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I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

I've posted on this forum and let me start by saying that I'm not a newbie to the game. I've banged 150+ girls, been doing this for a while. I need advice on a whole other level think mind Jedi.

Been dating a girl since July, solid 8, 21yo, an actual 'good' girl for as much weight as that counts. I normally don't get exclusive with a girl but I did because I'm focused on making $ and wanted that 'stability'. She lives with her Mom who is a complete control freak. Literally her Mom gets mad if my ex doesnt make her bed in the morning. That extreme. I won her Mom over though with the usual player stuff that we all know about.

Things have been going GREAT, she conformed to my frame completely etc.

Fast forward to this past Saturday: went to meet her Dad (who sees once a year btw), with her for lunch. Lunch goes great, we then move to a bar (he's a big drinker as I was too). It's me, her, her dad and her dad's gf. We dramk for probably 6 hours straight. We then proceeded to her dad's gf's house. I was blacked out at this point and don't even remember being at the house.

Next thing I know the police show up and cite me for STEALING from her dad's gf's purse! To tell you how insane this is:
I have my own place, my own car, have ALWAYS taken care of my ex even filling her tank up, oil change, dinners etc. I don't adhere to spending money to get laid, BUT when I make a girl my gf then I treat her damn good money wise because I can.

I told the police I have no clue what's going on search me etc. they do and of course I don't have the money. They still cite me and call a taxi for me. At this point I'm sobering up a bit and am freaking out because that's not my MO. I call her Mom and try to explain what happened. She freaks out and calls her Step father who is a LAPD Detective. He calls me and says to go home and sober up. I have a friend pick me up and go home.

Sunday morning around 10am I call my ex. She's icey cold chews me out says we're done completely she said she saw me take the money out of the purse with her own eyes. I plead my case but to no avail. She says never to call her, contact her etc. I call her Dad to resolve the 'theft' bullshit. I tell him look obviously I didn't take the money but I'm not going to be accused of this so how much $ is missing and I'll give you out of MY money the amount. We meet up, i give him $400 and he says I don't know what happened either i was drunk too but obviously you're not hurting for money. He said my daughter says you've always taken care of her etc.

Around 4pm my ex CALLS me after the earlier talk of its over. She's in hysterics crying because her Mom is making her take a leave of absence from WORK AND SCHOOL. The woman is nuts. We talk for a while then agree to talk later in the night.

We talk around 8pm I tell her look I was blacked out you KNOW I'm not a fucking thief and don't need to steal. In other words you KNOW this isn't me after 5 months so wtf? She says she doesn't have a choice her Mom controls her car, phone etc.

It's now Tuesday, I told her I wouldn't call or contact her and haven't.

I apologize for the length and obviously I know I can have other girls in my bed asap and I don't have one-itis, but do want a relationship with her so...what can the members of this forum tell me that might help me get her back?

I need serious advice, you guys always have good advice so I look forward to responses.

Fyi: she seems to respond to when I pull away for a day or two in the past over other stuff, but in this situation I'm not sure how much leverage I have since everyone in her family is now against me after having spent alot of time with them.


I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

To add to this: she hasn't blocked me or unfollowed me on twitter or Instagram. She deleted her FB account though. She deleted all tweets re: me (she always would tweet 'sweet' stuff re: me etc). She also deleted pics of us. She did post a quote pic last night saying basically I miss him so much this is the worst, I'll take the bad back just to have the good because it was so great.

I hate this social media bullshit but want to provide more insight into the situation.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

That's a lot of bs you have to deal with. From outside looking in it appears not to be worth it, I say next...

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

It sounds like one-itis to me.

Once you bond with one woman (oxytocin hormonal bonding) through monogamous sex, the body's natural ability to pick out flaws is diminished.

She sounds like she was dating her mother.

The theft thing is insane -- even if she only sees the gf of the dad once a year, it's drama. Her mom is drama. Having to fill up her gas tank is a sign of future drama.

I'd bounce, no matter how sweet she appears to be.

Monogamy leads to hormonal bonding leads to one-itis.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

The way I see it you have two options:

1) Cut her the fuck loose. She didn't back you up when shit hit the fan. In fact, she even threw you under the bus by saying she saw you take the money. Not somebody you want on your side.

This is the option I recommend, but since you seem to like this girl and I have been there...

2) Disappear for a bit. If things seem to blow over and she's willing to give it another shot you have to move her into your place. It's obvious her mother is a basket case and is going to cause trouble for you as long as your girl lives with her. This will put the kibosh on banging other chicks, unless you are a master at getting the threesome. I don't recommend this, but it is something to consider if you really care about her.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Where's the proof that you stole?

Stop apologizing. You were blacked out drunk. You probably didn't even realize you were taking money out of a purse that wasn't yours.

Tell your girl that if she's gonna dump you over this, then she wasn't a good girlfriend to begin with.

Seriously, what a joke. People get that hung up over something you did without a functional consciousness? That's bullshit.

Also, perhaps you might want to let up on your drinking.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

@ABDada that's an interesting point on the monogomy because we have been.

Also noted this chick cooked for me, was very giving in many ways, was domesticated, treated me like a king in that sense so it wasn't one sided. Her dad told me she was beyond serious about me unknown to me. I knew she was definitely into me on a big level but not to that extreme. I have no doubt that this chick was/is into me BUT is she really done after one stupid night of drinking, especially after i was beyond obliterated and don't even know what happened.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

@teh_skeeze: she actually didn't tell them she saw me take the money. She only told me. She said and I quote "I didn't want to throw you under the bus".

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

This stinks of a possible power grab on her end. Sorry, just my gut reaction. You said since July so 5 just sounds like she's trying to grab hand here. Especially if there's no reason you would need the money based on how you say you live. It seems like a convenient excuse to put you in the dog house and bring you to heel.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:41 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Where's the proof that you stole?

Stop apologizing. You were blacked out drunk. You probably didn't even realize you were taking money out of a purse that wasn't yours.

Tell your girl that if she's gonna dump you over this, then she wasn't a good girlfriend to begin with.

Seriously, what a joke. People get that hung up over something you did without a functional consciousness? That's bullshit.

Also, perhaps you might want to let up on your drinking.

Definitely going sober for a while.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:49 PM)ImWaitingForTheMan Wrote:  

This stinks of a possible power grab on her end. Sorry, just my gut reaction.

Can you elaborate? Thanks

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:51 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:49 PM)ImWaitingForTheMan Wrote:  

This stinks of a possible power grab on her end. Sorry, just my gut reaction.

Can you elaborate? Thanks


I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

How old are you, McQueen?

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Sounds like an awful lot of drama regardless of whether you did something or not.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??


I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:49 PM)ImWaitingForTheMan Wrote:  

This stinks of a possible power grab on her end. Sorry, just my gut reaction. You said since July so 5 just sounds like she's trying to grab hand here. Especially if there's no reason you would need the money based on how you say you live. It seems like a convenient excuse to put you in the dog house and bring you to heel.

Good point. I even said "It seems like you're just using this to dump me or cause drama." her own Dad was like it's not the end of the world shit happens when people drink alot. The dude was pretty laid back about it actually. His Dad also said that the mom is controlling as fuck to my ex which I know.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:55 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

Entertaining "big McQueen cock" bahaha needed the laugh.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 09:03 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:55 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

Entertaining "big McQueen cock" bahaha needed the laugh.
Listen to me. Thats daily shit here in Florida. I've been at this a long time.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:49 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

@teh_skeeze: she actually didn't tell them she saw me take the money. She only told me. She said and I quote "I didn't want to throw you under the bus".

She may not have told them, but she still thinks you did it. Did she immediately jump to your defense when shit hit the fan? I'm going to assume she didn't because she accused you later. It looks like you have proven yourself to her father, but the fact that the cops were involved will forever taint you in the eyes of her bitch mother.

I also assume that this girl is her mother's only child, or the last one living at home. She sees the empty nest approaching and is terrified as to what is going to happen. That's another red flag because you are always going to have to deal with it. Empty nest syndrome can drive the most normal of women insane, and this woman already seems to have a few screws loose.

I still say cut her ass loose. She has shown that she will have no loyalty when the heat gets turned up. Not that women have much loyalty to begin with.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 09:07 PM)teh_skeeze Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:49 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

@teh_skeeze: she actually didn't tell them she saw me take the money. She only told me. She said and I quote "I didn't want to throw you under the bus".

She may not have told them, but she still thinks you did it. Did she immediately jump to your defense when shit hit the fan? I'm going to assume she didn't because she accused you later. It looks like you have proven yourself to her father, but the fact that the cops were involved will forever taint you in the eyes of her bitch mother.

I also assume that this girl is her mother's only child, or the last one living at home. She sees the empty nest approaching and is terrified as to what is going to happen. That's another red flag because you are always going to have to deal with it. Empty nest syndrome can drive the most normal of women insane, and this woman already seems to have a few screws loose.

I still say cut her ass loose. She has shown that she will have no loyalty when the heat gets turned up. Not that women have much loyalty to begin with.

She's her Mom's only daughter. It's her and her 15 yo brother living at home with the Mom so yea that makes sense.

Her Dad said she defended me to everybody saying it doesn't make sense and she'd never seen me do anything like that (no shit).

Problem is like you said her Mom literally has brainwashed the fuck out of her.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??


No two ways about it, you're too invested in her, it's one-itis, and it can't be cured with the same gal.

Get 3 fresh flags in November and December.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 09:06 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 09:03 PM)McQueensPlayboyRules Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2012 08:55 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Tell all of them to suck your big Mcqueen cock for starters. Why are you calling her mom?? You fell into family drama being on the defensive make you look like a cunt.

Like I said tell them all to suck you off then she'll be in touch

Entertaining "big McQueen cock" bahaha needed the laugh.
Listen to me. Thats daily shit here in Florida. I've been at this a long time.

So break this down for me since your posts have always been on point. She's broken up with me we're 'done'. IF I wanted to get her back (even if to dump her ass right after for putting me through this bullshit), what's the best play?

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

For some reason I think you think I was joking. I'm not.

I need advice guys: got dumped wtf??

Quote: (11-13-2012 09:20 PM)ABDada Wrote:  


No two ways about it, you're too invested in her, it's one-itis, and it can't be cured with the same gal.

Get 3 fresh flags in November and December.

Last night day after she dumped me took a solid 8.5 out to dinner and then banged. She's actually sitting on the couch with me now bahaha. I have no worries about swooping New girls, but want her back if even to be the one dumping her. At this point it's a fucking game to me.

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