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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

I went grocery shopping today. I noticed this super hot sorority looking girl looking at me/following my shopping route. I asked her the difference between all the kinds of potatoes (talking kind of like I was baked and really wanted to know about potatoes. I was just about to drop some bait when her phone rang. She seemed startled ans reluctantly picked it up. I picked some potatoes and smiled goodbye. Didn't run into her later as I had hoped.

How would you have reacted in this situation?

The Approach Thread

Did many cold approaches at a penthouse-type bar/smoking lounge while pretty drunk. Did some OK club game. Was carrying a cigarette, whiskey, and beer in one hand while gesturing with the other. Still maintained open and friendly body language. Humblebragged for a while with the local talent, got quietly rejected by a cute 24 year old (engaged or married, left hand ring) kindergarten teacher, made a pass at her friend, got rejected again, went home alone.
I did get some props from my friends for doing fearless cold approaches but it's much easier with booze.

Probably should have stayed more sober, definitely should have went solo. I'm only tempted to get really drunk when my friends are there to make sure I get home. My definite strong point is that I'm getting over my approach fear.

The Approach Thread

Giovanny how many girls are you fucking that you get numbers from? I like how you keep it simple and don't pull some retarded Sasha type game.

The Approach Thread

Went to a food festival with a couple of friends.
We hit up a stall offering mexican food and latin talent.
I'm queued up, arms crossed standoffishly when the booth girl asks,

"What can I get you?"

SK: "I don't know.
I don't see anything on this menu that looks good."

Girl: "What kind of food do you like?
I'll make something up for you."

SK: "I like brunettes."
(she had dark hair)

She bit her lip, then started blushing and giggling.

It was one of my early positive results
with going direct. Gobsmacked over
her reaction, I froze and didn't get the number.

"The whole point of being alpha, is doing what the fuck you want.
That's why you see real life alphas without chicks. He's doing him.

Real alphas don't tend to have game. They don't tend to care about the emotional lives of the people around them."


The Approach Thread

I hate weekends.

Started out in a high end hotel bar. Every hot bitch was coupled up, no IOIs anywhere. Talked to two girls at the end of the bar, 2 totally cuntfaced and bitchy 6s. Bad vibes all around, I ejected early and went to my usual pulling venue.

Walk up and get eyefucked by a woman in a group of people. She's not much to look at but certainly fuckable, maybe a 6 or so. My crucial mistake of the evening was not engaging her. Sometimes when I walk up to a venue and get immediate IOIs from a chick, it goes to my head and I think, "Fuck yeah! I've got the stink! Gonna kill this shit tonight!" and then I walk in and the scene is bunk or I can't get anything going. Note to self: I need to jump on whatever opportunities come my way, no matter how early in the evening.

It's a total sausagefest inside, typical weekend out in L.A. Still, there's pockets of talent here and there. There's a cute asian girl but her friends are blocking her and then some dude approaches her. There's 3 tall (taller than me at 6'3") good looking actor types making the rounds and they look like they're on their A game. Asian girl doesn't bite but then they get a table outside with a larger group. I let it go. I get pretty drunk and approach a table of 3 women, all 5s and 6s. Sit down, say "Is anyone sitting here?" they're receptive to me and pretty normal girls, we make some light talk, but there's no attraction anywhere. I get bored and literally get up mid-sentence and walk away and settle my tab.

As much as I hate going through the motions sometimes, I know it's necessary. If I can approach a table of women that are sitting down and going for the more complicated and unlikely approaches, then it makes "normal" approaching a walk in the park. Two girls at the end of the bar? Cake. A girl sitting by herself in a bar? God help her.

Day game approach earlier this week: Super cute girl at Whole Foods, face is a 7 but body is a 9, she's wearing short denim shorts and wedge heels. She moves her ass when she walks in that way that latinas do, with lots of sway like she knows she's got the goods. I'm trying to calculate my approach, she's in the raw foods section and I start to overthink it. I don't want to use any of my scripted openers on her, trying to keep things organic. Finally I realize this girl is holding all her groceries in her arms, she's not using a basket or cart or anything. She walks by me and I say, "Hey, you know they have handbaskets right? Let's walk over and I'll get you one." She laughs and puts her hand on my arm and says "No, no it's okay." and walks off. She's got a strong accent I can't place, eastern European probably. In the checkout line she gets behind me and I'm chatting up the register girl to keep the vibe going and when I pay I say, "Just make sure you don't bag any of her groceries, she likes to carry everything around by hand." They both start laughing and I'm staring at the cutie like an idiot waiting for the next move. But I don't, get my stuff and walk out like a retard, though I was happy that I was able to come up with an organic opener.

Note to self: good interactions in the checkout line at a grocery store have to be followed up in the parking lot. I should have waited for her and gotten her number in front of the beta Greenpeace activists.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

Quote: (07-27-2012 03:51 PM)houston Wrote:  

Giovanny how many girls are you fucking that you get numbers from? I like how you keep it simple and don't pull some retarded Sasha type game.

Not sure exactly but I would guesstimate around 25%.

Quote: (07-28-2012 11:19 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Super cute girl at Whole Foods,

I realize this girl is holding all her groceries in her arms, she's not using a basket or cart or anything. She walks by me and I say, "Hey, you know they have handbaskets right? Let's walk over and I'll get you one." She laughs and puts her hand on my arm and says "No, no it's okay." and walks off.

I game at Whole Foods almost everyday. I have tried many strategies. The one I like the most right now is very simple and easy. Whatever item she is looking at or about to grab, I go right up and grab the same one without even looking at her, I pretend that I don't even see her, then I take a step or 2 like I am walking away and at the last moment I notice her and say something like..."these are great aren't they"...or..."have you had these before"...or..."these are better if you use milk instead of water"...or..."do you know how to make these?"...or..."how do i cook these?".

Something like that, short, sweet and can get the conversation started.

Quote: (07-28-2012 11:19 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

In the checkout line she gets behind me and I'm chatting up the register girl to keep the vibe going and when I pay I say, "Just make sure you don't bag any of her groceries, she likes to carry everything around by hand." They both start laughing and I'm staring at the cutie like an idiot waiting for the next move. But I don't, get my stuff and walk out like a retard, though I was happy that I was able to come up with an organic opener.

Note to self: good interactions in the checkout line at a grocery store have to be followed up in the parking lot. I should have waited for her and gotten her number in front of the beta Greenpeace activists.

Gaming in line is very similar except that usually you are surrounded by other people and they can hear you. Again, I just talk about what she is buying or what I am buying. I try to include the cashier in the conversation also because he/she is handling all the food and that only seems natural to me.

Once I pay for my food, I might try to continue the conversation if its really going well and the girl is asking me questions. But, usually I just walk away and wait for girl to finish paying. As she is paying I will go over and get some napkins or forks or something. I'm just killing time until she is done paying. I want to engage her again before she leaves the store. Ideally, we will walk out together. I might try some free samples or even talk with a store employee. Maybe, I will even talk to the greenpeace guy and wait for her to exit the store. Whatever I'm doing, I keep an eye on her, so I can re-engage her as soon as she starts heading to the exit.

Now, when she is done paying I re-open her hopefully with just a smile. Its nice when she is the first one to talk and I don't have to. Anyways, I start talking to her again. This time I am going for a number. I continue to talk about food but I am a bit more aggressive. I drop bait because I want her to ask me about myself. When the moment seems right, like after we share a few laughs or after she asks me some personal questions, I say something like...."wanna exchange numbers"...or..."maybe we should have coffee sometime"...or..."lets grab a drink sometime"...

Thats my basic grocery store routine.

Here is some grocery store stuff that I posted a few years ago...

Quote: (12-18-2009 04:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

My typical "Whole Foods" approach usually goes something like this:

My FRAME is that i am a handsome strong young alpha male who happens to be at "Whole Foods" getting my lunch....I am aggressive, confrontational, even combative. That is key for me. I never walk around empty handed, I always have a basket or i have a few things in my hands like organic coconut oil, exotic fruits and veges, fresh sushi, and something really healthy and expensive plus something bad for you, like ice cream or salami...(these are just props, for when she looks at my basket.

I usually don't buy anything, once i have a # or 2, I put most of the shit back).....I walk around like I own the joint, but not to fast cause im "shopping". I say hi to my buddies who work behind the counter....I see a girl I like...I let her observe me in action so its not a big surprise when i say hi...I speak loudly in spanish to the guys behind the counter, I talk to them about the food, I don't wait around like the regular schmucks...I playfully yell at the workers...."can we get some service over here"..."is this the steak from texas that i like".

As soon as we make eye contact or she gets into my personal space...I DON'T HESITATE...i say things like...."you eat that crap" , "that looks good" , "Which one is the tri-tip" , "how do you stay in shape if you eat like that" , "are these any good" , "ooh, foccicia bread " , but its all very playful and based in humor...not to serious...i don't really care, i'm just flirting...and she knows that. (usually)

Or if she is in the isles looking at something...i casually stroll right to where she is and grab one of whatever she is looking at...then i say something like..."how are the cheese flavored ones" , "these are the best ha" or whatever comes natural to YOU. I just get a little light-hearted convo going. Sometimes i just say "Hi how are you" , after a minute i look at her repsonse she giving me a good response???...if she seems interested in me and starts asking me ?'s and stuff then i know i will probably get her #.....if she seems like she is uninterested and trying to walk away then of course i just say "cool , thanks" and walk away.

I don't chit chat and small talk to much unless she wants to...i like to keep it more direct cause i hate wasting my time. If things are going well, i might say things like "do you workout around here" , "whats your winter workout like" , "hows your yoga game" , "hows your salsa game"....My parents are health freaks so i can really talk about the health/fitness stuff.

Sometimes i take it a step further and say things like " you look nice today" , "whats your workout secret" ...or i NEG and say "you know what exercise would really help you" , or "your body type doesn't handle that kind of stuff well"....that stuff works great also. It just depends on how the girl is responding....if i get "IOI's", smiles, and laughing...then i say things like " im thinking that maybe we should exchange numbers", or "wanna chat again sometime".

I guess thats success rate is like this...approach 10 girls....get 2-3 #'s on average....out of those 2-3 girls....i usually will only have a "date" with 1-2 of them....hopefully bang one of those 2 in the first few dates...on average i would say that i have to approach 20-40 girls to get a just never know....i gotten 2 bangs in the same week from day gaming and i have gone months without any know how this shit is!

Fuck, that was 3 years ago!

Here is one from last year:

Quote: (07-11-2011 02:02 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Grocery Store: You see a cute girl looking at a food item. You immediately go over and grab the same item. You look at her and say...

"Aren't these good"
"These are soooo good"
"How do you prepare yours?"
"How do you make this?
"You eat this stuff?"
"How do you eat this and stay so skinny?"
"These are great with salami"
"I love these with mozzarella"
"Its better with milk instead of water"
"How do you eat this stuff and stay in shape"

Its funny to read shit that I wrote over the last few years, my game hasn't changed that much. Its just little things, little things that add up to big things, like my confidence that is reflected in my voice, body language and eye-ball language. The way I talk, how fast I talk, little stuff like that.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (07-28-2012 01:10 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2012 03:51 PM)houston Wrote:  

Giovanny how many girls are you fucking that you get numbers from? I like how you keep it simple and don't pull some retarded Sasha type game.

Not sure exactly but I would guesstimate around 25%.

Quote: (07-28-2012 11:19 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Super cute girl at Whole Foods,

I realize this girl is holding all her groceries in her arms, she's not using a basket or cart or anything. She walks by me and I say, "Hey, you know they have handbaskets right? Let's walk over and I'll get you one." She laughs and puts her hand on my arm and says "No, no it's okay." and walks off.

I game at Whole Foods almost everyday. I have tried many strategies. The one I like the most right now is very simple and easy. Whatever item she is looking at or about to grab, I go right up and grab the same one without even looking at her, I pretend that I don't even see her, then I take a step or 2 like I am walking away and at the last moment I notice her and say something like..."these are great aren't they"...or..."have you had these before"...or..."these are better if you use milk instead of water"...or..."do you know how to make these?"...or..."how do i cook these?".

Something like that, short, sweet and can get the conversation started.

Quote: (07-28-2012 11:19 AM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

In the checkout line she gets behind me and I'm chatting up the register girl to keep the vibe going and when I pay I say, "Just make sure you don't bag any of her groceries, she likes to carry everything around by hand." They both start laughing and I'm staring at the cutie like an idiot waiting for the next move. But I don't, get my stuff and walk out like a retard, though I was happy that I was able to come up with an organic opener.

Note to self: good interactions in the checkout line at a grocery store have to be followed up in the parking lot. I should have waited for her and gotten her number in front of the beta Greenpeace activists.

Gaming in line is very similar except that usually you are surrounded by other people and they can hear you. Again, I just talk about what she is buying or what I am buying. I try to include the cashier in the conversation also because he/she is handling all the food and that only seems natural to me.

Once I pay for my food, I might try to continue the conversation if its really going well and the girl is asking me questions. But, usually I just walk away and wait for girl to finish paying. As she is paying I will go over and get some napkins or forks or something. I'm just killing time until she is done paying. I want to engage her again before she leaves the store. Ideally, we will walk out together. I might try some free samples or even talk with a store employee. Maybe, I will even talk to the greenpeace guy and wait for her to exit the store. Whatever I'm doing, I keep an eye on her, so I can re-engage her as soon as she starts heading to the exit.

Now, when she is done paying I re-open her hopefully with just a smile. Its nice when she is the first one to talk and I don't have to. Anyways, I start talking to her again. This time I am going for a number. I continue to talk about food but I am a bit more aggressive. I drop bait because I want her to ask me about myself. When the moment seems right, like after we share a few laughs or after she asks me some personal questions, I say something like...."wanna exchange numbers"...or..."maybe we should have coffee sometime"...or..."lets grab a drink sometime"...

Thats my basic grocery store routine.

Here is some grocery store stuff that I posted a few years ago...

Quote: (12-18-2009 04:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

My typical "Whole Foods" approach usually goes something like this:

My FRAME is that i am a handsome strong young alpha male who happens to be at "Whole Foods" getting my lunch....I am aggressive, confrontational, even combative. That is key for me. I never walk around empty handed, I always have a basket or i have a few things in my hands like organic coconut oil, exotic fruits and veges, fresh sushi, and something really healthy and expensive plus something bad for you, like ice cream or salami...(these are just props, for when she looks at my basket.

I usually don't buy anything, once i have a # or 2, I put most of the shit back).....I walk around like I own the joint, but not to fast cause im "shopping". I say hi to my buddies who work behind the counter....I see a girl I like...I let her observe me in action so its not a big surprise when i say hi...I speak loudly in spanish to the guys behind the counter, I talk to them about the food, I don't wait around like the regular schmucks...I playfully yell at the workers...."can we get some service over here"..."is this the steak from texas that i like".

As soon as we make eye contact or she gets into my personal space...I DON'T HESITATE...i say things like...."you eat that crap" , "that looks good" , "Which one is the tri-tip" , "how do you stay in shape if you eat like that" , "are these any good" , "ooh, foccicia bread " , but its all very playful and based in humor...not to serious...i don't really care, i'm just flirting...and she knows that. (usually)

Or if she is in the isles looking at something...i casually stroll right to where she is and grab one of whatever she is looking at...then i say something like..."how are the cheese flavored ones" , "these are the best ha" or whatever comes natural to YOU. I just get a little light-hearted convo going. Sometimes i just say "Hi how are you" , after a minute i look at her repsonse she giving me a good response???...if she seems interested in me and starts asking me ?'s and stuff then i know i will probably get her #.....if she seems like she is uninterested and trying to walk away then of course i just say "cool , thanks" and walk away.

I don't chit chat and small talk to much unless she wants to...i like to keep it more direct cause i hate wasting my time. If things are going well, i might say things like "do you workout around here" , "whats your winter workout like" , "hows your yoga game" , "hows your salsa game"....My parents are health freaks so i can really talk about the health/fitness stuff.

Sometimes i take it a step further and say things like " you look nice today" , "whats your workout secret" ...or i NEG and say "you know what exercise would really help you" , or "your body type doesn't handle that kind of stuff well"....that stuff works great also. It just depends on how the girl is responding....if i get "IOI's", smiles, and laughing...then i say things like " im thinking that maybe we should exchange numbers", or "wanna chat again sometime".

I guess thats success rate is like this...approach 10 girls....get 2-3 #'s on average....out of those 2-3 girls....i usually will only have a "date" with 1-2 of them....hopefully bang one of those 2 in the first few dates...on average i would say that i have to approach 20-40 girls to get a just never know....i gotten 2 bangs in the same week from day gaming and i have gone months without any know how this shit is!

Fuck, that was 3 years ago!

Here is one from last year:

Quote: (07-11-2011 02:02 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Grocery Store: You see a cute girl looking at a food item. You immediately go over and grab the same item. You look at her and say...

"Aren't these good"
"These are soooo good"
"How do you prepare yours?"
"How do you make this?
"You eat this stuff?"
"How do you eat this and stay so skinny?"
"These are great with salami"
"I love these with mozzarella"
"Its better with milk instead of water"
"How do you eat this stuff and stay in shape"

Its funny to read shit that I wrote over the last few years, my game hasn't changed that much. Its just little things, little things that add up to big things, like my confidence that is reflected in my voice, body language and eye-ball language. The way I talk, how fast I talk, little stuff like that.

I've used most of those openers. I'm trying to take my day game to some next level shit. Maybe that seems like I'm overcomplicated it, but it actually helps ME in my head if I'm running things more "naturally". Scripted openers broke me into doing approaches, but I've realized that if I really want to game women better, day or night, I need to flow better, be a little quicker, a little wittier, more spontaneous, so I try to approach now with zero scripted opener in my head. Sometimes I hesitate a little as I observe something about her to comment on, but so far the results are better.

It's hard for me to make a connection between type of day game and flake %. I've done the elderly ramble, bait, galnuc route. I've also gone more direct which has had mixed results too. My go-to direct grocery store script is something like:

"Hey, you look like you can cook, help me figure out what to cook for dinner tonight."
(at least 75% respond well to this) "Okay!"
"Well (looking into my basket) I've got chicken, and I've got rice, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with these (these two are basic and easy for women to ramble about, chicken and rice. I've gone into WF and just put these two items in my basket to run this game)
"Well you can get some tomatoes, garlic, blah blah blah blah" (I let her ramble about what kind of good ideas she has, nodding and acting like I'm learning something)
"You know, that sounds great, I should try that sometime. But I gotta be honest here, I actually cook for a living and I know exactly what I'm making for dinner tonight. I just thought you were cute so I came over to talk to you." (We both laugh)
I finish with: "We should get together for a drink or dinner sometime, we can trade recipes"

This one has worked well, and it's a lot easier for me than going indirect. Quite frankly, I haven't noticed a difference in success % between the two.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

Damn all this day game is making me jealous! Gio i'm taking some serious notes right now everything for me is still 100% night game. Maybe i'll force myself to pull a girl during the day! Last night was a complete joke but i'll go ahead and post the truth here and pray i don't get banned.

Me: Hey where'd you get that purse from?
Her: Russia.
Me: Oh really it looks very 1950's victorian, I would have guessed somewhere in western Europe. When I was visiting out there in Paris (say "Pari" to enunciate) i saw a green one that looked very similar on an older lady. (flip phone up to show her what I was talking about which was previously set on the photo)
Her: Oh really wow that is similar! Why were you there?
Me: Oh i'm a purse snatcher that what i do for a living i left that part out (smirk)
Her: Haha no really what do you do?
Me: I'll give you a big hint soon but you're going to to have to put away the fist pump moves
Her: What? You mean you want to dance?
Me: Oh of course we're going to dance (grab hand walk to floor)
~10 mins of dancing (take off jacket in the process so she can realize i am fit) after the second song ends...
Me: I'm going to smoke (start walking away)
Her: (starts following)
Me: Get to the line check jacket, look behind me and pretend i didn't know she was tracking me "Oh hey again Russian girls must really love to smoke!"
Her: It is common in Moscow! You're a great dancer! Do you teach for a living or are you going to steal my purse? =) (pretty much cooked here, check in both jacket and her purse at the same time so we're stuck with each other now)
Me: Maybe (smirk, grab her hand and lead her to a place outside that's out of sight, light up)
(make out in corner, show a ton of photos talk about traveling blah blah)
Her: You don't look like someone who smokes, people in Sf don't really smoke! Who are you? I don't get it why'd you talk to me?
Me: If I see someone cute i have no problems saying hello.
Her: (blush)
Me: Lets go back and dance we'll see how good your memory is! (grab hand go back dance)
Her: Wow you're a great teacher! It feels great dancing with you
(make out again)
Me: Lets get out of here
Her: ummm my friends are going to worry
Me: Okay lets go meet them!
(I sift out the most likely to cockblock)
Me to random dude: Hey what's your drink?....
10 mins later after getting the dude a drink and giving him a few pointers on dancing.
Me (Talking to Russian again) Okays lets get out of here I know a good place for food since you're new here (say this loudly with her friends around)
Random dude: This guy seems cool go for it! (friends approve)
Lock hands and leave... I'll stop there as i'm sure you guys all know what food is ha! Didn't know wtf her name was until 2 hours ago.

The Approach Thread

good stuff in this thread.

Last night I went out to this country bar, wasn't feeling it. All of the girls grouped together and the guys stood around. I talked to a few girls. I went up to this group started talking said "you look like you're having the most fun" they gave the most unenthusiastic "yeah we are" but it wasn't bitchy, it was like a depressed person trying to tell you they enjoy their life. I gave them a funny look and walked away ha, worst. My friend somehow grew a set of brass balls and danced with 5 of the hottest chicks in the place being really physical, they never went anywhere because his game didn't transcend past that but I thought it was kind of funny how much a familiar environment will give someone that huge confidence boost.

I left after a few drinks, it was way too crowded. I don't know if its my game thats lacking in crowded spots or its some other factor ie. the girls have been hit on by every dude there, its a popular spot so all types of girls (less outgoing included) go, maybe there is less male competition in less crowded places etc.

I was walking home and someone shouted my name. I turn and its these dudes I know. Turns out theres some cool drum and bass show. Cover was $40 or something but I flashed my stamp from the other bar and they let me in (confidently of course). I'd never been to a DNB show before but it was cool, super chill at times. There were hippy chicks in the corner giving massages by donation. The overall vibe of the place matched that of my own.

I start going hard on the dancefloor just letting loose and having fun. I talk to the chick next to me and we talk. She starts fanning herself and I go "lets go outside" Everything is just flowing I'm escalating physically. We go back in and dance for a bit more, she introduces me to her fat asian friend who is the mother hen. girl just glared at me the whole time. Got the girl outside/isolated after that, but it seemed like something was lost, I got her number on our way back in. It was just about time for the last bus and I didn't really know where I was so I looked for her, couldn't find her (must have been in the bathroom or something) and left. This chick I'd texted earlier in the night replied at about the same time with a subtext of bootycall. By the time I find a bus stop the last bus had already left. I have to walk 3 hours home, I had a nap on this couch in an alley and hung out with this stray cat.

The Approach Thread

I've been out of town for a week so on my first day back I knew I needed to start of strong.

My apartment complex threw a Beach Party today. I called up one of my good friends and told him to come over. Right as he shows up two 8s are knocking on doors telling residents about the pool party going in. M and one of the girls just eye fuck each other and smile as the other tells me about the party. I let em know that me and a friend are going to go over soon. (side note- i talked to one of these girls about a month or two back in the leasing office when I set my patio on fire)

Long ass story short fast forward about 9 hours and Ive got said in my bed and I'm finger banging the shit out of her (so to speak) while I stall and try and get my dick hard. It never happened I was too far gone. [Image: sad.gif]

We exchanged numbers and she wore a pair of my shorts out and told me she would return them tomorrow.

The Approach Thread

Commenced phase two of Operation Fuck Hot Cashier at the grocery store. Ive been going up to the store a couple times a week this past month and made sure she saw me each time. This time I checked out at the checkstand behind her. I noticed that she kept trying to get a look at me out of the corner of her eye. My cashier scanned some cups and said party! He sounded like a ninja turtle. She turns around and says what!? I turn around and we looked at each other my cashier said hey pay attention to your own customer! I smiled and waved my hand at her and repeated what he said. She goes Ha! :o) not cool!

The Approach Thread

Quote: (07-21-2012 02:38 PM)WestCoast Wrote:  

Bro code is only for your good friends. I won't try to girlfriend steal from a guy who is making me better. I have no qualms hitting on a girl with a random guy though, if he wants to fight he is showing anger, he has already lost.

A boyfriend is just another obstacle, chances are she initiated going out. To get more attention and make her boyfriend do more things and two to meet new guys better than her current.

Nothing is funnier than causing a couple to fight because you win over the girl and the guy walks over and throws a drink on you. You lose the girl for the night(the battle), he lost the girl forever(the war).

You still got nothing and also wasted your time that could have been spent getting some tail. I would consider this a massive failure if it were me.

Why do you consider it something successful?

The Approach Thread

Approached a girl at the grocery store by the milk. As she put it in her cart I told her that milk is a bad choice on such a hot day.

I got that from the movie Anchorman.

The Approach Thread

Right about now I'm waiting for the public pool to reoopen. I like this place because I have no fear of girls in groups here. They're trying to swim and not bullshit with their iPod/Phone.

Approaching girls is easy in the pool. Just swim near them and dunk them in the water.

Theres this one girl who I've been approaching/dunking all day today.And she,kept playfighting, me after I hit her with my shirt I dont know how to get her number yet, but best believe after the pool reopens in 30 minutes, I'm on her ass


The Approach Thread

E-mech, Parlay, Slubu have seen me work the numbers game and that is my weakness, Lesson was driven home by Slubu, when he demonstrated his sheer will to just be tenacious to get a bang and not the number.

With this enlightment i went out saturday during the day with one goal on my mind , Pussy or Nothing ........

Approach: Health food store, I open a chinese girl inside and with in aminute her husband and child come over, WTF.... No ring etc, I make rounds and no target walking out I see another Asian lady walking into the store, I ask her for the nearest StarBucks, she gives me directions and asks me if I am new in town, I tell her yes and Gues she is from Singapore, she says no Taiwan. We chit chat about what she is shopping for and comments on my bottles of wine, I invite her to open these at a nearby restaurant, she says she doesn't drink much during the day.

I knew I could have number closed for a night time meet but pushed for a insta date for coffee, she agreed, we hop in my car and had nice 1.5 hr date at the coffee shop, I drop her back at the health store and park under a tree and push again for wine, she says in the evening. I suggest to pick her up at her place , she declined and I suggested a place for us to meet. I kiss her on he cheek at tell a time to meet in the evening.

Some info I gathered durting the Date, She's Divorced X 2, 1st Husband become Monk after marriage, Second was Physically abusive and she reported his ass and he is Jail, Red Flags but still wanted to see how far can I push in one day and if I can get my Taiwanese Flag.

She was in a Black Dress at this wine Bar, earlier then me, We got us a Wine tasting deal and she was too concerned about getting drunk, she tasted a few of the wines and says her face is getting hot and red, I touch the face and skin , escalate to low back and her body shudders.... She wasn't responding well to kino.

She throws shit tests at me , Player etc etc , I ward them off, I recommend to bounce to a Dance Venue, she tells me she has to go church early in the morning and also wants to go visit a friend in this neighbourhood. I didn't see this going anywhere and decided to cut the losses.

At the Car I went for the Kiss which was declined for a cheek kiss.........Oh well...... I Tried , Like brother Slubu said always push for more.... I will be pushing for more and more......

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

I'm in the middle of a new-bang dry spell. I've had the same rotation for months. I realize that's no reason to complain but I feel like I've been putting in a lot of work lately and getting shitty results.

I had really good initial results from my regular pulling venue but I haven't had a solid pull there in months, and I'm beginning to think it's a fluke. I guess there's something to reaping the benefits of a venue and then moving on to a new one.

The game is strange. There is little rhyme or reason. In some instances, the slightest amount of effort rewards you greatly, and in other instances, great amounts of work over extended periods of time gets you absolutely nothing.

Tonight I met a girl on a date that I didn't even get a kiss from, which is rare. Before she showed up I was talking to another girl for 45 minutes and I asked for her number and she flat out refused me, saying "she was dating someone." Not "I have a boyfriend" or "I'm taken", but "I'm dating someone". I don't remember the last time I've even been refused a phone number.

This must be a sign from the gods.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

Especially after spending 45 minutes talking to her.

I would have been bummed out and pissed off that I wasted so much time with her.

The Approach Thread

In thinking about last night, things felt really off. I don't know what's going on, but I feel like this is a sign. I have a feeling that I'm putting out a bad vibe, like maybe a little jaded or something, or that girls are picking up on a scripted vibe...I'm not sure. I think I need to go out and just have more fun and forget about the pickup.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-03-2012 03:37 PM)Rosca Wrote:  

Approaching girls is easy in the pool. Just swim near them and dunk them in the water.

Can you explain the mechanics of this? Do you dunk them by the head or trip them by the ankle? How do you make sure not to cause any serious injury?

The Approach Thread

Approach last night.

Went to a house party with the theme 'goth party', I gothed up in some old black work boots(steel toecaps), black combat trousers, and a purple mesh/tie dye goth top. I also accessorised with black nail polish and eyeliner(done for me by my sister). Upon getting to the party an hour after it began I knew I was in trouble, people actually burst out laughing when they saw me, one girl named heather said 'you took the goth party thing very seriously', literally zero other people looked even remotely goth.

Started drinking in the back garden with the guys of the party while the girls all sat in the dining room doing shots, there were maybe 8 guys to 4 girls at this point in the party. The gender segregation felt very forced and childish, but whatever I was joking away with the guys building up a real social vibe. Two girls arrived, one heavy set 4 and her friend who had the biggest breasts in the party, definitely passing my binary. I moved to chat to them immediately saying hey welcome to the goth party, I am the goth of the goth party. We chatted some trivialites, how do you know the host etc, then they asked why i was the only guy drinking inside with the girls, I replied us goths have feelings, we need to share them, which got a laugh from my target. Her friend then revealed that she had a 17 year old sister, I made some joke about hitting on her little sister when she started hitting the goth clubs, which didn't go down so well. My target said if i fucked her mates sister she'd get her boyfriend to castrate me. Yep, some gentle genital mutilation humor from my target, along with dropping the boyfriend bomb about 20 minutes into the chat. I responded asking if they didn't want the young'un to find love, tried to diffuse the situation and build more comfort. Alot more people where arriving now, the other guys moved in to the party so my ability to game my target was interrupted. Then suddenly she started playing footsie with me under the dining table, which was a strong indicator of interest, but with her friend being right beside her and her having a boyfriend I knew I would have to wait and hope she could be isolated.

Later in the night I was upstairs talking to the host in his room when the girl moved to wait for the bathroom, when the person inside left she simply stood there outside looking at me in the hall. It seemed entirely unnatural, why wait for the bathroom then not go inside. I approached immediately and without saying a word slowly leaned in and started kissing her, all the while occasionally checking over my shoulder for anyone coming upstairs or out of the hosts room. After a minute i took out my phone with the numbers showing and pressed it into her hands, she wordlessly typed in her number. Then I went downstairs and continued on with the party. This was the absolute weakest part of my game that day, I should have dragged her into the bathroom but instead I hoped to build more tension and convince her to come home with me after her friend left. Suffice to say she left shortly after with her friend in a taxi. She has text me this morning, I said I regretted not fucking her right there in the bathroom, but it was for her benefit I didn't because of her boyfriend. She replied 'if it was for my benefit you would have lifted me into a bedroom'. Lesson revisited, keep pushing until you are rejected.

Felt cool getting the prettiest girl though, also doing it while being the only goth at a goth party. Peacock theory maybe?

The Approach Thread

I was walking across a local college campus. I saw a cute latina holding a plate of food and walking towards me. I slowed down my walk. I mean I really slowed down so we would get to the corner at the same time. I do that alot, I try to put myself just ahead of a girl while we are walking so I can turn back, look over my shoulder and open that way. I've found that this is so much better then approaching her from behind. This way, I sort of pretend that she surprised me. When we get to the corner and she is right behind me, I turn slightly over my shoulder as if I heard someone creeping up behind me..

me: thats looks good
her: it was ok
me: where did you get it?
her: the pizza place in the village apartments
me: oh, ya, that place is ok
her: it was the only place that was open
me: ya, they'll be more options when school starts
her: ya but is all fast food
me: ya i know, i don't eat here much
her: i don't eat fast food

This was a big moment because I am a health nut and this was something that we have in common, something I could use to build a connection.

me: ya me neither, do you ever go to the taco place in the park apartments?
her:no where?
me: on the other side of campus, in the shopping center
her: never heard of it
me: so you're not from around here
her: no im from LA
me: thats the only place i eat around here, everything else is garbage
her: ya i know, i wish the food was better
me: you gotta learn how to cook your own stuff
her: i do, i refuse to eat fast food
me: are you a vegetarian or something?
her: no i just don't like disgusting food
me: how long have you been in the bay?
her: 1 year, how bout you?
me: my whole life

We came to a fork in the road. She was going left into her apartments, I was going right back to my car.

her: it was nice chatting with you
me: ya, you too, maybe we should chat again some time..
her: do yo have an email?
me: sure

I ended things with a double kiss in both cheeks. I have been doing this alot lately and I've found that it helps solidify the romantic connection. The more touching the better I think.

The Approach Thread

I was at the mall shopping for jeans. I see a cutie working in the Levi section.

her: how can I help you?
me: I need some gray 514 slims
her: ok, lets see what we got
me: ok

We look around but don't see any 514's

her: well, I don't think we have any 514's but lets see what else we have
me: nah, everything else is too plain for me, I need the 514's
her: are you sure?
me: ya, thanks

Right about that time an older couple comes up and she tells them she will be right with them.

me: why don't you help them, i will just browse around
her: ok

I walk around pretending to look at jeans and thinking about how I want to play this. She is very cute, young looking, great body, latina.

I see some 514's.

me: you are not a very good worker (slight smirk, half joking tone)
her: what why?
me: look what i just found
her: omg where were they?
me: right here
her: this is my first day in this section, im learning
me: where do you usually work?
her: womens section
her: well, i don't know why they put a little girl over here in the grown mans section
her: i know, they said im a good salesperson
me: you don't even know where the 514's are (half joking tone)
her: leave me alone, levis has like a million different jeans
me: you have never worn levis, how are you supposed to know what is baggy, what is slim, what is skinny and all that.
her: ya thats what I told my boss
me: i'll lie and say you did a good job
her: (blushing) oh thanks
me: do you want me to teach you the set up here?
her: sure
me: the 508's are here, then the numbers get bigger all the way down the ailse. Except that you guys skipped 514 and put them around the corner which is stupid but whatever. The tapered 508's have there own table which is weird but you'll figure it out.
her: ya this section is new and we are just trying it out.
me: you should take control of this area and reorganize it.
her: ha i think i will do that. Do you want to try those on?
me: no
her: why not?
me: they are not gray
her: oh ya

The older couple comes out of the dressing room and asks her a question.

I keep browsing and thinking how I will get her number.

me: look what i found!
her: what?
me: 514 grays
her: where were they?
me: right in front of you
her: omg i don't know how i missed that
me: i think because you are new
her: ya i think so
me: let me try these on

I put them on and come out of the dressing room.

me: what do you think?
her: they look good
me: what looks better, tucked in or untucked?

I lift up my shirt and I pulled it up high. I wanted her to see my 6 pack. I pretended it was an accident. I could tell she liked it because she kind of smiled and looked me in the eyes.

her: do you want to try on anything else?

Her voice tone changed a little. I knew I had her now. I just had to # close properly.

me: ya I want to try on the tapered ones
her: ok let me get them

She handed me the jeans and walked with me to the dressing room. I went into the dressing room and left the door open. I started to take my pants off. She didn't move as I was undoing my belt and pulling down the zipper. We had eye contact as I was doing this.

I started to close the door..

me: excuse me creeper
her: haha
me: be right back

I came out wearing some jeans that were way to tight on me but at this point i was just flirting and continuing the interaction which was going great.

me: you think i could pull these off?
her: hah the other ones are more you
me: ya i thought so, i'll take the 514's
her: ok
me: where do i pay?
her; over there
me: well thanks for your help even though you did a bad job and i had to find everything myself.
her: i helped you a little
me: ya i guess you did help me a little

We held a little eye contact..

me: you know what?
her: what?
me: i want to call you later but i know you cant really give out your number to customers all out in the open in front of the cameras and everything so i will go write it down my number and come back and put it on top of the 514's on the table. Is that cool or do you want to just tell me your number quietly now?
her: no i like your idea better
me: ok be right back

I go pay for the jeans and write my number on a levis tag and then return to her section. I put my number on top of some jeans that are under a table. She is looking right at me.

me: here you go
her: ok got it

I wink at her and walk away. She called me later that night. We talked for an hour. She is spanish and norweigen and 19yo. Wish me luck!

The Approach Thread

About 20 mins after I meet the healthy latina that I wrote about 2 posts above, I am still on that college campus and this time I see a cute asian. Great ass for an asian girl, tight black pants. I am behind her which I don't like. Luckily for me she stops as the sidewalk because there are a bunch of cars zooming by. I stand right next to her, slightly ahead of her.

The last one goes by and she takes one step off the curb. Right at that moment, I see another car racing around the corner fast. I grab her arm lightly...

me: hang on, one more
her: thanks
me: no problem

We take a few steps..

me: how was class?
her: oh, you know, its class
me: ya, summer school is almost over right?
her: ya its the last week
me: nice, then you can relax
her: i also work in the science lab
me: oh you're a scientist
her: well, im a bio major
me: really i love bio, i don't know much about it but its fascinating to me.
her: what do you study?
me: physical education
her: you mean kinesiology
me: ha ya i mean kinesiology, i didn't think you would know what that is
her: i have taken a kines class before
me: do you work out
her: just walking
me: thats all you need
her: i think so

Blah, Blah, Blah, same old shit, I'm chatting and I'm waiting for her to ask me more personal questions or at least look at me with an interested look in her eye.

We walk another block and chat.

me: are you an international student?
her: yes
me: from where?
her: hong kong
me: oh i love food from there
her: hehe me too

Blah, Blah..

me: have you ever dated a spanish guy?
her: no
me: i don't know what is is but i think your cute
her: hehe
me: do you want to exchange numbers?
her: hehe ya sure
me: ok call me the number is XXX-XXX
her: ok do yo have it
me: got it i'll call you tmw
her: k

I lean in to give her the double kiss on the cheek. She pulls away.

me: im spanish, we kiss both sides (i'm like 1/8th spanish and i only started doing the kiss thing last month)
her: oohh hehe

I lean back in and kiss both cheeks. She gives me a curious/seductive little look. I think there is some potential here. We'll see..

The Approach Thread

Great stuff Gio.However, I'm having doubts about the whole kiss thing.Doesn't it come off as too creepy? I mean wouldn't a girl feel awkward kissing a person ( even on the cheek) when she has barely talked to the person for less than 5 minutes ( I'm assuming these are really short interactions.)

Feel the fear..then do it anyway.

The Approach Thread

Next day, different college. I see a girl that I use to talk to but never banged. I got her over my place once but she wouldn't do anything besides a little kissing. Im think I'm too old for her. We walk into the library together..

A beautiful black girl looks at me and smiles. I think to myself - "damn, i need to go talk to her"

I'm still talking to this other girl and trying to get a feel if she is interested in me or not. I hang with the other girl and I don't think she is interested even though she is kind of pretending she is. She is a fucking tease. She says she is going north, I say im going south. I head straight back to the library to find that gorgeous black girl.

I see her and she smiles at me again. I turn and head straight for her. She is studying.

me: hows your studying going?
her: oh pretty good
me: is that math?
her: ya stats
me: you smiled at me and i thought we might have known each other
her: (she just smiled)
me: that was kind of weird
her: i know right

I swear to god we have instant chemistry. I can feel it and I know she does too. We are just kind of looking at each other and vibing.

me: where are you from?
her: i was born in nigeria
me: like sade
her: ha yes
me: your name
her: sophia
me: beautiful
her: (smiles) yours
me: giovonny

We are talking slow and looking into each others eyes. This approach is unlike any other I have done in a long time. The chemistry is so strong. We are just admiring each other.

Me: our eye contact was crazy
her: i know, sometimes you just see something in someone
me: what did you see in me?
her: potential
me: hmm, i like that

At this point I am close to falling in love. Fuck!!! This girl looked like this:

[Image: tumblr_lbb8g27CY21qdqix4o1_500.jpg]

Or this..

[Image: salma.jpg?w=201]

African girls are so much prettier then black american girls, generally. they have a different energy, its raw, organic, passionate, sweet, feminine. That's what it is. African girls are feminine! The way they dress, talk, and carry themselves is so much more attractive then most american girls!

I'm not talking about some ugly african chicks that you might have seen on tv. I'm talking classy, clean, educated, beautiful women. Read Naughty Nomads report on African women to confirm what I'm saying.

We chat a little more..

her: i could tell you were different
me: how so
her: i could see you were very aware and conscientious (whatver that means)
me: lets go sit down in the study hall
her: ok

We sit on a couch. I grab her hand and stroke it. We talk about our instant chemistry. I pull her in closer to me. She puts her hand over mine. I put my lips just under here ear and move my lips around her neck and ear area.

her: ooohhh thats nice

We basically snuggle on the couch for about 20 minutes. We exchange numbers. I walk her to the train station. I tell her I will call her later. I call her at 915pm, no answer. She calls back at 1015, I don't answer because I'm smoking weed and watching olympics. I don't want to take any chances. Better to not pick up then risk saying something stupid.

She texts me the next morning around 10 - "sorry i missed your call last night"

I go see her the very next day. It goes great. Within 24 hours of meeting her, we are making out on the street and eating ice cream together.

Fuck, if you guys don't hear from me for a while you know why!

P.S. - I have to say thanks to WestCoast for this one because if it wasn't for him I don't know if I would have gotten this girl. He recommened that I get better fitting clothes instead of dressing in the baggy bulshit that I used to wear. I was wearing my new slim chino pants and a well fitted shirt, I think thats what she noticed. If I was dressed how I normally do, I don't know if she would have noticed me. I feel much more attractive in my new clothes and i know girls can tell. Thanks dude!

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