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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 12:25 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

An 8-10 in China is easier to get than you think. I personally think it is easier to get one there than the US. I had my pick of them. 9ish approaching 10's were difficult to keep up with or had personality flaws I did not like. I have been coaching a young college guy from the UK on my methods and he has been going buck wild in Shanghai. He is 19 and black but because he uses the same pre-validation techniques I taught him to his advantage.

He went there to meet a semi-flaky 7-8 ish sha bi acting girl that was a little bit older than him, and was his long distance gf. Then using her mistakes, he easily used that to collect qq numbers of her friends, classmates, and others. Then he started smashing girls in the same hotel they were staying at, without needing to lie about if he had a gf or not. He tried to ditch her and she started begging, crying, bargaining, and pleading with him. He took that game to further levels than I did, by telling girls he was going to fuck their friends if they did not put out! He showed one of them texts for proof even.

Chinese women don't like black men....until they see a prettier or equal one dating one. Pre-validation game is powerful in China. They all wanna know what she sees in you to be seen in public with you. The amount of attention you get from others just being seen with one is incredible. You can use their jealous nature against them to exploit what you want. When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy.

My wife does not need to worry about other girls, but she clutches me tight when we go to certain places, like a mall. She pulls me away when girls approach me. See sees the stars in those girls eyes.... The "Never let another woman steal your man!" is burned into their value systems, even if talk a good game, they know they cannot keep "fully-aware" laowai from a younger girl.

Look up fight video in China involving women. I bet you at least 80 percent of them are fighting another bitch, er nai, xiao san, etc. They go after the other women before usually attacking the man. An educated woman is not that much different than the ones in the countryside doing that. Men are still central in China and important. Legally and socially.

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

Regardless no one pulls 8-10s every week, that just isn't really realistic. I can see a 2-3 week streak, but not every week. It is not common because many do not know China or how to pull over there correctly. One of the reasons I wanted to start posting is because more and more black men are looking at game/options in China, but realistically you cannot follow 100% of the advice white guys give out. No offense to anyone.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

*gets on plane*

Ni Hao, Ma!


What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 02:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

*gets on plane*

Ni Hao, Ma!


Guangzhou can be dangerous for your blood pressure if you are into thicker women. Of all the places in China that city is really the only one with those kinds of women. Guangzhou women have thicker and more powerful looking legs. They walk alot like lots of Chinese do, but since they are thicker those legs seem to have more ripples in them. Think Chun Li looking legs. Women from Harbin and Anhui have legs like that too, but they are taller and a bit more slender looking.

Many of the women in Guangzhou are Cantonese. Cantonese people like sweet food and snacks alot (Think HK and dim sum). They like Western treats too. There are some nice places you can buy German and French baked goods there. They put sweet stuff or small amounts of sugar in their food, like in the sauce. Other mainlanders might spit it out, like my wife does because most Chinese HATE sweet food. They have darker skin tones as well and some of the locals speak a rare form of Cantonese Chinese localism, which is even different from the main guangdong localisms you can hear spoken there.

Basically if you combine the richer diet leading to a thicker frame (slightly wider hips and bigger breasts), lots of walking in the hot sun (big legs), and a more brown skin town, you can see why Africans are always chasing them around there. Everyone thinks the black guy should strike out in Guangzhou. That's only kinda true. Some will give in to even those ugly African guys, but not if they are there to do dirty manual labor jobs that even Chinese men will not do. The ones I see with thick ones in the subway or streets, have plenty of style and look very confident. One chunked the deuce at me when he saw me with a huge smile. Some of them are rich import export traders that are doing business trade between China and Africa, either raw materials or cheap finished goods, etc. Guangzhou I think if I remember correctly is the biggest international import and export city in China. You can see all kinds of people around town from everywhere.

That still does not mean it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Many still hate all the Africans running around over there. If you are a black american, you should avoid dressing like them. Many of us are mixed enough from either slavery rapes or mixing with Native American Indians (I got both), to where most people there can tell you must be American or something else entirely. Even with that known you should make a habit to tell people you are mei guo ren when you meet them, girl or man, to avoid being associated with the wrong groups. The Africans there are very friendly and might approach you to talk, but I recommend not associating with them. Rolling solo is better anyway for obvious reasons. [Image: wink.gif]

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Welcome here brother! This guy is a real China pro in every aspect! Please post here your mega Dating in China guide here on a separate thread as it would benefit everyone here.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 12:25 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

An 8-10 in China is easier to get than you think. I personally think it is easier to get one there than the US. I had my pick of them. 9ish approaching 10's were difficult to keep up with or had personality flaws I did not like. I have been coaching a young college guy from the UK on my methods and he has been going buck wild in Shanghai. He is 19 and black but because he uses the same pre-validation techniques I taught him to his advantage.

He went there to meet a semi-flaky 7-8 ish sha bi acting girl that was a little bit older than him, and was his long distance gf. Then using her mistakes, he easily used that to collect qq numbers of her friends, classmates, and others. Then he started smashing girls in the same hotel they were staying at, without needing to lie about if he had a gf or not. He tried to ditch her and she started begging, crying, bargaining, and pleading with him. He took that game to further levels than I did, by telling girls he was going to fuck their friends if they did not put out! He showed one of them texts for proof even.

Chinese women don't like black men....until they see a prettier or equal one dating one. Pre-validation game is powerful in China. They all wanna know what she sees in you to be seen in public with you. The amount of attention you get from others just being seen with one is incredible. You can use their jealous nature against them to exploit what you want. When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy.

My wife does not need to worry about other girls, but she clutches me tight when we go to certain places, like a mall. She pulls me away when girls approach me. See sees the stars in those girls eyes.... The "Never let another woman steal your man!" is burned into their value systems, even if talk a good game, they know they cannot keep "fully-aware" laowai from a younger girl.

Look up fight video in China involving women. I bet you at least 80 percent of them are fighting another bitch, er nai, xiao san, etc. They go after the other women before usually attacking the man. An educated woman is not that much different than the ones in the countryside doing that. Men are still central in China and important. Legally and socially.

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

Regardless no one pulls 8-10s every week, that just isn't really realistic. I can see a 2-3 week streak, but not every week. It is not common because many do not know China or how to pull over there correctly. One of the reasons I wanted to start posting is because more and more black men are looking at game/options in China, but realistically you cannot follow 100% of the advice white guys give out. No offense to anyone.

Jesus christ. That is some A level shit right there. I've never been to China but seems like a completely ass fucked society compared to the west.

Can you elaborate more on this?

"When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy. "

What is middle upper? $100,00 USD a year? So what they basically treat the poorer women like shit?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

As a black dude, you should go to Japan.

Overall, black men do a bit better in Japan than China.

As a black guy, you can have some success with the women in China.

Some guys are saying that just because some of the people of a particular make racist comments about blacks that you won't have success with their women is FALSE.

There are people in EVERY COUNTRY in the world who don't like blacks, it doesn't mean you can't get with their women.

Give China a try. There was a dark skinned Jamaican man who had a lot of success with the women of China by the name of Walt Goodridge.

Don't let anyone discourage you from trying out China, Japan or the Phillipines, just don't bother with South Korea.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Just my two cents. Yeah, Japan is prime hunting grounds for Black dudes. There's even a club in Roppongi in Tokyo that caters to Japanese girls who like Black dudes. I think it's called Club 99.

But I think people are overplaying the Chinese racism thing. Yeah everyone everywhere is racist but I sensed that in commie countries like China people don't grow up with the engrained prejudice that say white girls in America grow up with. That is just my opinion from traveling, I can't prove it. So I really think if you connect with a Chinese chick it would work out. And remember that Chinese kids are into hip hop (and NBA for that matter) and alot of the DJs in Chinese clubs in large cities are actually Black so I am sure there is a segment of the chick population that is into hip hop and would be open to blacks. In other words, to say Chinese have a negative view of blacks I think is missing a lot of the trends that have happened in the last ten or so years with hip hop and the NBA.

And finally, I think this is true in all of Asia, but no country is that foreigner friendly. Even in Japan or South Korea something like 99% of local chicks would not be caught dead dating a foreigner, even a "handsome" white guy. You are always targeting the other 1%, who often are girls who for various reasons the local guys don't want or who are looking to rebel against their rule based society.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Actually hip hop is not very popular in China still. Chinese guys are mainly into basketball.

Yeah there are some black DJ that occasionally come thru at clubs but keep in mind these are Western oriented clubs, in which there are mainly white girls and European girls and other expats studying or working in China that go to these clubs.

You will not see chinese girls tanning their skin super dark like japanese girls. You won't see chinese girls swarming blacks with attention in nightclubs, or see black guys pulling girls from the clubs left and right like you would in japan. I dont think it's worth it to fork over $1000+ for plane ticket and expenses to go there just to try to get laid when Japan practically worships black men and basically views them as sex symbols.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 06:59 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Welcome here brother! This guy is a real China pro in every aspect! Please post here your mega Dating in China guide here on a separate thread as it would benefit everyone here.

Thanks again VP. Let's not give that trashcan website anymore traffic if we can help it. You have a great idea, but I can do even better than that. I will update it complete with new game strategies, more advice, and more breakdown of social media game tips. More logistics, a section for black guys, and a new section on how to track down 8-10 models and hit them up no matter where they live. It's possible someone else has found the same loophole I discovered a some months back, but it wouldn't hurt to add it anyway.

Gimme a few weeks and it will be straight fire. Someone wanted me to write a book with them about all this stuff. I think this is a better place to put it. A book with the stuff I put in, is dangerous anyway on a personal level and I just want to help others out. If the guys I know personally with Asian wives and other red pill attitude guys did not help me a few years back, I would still be some liberal beta loser.

Back when I started dating in China, there was only Crystal Tao's website and Chinabounder's dumbass mostly. There was only one guy from Dallas, Texas I think that had a blog that covered his gf up to they got married and had kids. That was all. So I had to use what I knew and combine the stuff from them to formulate stuff.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 07:51 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 12:25 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

An 8-10 in China is easier to get than you think. I personally think it is easier to get one there than the US. I had my pick of them. 9ish approaching 10's were difficult to keep up with or had personality flaws I did not like. I have been coaching a young college guy from the UK on my methods and he has been going buck wild in Shanghai. He is 19 and black but because he uses the same pre-validation techniques I taught him to his advantage.

He went there to meet a semi-flaky 7-8 ish sha bi acting girl that was a little bit older than him, and was his long distance gf. Then using her mistakes, he easily used that to collect qq numbers of her friends, classmates, and others. Then he started smashing girls in the same hotel they were staying at, without needing to lie about if he had a gf or not. He tried to ditch her and she started begging, crying, bargaining, and pleading with him. He took that game to further levels than I did, by telling girls he was going to fuck their friends if they did not put out! He showed one of them texts for proof even.

Chinese women don't like black men....until they see a prettier or equal one dating one. Pre-validation game is powerful in China. They all wanna know what she sees in you to be seen in public with you. The amount of attention you get from others just being seen with one is incredible. You can use their jealous nature against them to exploit what you want. When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy.

My wife does not need to worry about other girls, but she clutches me tight when we go to certain places, like a mall. She pulls me away when girls approach me. See sees the stars in those girls eyes.... The "Never let another woman steal your man!" is burned into their value systems, even if talk a good game, they know they cannot keep "fully-aware" laowai from a younger girl.

Look up fight video in China involving women. I bet you at least 80 percent of them are fighting another bitch, er nai, xiao san, etc. They go after the other women before usually attacking the man. An educated woman is not that much different than the ones in the countryside doing that. Men are still central in China and important. Legally and socially.

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

Regardless no one pulls 8-10s every week, that just isn't really realistic. I can see a 2-3 week streak, but not every week. It is not common because many do not know China or how to pull over there correctly. One of the reasons I wanted to start posting is because more and more black men are looking at game/options in China, but realistically you cannot follow 100% of the advice white guys give out. No offense to anyone.

Jesus christ. That is some A level shit right there. I've never been to China but seems like a completely ass fucked society compared to the west.

Can you elaborate more on this?

"When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy. "

What is middle upper? $100,00 USD a year? So what they basically treat the poorer women like shit?

China is crazy. Anyone that has lived there can tell you that. Read Badwolf's posts. He lays the romantic views out with a 2X4 in here with the truth.

It would take a while to fully flesh this out, but I can simplify it. If your game in China gets very good you may find yourself often doing the same things Chinese men do. A quick example, you may find yourself passing your rice bowl to your lady without saying anything to her (with a low and quick grunt of Hmm!), because you want her to go refill your rice bowl. Chinese men do this. It feels rude at first but you got used to it because you noticed how all these smalls things they do, that keep the ladies in line, work very well. The crazy thing is that you might expect the lady to recoil at this behavior. Wrong. It just makes them get wetter when you act more like a Chinese man.

Unless you had Chinese best friends in the US (That are not haters and backstabbers). The non-traditional ABC types may not show this behavior to you. I did not put it together until I got to China.

Only caveat to this is that if she did not grow up in a traditional household like that, it won't work. Inside mainland China you have better than 80% odds that it will. If she tells you to fill your own fucking bowl, get the smash and dash away. That's not a keeper IMO.

Another fast example is letting them feed you. Some Westerners get their panties in a bunch and tell the women there to stop doing that. They wont even let them wipe their mouths with a napkin. Don't be that guy. That's horrible game. You basically gave her the greenlight to not be traditional/submissive and adopt a selfish Westerner style of caring for you, on a subconscious level, without even realizing it.

The West's ideas of submission and the Far East's ideas on submissiveness vary alot in certain ways. Knowing the differences and how to profit from that is half the battle.

These are just little examples, but these have bigger impacts than most would think. There are more advanced game layers we can cover later on.

To answer your other questions, a middle upper class Chinese person, is not necessarily something you can drop a hard number on like in the US. Their middle class is technically still somewhat poor depending upon various things. I would say that someone middle upper class would be someone with either a family that has more than 30-40Krmb a month salary, or a few businesses that they own or have partnership. Some might say that is rich Kai, but again it depends on where in China they live. 40K a month in the countryside or non- t1 city is definitely rich.

Poor gets treated like shit? Eh.... depends man. China is all about saving face and guanxi. Some people in the countryside with not alot of money, but because their family has so much guanxi they are kinda powerful in their own right. Chinese do not treat women badly just because they are poor. They do it to save face, gain guanxi, maintain discipline (or break hoes down), spend less on hong bao to her family, or just because they are assholes. The reasons can be endless.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 09:00 PM)Billionaire2000 Wrote:  

As a black dude, you should go to Japan.

Overall, black men do a bit better in Japan than China.

As a black guy, you can have some success with the women in China.

Some guys are saying that just because some of the people of a particular make racist comments about blacks that you won't have success with their women is FALSE.

There are people in EVERY COUNTRY in the world who don't like blacks, it doesn't mean you can't get with their women.

Give China a try. There was a dark skinned Jamaican man who had a lot of success with the women of China by the name of Walt Goodridge.

Don't let anyone discourage you from trying out China, Japan or the Phillipines, just don't bother with South Korea.

I agree. That said, Goodridge seems like a celibate traveler or some spiritual journeyman. Everyone is nice to someone like that wandering around in their country. He also on the surface has lower quality game, if any at all. He looks like a smaller version of Dikembe Mutombo. With none of Mutombo's mega alphaness. Not hating on him, he is okay, but he is not quite the example you will want to pattern your game after.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-25-2014 05:43 AM)nomadicdude Wrote:  

Just my two cents. Yeah, Japan is prime hunting grounds for Black dudes. There's even a club in Roppongi in Tokyo that caters to Japanese girls who like Black dudes. I think it's called Club 99.

But I think people are overplaying the Chinese racism thing. Yeah everyone everywhere is racist but I sensed that in commie countries like China people don't grow up with the engrained prejudice that say white girls in America grow up with. That is just my opinion from traveling, I can't prove it. So I really think if you connect with a Chinese chick it would work out. And remember that Chinese kids are into hip hop (and NBA for that matter) and alot of the DJs in Chinese clubs in large cities are actually Black so I am sure there is a segment of the chick population that is into hip hop and would be open to blacks. In other words, to say Chinese have a negative view of blacks I think is missing a lot of the trends that have happened in the last ten or so years with hip hop and the NBA.

And finally, I think this is true in all of Asia, but no country is that foreigner friendly. Even in Japan or South Korea something like 99% of local chicks would not be caught dead dating a foreigner, even a "handsome" white guy. You are always targeting the other 1%, who often are girls who for various reasons the local guys don't want or who are looking to rebel against their rule based society.

Chinese young men love basketball ALOT! Rap? Hell no. None that I know care about it.

This may shock you but I knew a handful of 20 something Chinese women that were RnB fanatics! One used to beg me to sing Jodeci, Boyz to Men, Dru Hill, etc with her over the phone. It was creepy dude, not gonna even lie. She knew all the words too. Which is why her English was so damn good. If they can sing in English, they can speak it well usually.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

This is what feeds into the "arbitrage" (as I call it) between the West and China. In China (and most other east/south asian countries, the men treat the women in a certain manner, basically second class. The women, correspondingly, treat the men as first class. In the west, men are trained generally to treat women as if on a pedestal, and so Chinese women, used to being treated as second class, get better treatment from western guys then from Chinese guys (even if ultimately, they don't understand it and some of them actually don't respond well to it long-run). Conversely, used to treating Chinese guys like first class, they treat western guys better than the western girls do, even if the western guys don't demand or accept all of the niceties that a Chinese guy would expect. As a result, both parties (Chinese girl, foreign guy) get a better result than keeping it at "home."

Of course, there are many other reasons why the attracting exists, but this is a part of it, particularly in interracial relationships in the US (including the many I had).

Quote: (06-25-2014 08:11 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 07:51 PM)InternationalPlayboy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 01:09 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 12:25 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

An 8-10 in China is easier to get than you think. I personally think it is easier to get one there than the US. I had my pick of them. 9ish approaching 10's were difficult to keep up with or had personality flaws I did not like. I have been coaching a young college guy from the UK on my methods and he has been going buck wild in Shanghai. He is 19 and black but because he uses the same pre-validation techniques I taught him to his advantage.

He went there to meet a semi-flaky 7-8 ish sha bi acting girl that was a little bit older than him, and was his long distance gf. Then using her mistakes, he easily used that to collect qq numbers of her friends, classmates, and others. Then he started smashing girls in the same hotel they were staying at, without needing to lie about if he had a gf or not. He tried to ditch her and she started begging, crying, bargaining, and pleading with him. He took that game to further levels than I did, by telling girls he was going to fuck their friends if they did not put out! He showed one of them texts for proof even.

Chinese women don't like black men....until they see a prettier or equal one dating one. Pre-validation game is powerful in China. They all wanna know what she sees in you to be seen in public with you. The amount of attention you get from others just being seen with one is incredible. You can use their jealous nature against them to exploit what you want. When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy.

My wife does not need to worry about other girls, but she clutches me tight when we go to certain places, like a mall. She pulls me away when girls approach me. See sees the stars in those girls eyes.... The "Never let another woman steal your man!" is burned into their value systems, even if talk a good game, they know they cannot keep "fully-aware" laowai from a younger girl.

Look up fight video in China involving women. I bet you at least 80 percent of them are fighting another bitch, er nai, xiao san, etc. They go after the other women before usually attacking the man. An educated woman is not that much different than the ones in the countryside doing that. Men are still central in China and important. Legally and socially.

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

Regardless no one pulls 8-10s every week, that just isn't really realistic. I can see a 2-3 week streak, but not every week. It is not common because many do not know China or how to pull over there correctly. One of the reasons I wanted to start posting is because more and more black men are looking at game/options in China, but realistically you cannot follow 100% of the advice white guys give out. No offense to anyone.

Jesus christ. That is some A level shit right there. I've never been to China but seems like a completely ass fucked society compared to the west.

Can you elaborate more on this?

"When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy. "

What is middle upper? $100,00 USD a year? So what they basically treat the poorer women like shit?

China is crazy. Anyone that has lived there can tell you that. Read Badwolf's posts. He lays the romantic views out with a 2X4 in here with the truth.

It would take a while to fully flesh this out, but I can simplify it. If your game in China gets very good you may find yourself often doing the same things Chinese men do. A quick example, you may find yourself passing your rice bowl to your lady without saying anything to her (with a low and quick grunt of Hmm!), because you want her to go refill your rice bowl. Chinese men do this. It feels rude at first but you got used to it because you noticed how all these smalls things they do, that keep the ladies in line, work very well. The crazy thing is that you might expect the lady to recoil at this behavior. Wrong. It just makes them get wetter when you act more like a Chinese man.

Unless you had Chinese best friends in the US (That are not haters and backstabbers). The non-traditional ABC types may not show this behavior to you. I did not put it together until I got to China.

Only caveat to this is that if she did not grow up in a traditional household like that, it won't work. Inside mainland China you have better than 80% odds that it will. If she tells you to fill your own fucking bowl, get the smash and dash away. That's not a keeper IMO.

Another fast example is letting them feed you. Some Westerners get their panties in a bunch and tell the women there to stop doing that. They wont even let them wipe their mouths with a napkin. Don't be that guy. That's horrible game. You basically gave her the greenlight to not be traditional/submissive and adopt a selfish Westerner style of caring for you, on a subconscious level, without even realizing it.

The West's ideas of submission and the Far East's ideas on submissiveness vary alot in certain ways. Knowing the differences and how to profit from that is half the battle.

These are just little examples, but these have bigger impacts than most would think. There are more advanced game layers we can cover later on.

To answer your other questions, a middle upper class Chinese person, is not necessarily something you can drop a hard number on like in the US. Their middle class is technically still somewhat poor depending upon various things. I would say that someone middle upper class would be someone with either a family that has more than 30-40Krmb a month salary, or a few businesses that they own or have partnership. Some might say that is rich Kai, but again it depends on where in China they live. 40K a month in the countryside or non- t1 city is definitely rich.

Poor gets treated like shit? Eh.... depends man. China is all about saving face and guanxi. Some people in the countryside with not alot of money, but because their family has so much guanxi they are kinda powerful in their own right. Chinese do not treat women badly just because they are poor. They do it to save face, gain guanxi, maintain discipline (or break hoes down), spend less on hong bao to her family, or just because they are assholes. The reasons can be endless.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

this forum has ti make up its mind in whether or not chinese guys have game or are pussies and whether or not chinese girls are submissive or materialistic. im getting whiplash here.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

actually i had a discussion with my girl about how Chinese men are much better to their girlfriends when they're pursuing them for marriage, and then after their married, thats when things change in the other direction and the men start visiting ktv's with their friends and staying out drinking a lot. in the usa, its often thought (and happens that) the wife changes for the worse after she's married - I think what TK is referring to is how Chinese married men treat their wives. Perhaps also how older men treat younger girlfriends as well - I've seen these older Chinese guys with very good looking girlfriends that they definitely pamper in some ways, but they aren't beta towards them. They call all of the shots.

Taipei, though, thats a different story, one that varies because the girls are too westernized (I am told, I haven't spent time there)>

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-25-2014 07:50 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2014 06:59 PM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

Welcome here brother! This guy is a real China pro in every aspect! Please post here your mega Dating in China guide here on a separate thread as it would benefit everyone here.

Thanks again VP. Let's not give that trashcan website anymore traffic if we can help it. You have a great idea, but I can do even better than that. I will update it complete with new game strategies, more advice, and more breakdown of social media game tips. More logistics, a section for black guys, and a new section on how to track down 8-10 models and hit them up no matter where they live. It's possible someone else has found the same loophole I discovered a some months back, but it wouldn't hurt to add it anyway.

Gimme a few weeks and it will be straight fire. Someone wanted me to write a book with them about all this stuff. I think this is a better place to put it. A book with the stuff I put in, is dangerous anyway on a personal level and I just want to help others out. If the guys I know personally with Asian wives and other red pill attitude guys did not help me a few years back, I would still be some liberal beta loser.

Back when I started dating in China, there was only Crystal Tao's website and Chinabounder's dumbass mostly. There was only one guy from Dallas, Texas I think that had a blog that covered his gf up to they got married and had kids. That was all. So I had to use what I knew and combine the stuff from them to formulate stuff.

TravelerKai, I've thoroughly enjoyed the intel you've posted in this thread. You seem to be an expert in dating in China and Chinese girls.

I'm looking to eventually live and work in Asia, and I'm considering Mainland China as a possibility.

Looking forward to reading your guide!

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-26-2014 12:25 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

this forum has ti make up its mind in whether or not chinese guys have game or are pussies and whether or not chinese girls are submissive or materialistic. im getting whiplash here.

The answer is both. They can have game and can be beta.

These are the factors that determine this for Chinese men:

Family Roots
Local Culture

If strong and powerful men are in their family history, they are far more likely to act the exact same way, mostly due to sheer pressure or coercion.

Cash rules everything around you in China, to borrow a little Wu Tang. Men with lots of cash (literally), tend to be more confident and deliberate about anything they do. If the family is rich, you tend to see even the women acting like alphas. I cannot count the amount of entire families that are rich, and everyone acts like they own the fucking world and are stuck up as hell. The rich man is almost always on top, but might be beta in the sense of spoiling the kids.

Face/Guanxi. People with lots of this can literally act like they own the fucking place. I have had dinners and events with local CCP leaders or connected people and they are ooozing with top alphadog-ness. They act as if everyone is underneath them.

Location and Local Culture matters alot. Ever heard of "the Fiery Women of Sichuan" before? Those women are culturally raised to be in charge of the house in it's entirety. They control the money more so than the rest of Chinese women.The are the classic "Tiger Wife" everyone hears about. HK is full of women like this too. The men are used to this stuff and some are just downright doormats. If that isn't beta, I don't know what is.

All that said, Chinese men with money and power (think middle class to rich), have er nai and xiao san (second wives/mistresses), stay out all night with their coworkers so they don't have to listen to bitching, and call it guanxi business dinner meetings. The ones that take it a step further, beat their wives if they piss them off badly enough, drink all day long, go places with their wife and their favorite mistress in both arms, and are leaders to the men that work for them. This is uber alphaness. Only a rich Saudi/UAE man could probably top this. These men don't even tolerate a lot of bitching from the wife either. They say loudly "GOU!" (enough!) and they shut up.

When you see a Chinese man punch their pregnant wife for snoring on the train, while sitting next to a laowai (me), you figure out very quickly that the limp wristed Asian man sterotype you have seen outside of the mainland, is not necessary true.

The reality is this ultimately: People can beat other people in China and not go to prison for 10 years on a aggravated assault charge. The worst that will happen is that you will be taken to the police station to calm down. It's like the old-school UK or Britain. A domestic dispute, culture wise is nobody else's business in Chinese culture. When I saw a man beating his wife in a train station once, no one else even looked at them. He stopped beating her for a few seconds because he saw me and I must of startled him. Perhaps I was the first black man he has ever seen before, maybe even first laowai in general. Then he dragged her away and hit her some more.

Another one just to paint the picture: Man beats his wife because she was playing mahjong and failed to noticed their son had wandered off and got lost in a dam and could have been killed. Fast forward 15 years, he gets caught cheating and now she beats him when he gets too far outta line either drunk, or whatever. She always controlled their money as well, to my knowledge. He still leads the families and has tons of swag and power locally.

Conclusion: You cannot really use American/Western value systems to determine Chinese Alpha and Betaness.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I will also add that if you plan on keeping any kind of long term relationship with a Chinese woman, you better observe and learn some of the things their men do, so that things stay the way you expect them to. If their father is a boss/alpha, you can use some of his techniques. If he is a doormat to her mother, you might want to let her go after a while otherwise if you marry her, she will become a tiger possibly. A Chinese woman that tells you when to eat, when to sleep, washes you, and what to do is not necessarily a Tiger Wife type. Only if you tell her no, and she refuses to stop will be your clue.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

The reason why I said you may want to let them go is because of one of their sayings. Chinese girl is like a kitten, Chinese wife is like a tiger. Not always true but I in that scenario I would not risk it unless the girl herself is some kind of obvious pushover-doormat personality wise.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Loving all the golden nuggets in here! Keep'em coming boys and specially Kai! Amazing insight on China! Very much looking forward to your new and updated China Dating Guide! If it's half as good as the previous one then it will be a reference manual for years to come!

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Conclusion: You cannot really use American/Western value systems to determine Chinese Alpha and Betaness.

the correct answer

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-26-2014 02:26 AM)G_global Wrote:  

actually i had a discussion with my girl about how Chinese men are much better to their girlfriends when they're pursuing them for marriage, and then after their married, thats when things change in the other direction and the men start visiting ktv's with their friends and staying out drinking a lot. in the usa, its often thought (and happens that) the wife changes for the worse after she's married - I think what TK is referring to is how Chinese married men treat their wives. Perhaps also how older men treat younger girlfriends as well - I've seen these older Chinese guys with very good looking girlfriends that they definitely pamper in some ways, but they aren't beta towards them. They call all of the shots.

Taipei, though, thats a different story, one that varies because the girls are too westernized (I am told, I haven't spent time there)>

This doesn’t necessarily apply to China, but I’ve had Korean-American women tell me that they think that Chinese-American men treat women a lot nicer than Korean-American guys and some actively pursue them.

I think there’s a big expectation that guys in China will cheat on their wives with other women or by going the p4p route. When I told my female mainland Chinese coworkers that I never did any p4p in China they started making fun of me and thought I was weird!

Quote: (06-26-2014 08:34 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Conclusion: You cannot really use American/Western value systems to determine Chinese Alpha and Betaness.

I think language fluency comes into it too.

I went to grad school in the US and my male classmates from China were very beta. Our group went to China for a week and these same guys were acting as bosses. These guys were beta in the English language and alpha in Chinese. Their English was pretty poor, so many of them preferred to not speak at all in English rather than embarrass themselves with poor pronunciation.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

If you have money and come across as a rich foreign businessman, the Chinese will respect you.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-19-2014 12:04 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Well, I'm here in ground zero now. I got my flag - but it was through social circle game and I feel like that really cheapens the achievement. It was pretty much "Hey, I'm gonna give this chick your number and she'd probably like to fuck you, give it a shot." - I still had to game her quite a bit but it isn’t something I want to high five someone over.

I have only had two nights to work with in Taipei. I will have to go to another city to meet more sets from another social circle. With that being said – my experience in Luxy on a Wednesday was BRUTAL. It’s like being back in the USA. Put on your fucking helmet and body armor boys, if your frame is not good – this place will kick your nutsack into your throat.

I met up with another game aware guy (RSD fan) and we did a lot of club approaches. We basically spent the whole night gaming in Chinese. Most of these girls either don’t speak English or are not confident enough to do it. I’d say it’s mandatory that you have that or something else going for you or you’re going to go home completely destroyed. I’m not a fan of club game at all but I can do it.

My perceived value wasn’t high enough to pull anyone in the club but my wing scored with a thicker girl with me running interference on the friends. The guys there ranged from pathetic to “high-value” but I really got the impression that not a whole bunch of guys were pulling anyone that night. A lot of these girls are there for the attention and validation only. It’s not impossible but with this specific crowd and my value, I didn't have any luck with a SNL.

I am SURE if I had more time here, I could make it happen. The truth though is, I like “good girls” and good girls don’t go to clubs – which brings me to the following:

I agree that pipelining is almost completely a waste of time here. It works but the return on investment for your time is not a good deal. There are plenty of opportunities for day gaming. You can simply just practice your Mandarin and the average girl (that DOES NOT go clubbing) isn’t bitchy. In fact, they’re friendly and pleasurable. As for night game, there are a bunch of different scenes but there’s a completely different dynamic at play when it comes to foreigners getting action. The local guys have different challenges. I haven’t been here long enough to observe the dynamic.

TLDR: Taipei is full of girls that are 8’s and above – they can be banged but the high quality requires tight game - learn Mandarin.

I remember you said that speaking Chinese during the day got a big response. For a non-white/non-ABC, is there a significant difference between the response you get speaking Chinese during the day vs. at night? According to what you wrote it seems like with the ratios and bitch shields unfavorable in the clubs, something that would peak interest during the day just doesn't cut it at night?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-26-2014 12:25 AM)clever alias Wrote:  

this forum has ti make up its mind in whether or not chinese guys have game or are pussies and whether or not chinese girls are submissive or materialistic. im getting whiplash here.

I don't care what the forum says.

Every boy wakes up with a hard on @ 13, and some of those boys figure out how to stick it in a chick without being famous or rich.

Doesn't matter the culture, there will always be sneaky fuckers out there who say the right shit to get a chick in the sack, period. That's just biology and the law of large numbers.

Now does this mean most guys, or even a lot of guys, know how to talk their way into some trim? No. But there are always going to be naturals, because that's what biology requires.


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