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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (07-01-2014 10:00 AM)chuslice Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2014 08:41 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (06-28-2014 08:50 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2014 05:23 PM)ao85 Wrote:  

I remember you said that speaking Chinese during the day got a big response. For a non-white/non-ABC, is there a significant difference between the response you get speaking Chinese during the day vs. at night? According to what you wrote it seems like with the ratios and bitch shields unfavorable in the clubs, something that would peak interest during the day just doesn't cut it at night?

Correct - the girls you meet in the day are not the same ones you meet at night. BY FAR!

Basically, if you're in a club - you damn near need to pull rabbits out of your ass to impress some of those girls.

On the other hand, anything further than Ni3hao3ma0 will turn heads.

I’ve never tried club game on any Chinese women; I can speak a few words of Mandarin via Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone, but not enough to hold a conversation.

I hope this isn’t a thread derail, but in my experience in the US:

Mainland Chinese LOVE it when they hear a non-Chinese male (such as myself) speak Mandarin. I’ve gotten a couple of mainland Chinese bangs in the US via online dating due to them being impressed by the fact that I know some words of Mandarin.

They’re also impressed if you ask them where they’re from and if you know something about it, especially if they’re not from Shanghai or Beijing (everybody has heard of Shanghai and Beijing). I sometimes mention that I used to date a woman from their city, but things didn’t work out because she had to move away or some BS like that. I make it sound like it was going well, and that I was the innocent party in all of this - I’m never honest and say that I pumped and dumped.

I found it very easy to engineer a breakup after I had boned them a few times, I would just say that I didn't feel that I'm a good fit with Chinese cutlure or some crap like that.

Chinese-American women are usually not impressed if a guy speaks Mandarin – a lot of them think the guy has Yellow Fever and learnt Mandarin to impress the women. I never bring up the fact that I know any Mandarin up with them, in case they get turned off. I emphasise my Britishness with them, or the fact that I love to eat all kinds of food and that I’m well travelled. Asian women (of any country) love food so if you bring that up with them they get excited. They also love it if I mention offhand that I’ve eaten recently in Alhambra or Monterrey Park (California), which is where the Chinese go to eat.

I would think that foreign women in China can’t be too hard to bang if you’re a foreign guy with game. They must be starving for dick because a lot of them are not interested in local men and the local men do not approach. On my last trip to Japan I spoke to a cute black Jamaican 7 in a club, she said Japanese men never approached her because they were too intimated.

chinese men arent as beta as japanese men. they will jump and beat the shit of foreigners if they get out of line. 30 or more chinese guys jumping one foreigner that acts up is not uncommon.

also i wouldn't sugarcoat anything. you're still at a disadvantange in china if you have dark skin. they are still largely a racist society. anyone living in china can vouch for this. you may get a ugly girlfriend living there long enough but youre not landing 8, 9 or 10 out of 10 models like dark guys get in europe.

I agree with the first part.

I disagree with the ending. You can get the hot ones as a black guy. If you are African, I will still say it is possible but it would be a little harder. You can get model types as a black american. You can get 8-10s. Depending upon who you ask my wife is either a 7, 8, or 9 to Chinese men or Westerners. You just need good china game and know how to build a good strategy on how to get what you are looking for. For Black men online game and social media is strongest when starting out because you can screen out racists flawlessly. You might get 5-10 hits a month, maybe 100 depending upon how handsome you are and other things. When you have a nice stable of prospects or girlfriends, then you can use pre-validation game with or without social media stuff like wechat and QQ, to gain "converts" to the dark side. Remember, Chinese women are super jealous and competitive. You can use it against them but you need a bare minimum of one woman that is 5-7 to do it, usually. Some dating sites let them know how popular a profile is sometimes too. So there is always that too to help boost you up.

A couple we know got married in California in a black church! This brotha has an arguable 10. She is very tall, hot, porcelain white skin, long nice hair, and super educated. He is a little bit rich (400K) but has a exwife with 3 kids and lots of child support issues. Cali divorce raped him hard. His wife loves him to death and cares nothing for that stuff. She loyal as hell like mine is.

This brotha isn't a model type either. He looks normal, like a 7-8 for a black man of his age. Most of us look damned good if we are not fat. Never takes much for any man really. Good haircut and a good outfit and that's a rap!

Also dark guys in Europe won't do any better or worse than us. Like I said before. We are not as dark as Africans and some other blacks. Lots of those guys are 1st or 2nd generation African anyway! Because of 1% drop rule in the US, we are mentally conditioned into those boxes. Most of us are mixed with white or Native Indian or both. We are 5-10+ generations deep removed from Africa. We are mostly Black Americans, not African Americans. There is a difference! It is not uncommon for someone in China to ask me if I am a mixed black man like Obama or sometimes people say stuff like, "You do not look very black like the Africans, where are you from?" Once I was asked outright, what am I mixed blood with. My own grandfather-in-law said I looked like a Native American Indian when they showed him a few pictures of me before I met him. He told the others that I was not black, but that I was an Indian instead. I am not some high yellow guy either like some brothas are either, I have lots of brown in my skin tone.

That said, you can still get ignorant countryside fucks that will not accept that you are an american but an African instead, and if you do, stop talking to them.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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