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Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Screenshot-at-2019-05-13-20-52-42.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-13-2019 09:45 AM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

She's preparing for a hostage rescue mission at a local synagogue.
Must... Resist... Liking... This...

Quote: (05-13-2019 01:20 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Recap of thread that originally got him banned.
Mild stuff, but heretics are worse than infidels in this new religion.

Reminds me of this
[Image: z7uHlm7.jpg]

If SJWs were selfaware, then they'd realise they might be burnt on on the same pyres they fervently light today.

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-13-2019 02:53 PM)gework Wrote:  

[Image: Screenshot-at-2019-05-13-20-52-42.png]

I would immediately throw up a Nazi salute to see if he'd try to punch me or just attempt a limp-wristed toss of one of those tomatoes in my general direction.

My only fear would be getting blindsided by his wife's boyfriend.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Lib52.jpg]

[Image: Lib54.jpg]

[Image: Lib55.jpg]

[Image: Lib57.jpg]

[Image: jackma1.jpg?itok=ZS0-ukUD]

[Image: social_justice_warriors_1.jpg]

[Image: social_justice_warriors_5.jpg]

[Image: social_justice_warriors_6.jpg]

[Image: social_justice_warriors_16.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: lK3fwkW.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

debeguilded: That vocal fry is a natural contraceptive.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-14-2019 04:48 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


airpods are the biggest meme in modern time.

$100+ for some earbuds that you have to charge and are easily lost all because the company that created the parent accessory knows it can rape your wallet at every given chance (for example, seen a HDMI output on a mac? nope. buy the dongle consumer slut).

They literally took a minimal sticking point, ear bud wires, put a giant price tag on a worse solution, and laughed their way to bank.

I respect the business hustle, but I can never take a apple fan seriously when they go on an anti-capitalism rant.

Don't get me started on the subpar macOS and the "anti-windows" fanboys that buy them.

Never cross streams.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-14-2019 08:56 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2019 04:48 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


airpods are the biggest meme in modern time.

$100+ for some earbuds that you have to charge and are easily lost all because the company that created the parent accessory knows it can rape your wallet at every given chance (for example, seen a HDMI output on a mac? nope. buy the dongle consumer slut).

They literally took a minimal sticking point, ear bud wires, put a giant price tag on a worse solution, and laughed their way to bank.

I respect the business hustle, but I can never take a apple fan seriously when they go on an anti-capitalism rant.

Don't get me started on the subpar macOS and the "anti-windows" fanboys that buy them.

I bought some $35 JVC blue tooth ear buds that have a longer battery life than the Apple shit. I hate the Apple cult.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-14-2019 08:56 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

airpods are the biggest meme in modern time.

$100+ for some earbuds that you have to charge and are easily lost all because the company that created the parent accessory knows it can rape your wallet at every given chance (for example, seen a HDMI output on a mac? nope. buy the dongle consumer slut).

They literally took a minimal sticking point, ear bud wires, put a giant price tag on a worse solution, and laughed their way to bank.

I respect the business hustle, but I can never take a apple fan seriously when they go on an anti-capitalism rant.

Don't get me started on the subpar macOS and the "anti-windows" fanboys that buy them.

The first time I saw them I legit though they looked like cigarette butts hanging out of the person's ears. I didn't even know what they were at the time. I don't think I've ever bought an Apple product in my life. It's always looked like overpriced shite and the hipsters who often bathe in their products reaffirm that assumption.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-15-2019 09:10 AM)crystalcastle Wrote:  

Quote: (05-14-2019 08:56 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

airpods are the biggest meme in modern time.

$100+ for some earbuds that you have to charge and are easily lost all because the company that created the parent accessory knows it can rape your wallet at every given chance (for example, seen a HDMI output on a mac? nope. buy the dongle consumer slut).

They literally took a minimal sticking point, ear bud wires, put a giant price tag on a worse solution, and laughed their way to bank.

I respect the business hustle, but I can never take a apple fan seriously when they go on an anti-capitalism rant.

Don't get me started on the subpar macOS and the "anti-windows" fanboys that buy them.

The first time I saw them I legit though they looked like cigarette butts hanging out of the person's ears. I didn't even know what they were at the time. I don't think I've ever bought an Apple product in my life. It's always looked like overpriced shite and the hipsters who often bathe in their products reaffirm that assumption.

Those ear buds look like this scene from Something About Mary

[Image: alkcmka4szmzctivugzk.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: sjw-starter-pack-33205859.png]

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Since Leftists like to destroy marriage and family, this image is enough to send them into a frenzy.
[Image: bz-5cc72500791fc.png]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

"It's a trap!"

[Image: D6qb-Of-GU8-AAKRpm.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: funny_memes_7.jpg]

[Image: Lib2.jpg]

[Image: Lib4.jpg]

[Image: Lib6.jpg]

[Image: Lib9.jpg]

[Image: Lib10.jpg]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: 5clfwgi2z4y21.jpg]

Born Down Under, but I enjoy Slovakian Thunder:

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: Game-Of-Thrones-season-8-episode-5-memes...1200&h=800]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Lots of them:

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists


Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

[Image: BoWpkRx6Cq5rrS2L?format=jpg&name=900x900]

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Quote: (05-14-2019 04:48 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  


Why does have a fagcent?

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

This is so absolutely bizarre.

I am trying to picture myself as a liberal, feminist abortion lover in say Alabama. What I would do is sleep around, and if I get pregnant just find a friend or connection to do one under the table. Or just go visit another state. It feels so strange that I would do or pull something like the sex strike. Even as a liberal I still think I would have better things to care about in my life. If I am emotionally unstable enough that I feel I have to do something like this, I would expect the group of us abortion lovers to go nowhere(in terms of reach/publicity). I get that Alyssa Milano/Hollywood is satanic, but it's weird that non-hollywood people are jumping on the bandwagon(assuming there is one- not going to bother to check).

Which makes me think this isn't grassroots. Some higher power is pushing for mass abortions, and these are knowingly or unknowingly the "shock troops". It's perhaps even spiritual warfare on some level- child sacrifice gives more power to evil, twisted people, so they subvert/push the abortion meme to encourage more people to help them with the child sacrifice. Maybe the diehard abortion lovers also believe they get some sort of satanic reward for abortion which is why they push it.

Memes and gifs that will instantly trigger leftists

Its cognitive dissonance. The liberals pulling the sex strikes live in NYC and LA. They can't sleep at night knowing abortion is illegal in Alabama.

Georgia adopted a heart beat bill, strict but not as strict as Alabama. Here in Atlanta there is a thriving Hollywood scene due to tax credits. A lot of liberals ran their mouth but then realized well maybe that will cost me some work.

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