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What Cities in China for Black Guys?

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

It's true you see a lot more Black guys with local girls in Japan than in China. Also, not to derail the thread too much, but I hear fewer ignorant/bigoted comments from Japanese than from Chinese. Possibly their just not as open about their racism/nationalism as the Chinese (Japanese are generally not quick to talk openly about people they dislike), but I can only recall one Japanese person making racist/nationalist comments against other groups (my ex-girlfriend). Most of the time, with the Japanese, the comments seem like little more than naivité and ethnocentrism. I've never heard a Japanese person say anything bad about Black people, but I can count several occasions of Chinese people making outright racist comments about Blacks, the Japanese, Uyghurs, Muslims, and Shanghaiers in front of me. Of course, there are many Chinese who are NOT like this, but it's definitely not uncommon either.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Several decades ago, there were race riots in China between African and Chinese students. The Africans were dating Chinese girls and it led to a chain of events that erupted in violence.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (03-22-2014 04:35 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Several decades ago, there were race riots in China between African and Chinese students. The Africans were dating Chinese girls and it led to a chain of events that erupted in violence.

Apparently these incidents still happen occasionally.

"I'm not afraid of dying, I'm afraid of not trying. Everyday hit every wave, like I'm Hawaiian"

What Cities in China for Black Guys?


So I went to Taipei for a visa run. I did not run any game there since I'm being a "good boy" right now in my current LTR but I did go to scout.

I stayed in a hostel (garbage) for two nights and a hotel for one.

It's the safest place I've ever been and I'm impressed with how organized the culture is compared to the chaos of Manila. With that said, I could see it getting very boring since I like the "Wild West" "Anything Goes" aspect of Manila, but not the food, filth, and pollution.

LeightonBlackstock was right about foreigner value with an exception that I'm sure he'll acknowledge.

I got ZERO curious stares (except for maybe two children who could not stop staring because I was the first black person they had ever seen), zero bad vibes, zero positive vibes. The white expats who I met and observed were the same - the regular folks appear to give no exotic value to foreigners and in my limited time there, I didn't experience any negative value - not even bad vibes.


When I started speaking Mandarin, TONS of IOI's during the day. At night, I only went out to the quiet spots locals hang out at with my friend who introduced me to some of his social circle. Same thing there. I got a bunch of free drinks for that. There are plenty of opportunities to day game in art galleries and such - there are a lot of starving artists here.

Here's my problem. My pronunciation is flawless (I have been told) but my vocabulary is very limited. I can't read more than a few dozen characters which is a massive pain in the ass. There is no pinyin here (Mandarin written in Engish letters) so even the most basic reading was impossible without pictures or hand gestures. Part of my adventure was finding shower shoes for the hostel and the best that I could manage was, "Hello little miss, I want shoes made of water *imitates shower sounds* ^_^" I would get my shoes with a bunch of curious helpers but I did not ask for numbers since I wasn't going to be there long nor did I have a local phone.

I've been studying in Manila but I could speak fluently if I lived in Taipei for a year. Speaking Mandarin opens up all of the regular girls as an option and not the club sluts and the ones who only want foreign cock. (I don't like to mess with that crowd in Manila and wouldn't want to in Taipei - Call it blue pill but I stop spinning plates for an LTR as soon as I can.)

With that being said, I will return. I have great confidence that I could snag a "regular" girl if my Mandarin was good enough to spit game. Unfortunately it isn't at that level yet - but speaking Mandarin will set you apart from the tourists and scuzzy English teachers.

For any Black members reading this, don't even book a ticket unless you can speak Mandarin or have WAAY above average looks.

For me, I acknowledge that I'm a regular dude and my game is 100% dependent on conversation. Take that away from me and I can't game at all (Nightclubs, etc). Funny enough though, talking to and approaching girls in a different language takes away 100% of my approach anxiety. It seems like a joke with no consequences since you can play it off as if you're a dumb tourist or someone who is curious to learn more.

During the trip, I saw thousands of people - only a few foreigners (of the ones I met they were all English teachers) and of the few mixed couples I saw in public, most of them were white guys who I would consider 8's and girls who would be 4's. I only saw two exceptions, a white guy with a 10 and a young Indian guy with a 10.

I'm used to seeing MANY more foreigners in Manila and I want to think that the lack of foreigners and mixed couples has to do with the language barrier and difficulty of learning Mandarin.

The one thing that bugs me is that I didn't find many of the girls there attractive. I like lots of curves (thick legs or thighs) and for every 100 girls from 18-24, 60 had a terrible face or bad teeth and out of the other remaining 40, 38/40 of them would be stick figures with pretty faces and two would have curves. I like the bodies of the girls in the PI more and they do more for me downstairs but my biggest reason for getting a LTR in Taipei would be the girl's global social status and her passport, education, and money not being worthless paper.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Would not recommend the mainland to White guys, doubley so for Black guys. If you are talking about Xiaobei (guangzhou), yeah thats all Africans and Nigerians and the African women there are beyond obese. Nigerians and Americans/Brits don't typically mix and my two black friends here do their best to stay away from Xiaobei altogether.

Chinese people in general do not like Black people period, they always cite that black people smell funny (cologne)... that being said, Chinese are OBSESSED with basketball and worship Koby Bryant.. does this make sense? No? Welcome to China.

I suggest a teacher, the first words out of HR's mouth is "where is he from?" followed by "what colour is he?". I don't know why you'd want to come to a place like this when Japanese women actively seek out Black dudes.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Dagbai, when you say waaay above average looks for blacks, are you talking about physique or the way the face is? If one looked like Terry Crews (see below), would they get love in China in your opinion?

[Image: terry-crews.jpg]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:28 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Dagbai, when you say waaay above average looks for blacks, are you talking about physique or the way the face is? If one looked like Terry Crews (see below), would they get love in China in your opinion?

[Image: terry-crews.jpg]

Actually I think that's the wrong direction to go in (with Japan being the exception) but something more like the *sweet* Black R&B singer type would do VERY well in most of Asia.

But that type of guy ISN'T down here at all as they're getting a STEADY supply of pussy in the states from whoever they want to.

Approachable, non-intimidating, and easy going is THE MOST important.

Big and scary works for the girls who want to be openly dominated - but the culture of Taiwan didn't seem like that would be something appreciated up front. I didn't see much PDA in public.

The only thing I got going for me is my smile - works on even the grumpiest female immigration officers. That actually is more important than looks in my opinion. A black guy who has a 10 SMV who doesn't smile probably won't do well without flaunting cash.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:23 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

I don't know why you'd want to come to a place like this when Japanese women actively seek out Black dudes.

Yup, I've heard nothing but good things about Japan. My fashion sense and wardrobe is not good and I don't have a bunch of cash - I think the answer might be to find a sugar momma, but I have serious reservations about settling down with a third world chick in the PI when I could pull someone who makes the big bucks in Tokyo.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 08:47 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:23 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

I don't know why you'd want to come to a place like this when Japanese women actively seek out Black dudes.

Yup, I've heard nothing but good things about Japan. My fashion sense and wardrobe is not good and I don't have a bunch of cash - I think the answer might be to find a sugar momma, but I have serious reservations about settling down with a third world chick in the PI when I could pull someone who makes the big bucks in Tokyo.

Unless you are a extremely high status foreigner, any high society girl will be hesitant to seriously date or marry any guys outside of their social circle. Almost all upper tier society in most countries are pretty closed to outsiders. Now for getting fucked and doing side flings, that's a complete different story.

But probably could be a nice niche market for women who are past their prime and just need a caretaker. Especially in Asia, where women in China over 28 are known as "leftover women".

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Great writeup on Taipei Dagnasty. Interesting to see the perspective from a black dude there. Shame you didn't hit up Luxy. It's great.

I'd love to see a report on Seoul. I've always maintained that I'd rather be a black dude in Korea than a white dude.

Just as a friendly tip. If you're strapped for cash, I recommend: Pair of red/white low-top converse shoes (1050 Baht), fitted grey/beige/brown chinos from a boutique shop (don't be afraid to run around those tiny shops until you find a pair that looks deceivingly great, despite being only 300 Baht). Fitted shirt from Uniqlo (500 to 800 Baht. Uniqlo isn't fantastic but fit >>>>> pattern IMO - within reason).

You can also get great fitted jeans from the boutique stores in Taipei for 1000 Baht (Baht is practically the same as NT). The exact same pair would run about 3000/4000 Baht in Britain. (Pomelo/Pumpkin jeans were the names of the ones I'd always get)

It won't win any Milan fashion awards but you can get that outfit for 2000 Baht in Bangkok and Taipei and it'll put you WAY above the sausage hoard.

I used to peacock like mad in Taipei but I still feel pretty far ahead of the rest with that pretty simple look here in Bangkok

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

There is most definitely a pervasive negative impression of black people amongst mainland Chinese (and Taiwanese) but it's not hostile racism or anything borne out of real experience. It's mostly based on dislike towards darker skin and vague negative media images of black people. They think of black people as just ghetto, violent, and lower class.

Mainland Chinese people and those who live in fairly culturally insular countries like Taiwan are ignorant and child like about race and culture. The popular view of "western" english speaking foreigners is that they all have golden hair (jin tou fa) or blue eyes. They simply can't wrap their minds around foreigners who look a different way that aren't stereotypically what they perceive them to be. Even fairly well educated mainland Chinese have this blind spot. It's only when you talk with ethnic Chinese educated abroad or who have lived abroad that you see a significant difference in mindset.

It's kind of like when I am in the mainland or other sinocentric countries that I play up my overseas born Chinese card and play down my American born citizenship and culture. They just can't comprehend the latter part but the first part has immediate and significant DHV in most social circles.

The reason why Japan likes black people is that there is a significant niche youth that grew up idolizing hip hop/r&b culture. Japan is a media saturated nation and the youth closely emulate everything about pop culture. A lot of that positive stereotyping of black people is based on "cool" factor though. If you are a black dude who doesn't dress hip hop or act like a stereotypical version of a black man i'm not sure if you would get the same attention there though. That's why you see Nigerian drug dealers in Tokyo sporting sideways ball caps, bling, and lying to Japanese girls that they are African-Americans. It's obvious there is some social cachet to playing up the image in a country in Japan.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

I'd say Taipei is your best bet. Here's why:

The Koreans are stupidly xenophobic and nationalistic. They see the Chinese and Japanese as dogs. Whites? Well, they're a necessairy evil but generally unwelcome.

Tier one China will be fine. The middle and upper class are fairly well educated compared to the country's proletariat, and are familiar with the west. That being said, they are also somewhat nationalistic and will view themselves above you no matter the race.

Taiwan is different for a few reasons. First, if you're up on your politics you'll know that a number of Caribbean and African countries recognize Taiwan as a state thus are hooked up as far as foreign aid and visas go. Next if you know about Taiwan's history you'll know that it's not racially homogenous. The Japanese colonized the place in the 1800s, and many Japanese found Taiwanese wives. While the Han Chinese are the largest racial group, there's a lot of mixed offspring too.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

wealthy chinese are generally pro-western, but they are quite racist against blacks. im sure theres a niche (especially because the right city is full of eastern europeans), but expect to be swimming upstream anywhere in china

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 08:45 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:28 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Dagbai, when you say waaay above average looks for blacks, are you talking about physique or the way the face is? If one looked like Terry Crews (see below), would they get love in China in your opinion?

[Image: terry-crews.jpg]

Actually I think that's the wrong direction to go in (with Japan being the exception) but something more like the *sweet* Black R&B singer type would do VERY well in most of Asia.

But that type of guy ISN'T down here at all as they're getting a STEADY supply of pussy in the states from whoever they want to.

Approachable, non-intimidating, and easy going is THE MOST important.

Big and scary works for the girls who want to be openly dominated - but the culture of Taiwan didn't seem like that would be something appreciated up front. I didn't see much PDA in public.

The only thing I got going for me is my smile - works on even the grumpiest female immigration officers. That actually is more important than looks in my opinion. A black guy who has a 10 SMV who doesn't smile probably won't do well without flaunting cash.
That's unfortunate for me because I'm naturally intimidating when I don't mean to be. I have to work to appear nice.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

OP should definitely check out Japan. I don't know why you would bother with countries that are so overtly racist. I'd never live in Korea for this reason.

I'm not aware of any discrimination in English jobs here. It might happen, but as far as I know, the big ESL schools don't discriminate on race. Japan has similar anti-discrimination laws to the West.

Nightlife should be fine too. There are several clubs in Tokyo where Japanese girls go to find black guys, although I'm told they can be sausage fests.

The worst thing I've heard some Japanese girls say about black guys is that they are "scary", so you might actually come across as too alpha if anything. Japanese guys are skinny and sometimes a little effeminate. You have your fans, but tone down your vibe a little if you are a big guy. You will do better this way.

You will also want to dress well to distinguish yourself from African migrants. No offense to any Africans on this forum, but there unfortunately a lot of Nigerian scammers living in Tokyo. Some are involved with the yakuza and work for dodgy bars that drug or otherwise rip off their clientele. You don't want to be associated with these guys.

All that said, you will have a good time here. I have a few black friends in Tokyo and they all clean up with the local women.

PM me for accommodation options in Bangkok.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Anybody know a guy named Brandon Perry in Japan?

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:28 AM)Moma Wrote:  

Dagbai, when you say waaay above average looks for blacks, are you talking about physique or the way the face is? If one looked like Terry Crews (see below), would they get love in China in your opinion?

[Image: terry-crews.jpg]

Moma, that's exactly how I picture you to look, lol.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

i know terry, have spent a bunch of time with him. He'd do well anywhere, because he's visibly and actually one of the most friendly people you'll ever meet in your life. Forget about what he does in the Expendables or wherever. You won't find a nicer guy. Everyone who knows him loves him.

I've referral links for most credit cards, PM me for them & thanks if you use them
Strip away judeo-christian ethics ingraining sex is dirty/bad & the idea we're taking advantage of these girls disintegrates. Once you've lost that ethical quandary (which it isn't outside religion) then they've no reason to play the victim, you've no reason to feel the rogue. The interaction is to their benefit.
Frequent Travs
Phils SZ China

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Well, I'm here in ground zero now. I got my flag - but it was through social circle game and I feel like that really cheapens the achievement. It was pretty much "Hey, I'm gonna give this chick your number and she'd probably like to fuck you, give it a shot." - I still had to game her quite a bit but it isn’t something I want to high five someone over.

I have only had two nights to work with in Taipei. I will have to go to another city to meet more sets from another social circle. With that being said – my experience in Luxy on a Wednesday was BRUTAL. It’s like being back in the USA. Put on your fucking helmet and body armor boys, if your frame is not good – this place will kick your nutsack into your throat.

I met up with another game aware guy (RSD fan) and we did a lot of club approaches. We basically spent the whole night gaming in Chinese. Most of these girls either don’t speak English or are not confident enough to do it. I’d say it’s mandatory that you have that or something else going for you or you’re going to go home completely destroyed. I’m not a fan of club game at all but I can do it.

My perceived value wasn’t high enough to pull anyone in the club but my wing scored with a thicker girl with me running interference on the friends. The guys there ranged from pathetic to “high-value” but I really got the impression that not a whole bunch of guys were pulling anyone that night. A lot of these girls are there for the attention and validation only. It’s not impossible but with this specific crowd and my value, I didn't have any luck with a SNL.

I am SURE if I had more time here, I could make it happen. The truth though is, I like “good girls” and good girls don’t go to clubs – which brings me to the following:

I agree that pipelining is almost completely a waste of time here. It works but the return on investment for your time is not a good deal. There are plenty of opportunities for day gaming. You can simply just practice your Mandarin and the average girl (that DOES NOT go clubbing) isn’t bitchy. In fact, they’re friendly and pleasurable. As for night game, there are a bunch of different scenes but there’s a completely different dynamic at play when it comes to foreigners getting action. The local guys have different challenges. I haven’t been here long enough to observe the dynamic.

TLDR: Taipei is full of girls that are 8’s and above – they can be banged but the high quality requires tight game - learn Mandarin.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

By the way, I did ok with Tinder. My matches were all 8-10s. Higher than I would get in the Philippines. I only had time for two dates but if I had time for more, I would definitely be able to get more notches here.

Skout on the other hand gave me good results but the amount of effort I had to put in didn't make it worth it. I'd say the same for WeChat.

If I move here, my game will be pretty much 100% social circle game supplemented by Tinder and a little bit of day game.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

When you say "here" are you talking about Taiwan or?

Those Tinder matches could be fake profiles or girls looking for validation and attention but won't actually meet you. I wouldn't put too much stock into it.

I lived in Taipei for four years and have lots of friends there. I'm sorry to say but hot higher class Taiwanese girls are not into or down for dating black guys (that goes double for mainland chinese) otherwise you'd see it everywhere. There are plenty of African immigrants. Japan sounds like the best place for that, but I don't have much experience there.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-19-2014 11:55 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

When you say "here" are you talking about Taiwan or?

Those Tinder matches could be fake profiles or girls looking for validation and attention but won't actually meet you. I wouldn't put too much stock into it.

I lived in Taipei for four years and have lots of friends there. I'm sorry to say but hot higher class Taiwanese girls are not into or down for dating black guys (that goes double for mainland chinese) otherwise you'd see it everywhere. There are plenty of African immigrants. Japan sounds like the best place for that, but I don't have much experience there.

I didn't find that to be the case at all. About 60% of the Tinder matches were down to meet (I didn't have time). On the other hand, social circle game was great since it's a huge DHV if you're introduced. I had a few women pushed on me to practice their English but I didn't have the time or logistics to take anything further.

When I did do some hand holding and riding bitch on a motorbike with a chick I met, the few looks I did get were more like "HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT THAT" =O rather than "I disapprove." [Image: angry.gif]. I didn't get any looks of disapproval on this trip - I' sure China would be a different story, but there's not a lot of exotic value here - and not really a lot of hate flowing. Even the protesters are pretty laid back (scribbling angry writing on the sides of buildings and stuff).

On my first trip, I saw one Black guy and on my second trip, a different Black guy. I saw less than a dozen white people. There are definitely not African immigrants everywhere in Taiwan.

A shit ton of IOI's from speaking Mandarin everywhere I went.

"Oh my God, where did you learn?"

"Where are you from"

Easy daygame if you come with some language skills. My opener has always been, 你说英语吗?"Do you speak English?"

90% Will say not at all, and 10% will say "a little bit".

My goal is now to get an LTR with a girl that doesn't speak English.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (05-19-2014 08:47 AM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2014 07:23 AM)BadWolf Wrote:  

I don't know why you'd want to come to a place like this when Japanese women actively seek out Black dudes.

Yup, I've heard nothing but good things about Japan. My fashion sense and wardrobe is not good and I don't have a bunch of cash - I think the answer might be to find a sugar momma, but I have serious reservations about settling down with a third world chick in the PI when I could pull someone who makes the big bucks in Tokyo.

If you ever get a chance to check out Japan, I would strongly recommend doing that. I mostly agree with Badwolf on being non-white in China, because it requires a different approach styles and methods. Perhaps I can do a write up someday on how to run game in China as a black man (I have a Mainland Chinese wife like Badwolf does). Anyway my first visit to Japan I got followed around by cute girls that wanted to stare, giggle, and waved at me when I realized I they were following me. I was like whoa. I do not dress hiphop style at all. I just have fairly big muscles and was wearing a Subaru Racing t-shirt and regular Levi jeans. No fitted ball cap, just a very low haircut/bald-fade all the way around. I wore an expensive watch and had my beats by dre around my neck. I even had on Asics tennis shoes on, there are no pairs of Jordans in my closet.

Fast forward after my China trip and I stopped in Japan again, and it happened again inside the airport with 2 girls that kinda looked jailbait-ish, but without asking for ID, there is just no way to know sometimes. I don't remember what I wore that day, but I think you can get the idea.

I think that hiphop sterotype is not the only way to get play in Japan. People forget just how popular all the black MMA fighters over the years from Rampage Jackson, Alistair Overeem, Carlos Newton, Bob Sapp, etc. are beloved over in Japan. Rampage in particular loves talking about how he is a God over there when people here barely recognize him. I doubt those girls know I used to be an MMA fighter and I never fought in Japan either, but if I used that as pickup material, it would have been a big plus I bet. My Japanese is only good enough to get directions, eat, and get around kinda.

I was just mostly passing through Japan, I think our US passports let us have 3 days of no visa visits? Or is it a week? I forgot, but had I known it was like that prior to visiting, well....I honestly do not know if I would have met my wife to be completely honest with you.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Quote: (06-19-2014 11:55 PM)chuslice Wrote:  

When you say "here" are you talking about Taiwan or?

Those Tinder matches could be fake profiles or girls looking for validation and attention but won't actually meet you. I wouldn't put too much stock into it.

I lived in Taipei for four years and have lots of friends there. I'm sorry to say but hot higher class Taiwanese girls are not into or down for dating black guys (that goes double for mainland chinese) otherwise you'd see it everywhere. There are plenty of African immigrants. Japan sounds like the best place for that, but I don't have much experience there.

I cannot speak for Taiwan, but for Mainland China, there are some hot higher-class women that love black men. Just off the top of my head, I got lots of play from a chief project manager for a very large company, 2 very rich girls (from Guangdong), an office manager, 1 picky ass lawyer, etc. There are some caveats though. For one, I don't teach English in China (something some of them look down on) and I have other business reasons for my attachment to China. I also speak somewhat decent Mandarin. I also make more money than your average black man by a fair bit.

It's always conditional/practical when dealing with mainland Chinese women for anything (LTR/Marriage/etc.). When you are dealing with the richer ones, they try to find out super quickly if you fit what they want or what their parents will accept. The more slutty ones that just want to play around with a black guy, but would never LTR or marry, are always around as well.

Most of China's millionaires are women as well, so in some ways they are kinda hard to avoid sometimes. Even when you go to the countryside.

My wife and I now know a small handful of black-chinese married couples and the one constant I have noticed is that all of them are not under 6 figures/yr or they are pretty damn rich. Is it always that way? Who knows.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

What Cities in China for Black Guys?

Yes there are always exceptions to the rule, but to say that blacks are popular amongst the average girl in China/Taiwan and that most are capable of dating 8-10 girls is simply not true. In general, they do not do well in either country. Most are not going to be pulling girls every week and living a hot player lifestyle.

I spend alot of time in both countries and hit the nightlife alot, have large social circles of both locals and expats in both countries. I cant say its a common occurrence at all.

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