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Drunk Lounge

Drunk Lounge

[Image: 32556963.jpg]

Drunk Lounge

Kickboxer: Give it a few hours. I'll be getting pleasantly pickled tonight.

Drunk Lounge

I'm drunk.

We need a GIF for posting in this thread to signify we're fucked up and possibly too incoherent to post. Nothing more.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge


Drunk Lounge

[Image: a-super-drunk-171.jpg]

Drunk Lounge

Can you do that

Drunk Lounge

I've done it with 3 cups, but never got a chance with 4 'cause I got kicked out of the tavern I was in. I think I will try 4 tonight

Drunk Lounge

Man that was a retarded night. Me and my mates got some epic pills. Some stupid stuff was done. Not the least of those was deciding it would be a good idea to get stoned and tell my mum that my friends and I were going for a quick swim in our pool... At like 4 am...

Oops, also forgot to help my mate move house this morning....

Drunk Lounge

Architekt that's called the "Cascade". I used to get hazed during tailgates in college doing these.

Almost always was hands on my knees game over after 2 of them.

Drunk Lounge

Drunk again. My body is taking a beating this month! Is this the restricted gluttony Western indy was talking about,

Amadeaus is s great drinking movie.


Drunk Lounge

[Image: 3p4yql.jpg]

Drunk Lounge

Currently drinking a 40 oz. while listening to a taped drunk conversation with a friend. We were drinking 40 oz. bottles of Milwaukee's Best Ice.


MSW2007: "What are we drinking to tonight, my friend?"

Friend: "For the fuck of it... To the fuck of it."

MSW2007: "The fuck of it?"

Friend: "Yeah."

MSW2007: "Alright. Why not?"

*clink beers, guzzle a few ounces*

Friend: "Ah, that's god-awful."

MSW2007: "It gets easier with each passing drink."

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge

Kid watching nanny McPhee..I just fired up some vodka and looking for some online trouble..Where's the IRT posting tonight???

Drunk Lounge

Drunk lounge is only for people who realize that they are drunk. If you are wasted, you are probably posting wherever.

Chances are that you can't do shit to change the world.

Drunk Lounge

You guys know how asian people get white people names when they move here right? Like gun hao fat choi or lee su is gary or bob or some shit. Well I found out my chinese name for WesternCancer its bey-ta fai-gut

My friend gets me vip tickets to this supposedly dope party. It was gay, but we were vip so we got free sushi and shit. I was drinking at my place and ran into my old main girl with my friend. She was fuckin all over me. Spilled someshit on me. Took me to the bathroom to clean it off, unbuttons my shirt, takes it off washes it. Puts it back on and starts drying it. I grab her by the waist and just pull her in and she turns her head GAY. tryna tell me how she misses me, askin why I didnt call her over the winter. I tsay "you didn'tcallme" she says "im the woman I'm not supposed to call" Whatever, her friends wereall over me. I fuck you not, I had one resting on each ofmyshoulders holding my hand.My friend who was there later asked what the fuck just happened. Anyways get drunk as shit and go to this weesh nye party. theres thousands of IRTs and some fights because the IRTs are here from surrey being faggots. Bitch sheileds are at an all time high. I literally asked one of the servers in the vip section what the fuck the food was and she gave me attitude BITCH IM YOUR CUSTOMER SUCK MY DICK. THAT BEING SIAD I ran into a chick from pre game days. She told me "I'd drive you home!!!! but I get off workat 4.I said wellwe'll have to go get a drink some time. Goout to the dance floor and start dancing with some asian chick. Her friend is dancing with what I assume to be a fucking faggot ass hipster. It hits midnight, I demand a midnight kiss and get one. I'm cavemanning her around, grinding from behind. then grinding fromt he frunt. grabbing her chin and making out. Finally I say "lets grab some fresh air" (no in and outs so this = banging) she asks me how old I am.I say I'm 65 and got the seniors discount. She gets all pissy. Bitch Ive been making out with you for haland jour and my hand has touched your underwear. she finds out I just turned 21 and fuckin bolts sayingshe doesnt fuck minors.FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. ps fuck my keyboard.

Then I texted my now main girl who was in town, she replied like 10 minutes later saying she just gtot back to her home town but would have been down to bang. Fuck my cock, my fuckin shoelace broke too.

Plan is:

- fuck that bartendress (is that what you call them) that I knew pre game. Bitch is funny looking but I havent fucked in 2 weeks, Im fuckin dying
- fuck my old main girls friends. Like 4 of them becauseshes a cunt and her friends are hot.
- fuck that dirty skankfrom my hometown who'd tarantula cockblocked me

Drunk Lounge

Nobodys been drunk since new years? Well time to attention whore some more.

I just remembered that on the bus home on new years some dude turned to me and asked me something about hitting the wall. I looked at him funny, but maybe he was trying to subtly ask if I was from the RVF. If you're out there, just ask for the pet shop next time. I'll tell you all about the hamsters there.

Getting fucked up off gin and soda (added some coffee too). Had 2 drinks with no food all day and I'm feelin it. Got a few things lined up for tonight and a fuck buddy to fall back on incase I don't get the notch (going for 7 lays in 7 days). Kind of fucked myself logistically for getting back to my place. Its 40 minutes, but if any of the girls don't want to come back I'll be downtown and possibly rolling dolo. You guys ever get all paranoid a girls going to flake or the date is going to be shit? I was worried earlier, but she has to bus an hour just to meet me so I guess thats some solid investment right there.


Drunk Lounge

Nobody's sobered up enough since new years to post...

Drunk Lounge

I'm at the gym! I drank too much the past two weeks so I need to take some time off to lower my tolerance!

Drunk Lounge

Had a "frew" brews.
My drunken question, I want to fly to a poosy paradise where it'd be easy to find chicks with DDD Cups and better.

That eliminates Asia altogether.

What does that leave? The fatter parts of Latin America? Europe?


Drunk Lounge

I'm drunk again.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

Drunk Lounge


so I didn't fuck the b itch from tonight. Met her outside this bar. I was drunk as fuck. didnt eat all day drank a mickey of gin on my way there. She was like 5 foot nothin taylor swift lookalike with buck teeth. We're talking at the bar and theres just NOTHING there. I did my usual banter about shit but it wasn't illiciting the same attraction. She just got dumped and was saying it was her first date pretty much ever. She finishes her double and suggests we go to this club down the street. On the way we get free tickets so I'm even more stoked since I think it was $25 for 3 drinks (gay). we get in and run into some fyne azz hunniez from seattle. They were touching me and telling me all about how they were staying JUST down the road. We played beer pong. They all wanted to go somewhere else. My girl went outside and said she wanted to smoke and go back in the place. I accept. we get back in and some faggot ass rock band is playing. She starts dancing by some guy and he asks if we're dating I told him we're on a date. she starts a mosh pit. Everyones moshing and I'm just standing there deflecting pussy hipsters going "this isn't a mosh pit fucking pussies" she goes and buys her self a bunch of drinks. I start hitting on some finer chick and shes putting her hand on my back when she leans into talk. She goes to the bar for a drink and I see my girl grinding on some dude so I go up and say "im leaving" and walk off. She runs up and hugs me and I say, ha im taking you with me. she says "no" well she wasn't into any other touching any time I tried to isolate or makeout I got nothing, fuck it.

On my way home I'm hating myself for not having any game outside of online. I tell myself I can't do anything but one on one and I'm a piece of shit and on and on. I get by my house and stop at a bar my 2 friends work at. havent seen them in forever. they run up and hug me. The one who I havent seen in a year tells me how good I look. She mentions how her boyfriend didnt want to get back together with her and how shes single and how we should go hangout and how shes always had fun with me and how that one time we got really drunk she was worried we'd end up hooking up (I carried her home and put her to bed just so I could use her printer, it was fucking hilarious, she was lying there in her underwear and I was asking where the fuck I shove the printer cable. I call this 'sperg game). I tell them about my shitty date, and other girls I saw since I last saw them. They complain about all the shitty dudes there and I just sit hanging out with them. I can't help but wonder why I am so much more successful one on one with girls than in a group. Usually i'll have an isolated first date and fuck them. otherwise I just can't deal with the other people. but fuck it man. I do need to get better at that shit but its not worth it to lose sleep over it. Girls will stillfuck me no matter what, I just need to work on getting the ones I want for the reasons I want. I'm bored of just fucking these chicks. I want a legit girlfriend or two who I really care for and I want to go have fun occasionally and have SNLs or some interesting first dates.

Drunk Lounge

not really that drunk but whatever...

despite my jaded attitude towards many women, occasionally I meet one and think, "If I were younger, this would be love at first sight." Of course, what that means these days is sometimes I see a girl that I feel a powerful lust for, a really deep yearning. Met one tonight like that and all I could think about was fucking her mouth. Lebanese chick. She was with 3 of her friends, they're coming back into town tomorrow to party. Not sure if I should meet up with them then or try to schedule a one-on-one. Regardless, she was just my type; dark hair, dark eyes, looked persian but minus the bitchy elitist attitude. Name is Tanya. I've never fucked a tayna.

was hanging with a buddy of mine who's a producer. he works part time as a bartender and one of his regulars is michael keaton. we're trying to put together a massive house party at his place, it's a nice pad near the hollywood hills with a great patio. got tons of booze, access to drugs, just need the bitches. thinking of getting michael keaton to supply the bitches.

Met a really cute chick at the first venue, it was my first approach of the night. I think she was dtf actually, she seemed pretty into me but she was acting really fucking strange. She was acting like she'd popped about 3 morphine pills...she kept swaying and this wasn't mere alcohol at work. It got to the point where she was incoherent and it was really unattractive to me. I'm sure a lot of dudes would have taken advantage of the situation but she was sketching me out.

just another night out in this weird city

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Drunk Lounge

Pretty toasted atm. Drinking all night, drove to my mate's place and his mate came around with le pipette. I hope I can sleep before I head to the pub later..

Some girl texted me from an unknown #, literally have no idea who it was. I told her to go to the club I was heading to and she said no, it's bad.

I said 'Give me a good reason why.' Her response?

"Last time I went there I got raped"

Well. Not sure what do now

Drunk Lounge


"Control of your words and emotions is the greatest predictor of success." - MaleDefined

Drunk Lounge

I got really drunk yesterday watching the Bengals game at a friend's house. We spent all afternoon drinking beer, ordered delivery pizza, and watched the game. Got a ride home and passed out within ten minutes of getting in the door. Woke up around midnight slightly hungover.

Quote: (02-16-2014 01:05 PM)jariel Wrote:  
Since chicks have decided they have the right to throw their pussies around like Joe Montana, I have the right to be Jerry Rice.

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