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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-24-2014 12:25 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

An 8-10 in China is easier to get than you think. I personally think it is easier to get one there than the US. I had my pick of them. 9ish approaching 10's were difficult to keep up with or had personality flaws I did not like. I have been coaching a young college guy from the UK on my methods and he has been going buck wild in Shanghai. He is 19 and black but because he uses the same pre-validation techniques I taught him to his advantage.

He went there to meet a semi-flaky 7-8 ish sha bi acting girl that was a little bit older than him, and was his long distance gf. Then using her mistakes, he easily used that to collect qq numbers of her friends, classmates, and others. Then he started smashing girls in the same hotel they were staying at, without needing to lie about if he had a gf or not. He tried to ditch her and she started begging, crying, bargaining, and pleading with him. He took that game to further levels than I did, by telling girls he was going to fuck their friends if they did not put out! He showed one of them texts for proof even.

Chinese women don't like black men....until they see a prettier or equal one dating one. Pre-validation game is powerful in China. They all wanna know what she sees in you to be seen in public with you. The amount of attention you get from others just being seen with one is incredible. You can use their jealous nature against them to exploit what you want. When you get to the point to where you talk to them like the local middle-upper to rich alpha Chinese men talk to them, it gets ridiculous easy.

My wife does not need to worry about other girls, but she clutches me tight when we go to certain places, like a mall. She pulls me away when girls approach me. See sees the stars in those girls eyes.... The "Never let another woman steal your man!" is burned into their value systems, even if talk a good game, they know they cannot keep "fully-aware" laowai from a younger girl.

Look up fight video in China involving women. I bet you at least 80 percent of them are fighting another bitch, er nai, xiao san, etc. They go after the other women before usually attacking the man. An educated woman is not that much different than the ones in the countryside doing that. Men are still central in China and important. Legally and socially.

Also in Guangzhou, the mid-late 20s/mid-aged thick and curvy Chinese women even get African men. Chinese men don't want them and the women know this. So these dudes get these prime cuts that often times have huge tits, all because they are not skinny enough for Chinese men.

Regardless no one pulls 8-10s every week, that just isn't really realistic. I can see a 2-3 week streak, but not every week. It is not common because many do not know China or how to pull over there correctly. One of the reasons I wanted to start posting is because more and more black men are looking at game/options in China, but realistically you cannot follow 100% of the advice white guys give out. No offense to anyone.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

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