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Cocaine and Whores saved a man's life

Cocaine and Whores saved a man's life

Original Reddit Post Link

Just skimming to see if the guy who had this wild adventure had any more interesting stuff to say. Most of the comments are way to go stuff.

Stupidest comment so far

[–]righteouscool 0 points 2 days ago
I'm curious, did you ever talk to the girls about being hookers? How did they feel about it and did they seem alright with just fucking random people? I'm not trying to be morally superior or judge you, I just always wonder how they actually feel about it because it feels sort of exploitative in some ways and I'm not sure I could ever do it because of that.

Weird Depression Solving Technique

[–]Zhunbeihao -1 points 2 days ago
If you want to cure depression. Only eat ever second day. One day starvation, next day you can binge eat as much as you like, repeat ad infinitum, or as long as you like. Hunger is a different kind of feeling that depression. This technique can be really powerful, its very powerful, because the sheer willpower to do it will give you the strength to deal with all over problems in your life.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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