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Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Wall Street Playboys: How Much You Can Spend = Hotter Dates

Quote: (01-19-2013 04:37 AM)Hooligan Harry Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2012 12:10 AM)Excalibur Wrote:  

I know this board has more established guys with decent income. I am just wandering how you can best utilized your spare $$$ to help you get more and better tails.

So we gonna talk about using the money specifically to help you get laid, not like investing or paying off your student loans. I would like to get some ideas from you guys.


$100 - $1000
get a gym membership and work out
buy nicer clothes

$1000 - $10,000
take a pick-up bootcamp(not a good use of money)
get an apartment in a better part of town
throw some parties???
take 3 month off and travel around the world to bang chicks
buy fancy clothes?

$10,000 - $100,000
buy a nice car(doesn't help much)
buy a boat???
throw fancier parties
take a year off and learn to pick up chicks all over the world?
Get a fancy pad?

get a small yacht
get a Ferrari
throw regular parties on your little yacht

$1,000,000 - $10,000,000
I know a guy who bought a lingerie company [Image: smile.gif]
Invest and produce cheap movies [Image: smile.gif]

$10,000,000 - I think this is when it really makes a difference
$100,000,000 - buy a modeling agency

There are probably a lot of guys here who are in the $1000-$100,000 range where they can use up that $$$ without hurting their finances permanently. I think that's the toughest range. It's good money, but not the kind of money that give you exclusive access to top shelf girls.

Any ideas welcome...

People tend to miss the point with money. Its not about buying the cars and the boats all the time, its about the LIFESTYLE more than anything else. Women dont actually care about the car or the boat, they care about the LIFESTYLE and SOCIAL STATUS that comes with it.

Thats all its about with them. This is why you will always see broke bitches hanging out in the swankiest clubs and bars. Its not that they are looking for a whale all the time (although they know they have better chances of finding them there), its that woman are fucking snobs and they love shiny shit and opulence.

Money opens up a LIFESTYLE to them that is on a different level to what they can afford, and even though the basics of game remain the same it makes things so much easier.

Take logistics. Everyone is always talking about finding a decent apartment that is close to nightlife and makes it easy to get women back. Location is key. Now if you are staying in a 5 star hotel suite instead of some average apartment in the city, it gives you a substantial advantage. By just being able to order up room service at 3 in the morning alone or have a laundry service, hell a breakfast in the morning prepared by some decent chef, these are things that fuck with their brain in a positive way for men.

Its not just the 5 star hotels. Its the hottest clubs, hottest restaurants, box tickets to major games, etc. All of this puts you in the face of women that are going to be way hotter than your average chud at a backpacker bar or college booze fest, and if you are taking a stupid bitch to these things it helps get the panties off faster too.

You dont need to buy a yacht, you just charter it. But when you have cash to burn, you could charter a monster in the Med for a week or two. You are not going to struggle to pull bitches out of a club in any southern European town if you and a few mates have a super yacht in the harbor.

You dont fly cattle class, you fly first class. When you get to the next level, you are charting flights. You get off the flight far fresher and with less frustration than the chumps in the back of the bus.

You dont throw a party at some suburban home, you throw a party in a house on an estate with massive views and endless booze and drugs. You dont have to worry about cops rocking up because you are disturbing the neighbors, the neighbor is so far away he wont give a fuck.

You get the idea.

This is why I dont even bother debating game and money anymore, too many guys miss the point completely. People make the mistake of thinking that a guy making X a year or driving X car is not seeing extra action, therefore money means shit. They dont understand that its not what you earn or own, its the lifestyle you lead with the money you have. This is what they are drawn to. Chicks dont give a fuck about the car, they care about the fact that a guy who drives a car like that might be the sort who stays in 5 star hotels and flies first class.

The guy investing in cheap movies is onto a winner though. Thats something I would love to do. Even TV series maybe. Sure its a great way to meet a lot of hot women ready to sell their souls for a bit of fame, but it would be a cool thing to do regardless of the outcome with women.

Source: thread-18787...#pid351402

Relevant to the discussion and essentially what I was saying earlier in this thread.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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