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Beta and White Knight Thread

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:28 AM)rpg Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 09:53 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2017 02:06 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2017 01:38 PM)davyjose Wrote:



[Image: 3D2E910D00000578-4221856-image-a-61_1487043625445.jpg]


He should strip naked and jump in or just get in and then take off his clothes.

Nah, just wear breezy shorts above the knee with no jocks and scan the mob for eye contact.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-08-2017 03:52 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

Beta Dad:


A DAD is being applauded online for his twist on the traditional “rules for raising my daughter” fatherly thing.

J. Warren Welch, who says he “ain’t raisin’ no princesses”, posted his rules on social media, reports the NZ Herald.

“You’ll have to ask them what their rules are,” he says.

“I’m not raising my little girls to be the kind of women who need their daddy to act like a creepy possessive badass in order for them to be treated with respect.

“You will respect them, and if you don’t, I promise they won’t need my help
putting you back in your place. Good luck pumpkin.”

Welch, who is raising five daughters with his wife Natasha, told Today he understands “the urge to protect your daughters”.

“I get that. But the kind of posturing by fathers of daughters I was specifically responding to had nothing to do with that ‘protective instinct’ and everything to do with asserting their dominance over women and reinforcing a belief that women need men to take care of them.”

Welch and his wife Samantha are raising their girls together, and all daughters are from their respective previous relationships.

I don't get it.

Is he saying that he chooses not to set any rules and give any guidance to his daughters because they don't need any; or is he saying he won't because he is not able to?

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:26 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:17 AM)blck Wrote:  

It's as sad as this:

IG full of miserable guys idling while their wife goes on shopping spree...

[Image: wCev8S8.png]

Business opportunity? locate the center of a shopping area full of women stores, put a small bar right in the center with free WIFI and phone chargers, some TV with sport on.


Don't hate. Some of you guys gonna be in there too someday. That's me about two times a year in there, usually talking to another dude that has nothing better to do.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-08-2017 02:10 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Don't hate. Some of you guys gonna be in there too someday. That's me about two times a year in there, usually talking to another dude that has nothing better to do.

No, if you are going to hate, hate the chick:


The other day a woman mentioned her frustration with smartphones to my wife. The woman’s complaint was that her husband would play or read on his smartphone while she browses through stores. My wife asked why that was bad, and the woman explained:

Because now he isn’t miserable.

Sometimes they give the game away.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Beta and White Knight Thread


Beta and White Knight Thread

oh dear

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (03-13-2017 10:46 AM)bbgun Wrote:  

[Image: 1420460461685.jpg]

sweet jesus, have some dignity

Please, why can't all of these be fake. Or cousins, uncles, whatever, to give us hope in the face of the apparent inevitable collapse of masculinity.

This thread makes me equal parts disgusted and hopeless for humanity.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-28-2017 12:25 PM)bbgun Wrote:

oh dear
At least he is leading her in the last picture.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-08-2017 02:10 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Don't hate. Some of you guys gonna be in there too someday. That's me about two times a year in there, usually talking to another dude that has nothing better to do.

You're right I'll be there, but I'll be in the dressing room banging the chick I'm going shopping with. [Image: angel.gif]

Beta and White Knight Thread

I never use reddit except for the bartenders' sub to ask the occasional question or just read up on some stuff.

I found this thread on the bartenders sub which is loaded with White knight bullshit. (shocking I know)

The OP:


This happened a year ago : I was on a date with a guy I had met online- had a nice dinner and headed to the bar down the street. I wasn’t enjoying the night immensely, but I walked up to the bar and ordered drinks for us from the bartender since my date had paid for dinner. When bartender came back, I asked to close the tab out. He takes my card, holds it up, and squints at it closely, not saying anything for a couple seconds (still have no idea why he did that). Then points at my date (who’s away from the bar) and asks if it’s my boyfriend/husband. I pause and say I’m on a date. He rings up my card and goes “just in case it doesn’t work out” —hands me the receipts- “I bought you yours”
I’m a shy self conscious person who has never had that happen, so I stand there all awkward and staring. He kinda just looked away to clean a glass and then asked, “ what’s my name?” I gawk for two more seconds and then look down at the receipt for the server name and read it out, then start signing/tipping, at which point my date comes up to bar and asks how’s it going, while I retreat from the bar and give my date the drink; bartender looks busy. I’m too shy to order another round and my date ends up getting more drinks. anyways - thoughts on the intent? friendly gesture? I keep punching myself for not saying thank you or leaving a bigger tip because my brain basically shut off- or maybe I read into it too much(clearly since it’s been a year lol) . Bartenders I know comp drinks for patrons so this isn’t anything special but the whole sequence of events threw me off, especially the card-squinting/inspecting.

So, we have a chick who was clearly impressed by this guy working the bar's gusto and decides to post about it a year after it happened. The clueless Beta phaggots of reddit respond:


Holy crap, no.
Not speaking specifically about this story, chances are the hot guy bartender isn't flirting with you either. The genders don't have anything to do with it. Men aren't flirting machines, just as women aren't.


Sounds like a douche bag.
"What's my name?" Seriously?

Reply to that:


Yeah also blatantly trying to pick her up when she's there on a date with someone else.

Reply to that (which was of course downvoted):

All is fair in love and war.


You said "the hot girl bartender is not really flirting with you." By not saying "the hot boy bartender is not really flirting with you" as well, you implied that male bartenders probably flirting. It doesn't matter if you don't think women "need" the tip. Include both or neither.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-08-2017 02:10 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:26 AM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Quote: (09-02-2017 10:17 AM)blck Wrote:  

It's as sad as this:

IG full of miserable guys idling while their wife goes on shopping spree...


Business opportunity? locate the center of a shopping area full of women stores, put a small bar right in the center with free WIFI and phone chargers, some TV with sport on.


Don't hate. Some of you guys gonna be in there too someday. That's me about two times a year in there, usually talking to another dude that has nothing better to do.

Why not just hang out in the dressing room and have her try on lingerie for you so you can choose what you like? That's what I do.

I enjoy it. If Victoria's Secret started serving alcohol it'd be perfect.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Quote: (09-28-2017 12:25 PM)bbgun Wrote:
oh dear

Um... she asked for her heels back and he said no. Probably took them home and put them in his closet. This guy needs to move to Portland.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Fat youtuber gets divorced:

[Image: JMqf0tK.png]

Beta and White Knight Thread

What is interesting is not so much the crying grooms, but the notably subdued expressions of the brides in comparison. Perhaps they’re resigned to a fate necessitated by their declining SMV and feigning happiness, or genuinely pleased that they have a soft landing after years on the CC. Some have the smug look of a predator stalking its prey, smiling internally as it gets within striking distance, while their prey remains blissfully unaware of its plans for them.

None of the brides are beautiful, even with professional makeup. Yet as they waddle down the aisle possibly out of breath from the exercise, these men weep with joy.

The thirst is all too real.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Lot of fat chicks punching way above their weight, SMFH.

Dude at :35 has movie star good looks as many of the dudes do, yet most of the women wouldn't even get a "yes" on our "would you hit it" thread.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Beta and White Knight Thread

I'm positive the guy at 1:00 is waiting for his groom to walk down the aisle.

Beta and White Knight Thread

I thought that Montage video was a parody and laughed. When I realized that its real, I almost died laughing at the pathetic reactions the guys gave. This cannot be real life.

Note that this video has many likes with many girls commenting what a wonderful moment it is when the guy cries upon looking at the bride. I am pretty sure that in their hearts, these female commentators in real life would be mocking these guys and finding the crying repulsive. They are just commentating positively because they can attention whore with their 'sweet' comments and because the video meets their fantasy and emotional aspects.

When I was married and my, now separated, wife came down the aisle, I had a shit grin on my face and in my mind I was thinking about sex and how I would take that heavy wedding dress off her. The only emotional worry I had was whether I had made peace with myself that this would be it for me and whether I would become a one pussy man or would I get hotter girls in the future.

In no way did I feel like crying let alone shed a tear.

Beta and White Knight Thread

My aunt's husband is a cuck white knight. He's a stereotypical IT administrator (dresses like a geek, geeky haircut, nervous laugh, poor posture, geeky glasses) and they recently had a kid (both are in their mid 50s). Wouldn't surprise me if he's a 50 year old virgin. Everyone here knows it but cuck face does exist.

I think at that age it's irresponsible to have children and my aunt has point blank asked me that I watch out for my niece. I didn't promise her anything since it's not my fault they waited so long to have kids and I'm frankly struggling as a late bloomer. I want a family as well but I want to protect my kid(s). I obviously want to party around a bit but not forever.

Never forget that nice wimpy guys finish last. Ever since I met the guy I swore up and down that would never be me.

Quote: (09-21-2018 09:31 AM)kosko Wrote:  
For the folks who stay ignorant and hating and not improving their situation during these Trump years, it will be bleak and cold once the good times stop.

Beta and White Knight Thread

There are loads of these videos, I guess hamster food sells.

0:35 The video editor shows excellent comic timing here. The guy isn’t bad looking so with his emotional reaction the audience anticipates a slim 8 only to be greeted with an overweight 6. Actually laughed.

0:56 This guy looks like he endured so many years of inceldom that he was just about ready to shoot some place up. But at least his bride is actually hot, a strong WB.

1:16 Imagine getting the thousand cock stare from your bride at the altar of your own wedding

Beta and White Knight Thread

As a photographer/film maker I've seen more than a fair share of these awful wedding videos; just searching for footage from xyz camera. Every time you watch one it's like an injection of komodo dragon AIDS into the eyeballs and takes a small piece of your soul.

Beta and White Knight Thread

Ever been to an Asian wedding and seen the pre-wedding shoot video? That shit cringeworthy.

My mate married a Viet girl and their pre-wedding video included them skipping hand in hand down the rows of a vineyard....

Beta and White Knight Thread

I have to admit I'm a real emotional mess myself when I see a nice pair of titties.

Sometimes it's at the grocery store, sometimes it's at the gym. Hell, sometimes it's at work.

I usually bite my lip, and whisper "gotdamn" to myself and hold back the tears. I'm man enough to admit that yes, sometimes, a lone tear breaks through my "tough masculine" defense and falls slowly down my face.

I love me some titties.

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Beta and White Knight Thread

^^ One of the greatest posts of all time.

Beta and White Knight Thread

[Image: kpXOvxq.jpg]

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Beta and White Knight Thread

YouTube is littered with ridiculous, over-the-top marriage proposal videos, but this guy takes beta bucks stupidity to a new level:

Summary: A YouTube fitness guy — who seems desperate to show the world how "rich" he is — flies his girlfriend via helicopter to a sports stadium, where he unveils his present of a new pink Range Rover to her, then gets down on one knee and begs for her to continue taking material advantage of him hand in marriage.

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