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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 08:01 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 07:15 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 06:39 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2014 01:19 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If you look at those men, they are bottom of the barrel in looks as well. Also they are only African. furthermore, with the exception of the fatties, those guys did well considering what they look like. A wife should always be at least one point higher than you. If you look anything like them, I could understand your sentiment. If you look anything like a decent average looking black american man, you would not pull that low unless your mindset corralled you into that. We invited a 70 year old black guy who is retired, to my house for a visit, that married a 40 year old Chinese woman that is waayyyyyyy hotter than these women above. He is tall, good looking for a 70 year old man, he grew up in Trinidad, worked for IBM for years, and is very intelligent and well spoken. His wife adores him too.

If you are black American, 70, and can get a pretty 40 year old, what do you make of that?

You have to understand that this is somewhat new territory, you are not going to see 100 samples on Google and quite frankly, why would you want to wait for hundreds of other black men with more money than you to take all the good ones anyway? Guys like me are going to be the new trend very, very soon. I saw a kinda-fat rich-looking black guy at a Mike Epps stand up show with a legit 10 Chinese wife (she had on a huge ring). He sat right up in the front. Epps didn't even mess with him. This was like 4 or 5 years ago. I was with my black exwife at the time, but I never forgot that day. Maybe he is former NFL or something, because he had an icy watch. I dunno. Regardless he left a serious impression on me that I never forgot.

Moral of the story. Money is race blind. Especially in Asia. If you are an ugly guy in the states with boatloads of money, you will be raped by the gold diggers in the US, while in Asia probably find a nice loyal wife who appreciates you taking care of her.

I don't see this being relevant for casual hooking up. Ukraine has tons of 8's but they are definitely not down for the ONS. It takes effort and lots of bullshit. I don't have time nor stamina for that shit.

It is VERY relevant for casual hookups. How we are perceived to Chinese women as black men absolutely matters for all things! Not all Chinese girls are "highly disciplined virgins", but they still might be good girls, just horny. I turned down an 7.5-8ish lizard in Wuhan who begged me for two hours to come visit her to fuck. She promised me the entire world. A nigga lover in Beijing with Huge DDD tits sent me naked photos, that was arguably an 8, I passed on her too. It doesn't take a ton of effort and bullshit, but it can be difficult if your game sucks. I will address these strategies in full depth in my dating guide when I finish updating it.

I'm just making comments about your examples of those two couples. I highly doubt any women in the world is going to bang a fat ass nor a 70 year old man without any financial element playing a significant part of the equation.

In the end it doesn't matter what you look like. I have no doubts a good looking african male could pull serious tail in any country. Just find your niche girl groups and exploit. In China, you have the benefit of numbers. Imagine going through online pipeline with 10x the amount of targets you get in other places. Percentages are probably smaller then other countries, but you have a much, much bigger pool to work with.

From all my traveling it boils down to this:

1. Population Size
2. Cultural Norms (ONS heavy or relationship heavy) (relative xenophobia)
3. English Proficiency for the average girl
4. Internet Access

I am no heavy user of online game, as I have had some unfortunate crazy experiences of girls who were just mentally not sound. If they are online, they are there for a reason.

Like beating a dead horse, online game and night game pretty much covers less then 5% of the population and does not represent in any form what a country is really like. You are going to attract promiscuous leaning girls, no matter how "innocent" they seem or whatever lies they try and bs through you. Keep them to the casual hook ups. All girls I have met who had long term potential was social networking and chance day encounters.

Don't meant to derail your thread, but just wanted to give a broader perspective on things (if not stating the obvious).

How do you know that for certain with 100% accuracy? Fat guys that teach English in China have girlfriends too!

Are you even black? Do you have much China experience? You oversimplify things a bit too much. Yes China is a huge numbers game, but if you don't know what you are doing there, you can strike out alot! You are stating obvious stuff that could pertain to nearly every country on earth. Your statements are too broad sweeping ignoring or glossing over an issue that too many others have ran into personally. If this was all that easy, black guys would not have questions about China to begin with. China is not the Philippines. You cannot just simply show up. Even 8-10s and high society gals there require good game and social circle game.

A good looking African will not pull serious tail in China, just by being good looking. Not without either game or language skills. A French speaking African will suffer there more probably. You even have white guys that strike out in China regardless of their "white god syndrome" advantage. Those Ghanaian Boateng brothers if put up against me in a one month period, would never out pull me quality and quantity wise, and they are "arguably" good looking Africans. They do not know China. They cannot speak Mandarin. They do not know what to say to these women. They would walk around and no one will know who the fuck they even are. You cannot throw money around China either. That doesn't do shit. In a KTV or club it might look cool, but if you are greasing up a 4-6 KTV xiaosan, that isn't impressive! Not to anyone that knows anything about China. Clubbing does not yield the same lizard quality that it would in Latin America.

When you say, just find your niche girls and exploit, what are you talking about? What niche groups? Nigga lovers? I hate to break it to you man, but you talking about 1% of .1% of a chance you would walk right into one on the street if that is what you are talking about. Most Chinese women do not even want a foreigner. Not even a hot white guy. You make it sound too easy/simple but it is far, far from that. Most of them do not know what they want at all. Ever ask a chinese girl what her dream man would look like? The answers are 90+%, "Ummmmm.. wo bu zhidao..." (I don't know).

The only realistic way to find a deliberate lover of black men is only online. Period. Others require good game to get them to give you a chance. Many Chinese women are old fashioned in the sense that they can be impressed if you are willing to try and know how.

There is a famous Chinese saying. "Easy is the heart of a Chinese woman to win. To win the heart of her parents is very difficult." Thing is, if you cannot communicate with her to her satisfaction, you have almost no chance at all because they are too busy trying to live and work to wait for you to figure out how to say a few sentences in mandarin in a 5 min time period.

Forgive me if I seem a bit rough, but I am confused with your statements.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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