve. If it does great. If it doesn't just move on.

People can hate on Mystery all they want, however before you do just ask yourself one thing: have you personally helped thousands of dudes improve their interactions with women and thus improved their lives? Mystery has and thus he deserves respect from all on some level.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 03:37 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Half the people on the forum regard you a faker, a guy who fantasizes about being a super rich player who swoops fly girls (say what?).

And 100% of the forum regards you as a broke, hyper-sensitive, Dutch sissy, that whines all the time and can't take a joke.

I had many mails from high repped players saying the same.

And laugh at you behind your back for traveling a style at age 38 how most kids do at age 18 and think you are so original by doing so.

You started it. Don't cry if I b*tch slap you in return.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 07:31 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2013 03:37 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

Half the people on the forum regard you a faker, a guy who fantasizes about being a super rich player who swoops fly girls (say what?).

And 100% of the forum regards you as a broke, hyper-sensitive, Dutch sissy, that whines all the time and can't take a joke.

I had many mails from high repped players saying the same.

And laugh at you behind your back for traveling a style at age 38 how most kids do at age 18 and think you are so original by doing so.

You started it. Don't cry if I b*tch slap you in return.

eh, no they don't. Great comeback! NOT!

38? dude, do your homework. I'm 36 now and was 31 at the start of my trip.

I whine all the time?? Please show me the posts where I complain/whine about not having money. Please show me the threads where I complain/whine about feminism/ women in general. I simply don't give a damn about feminism or being rich.

Anyway, not looking for another pointless online dick measuring battle with some one who hasn't proven anything but talks big game all day. I have screenplays to write and places to be. Gonna put you back on the ignore list where you belong. Bye bye.

Shoot me an email if you want to meet up. I'll be glad to clear your name if you let me.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Mystery's Actual Results

OH SHIT!! Who would've imagined the Mystery thread getting this real. Roosh, I think suspensions are in order. BTW, not much difference between 36 and 38.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 07:53 AM)sucio44 Wrote:  

OH SHIT!! Who would've imagined the Mystery thread getting this real. Roosh, I think suspensions are in order. BTW, not much difference between 36 and 38.

Sorry what? who made you moderator? Stop poking up the fire I already put out.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

Mystery's Actual Results

Neil do me next. I talked smack before.

Mystery's Actual Results

[Image: Uc1vgar.png]

Mystery's Actual Results

Neil is still saving the money to buy a fuzzy hat and nail polish. 3 more years and he'll have it.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 07:42 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

I whine all the time??


You whined everyday about rep points.

I think everyone remembers laughing at you on a daily basis about that.

I actually would like you to go back to whining about rep points. At least then you were funny.


So this doesn't come off as me being "mean" or "bullying" Neil, let's recap:

1. Neil attacks (giving him a lot of credit here) me for no reason here:

This alters the thread from being about the topic at hand to personal attacks. Up until this point, this thread was a great civil debate and I actually think we all learned a lot where we were all coming from.

That is until Neil got sensitive and tried to snap like a little gay Chihuahua.

2. So I b*tch slapp him here with the truth:

3. Neil goes back into the old tired "you are fake" routine, which of course I seem "fake" do a guy who hasn't progressed beyond 18 year old travel:

4. So I b*tch slapp Neil again here with the truth:

5. Neil takes everything too serious and runs away like a sissy and "puts me on ignore" The truth hurts too bad:

Just wanted to set the record straight, before people call me "mean" and a "bully".

But the best part of the whole exchange is this:

Quote: (04-11-2013 07:42 AM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

I have screenplays to write and places to be.

Ha. Neil is getting all "Hollywood" on me now.

Just goes to show how the "noble backpacker" will sell himself out for $2 and a pack of gum.

That honestly might have been the funniest comment left by anyone on the entire forum.

Mystery's Actual Results

It's funny, because a couple of years ago, I showed some Mystery videos to my buddy who had some natural success and grew up in a conservative working class Italian/Irish area of LI, and he had the same kind of reaction that El Mech and G are having. He's also more of that generation.

Painted nails, fuzzy hats, etc. is from a waring tribe to goumba/guido suburban tri-state I Rock-Z, mullet driving guys from the 1980's. What I never get is why I-rock crowd is still so aggro and angry/conservative. My Friend grew-up in Greenwich Conn. in the same scene. He's wondering why these guys are still like that too. It's not like they are living in the ghettos of Brooklyn with gangs anymore like their grandparents who immigrated here did. They live in the fucking suburbs, yet they still act like thugs. Much Lulz at tough guys from the suburbs.

To put things in perspective, I've been banging like crazy and my friend has a land whale as his side peace. He's held back by his conservatism in this regard. Who the fuck cares about the funny clothes? If you don't like them, don't wear them.

And, also, when was wearing a shiny shirt OK? That's the tackiest shit in the world. That photo of Mystery and Neil Strauss walking around with a group of badly dressed guys hurts my eyes. First of all, Neil Strauss is wearing the ugliest suit I've ever scene. I looks like someone ate a giant pot of snakes, shit out their skins and sowed them together. Mystery is wearing all that cheesy gear, but clearly has no sense of real fashion (although, if he showed up to any of the goth clubs I used to go to when I was in highschool back then, he would have cleaned-up like crazy).

So, yes, Mystery didn't have the best sense of fashion, but most goths don't.

I say we take the good stuff and just ignore the bad. Why waste time knocking the shit that works? We can separate things.

Where I hang out, it's important to wear something that stands out a little and shows girls that you are hip. They want to feel like they are hanging out with the coolest guy in the bar.

G, imagine wearing a custom suit without a pocket square.

Now put the pocket square back in. That's peacocking. That little detail makes the whole outfit pop.

Now, a lot of people would say that wearing a suit in certain situations is just off kilter as wearing the shit that Mystery wears. I do agree that custom suits are classic, and will never be out of style and that every guy should own one. That said, it would look try-hard in a lot situations. Fashion needs to be calibrated.

Ok guys, let's get back to moving the ball forward on pooosy playing field.

Mystery's Actual Results

It's not to start a further discussion, but just take a look at these videos.
The man at least have some videos to proof something. I am not gloryfiyng anyone, i'm justing looking at the evidence available.

And also this live in field stuff:

I would say that Mystery's principles have helped me getting laid on a consistent basis. The 7-hour rule, and the whole dating structure has been helpful for me at least. meeting location, comfort location, seduction location.. Just using seven hours and making venue changes.
I say, use what is useful, and discard what is not.

Mystery's Actual Results

Quote: (04-11-2013 09:28 AM)soup Wrote:  

G, imagine wearing a custom suit without a pocket square.

Now put the pocket square back in. That's peacocking. That little detail makes the whole outfit pop.

Soup, I got you. I am with you. I see where you are coming from.

However, this just in: Mystery didn't invent dressing sharp.

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