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Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 09:34 AM)Deb Auchery Wrote:  

I started reading "Starting Strength" today, fcuk me, 70 pages on how to do the perfect squat. Can't a personal trainer teach me in one hour?!

most of them absolutely can not.

the squat and deadlift are difficult lifts to master and most people, especially at Globogyms, do them incorrectly (dangerously)

read the book, DTFP (do the fucking program) and go to Rippetoe's website. There you can post videos of your lifts to get critiques for free, directly from the man himself.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

70 pgs on how to squat is definitely overkill for a beginner.

like game, beginners have do it more than they have to read about it.

just do squats for a week or so using light weight (1 plate per side or less). You'll get the hang of it. Then go and read some specifics, watch YouTube clips and incorporate changes into your form.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

to those of you complaining about getting "too bulky" remember its not about the weights you lift - its what you eat.

if you're getting bulky while lifting, its because you're eating a lot to go with it.

you can most definitely gain strength and definition by lifting progressively higher weights, if you keep your diet right, ie. not an excess.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:24 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

Hey buddy

Think in terms of your budget. As a teenager, you have several hormonal advantages, so given my current knowledge, what I'd do is the following:

Diet. You won't put on any weight without that handled, and you're a hardgainer, so here's what's up. I don't know if you make your own meals at uni or what, if yes, then eat a big breakfast and dinner, and eat EVERYTHING (not junk, save that for the weekend).

For the rest of the day, do 4-5 shakes with at least 50g of protein each. You want to eat about 3-400g of protein daily, maybe 4-500g of carbs and perhaps 150-200g of fat. At most 5,000 calories. Creatine and loads of water.

Next, lift heavy. Design your own system. What worked for me was three-day splits. Muscle/triceps, back/biceps/shoulders, legs/abs, and then I just stuck with a 5x5 program for the main compound exercises, and a 4x5 for the complementary exercises. I stuck with it, 6 a week for 10 weeks. The results were pheneomenal.

The protein powder is cheap ( and gym memberships can be very cheap if you pick a discrete spot. I found one for £11 a month. Good luck!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:24 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

Hey buddy

Think in terms of your budget. As a teenager, you have several hormonal advantages, so given my current knowledge, what I'd do is the following:

Diet. You won't put on any weight without that handled, and you're a hardgainer, so here's what's up. I don't know if you make your own meals at uni or what, if yes, then eat a big breakfast and dinner, and eat EVERYTHING (not junk, save that for the weekend).

For the rest of the day, do 4-5 shakes with at least 50g of protein each. You want to eat about 3-400g of protein daily, maybe 4-500g of carbs and perhaps 150-200g of fat. At most 5,000 calories. Creatine and loads of water.

Next, lift heavy. Design your own system. What worked for me was three-day splits. Muscle/triceps, back/biceps/shoulders, legs/abs, and then I just stuck with a 5x5 program for the main compound exercises, and a 4x5 for the complementary exercises. I stuck with it, 6 a week for 10 weeks. The results were pheneomenal.

Include cardio... check out something call Guerrilla cardio. It's short, but brutal and actually complements your growth. It'll prime your body for maximum efficiency.

The protein powder is cheap ( and gym memberships can be very cheap if you pick a discrete spot. I found one for £11 a month. Good luck!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Excessive bulking just for look rather than strength/action/athleticism is something I am not interested in.

An army fitness induction training course or boxing training will give you speed ,strength and endurance and yes get your body in shape.
Mostly calisthenics (push ups,sit ups,pull upsburpees) and a shit load of running.

Some guys will be bigger down to food intake and genetics,but this type of training will get you fit and strong.
Been doing it for over 2 years and never been fitter at 6ft4 at 210 pounds.

If you have the genetics of Tyson or eat as much, then you'll get that physique without ever having entered a weights room.
A perfectly conditioned physique for speed ,strength, endurance for one on one combat [Image: smile.gif]

[Image: attachment.jpg6240]   

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

"Next, lift heavy. Design your own system. What worked for me was three-day splits. Muscle/triceps, back/biceps/shoulders, legs/abs, and then I just stuck with a 5x5 program for the main compound exercises, and a 4x5 for the complementary exercises. I stuck with it, 6 a week for 10 weeks. The results were pheneomenal"

ElJefe, can you break this down a bit, so 6 workouts a week?, 3 doing muscle group splits, I assume you meant chest/triceps?. What about the rest?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Too much of amateurish statement in this thread . The majority here, don't know shit about training .

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I really have no idea what my goal is. Maybe someone here can give me some direction. I used to be fat most of my young life. At college, I hit 198 lbs at 5'11 with 0 muscle. I discovered xenadrine and I went off to the races, coming down to 154 in 3 months. Then I was super skinny, but had a flabby stomach, etc. probably from the loose skin. I barely ate anything and ran all the time. Finally I started adding weight, stablized at like 170ish and was ok. I'd go up and down about 10 lbs for the next few years.

The best I've ever VISIBLY looked at least in my eyes, followed a 5-week backpacking trip through Europe where I walked miles and miles everyday with a huge backpack, but ate whatever I wanted. Mostly gelato, sandwiches, etc. I was always hungry and felt like I never got enough food. But when I got back, and I looked in the mirror I was very happy. After being back in America though that quickly dissipated.

I got into a LTR and went downhill from there, probably got back up to about 185 with less muscle. About two years ago I found a trainer who does a boot camp style workout. Has been great and I'm in the best PHYSICAL shape of my life. Right now I'm at about 13% bodyfat, weigh 155lbs at 5'11. BUT, for whatever reason, I still have a small gut, lovehandles, etc. You would think weighing 155 at my height I'd be a stick. But I do have visible biceps, triceps, etc. I try to watch what I eat for the most part, but when drinking gets involved I cheat at times. But usually my diet will be very good during the week at least. Can it still be a remnant of loose skin from when I was fat? I don't know, but I never feel "skinny" enough.

So mentally, I always feel more confident the less I weigh, probably because of my fat past. I've had more success with women this past year than ever before. Obviously that has a lot factors outside my weight, but I don't feel any girl has ever turned me down for being underweight. But I digress. For someone that weighs what I do at my height, what should I be doing? I cannot for the life of me get rid of this damn stomach and love handles. Is the answer to bulk up to stretch out the rest of my body to minimize the gut? Should I go nuts diet wise and try to lose even more weight?

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

this is my body. i do cross country (70km running per week), no gym, no diet.

[Image: Oar1R.png]

not saying it's any good, but i'm not trying to impress girls, just trying to run as fast as i can. i got absolutely slammed by this dude on my local lair who thought i looked like a piece of shit. i can't say girls give me the same grief but i don't think they notice physique unless you're really huge, really scrawny or obese.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


For the rest of the day, do 4-5 shakes with at least 50g of protein each. You want to eat about 3-400g of protein daily, maybe 4-500g of carbs and perhaps 150-200g of fat. At most 5,000 calories. Creatine and loads of water.

If you have the genetics of Tyson or eat as much, then you'll get that physique without ever having entered a weights room.
A perfectly conditioned physique for speed ,strength, endurance for one on one combat [Image: smile.gif]


If a wight lifting forum is created a Moderator with actual knowledge and experience will be MANDATORY !

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-16-2012 12:47 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2012 04:24 PM)dulst Wrote:  

Hopefully I'll fill out as I get older, but yes I am a rake. I might look into deliberate size gaining in the future but for now I'm sticking with my SPFU diet and convict conditioning.

For the rest of the day, do 4-5 shakes with at least 50g of protein each. You want to eat about 3-400g of protein daily, maybe 4-500g of carbs and perhaps 150-200g of fat. At most 5,000 calories. Creatine and loads of water.

give this a shot....I'll cya in a few months to answer questions in your how do I lose the 40 pounds of fat I put on trying to bulk these last few months thread lol

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

"i can't say girls give me the same grief but i don't think they notice physique unless you're really huge, really scrawny or obese."

- I actually agree entirely with this sentiment. This is also true for penis size: unless it's really big or really small they don't really care LOL.

On a more serious note, you could start hitting the weight room and learn basic nutritional habits once you are done running and past college. You are obviously in good shape and happen to be an actual athlete; unlike most of us on this forum. However, you shouldn't fore go the idea of putting on some muscle mass and weight training just because it wouldn't massively impact your relations with women. It has so many other benefits.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?


"I really have no idea what my goal is. Maybe someone here can give me some direction."

- It is not that many people don't have goals, they don't have any frame of reference. When they are starting out, they don't realize what is actually possible for you, what is possible without steroids, and what is possible in a reasonable time frame. This understanding only comes with experience as you learn with time what your body responds to and you observe friends and people in the gym in similar predicaments as you.

- In recreational bodybuilding circles we often like to categorize two kinds of people who have had some form of body transformation success. Former fat bastards and former skinny bastards. You are a former fat bastard. Former fat bastards who have managed to lose a lot of weight are terrified of getting fat again. And they end up sabotaging their physique potential because they are terrified of getting fat but they would probably look a lot better if they put more muscle on their frame.

- You should realize that when it comes to your body composition, nutrition is probably more important than training. You don't have to obsess about your diet with something as restrictive as Paleo but you would probably do best on a diet with low amount of carb and moderate to high amount of fat. You should also experiment with carb cycling; for example five days of low carb followed by two days of moderate carbs. Weight train four days a week and cardio 2-3 times a week and see how your body responds. Such an approach should allow you to gain some muscle while not getting fat.

- If you stick with the approach I outlined above for a while (a couple of years) and work up to decent numbers in the major lifts (for example 300lbs on the bench, 400 lbs on the squat, 135lbs on the curl) you should end up with a pretty decent physique. I doubt this would massively change the reactions you get from women but you will have a body that you can be proud of.

Hope this helps.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

If dulst is a hard gainer, he has to eat more than others, protein-powders being the most cost-effective way to do so.

If he was a husky kid, I'd recommend something else.

Advice is always in context, so I'd leave it at that instead of getting all flustered.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-16-2012 12:56 PM)velkrum Wrote:  


For the rest of the day, do 4-5 shakes with at least 50g of protein each. You want to eat about 3-400g of protein daily, maybe 4-500g of carbs and perhaps 150-200g of fat. At most 5,000 calories. Creatine and loads of water.

If you have the genetics of Tyson or eat as much, then you'll get that physique without ever having entered a weights room.
A perfectly conditioned physique for speed ,strength, endurance for one on one combat [Image: smile.gif]


If a weight lifting forum is created a Moderator with actual knowledge and experience will be MANDATORY !

This (the bolded) is EXTREMELY important. Some guys in here can be seriously injured or killed practicing some of the tripe mentioned in here. I don't like to smother free speech and independent and creative thought..but some of the mutterings in here is just plain daft!



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

The older you become, the bigger you should get.

Young girls just want you to be athletic, older chicks want you to be strong and use your chest as a pillow. Young girls like Justin Bieber and a few years later they prefer Jason Statham instead.

* Belly fat is always deemed unattractive (like we dislike it on women) mostly because abdominal fat is so unhealthy. That's explains the fixation on abs.

* Very skinny and very fat are major tingle killers. Yes, you could theoretically compensate with monster game, but be real. Here's the biggest gains to be made. With some self respect and self control it is easy to be and stay in the normal range.

I am really tall and 205 lbs. Naturally skinny with a small waist and broad shoulders. Still young.

220 pounds (lean) will be perfect. In a year this will be done. Definitely worth it game wise.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-16-2012 09:13 PM)SamBellamy Wrote:  

Former fat bastards who have managed to lose a lot of weight are terrified of getting fat again. And they end up sabotaging their physique potential because they are terrified of getting fat but they would probably look a lot better if they put more muscle on their frame.

I'm definitely like that. It's so weird to realize your own mental shaping and still not be able to overcome it. And, I'm guessing this is why I'm insanely attracted to skinny girls. Ass, tits, etc. all take a backseat to thinness.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-15-2012 07:08 PM)Walnuts Wrote:  

Entire box of cereal? Isn't that a fuckload of sugar?

It was a joke lol, I used to be a big fat fattie, I've dropped 80lbs since those days.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Its also worth noting, people need to learn to accept their body types.

Not all of us can be Tyson or Beckham. If you're naturally very lean and svelte, run with it. Dont try to stack on weight your body aint having. If you're naturally a grizzly bear like myself, dont try to be the super lean sprinter. Spend your time learning to work with what you've got, not coveting what others have.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

I have a nice body but will never have abs.

When I approach a 4 pack, my face loses all of its fat.

My body just don't preferentially lose abdominal fat. It sucks my facial fat first.

If I abstractly said, "I'm going to get abs," I'd have been wrong.

Worse, my training would have been counter-productive.

My body is designed for explosive movements and a rep range of around 5.

It's simply not designed to be ripped. (Unless I want to look 10 years older because my face is sunken in.)

Go to the gym for at least a year. Make an earnest effort. Train hard. Eat clean.

Your body will tell you what's going to happen and then you can set goals consistent with your genotype.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-17-2012 05:26 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

Go to the gym for at least a year. Make an earnest effort. Train hard. Eat clean.

Your body will tell you what's going to happen and then you can set goals consistent with your genotype.

The most important thing posted in this thread.

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

This is a acquaintance of mine, and this is what I'm going for. This is crossfit/strength-training and his body is in ridiculously good shape, cardiovascular wise and he's got a decent squat/bench/deadlift. He's about mid-thirties...
[Image: attachment.jpg6255]   

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

Quote: (05-18-2012 05:54 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

This is a acquaintance of mine, and this is what I'm going for. This is crossfit/strength-training and his body is in ridiculously good shape, cardiovascular wise and he's got a decent squat/bench/deadlift. He's about mid-thirties...

Your friend has a great frame. Very ripped. Now, I don't want to sound like a hater but does he take fat burners? Any 'other' stuff?

I had a friend in the UK that was taking 'stuff' on the sly. We trained together daily and then one week, I noticed that his strength had jumped WAAAY up. He said he had broke a plateau and was just supplementing well with protein, I responded bullshyt.

My point is, we need to know exactly what people are on to get to certain points. Trying to compete with some who is on *ehem* while you are just guzzling down McMuffins with some egg whites is like trying to pit a Gary Fisher vs a Corvette in a race.

Literally apples and oranges.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Is your body goal lean or bulky?

No idea. I'll ask!

A year from now you'll wish you started today

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