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College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Backlash: College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

OK, it's Washington Examiner, and they are right wing. It's still nice to see this in print.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Instapundit is here with all the solutions:


...start running ads telling women not to go to college because they have a 1-in-5 chance of being raped if they do. With pictures of university campuses labeled “rape factory” and pictures of university presidents labeled “rape-factory president.”

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Quote: (08-13-2014 09:50 PM)OBJ Snakebite Wrote:  

Backlash: College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

OK, it's Washington Examiner, and they are right wing. It's still nice to see this in print.

Pretty boss move he pulled on the morning they fucked (read: had consensual sex).

Wakes up to find a girl acquaintance IN HIS ROOM complaining (shocking) about breaking up with her boyfriend. His response? "Come join me in bed."

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

With any luck he'll win the case against the school and his accuser. We need more precedent like this before universities will hesitate before presuming guilt.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

While it's great to hear that men are striking back, it's telling that his accuser's name is still not stated, despite him being found not guilty. In addition, I'm worried that any progress in this issue, which strikes home for me as someone who finished university only several years ago, will be completely reverse in the event that Hillary Clinton gets elected, which seems to be relatively likely. The Obama administration has already played its hand toward supporting presumed-guilt in college rape cases, and Obama doesn't even have as much pressure to 'perform' on this issue as a female president would.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases


The woman is at least two inches taller than him and outweighs him by 20 pounds, Parisi said, claiming that he couldn't have forced her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Too beta. Must be a rapist.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases


His accuser refused multiple attempts by the Examiner to hear her side of the story. After the third attempt, she said, "Don't call me again."


[Image: icon_lol.gif]

Apparently they even flake on reporters.

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

At least he actually banged her, instead of some imaginary phantom bullshit.
Until the colleges start having to fork over money due to these false allegations they won't do anything differently.
Hit the pocketbook, attitudes change.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

All these women all over my social media who complain about the 'rape crisis' can't understand that there is a clear answer as to why people don't automatically believe the accuser (aside from innocent until proven), which is that many women don't want to be perceived as slutty, and especially if they are in a relationship and people find out they are cheating. So they go with the assault accusation.

Or it could be the reverse scenario. A guy cheats yet won't leave his gf, so the girl he cheated with accuses him of assault. Point is a woman scorned will say whatever she feels like in order to hurt the people she feels deserve it and/or to protect herself.

Of course the loudest/shrillest voices regarding this subject on my social media? All fat, annoying women.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases



Dirks argued that the survey would expose colleges who subject “campus survivors” to “a ‘second rape’ riddled with betrayal, shame and indifference,” and thereby discourage reporting. Schools that didn’t report 20 percent of their female population as rape victims would, presumably, be subject to penalties under the Clery Act. In Dirks’ world, colleges’ chief task would be creating “evidence” to substantiate existence of a sufficient number of “crimes” to satisfy what she—and like-minded activists—believe is the “true” number of rapes on campus.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

This is nothing but institutionalized cock-blocking from envious and bitter ugly women.

Take care of those titties for me.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Quote: (08-13-2014 09:50 PM)OBJ Snakebite Wrote:  

Backlash: College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

OK, it's Washington Examiner, and they are right wing. It's still nice to see this in print.

I started reading the article . . . Perfect. Fucking. Plaintiff. This tiny little sickly guy is being accused by a now professional athlete? This is the kind of guy who can get the law changed.

On a personal note I really do feel bad for this guy. He has health problems and had to go through this tough shit and I hope he doesn't let this stop him. Just goes to show even if life deals you a bad hand doesn't mean you give up like a fat SJW.

College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Quote: (08-14-2014 09:15 PM)runsonmagic Wrote:  


His accuser refused multiple attempts by the Examiner to hear her side of the story. After the third attempt, she said, "Don't call me again."


[Image: icon_lol.gif]

Apparently they even flake on reporters.

She's a liar. She knows she's fucked (literally and figuratively) and is hiding from the media. She doesn't want to come clean, lest she lose support from the white knight and feminist crowd.

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