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Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Datasheet: Pick-up Russian style. Western game vs Russian game

Ive recently spend a week in a hotel full of russians and observed several groups of guys and girls.

First day group of very sexy girls, you can tell theyre the high maintenance party type girls. Were flirting at a distance and subtly. In comes a group of russian guys who look like theyre all village idiots. Out of shape, wear their tshirt in the water, balding, skinny fat etc....

Somehow they start harrassing the girls. Grabbing them. Theyre joking and laughing loudly all the time. The girls push them away, run away to the other end of the pool, etc...

As im contemplating whether interfering is worth the potential ass kicking, i notice the girls have started to smile. Now when the ugly goofy looking dude grabs the beautiful model, she smiles, stays in his arms a few seconds, then pushes away. Again they follow her. I notice she can get out any time she wants. But they dont. Those girls were eating it up. Could not believe it.

A few days later another group of guys come. Same but more alpha looking. Theyre pretty much destroying everything in their path. Soon they hook up witb same group of girls. And others. They see a girl sunbathing, they splash her with water. They grab her and push her with her clothes on in the water. They see two girls on room balcony, they throw a balloon at then. Completely fearless.

Then i observed them try that stuff with british girl. One guy opens with "hey can you fuck all night". The british girls eat it up and laugh. However, it was only for entertainment. The russian would keep it up like that and end up being the clown and then theyd dismiss him and ignore them. Then i saw the russians simply try more of the same on the same griup of girls, but then hes just digging himself deeper.

However their game worked on the most beautiful women that were there. I envied them and learned from them, pulled a russian that night with them in the back of my mind.

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