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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Moma did you get proof of him juicing or is just conjecture?

"Colt 45 and two zigzags, baby that's all we need" - Ronald Reagan

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Ok this requires a double No Homo. No Homo.

But I watch enough Brazzers to know that Johnny Sins has what I would consider to be my ideal body type for myself. Amazing to me he's only 176lb at 6'. I would have guessed closer to 200.
Don't worry, his pants are on.

Also, I'll bet fucking 10s just about every day would up your testosterone!

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

honestly, i want to be built like the proverbial.

currently 6'0 and 195, but kinda fat. haven't been able to lift properly in a while. i just have shit genetics with my frail joints, so my knees and shoulders are still messed up after months of rest.

once this is sorted out, i'll be working out hard again, but with less emphasis on the absolute weight lifted and max strength. thinking like that is pointless if you're not a competing powerlifter. even starting strength is a pretty inefficient/high risk routine for the average man's goals.

want to be at least 215, not necessarily lean.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-18-2012 11:42 AM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Moma did you get proof of him juicing or is just conjecture?

I am positive he was juicing. Conclusively, I saw some open packets of Glen in his drawer. Conjecture wise, we went from struggling to max out one rep 130kg to him repping out 15 (no spot) on 100kg. He then went up to crank out 3 comfortably on 150kg and then he said "Let's stop"
He knew that if he got higher, it would be blatant to me.

However, I was certain on that. It was obvious to me.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


Why don't you juice yourself? How much training experience do you have?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-18-2012 06:10 PM)SamBellamy Wrote:  


Why don't you juice yourself? How much training experience do you have?

I don't like putting foreign chemicals in my body (when possible). I stay away from preservatives when possible. The thing with juice is, I would hate to be that strong and suddenly lose strength (one cannot juice indefinitely). I don't want to be a lion for a day. I'd rather build up naturally and retain most of my strength gotten naturally. I know the pro juice rooshians or gonna get on me this, bring it lol.

I've got good genetics and I have over a decade of training experience.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

"Conjecture wise, we went from struggling to max out one rep 130kg to him repping out 15 (no spot) on 100kg. He then went up to crank out 3 comfortably on 150kg"

- Almost certainly juicing! Only way he is not is if you haven't seen him for like a year during which time he stuffed his face to the point he manged to gain 30-40 lbs of bodyweight. There is no other way one would get such rapid strength increase. This is on the bench right?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


"I know the pro juice rooshians or gonna get on me this, bring it lol."

- LOL I wasn't trynna get on you. I should point out though that the idea that you lose EVERYTHING once you stop juicing is a myth. You can manage to hold onto a lot of your strength and size gains if you PCT and diet properly. If you take two step forward and a step back you are still one step forward.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-18-2012 06:17 PM)SamBellamy Wrote:  

"Conjecture wise, we went from struggling to max out one rep 130kg to him repping out 15 (no spot) on 100kg. He then went up to crank out 3 comfortably on 150kg"

- Almost certainly juicing! Only way he is not is if you haven't seen him for like a year during which time he stuffed his face to the point he manged to gain 30-40 lbs of bodyweight. There is no other way one would get such rapid strength increase. This is on the bench right?

Yes, the flat bench.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I know someone who's pretty big and cut. The one thing he told me is to be consistent and don't take breaks or you won't see results. Stick with it and be patient. He also said fuck steroids when I asked about them.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

What I don't get are the fat guys I see in the gym that are focused on lifting heavy (bench press, bicep curls, etc.), but have huge fat guts and obviously aren't doing any forum of cardio, ab exercies, or higher rep/lower weight lifting, to burn fat.

I know being strong is a good thing, but if you have a fat gut, and just look fat all around, it's not going to be attractive or appealing to women.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

One disadvantage to getting big is that your penis will stay the same size

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-19-2012 01:00 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

What I don't get are the fat guys I see in the gym that are focused on lifting heavy (bench press, bicep curls, etc.), but have huge fat guts and obviously aren't doing any forum of cardio, ab exercies, or higher rep/lower weight lifting, to burn fat.

I know being strong is a good thing, but if you have a fat gut, and just look fat all around, it's not going to be attractive or appealing to women.

A lot of guys like that don't lift for women.
They're built like that because that is the way to get to be as strong as possible.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Personally I go with the lean look, although girls prefer the bigger look. Ideal goal would be like Bruce Lee:
[Image: tumblr_l3g6fioC6t1qzzn5ho1_500.jpg]

I'm about 6'7". fluctuate between 190 and 200, and am naturally very weak (and have the body type that has a hard time gaining upper body strength). What I go for is: I want to be healthy, I want to be able to man handle the girl, i.e. I pick her up no problem, it has to be workout that I am willing to do every day/week for the rest of my life, be able to dunk, and I would prefer for it to take no more then fifteen to twenty minutes, but definitely less then an hour. Currently I do sets of abs, push ups, and pull ups and tai chi. The abs consist of a 2 and a half minute circuit done twice and then russian twists or planks. Push ups are 5-6 sets of 10 slowly, with 1 set on finger tips, one set diamond, 3 focusing on different breathing and on knuckles and one set wide. Pull ups are 3x max which usually starts at 3-4 and ends up at 1-2. I know, I know, tai chi is exercise for old Asian women, but I like it. It isn't much but it accomplishes my goals. If anyone has any exercises I can add in at home, I'd like to give them a try.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-20-2012 08:31 PM)tallglassofmilk Wrote:  

Personally I go with the lean look, although girls prefer the bigger look. Ideal goal would be like Bruce Lee:
[Image: tumblr_l3g6fioC6t1qzzn5ho1_500.jpg]

I'm about 6'7". fluctuate between 190 and 200, and am naturally very weak (and have the body type that has a hard time gaining upper body strength). What I go for is: I want to be healthy, I want to be able to man handle the girl, i.e. I pick her up no problem, it has to be workout that I am willing to do every day/week for the rest of my life, be able to dunk, and I would prefer for it to take no more then fifteen to twenty minutes, but definitely less then an hour. Currently I do sets of abs, push ups, and pull ups and tai chi. The abs consist of a 2 and a half minute circuit done twice and then russian twists or planks. Push ups are 5-6 sets of 10 slowly, with 1 set on finger tips, one set diamond, 3 focusing on different breathing and on knuckles and one set wide. Pull ups are 3x max which usually starts at 3-4 and ends up at 1-2. I know, I know, tai chi is exercise for old Asian women, but I like it. It isn't much but it accomplishes my goals. If anyone has any exercises I can add in at home, I'd like to give them a try.

Burpees and squats

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

The best exercise I have found for increasing athletic skill throughout all walks of life and all general skill, bar none, is the humble squat.
You should do 2 sets of 20 bodyweight squats three to six times per week.
Do them fast, slow, however you like. Just do them.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:37 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2012 10:37 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 03:06 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I am a skinny dude at around 103 pounds. So for now I'm planning to work out and such to get lean. If I had to really chose a person I'd want my body to look like, it would have to be someone such as Zyzz. I unno, its just something cool to see a bony fuck turning into a piece of art.

I've been working out about 3-4 times a week for about a month now and I do not see much of a change. Perhaps its my diet.

As regards to the skinny vs. bulky argument, one is not better than the other. The confidence given due to working your body to get it the size you want should be all that matters. Who cares if a chick hates lean or bulky guys? At that point, you should be happy with youself because you look more presentable than most other men.
Am I the only one that caught this? How tall are you player? I think we need to help you bulk up man.

I am about 5'8 tall. I've been doing pushups daily thanks to reading a little convict conditioning.

Here's a visual of me.

[Image: thm_phpoGH7s5.jpg]

The questions I have are:
1. Should I really invest in a gym membership and use freeweights? Reading CC has kind of tailored my mind that possibly going to a gym is counter-productive. For the past couple of days, I've switched from doing curls at the campus gym, to doing pushups. Should I use both methods?

2. As for supplements, I found this protein powder lying around last day of school. (This) You think this would help? And are there anymore supplements I should get into? My football friends were talking about Creatine, but I don't know which one would be the best for me.

3. Food as well, what should I be eating? Beverage wise, I only drink water and sometimes green tea.

Bonus points for the person who figures out what game my hat is from and what character wears it. [Image: smile.gif]

Wow, not sure how I missed your post and picture.

Read "Starting Strength" and use the GOMAD diet.
I'd stick to that for ten to twelve weeks.

If you don't miss a meal or a weightlifting session you might put on thirty to fifty pounds. You'll look like a completely different person and people will think you're juicing. You must eat a lot of food and it will be difficult.

Once you put on some mass, you can go back to convict conditioning. You won't get brutal strong on calisthenics until you're at least 135-180 pounds.

GOMAD means "gallon of milk per day". It also means go insane.
Not sure if you're lactose intolerant or not, but make sure to eat lots of protein and fats anyway. Go to the store, buy a whole bag of red beans and minute rice, and boil up a cup of both and cram it down with a quart of whole milk. Eat like five or six eggs at a crack. That sort of thing.
When I was bulking I would also go to Chinese buffets once a week or more and eat for like an hour. I put on about twenty pounds in a month. Did I get fatter? Sure. But I also put on about fifteen pounds of muscle.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-24-2012 03:30 AM)Hades Wrote:  

Quote: (05-13-2012 04:37 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

Quote: (05-10-2012 10:37 PM)houston Wrote:  

Quote: (05-09-2012 03:06 AM)Rosca Wrote:  

I am a skinny dude at around 103 pounds. So for now I'm planning to work out and such to get lean. If I had to really chose a person I'd want my body to look like, it would have to be someone such as Zyzz. I unno, its just something cool to see a bony fuck turning into a piece of art.

I've been working out about 3-4 times a week for about a month now and I do not see much of a change. Perhaps its my diet.

As regards to the skinny vs. bulky argument, one is not better than the other. The confidence given due to working your body to get it the size you want should be all that matters. Who cares if a chick hates lean or bulky guys? At that point, you should be happy with youself because you look more presentable than most other men.
Am I the only one that caught this? How tall are you player? I think we need to help you bulk up man.

I am about 5'8 tall. I've been doing pushups daily thanks to reading a little convict conditioning.

Here's a visual of me.

[Image: thm_phpoGH7s5.jpg]

The questions I have are:
1. Should I really invest in a gym membership and use freeweights? Reading CC has kind of tailored my mind that possibly going to a gym is counter-productive. For the past couple of days, I've switched from doing curls at the campus gym, to doing pushups. Should I use both methods?

2. As for supplements, I found this protein powder lying around last day of school. (This) You think this would help? And are there anymore supplements I should get into? My football friends were talking about Creatine, but I don't know which one would be the best for me.

3. Food as well, what should I be eating? Beverage wise, I only drink water and sometimes green tea.

Bonus points for the person who figures out what game my hat is from and what character wears it. [Image: smile.gif]

Wow, not sure how I missed your post and picture.

Read "Starting Strength" and use the GOMAD diet.
I'd stick to that for ten to twelve weeks.

If you don't miss a meal or a weightlifting session you might put on thirty to fifty pounds. You'll look like a completely different person and people will think you're juicing. You must eat a lot of food and it will be difficult.

Once you put on some mass, you can go back to convict conditioning. You won't get brutal strong on calisthenics until you're at least 135-180 pounds.

GOMAD means "gallon of milk per day". It also means go insane.
Not sure if you're lactose intolerant or not, but make sure to eat lots of protein and fats anyway. Go to the store, buy a whole bag of red beans and minute rice, and boil up a cup of both and cram it down with a quart of whole milk. Eat like five or six eggs at a crack. That sort of thing.
When I was bulking I would also go to Chinese buffets once a week or more and eat for like an hour. I put on about twenty pounds in a month. Did I get fatter? Sure. But I also put on about fifteen pounds of muscle.

Agreed at 5'8" and 103 lbs, the last thing he should be doing is looking to get "lean".

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

wow, 103 lbs at 5'8? that's crazy.

is this genetic? what do you eat?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I am lean, but would like to be somewhere in between. At 6' and 150 lbs, I have a lot of weight to add on. I have a good V-taper from my 50' shoulders and 29' waist, though.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-18-2012 05:54 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

This is a acquaintance of mine, and this is what I'm going for. This is crossfit/strength-training and his body is in ridiculously good shape, cardiovascular wise and he's got a decent squat/bench/deadlift. He's about mid-thirties...

yeah, damn dude. that guy basically has the body type I want.

Did you get confirmation that he is juicing?

If so, what kind of juice? haha....really.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

No juice. But he's been active for a long time. Before crozzjizzin he was into MMA. Lot of discipline, good eating, and training 5-6 times weekly for many years. And most importantly. Patience.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Dammit. This thread has me thinking. I know it's an old thread but it encapsulates everything I'm struggling with fitness-wise.

I only just posted the other week about how I was reasonably pleased with my progress in the gym. However, a few days later I was invited by some old cycling buddies to join them in a 3 day endurance ride. This is something I've done many, many times and used to excel in.

Basically, it nearly destroyed me. The first day I was trailing, the second day I was an hour behind the pack. I actually improved on the 3rd day and even started to push up to the front and find my speed and strength again. I hate not being able to compete with others as well as I can and felt like a chump.

I've always tried to balance lifting with running and cycling and I'm never going to give any of them up. Interspersed with bouts of soccer, squash and judo. Judo forced me to dial down the cardio and amp up the lifting. I reckon this has hurt my running and cycling more than I bargained for.

This thread has forced me into some introspection. Like many have said already, we should go with our natural gifts. I've tried to get bigger for years but at best I have a boxer's physique. As bad as I was on the cycle ride, I was aware that I was actually getting better as some of the others were getting worse, in other words I was made for stuff like that.

As Roosh said earlier, you get sick of eating all the food and it's too high maintenance. Also, I'm not sure the chicks like the bodybuilding look much, at least not in the UK. My instinct tells me that athleticism is where it's at. I'm not doing Judo anymore due to injuries so I don't need the added size and strength.

I'm going to come at this from another angle; endurance base (running, cycling) with a couple of days lifting (full body probably). Going for lean and fit (but not scrawny). As has been said elsewhere, clothes fit better too with this look. This isn't to dis the big fellas on here; just that us medium sized fellas have tried to get that look at too high a cost. Gotta play to your strengths as has been said already, work with your body not against it.

So, if I could be fit as fuck but with some nice muscles also. Well, that'd be great (and no doubt impossible).

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

It's not impossible, but it is very slow, assuming you don't have elite athlete genetics. My experience has been that it's taken 10 years to reach a point where I am strong and muscular compared to most, very lean, and recording pretty good run times (eg 18 min 3 miler).

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I'll settle for that. (strong and muscular compared to most....good run times). If it takes 10 years? Fine, it's a lifestyle for me anyway, I enjoy it all. What else would I be doing.

Plus, as I've noticed during my summer holidays, the competition isn't huge. Other blokes at the pool and beach were in shocking shape and anyone who lifted/ran stood out a mile. It's no longer necessary that I (being in my forties) continue to try and be the next Dorian Yates. I fucking love getting outdoors riding my bike and running, you meet people and you actually get to show off gym muscles rather than keep them hidden all year.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

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