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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 10:05 PM)BadWolf Wrote:  


In a KTV or club it might look cool, but if you are greasing up a 4-6 KTV xiaosan, that isn't impressive! Not to anyone that knows anything about China. Clubbing does not yield the same lizard quality that it would in Latin America.

Clubbing in China is only for RICH kids and they all go with their own women. No one talks to each other, its basically a private party and you as a foreigner are definetely not invited. The anatomy of a Chinese club is a tiny little dancefloor which is usually used as a stage (Chinese can't dance), with a couple of bars, lots of seating areas and some uncomfortable standing areas (with tables to show who has money and who doesnt). If you want to sit down you must pay $100 USD. The Chinese who pay, will lay on the couches and play with their phones, oblivious to everyone around them, they are clearly the elite of China. The club in China is a weird place, they play decent dance music but have no room to dance. Chinese try and imitate America but it always comes out ass backwards, and its all for FACE. Forget meeting new people, they don't want to meet each other, they go there to show off who has the most expensive stuff and who has the most expensive table. I've been to TONS of clubs all over China and I've yet to see ONE china man approach another china man to strike up a conversation or even dance together (men and women). It's simply not done here... now if you bring a woman to a table, they will be all over her like white on rice.

I go with my friends only, never go by myself, they are dangerous places. Ask anyone who lives here. Kai if you are in GZ we should get together, do you know Pizza 2 Pizza or Chicken Express, Ill bring my wife and you can bring yours. Mine isn't Cantonese so I bet they get along.

Spot on! The whole stand around and "hold face" operation never changes. Handcuffing and bringing the fish to the lake as well. Night clubs can be very dangerous in China. Lots of clubs have xiaojie in there and if your Mandarin cannot help you figure out which ones are and which ones are not, their "Chinese style pimps" will beat the shit out of you if you fail to pay her for her time you wasted/used up. Different provinces have different nightlife cultures. If Chinese guys get played like this, what do you think your chances are if you roll in some of these places solo?

I would also never attempt to club it up at in a non-tier 1 city either, if I were a single man again, knowing what I know now. If you take care of your business in the day, you probably won't be lonely that night anyway. But if you just want fun, go for it. HK and Shanghai have the best clubs from what I hear, but I do not visit them.

Badwolf, we would love to hang out with you guys. Those places don't jog my memory, but we can find them easily enough. We will keep in touch. PM sent.

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