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Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-05-2018 08:30 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I am in the (lower regions) of the UK from time to time and will return to EE within the year I hope but further East. In these situations at least trying to make daygame fun even when failure is pre-eminent is key.

Where are you stationed at the moment?


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-05-2018 08:30 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

@bojangles -- forgive me for condensing your post somewhat, but aside from the very understandable burnout given that you've been in it since '09, your reason seems to be decreasing ROI, and better ROI through other ways of meeting women. It's just the same common theme of globalization, smartphones, and invasion of foreign hordes and bootcamp spammers. I get a weird contrast in Poland, where a girl's initial face to face interest actually means a lot less than it might in a medium sized city near me in the US, in terms of getting the girl into bed. I think on the one hand girls are bombarded with bullshit from their smartphones and they are sick of foreigners approaching them on the street, but on the other hand if any sort of at least semi-decent foreigner comes in with a semi-decent approach then she is still susceptible to autonomic responses to a man she's attracted to, and duly displays IOIs aplenty. The problem is cutting through the long EE dating process along with the suspicions she may have of you as a random foreigner (since it's not social circle). She knows what's up from the other random men who (perhaps less skilfully) approached her on the street. At night, as well, foreigners are accosted to enter one of the many strip clubs under the assumption that they are of course all there as fly by night pussy rats. I felt like I almost got through to a couple - one stood in deep thought for a long time as I tried out a grounding story about how "I'm not like the rest" - it was truly a near Oscar winning performance, tears welling in this sweet girl's eyes, but she knew I was only there for a few months. I received some lovely, what I believe to be sincere compliments, but she cannot get involved with someone like me.
Yep not going to say you're wrong but I think at a certain age ROI is really important. At my age I've got so much other shit to concentrate on that I neglected in my blue pill days (my 20's you could say). Poland is suffering from everything you describe there but it seems to have come on fast, past 2 years I'd say. Being a brown guy here probably makes it a little more difficult but it is what it is. I'm just seeing similar observations from others Polish and foreign. I completely disagree with the title of this thread though. I'm sure if I went to Belgrade tomorrow, then daygame would be a superb way to get laid.

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Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

At any age ROI is really important. Heck, it's probably the most important thing to me, but yeah, as I've gotten older running around blind after chicks without considering ROI now seems retarded to me. So I totally get it. And even though I am a white guy myself, I even saw myself surprised to see the occasional indian guy or black guy in Poland, it's just all white. In the night I also hung out with some drunk polish guys and they were saying that if I am from Britain and white it's OK, but it's the [insert racial slurs here] "that we hate and don't want in our country". I'm not sure if I saw any outward racism, mostly because there weren't so many non-white guys, but it's definitely not a place where clearly foreign looking guys feel totally welcome by polish guys, I would imagine. The girls don't necessarily have sexual prejudice against brown guys, or even far east asian guys, but I always felt that there would be huge social pressure on a girl to only choose polish guys because of family/friends and the general nationalist undertones I felt while being there.

It's interesting that you say Belgrade - I heard it was very difficult with very high competition.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (01-01-2018 04:01 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

Quote: (01-01-2018 03:26 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

The best book I've personally ever read on Daygame is by neither Torero nor Krauser, but rather by a guy who calls himself "Bodi". The book is in two parts and is called "Death by a Thousand Sluts." It is one of the most unique books I've actually ever read and I know this sounds like hyperbole but I would suggest one reserve judgment on that call until after one has read it. It contains some frankly extremely disturbing reading, psychological demons laying waste to years of this guy's life as he deep down never gives up on Daygame despite an amount of nervous breakdowns of which I've lost count but each uniquely disturbing. Also just some terribly pathetic and gross scenes such as projectile vomiting and violent diarrhea at the same time in some kind of chimp or Gollum position, I can't quite remember, with trousers down in order to keep the vomit and the diarrhea from his pulled down trousers. It's absolutely fucking crazy. However I wouldn't recommend it to guys who are "in the zone", extremely positive about Daygame and getting consistent results and most importantly enjoying it.

Heard a lot about Death by a Thousand Sluts and Bodi and always was tempted to read it... I do wonder if it's actually better than Daygame Mastery.

I decided to bite the bullet and read through part 1. It's fucking amazing. I love how gorgeously he wrote some of the material. My mind was rushing with pleasure as he basically wrote things in a way that I totally understood, before, I felt relatively alone in the world.

Ultimately it's less of a practical, and I guess less useful than DM, but reading this puts a lot of things into perspective.

I'll probably try to unpack a bit more after I stop reeling and had time for everything to sink in. For now, I just have to say that in Part 1 at least, Krauser didn't come off in a bad light at all to me.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

A few of the quotes from the book(hopefully not going too off topic):

On Naturals' reaction to game:


He[The Natural] simply could not empathize with being a guy that girls didn’t want. Few very hot guys can. They’ve never experienced it and they’ve never had to apply any kind of system or deep personal change to get laid. Furthermore, they’re not natural analyzers and deconstructors; they tend to be more straightforward people. They tend to have a natural revulsion to Gammaness; as teenagers they’d be the ones out playing football, certainly not indoors playing Dungeons & Dragons.

Is it natural? Is it a straightforward repellence to Gammaness... or do they at some level know... do they know that those traits will not bring them closer to pussy? I’m a little suspicious. What I have noticed about Naturals is that they aggressively protect their vibe. They ruthlessly block out any noise which can affect their usually chilled signal (vibe). They’ll refuse to enter discussions on politics or feminism, unless it’s to push their vibe of “all get along”. They’ll spend hours chilling out, watching cartoons or movies and often smoking weed. They’ll avoid high stress jobs. They’ll make themselves not care about money.

In summary these are my top three reasons a Denialist Natural will scoff at
1. Ignorance/lack of empathy
2. Revulsion to Gammaness
3. Vibe protection

On Gammas and Sci-fi(for instance):


Gamma Watch: liking sci-fi. Gammas love sci-fi because it lets them dream and fantasize, usually about futures where they have secret powers or chicks for free. Also, sci-fi is a complex system, which they can master and feel smug about.

On bluepill Bodi meeting Krauser for the second time:


Saturday came and I followed my email instructions. The first seminar was in Starbucks on Conduit Street. Krauser arrived with his girlfriend in tow, a pretty Thai girl who doted on him. He revelled in bossing her around, making sure all us chodes could see him do it. ‘Is he evil?’ I wondered.

We all scuttled into one of the little booths and Krauser produced his miniature laptop from his coat pocket and set it on a table ready for his presentation. It began with five or six slides showing all the girls he’d supposedly laid and was laying currently from daygame. He smirked and glanced at his girlfriend, who looked uncomfortable and embarassed. He jokingly covered her ears then gestured to the screen and said “this is me harem at the minute, am fucking all these birds”. His girfriend seemed nice, I really didn’t see why he had to rub her face in it just to puff himself up in front of students. ‘Yes, he is evil’, I decided.

On his total, bluepill Gamma life:


In some ways, I had amazing game, but it was poisoned in others. After the first year and a half passed I discovered I remained “unpicked”, left on the scrap heap. I decided that if I was going to be sexually unselected then I’d be damned if girls weren’t going to at least find me amazingly funny and entertaining. I developed “The Pact”, an emotional defense mechanism which
would allow me to go out and function without being crushed by feelings of worthlessness. The Pact consisted of a mental promise to myself to accept my assignation in life as “unattractive” and to never, ever, even attempt to become “attractive”. Before I went out I’d look at my unnatractive, cursed face in the mirror and with the intensity of the only slight-sane I’d stare into my eyes in the mirror and out loud swear over and over again my adherence to The Pact. Only The Pact could save me from terrible tsunamis of suicidal worthlessness. If my heart was true, and I stuck to The Pact well, and didn’t allow a single flicker of hope or questioning, then I found I could actually have fun when going out. However, the second I started doubting The Pact,or trying in any way, then crushing, terrible feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy wracked me and I’d stumble home a shivering, weeping wreck and lie in the dark for hours sobbing, eating Tesco value custard creams and listening to The Cure, or when things got really bad, The Smiths.

Thanks to my genius Pact, when freed of the need to actually hit on or escalate girls I’d go to parties or meet people and be determined to be liked. I developed an incredible sense of humour and quick wit. I’d hold whole rooms rapt in attention and have them crying with laughter. It was pure Gammaism: I weirdly had a super-strong frame combined with toxic self esteem. I’d meet friends of friends, beautiful girls who’d ignore me. Enraged, I’d subtly capture the conversation, talk over them and find ways to force them to qualify. I’d laugh at them and mock them, calling them stupid and aggressively challenging them, but then five minutes later have them shrieking with laughter. Eventually I’d have the beautiful girl staring at me with wide eyes. Seventeen years later I’d realize this was “eye spazz” which means the girl wants to screw you right there and then. Back then I thought it just meant she’d ceased to regard me as a bug on the ground. Job done, I’d congratulate myself on being ‘liked’, then to the girl’s confusion I’d simply get up and leave. Back home I’d creep to my room and lock the door and turn off the lights, then gorge on boxes of Mr Kipling French Fancies whilst watching Red Dwarf. I’d often just bite the creamy top piece off and toss the bottom away, as debauched as Caligula himself.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-13-2018 04:35 AM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

"We all scuttled into one of the little booths and Krauser produced his miniature laptop from his coat pocket and set it on a table ready for his presentation. It began with five or six slides showing all the girls he’d supposedly laid and was laying currently from daygame. He smirked and glanced at his girlfriend, who looked uncomfortable and embarassed. He jokingly covered her ears then gestured to the screen and said “this is me harem at the minute, am fucking all these birds”. His girflriend seemed nice, I really didn’t see why he had to rub her face in it just to puff himself up in front of students. ‘Yes, he is evil’, I decided."

Never read Bodi's book (though read a few posts on his now defunct blog and a few pages from a book) and don't intend to. This is so because his writing style is demanding a reader to pat him on the back saying "there, there, everything's OK little fella", or what Krauser would call "value tapping" to make the writer feel good about himself by having the reader sympathise with his predicament. I believe he wrote a book ultimately for self-therapy purposes and if it garnered some profit, all the better.

Now, what I really wanted to address is the passage you quoted. I'll take the content prima facie, that is Bodi really thought Krauser possessed some serious "dark triad' traits. I think that Bodi completely missed the mark and is still (at least when he was typing these words) in blue pill mindset par excellence. My interpretation was that Krauser presented to the attendees what powers a player, who sets up proper dynamics with a girl, has. Namely, a powerful frame where a woman accepts the fact a man sleeps with other women. Even if a girl had no idea what was coming, she could have left the café at any moment, yet she has not. The lesson all we can draw from it is not that Krauser is evil but rather that you can set up a relationship dynamic from the beginning such that a girl (not all of them, perhaps) will accept that you concurrently sleep with other girls. Naturally, to prove it, the only way was to demonstrate it in front of the others. I guess it was more of a marketing move than just him boasting about the fact he built a cosy harem. Quite an achievement from being dumped by a wife of 9 years to get to that level of playerdom.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@The Catalyst - I told you man [Image: smile.gif] It is amazingly well written, but yes, not a practical guide like DM.

@ksbms - I think you're being a little harsh on Bodi. If what he has written is true, I believe he was trying his best at day game, just as Krauser has tried his best, but Bodi was far less built for it even than Krauser. I know it's easy to say in hindsight, but I believe Krauser always had the innate internal strength and stubbornness to drag himself through to success with day game. For most of the two books by Bodi, I am still left with the impression that, unfortunately, the universe didn't endow Bodi with the internal solidity and vital positive energy that Krauser and other successful and consistent day gamers have.

There are insights in there that are beyond what Krauser has written. I agree that it is self-therapeutic to write such a book, especially in Bodi's case where there were so many extreme lows. I question whether, now, for example, Bodi moved on from the Beginner phase to Intermediate and banged and managed to get better results and consistency. The relative lack of activity after the books suggests he may have "quit" day game, or he may now be killing it, who knows.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

I don't think he actually thought Krauser was evil at the time of writing, it was just some flair. I found it personally hilarious even as a loyal Krauser fanboy. It was just a clever way of writing to illustrate both Krauser's vibe as well as Bodi's chodey bluepill POV at the time of the event.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-13-2018 12:08 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I question whether, now, for example, Bodi moved on from the Beginner phase to Intermediate and banged and managed to get better results and consistency. The relative lack of activity after the books suggests he may have "quit" day game, or he may now be killing it, who knows.

I think he moved to Asia. I'm not 100% positive, but I recall something a mutual friend told me.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

See bald Richard running around rainy London in his oversized jacket and sneakers running pre-Valentine's day purposefully verbally cheesy, half-arsed game whilst sipping his soda drink. Yet, he snatches 2 numbers out of 6 approaches. Amazing.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?


...sneakers... half-arsed... sipping his soda drink...

Ha, sounds a lot like me. But seriously I think his Raiders jacket was pretty fashionable. He looked like a cool guy. Proves you don't have to have the leather jacket uniform to do well.

That guy is obviously very good, I like how he doesn't really make a fuss about how to approach. He just proved on camera for all to see that you can approach moving girls facing them while you are standing still, meaning you don't have to do the whole elaborate let them go by and run around them for the big dramatic front stop. If they're gonna stop they will stop. Nice blonde Russian there, so polite.

He basically got the number from every set that he could gave got it from. Hard BF objections are almost impossible to do anything about. Speaking of which, what about the one who gave him a "I've got a GIRLFRIEND". That caught me off guard. She looked quite feminine from the back anyway, so her GF must be the butch one.

That spanish girl had a really sweet voice but I can imagine it becoming really annoying after a while. She seemed really nice though, one of the types I would go after.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

I've learned a cool little trick from Bodi.

Before, a neurotic person like me and Bodi would try and convince myself logically why I should do things. Not understanding the psychology of the logical forebrain and the much, much more powerful hindbrain. The analogy is thinking of the forebrain/hindbrain as the rider/elephant. One's sophisticated and weak, one's dumb and powerful.

When I really want to do something, I would logically list out the benefits and put the pressure on that way. When my hindbrain didn't want to do them, it's a gruelling emotional experience that I failed most of the time, but even when I did the thing, it was so draining I'd second-guess myself if it was worth it. And I would be thinking I was such a failure that I couldn't do something really easy that often it seemed other kids did with real ease and also be thinking if I struggled to do something I really wanted, surely I didn't have a chance with something I don't care all that much about.

I also had the problem of "choking"- if I really really wanted something and was excited for it, I was more likely to fail. I had an inkling this was the case even though I wasn't completely sure. The problem was the instinctive solution was to care less, but the whole point of me doing daygame or other things I really wanted was because I cared- caring less meant there was less meaning.

The new shift: instead of trying to logically pressure myself to do something, treat everything as a game, a joke, whimsically. Basically an example would be approaching girls: instead of logically bruteforcing listing all the advantages, I just think about doing it "for the lulz". So far with one daygame sesh it's been pretty good- already i'd talked before about how meditation cut my AA by about 95%- this new trick/way of doing things pretty much killed it dead. But I'll have to keep going and apply this to more areas of my life to see if this is actually as groundbreaking as it seems.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

I'll back the recommendation for Bodi's book.

Not as a recommendation to actually learn DG per se, but purely for entertainment value and to understand the journey behind someone who had his fair share of demons many people will be able to relate to.

(Also spent some time with him in Krakow and lived with him for a week in Kiev, should be noted).

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-13-2018 03:39 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

See bald Richard running around rainy London in his oversized jacket and sneakers running pre-Valentine's day purposefully verbally cheesy, half-arsed game whilst sipping his soda drink. Yet, he snatches 2 numbers out of 6 approaches. Amazing.

Might be the best daygamer I've seen. Great vibe.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

London is tough...the video above is a compilation of why no sane young man should ever live there:

Girl #1 looks as if she's on her way to perform a circus show with those pants, just horrible fashion sense. I also think she stole the jacket from a homeless guy.
The approach was cringy to watch: "Sure, I could be a creepy serial killer." What's up with this "creep" culture in the West ? It's as if the guy feels ashamed, it communicates self esteem issues. If you feel like a creep for approaching women then maybe you should work on that first.

Girls #2 and #3, one claims she has a "girlfriend"...great, not only is it hard to find a woman worth approaching but when you finally do you realize you skipped the chapter on lesbian game. Again cringy jokes: "I'm really lonely". That would work if you had previously been pre-selected. In a daygame scenario that just sounds needy and low value.

Girl #4, looks like a decent down to earth girl. Probably not a good idea to neg her, she doesn't seem to be the slutty type. Of course she is Russian like 90% of all the attractive girls in England. The other 10% are lesbians.

Girl #5, her reaction to a compliment: "Why ?" then runs away, a typical reaction from the locals.

Girl #6, bitchy attitude, another local.

Girl #7, horrible fashion sense for a fashion student but otherwise a good catch for a quick bang. Not a local of course. With these new girls in town it's more of a first come first serve situation and less about game.

Kudos to the guy though, day gaming in London can be soul crushing.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-15-2018 07:35 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

Kudos to the guy though, day gaming in London can be soul crushing.

A lot of people claim that London is tough for day game.

However, which city in Europe could be better to actually learn day game? Paris, Madrid, Barcelona? A city of at least one million in EE?

There are some good things about London IMHO:

- Girls from various ethnic backgrounds to satisfy everyone's taste
- Huge population
- High turnover of people
- A lot of tourists
- Pedestrian traffic dense areas
- Talking to a random stranger does not seem 'weird' in such a cosmopolitan metropolis

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

@Catalyst - you're on the right track in your thinking at least, though it is much, much easier said than done. Even Krauser who has dedicated his life to day game for nearly a decade now and is still going... he says that although if you're going to do day game you've got to make a massive effort etc., so taking it seriously is important, but at the same time fundamentally day game is just one other game within the game of life, none of it has any meaning other than what you ascribe to it. So don't take it too seriously. When I'm not day gaming, this line of thought although somewhat nihilist does actually help because success or failure it doesn't really matter in the end. Try your best and if for whatever reasons you fail despite your best efforts, that's the way it's gonna be.

I accidentally came across some article about a book called "Misogynation" by some british feminist I think, and it was published by a really big publishing house, so likely with a big advance. It's basically claiming that women in the UK are 2nd class citizens (yes, really) and men are scum (militant feminist tl;dr essentially). Now, whether Bodi was the best or worst at daygame, put that aside for a second, and consider Bodi's quality of writing, which is fantastic, amazing, truly. ksbms may not want to read it for the slight whiff of "victimhood", but consider this: day game isn't the only way we can be judged in terms of how well we did in life as men. Bodi in his two part memoir created some of the best red pill prose that is actually entertaining at the same time. That is a fantastic achievement in and of itself. If I were Bodi I would be damn proud. Bittersweet for me that militant feminist bollocks gets 6 figure advances and mainstream coverage while Bodi probably sold a few hundred copies independently. I guess I need to continue to work on accepting the most successful "art" in modern western culture is now basically 50 Shades, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande showing 75% of her ass hole in half her videos, even down to the creases from the event horizon to the actual singularity.

@This Is Trouble, bojangles, Teedub - it's pretty cool to see the links with Bodi on this forum. If any of you see him or have indirect contact with him, tell him his writing is absolutely brilliant and give him my congratulations for his fantastic achievement.

@Pointer - the guy's lines are cheesy and all, but his vibe is good. While it is always a bit "forced" to do the whole complimenting the girl on her style or a piece of clothing and teasing her, because ultimately we just want to bang her, the sets seem a lot more smooth energy wise than Krauser, who even in "daygame mediocrity" I feel is putting a hell of a lot of work in to appear "cool". Sometimes day game is deceptive; the best sets are often apparently the most simple. If you've got a good vibe/energy then saying or doing "shit" doesn't matter anywhere near as much.

I agree however that he shouldn't be reinforcing the continued use of the word "creepy", men trying their best at cold approach or just men existing in general are often called "creepy" in the US and UK to shame them into submission. It's sad.

The locals do indeed suck in attitude and the effort they put in to looking good, but I don't think the one with the weird trousers wasn't good looking. She just wasn't dressed well at all. The spanish girl I think was perhaps naive in her dress sense but her face is very pretty and she is probably hiding a nice body underneath all that. If anything that's a "good value" approach, I would take that all day long. I would take her as more than a quick bang, unless close up there is something wrong with her or her body is somehow awful underneath.

London is soul crushing because of the ridiculously high cost of living, grey and depressing urban sprawl, cold and impolite locals, snobbery amongst highly paid (but ~75% effectively taxed - see Krauser's memoirs) finance professionals, and of course the terrible quality of the local women in looks and personality. Advantages are as Merengues listed. If you can find a cheap way to live in London you pick off those lonely tourists which will be your bread and butter.

Overall I fucking hate London though, the vibe of the place is just depressing in so many ways. When in the UK, I avoid it as much as I possibly can. There are a lot more airports in the UK that I purposely choose over anything near there. Heathrow being the exception as it does long haul and is easy to just GTFO direct from the coach station to other places in the UK. Pre-book national express online and you get pretty cheap transport by UK standards. Book that same coach ticket in the airport and it's like 4x the price, no shit. The London premium.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

@Catalyst - you're on the right track in your thinking at least, though it is much, much easier said than done. Even Krauser who has dedicated his life to day game for nearly a decade now and is still going... he says that although if you're going to do day game you've got to make a massive effort etc., so taking it seriously is important, but at the same time fundamentally day game is just one other game within the game of life, none of it has any meaning other than what you ascribe to it. So don't take it too seriously. When I'm not day gaming, this line of thought although somewhat nihilist does actually help because success or failure it doesn't really matter in the end. Try your best and if for whatever reasons you fail despite your best efforts, that's the way it's gonna be.[/quote]

I concur. It's game. A mating game but still a game like chess. Mating game's search space is vastly more complex than that of chess but similarly there is a small set of close-to-optimal moves, certain set of tactics and strategies and clear objective. All we do is to design an ever-so-slightly less imperfect algorithm.

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I guess I need to continue to work on accepting the most successful "art" in modern western culture is now basically 50 Shades, Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande showing 75% of her ass hole in half her videos, even down to the creases from the event horizon to the actual singularity.[/quote]

Yes, today's pop culture is in a gutter. Regardless of how many views Miss Grande (what a surname!) accumulates on YT, she can polish J.S.Bach, Bethoveen and Rachmaninov's shoes.

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

@Pointer - the guy's lines are cheesy and all, but his vibe is good. While it is always a bit "forced" to do the whole complimenting the girl on her style or a piece of clothing and teasing her, because ultimately we just want to bang her, the sets seem a lot more smooth energy wise than Krauser, who even in "daygame mediocrity" I feel is putting a hell of a lot of work in to appear "cool". Sometimes day game is deceptive; the best sets are often apparently the most simple. If you've got a good vibe/energy then saying or doing "shit" doesn't matter anywhere near as much.[/quote]

Guys, you clearly missed the whole point as some commentators on YT. Actually, Richard corrects it. He's cheesy lines were purposefully cheesy due to upcoming V-day. I've seen all his videos and he never runs "I'm so fucking desperate guy I need to tell you I'm a loser game". This Valentines Day pickup video shows that despite cheesy as hell lines, with the right vibe, confidence, on point body language, you can get the numbers. And he performed admirably. 2/6 is a good call.

In this way I agree, experience teaches that, as SH mentioned "good vibe/energy then saying or doing "shit"" can matter much more. Krauser in DGI writes, similarly, that your biggest work is to prepare yourself correctly in a pre-open stage. Then, n principle, the set is won or lost in the 5-10 seconds from the open.

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

I agree however that he shouldn't be reinforcing the continued use of the word "creepy", men trying their best at cold approach or just men existing in general are often called "creepy" in the US and UK to shame them into submission. It's sad.[/quote]

I think that creepy is a pejorative equivalent to slut.

I remember once in my life a girl said that to me. It was in Glasgow, saw this girl walking downtown wearing bright yellow top, bright red pants. She stood out from the crowd like a dinosaur in a swimming pool. Ass was fine, so I approached as she walked, didn't come up from the front, she blurted out "I don't want to talk to you", I asked "Why?", after which she gave me an intellectually deep answer "because you're a creep", delivered with a strong weegie accent.

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

The locals do indeed suck in attitude and the effort they put in to looking good, but I don't think the one with the weird trousers wasn't good looking. She just wasn't dressed well at all. The spanish girl I think was perhaps naive in her dress sense but her face is very pretty and she is probably hiding a nice body underneath all that. If anything that's a "good value" approach, I would take that all day long. I would take her as more than a quick bang, unless close up there is something wrong with her or her body is somehow awful underneath.

The hobo/homeless style (I don't know what actually it's called, that's what I call it) became mainstream in the UK in the last year or two. Girls (especially the young British ones) being conformist wear it all around campuses - oversized, dirty jackets, ill fitting trousers and necessarily ultra-dirty snickers (I wonder if bras and panties need to be dirty too, then?). Not sure why it is so but I think at least some of them want to give a "statement" to the society that "you won't judge me by my looks". I never approach these girls, they don't deserve my attention. One thing, I feel no allurement towards British girls' countenances, second from experience, I know that daygame works best on feminine girls, so why make a mountain higher to climbed than need be?

[quote='Skank_Hunt' pid='1738068' dateline='1518787308']
London is soul crushing because of the ridiculously high cost of living, grey and depressing urban sprawl, cold and impolite locals, snobbery amongst highly paid (but ~75% effectively taxed - see Krauser's memoirs) finance professionals, and of course the terrible quality of the local women in looks and personality. Advantages are as Merengues listed. If you can find a cheap way to live in London you pick off those lonely tourists which will be your bread and butter.[/quote]

I'm going to London with my wing soon, these are words of encouragement! Been to London quite a few times and found it an interesting city but never daygamed.

[quote] (02-16-2018 08:21 AM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

Overall I fucking hate London though, the vibe of the place is just depressing in so many ways. When in the UK, I avoid it as much as I possibly can. There are a lot more airports in the UK that I purposely choose over anything near there. Heathrow being the exception as it does long haul and is easy to just GTFO direct from the coach station to other places in the UK. Pre-book national express online and you get pretty cheap transport by UK standards. Book that same coach ticket in the airport and it's like 4x the price, no shit. The London premium.[/quote]

Oh man, sounds like you really had bad time in there.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

ksbms your post is a striking reminder why I don't game in Scotland. As a 'Weegie' myself I never actually day gamed in Glasgow but the reactions you got are not surprising at all. Scottish girls scare me frankly. While they can be super friendly there are a lot of uncivilised, brutal ones who will behave like that. Aberdeen is pretty awful too though luckily I never had reactions as bad as that there! At a club several times but not during the day. When a girl acts like that you could always troll her and say you are recording it and will put it on the internet. Don't actually do that haha but it would be nice to educate girls not to treat random men that way.

If a man as a creep is the equivalent of a woman being a slut then a man who spam approaches is equivalent to a woman who gives nuclear rejections like that - both behaviours destroy the watering hole in the long run. More entitled bitches, more embittered jaded men.

Funny side note. Lately in Warsaw I approached a girl I thought was a solid blonde Ukrainian 8 at a mall. As soon as she spoke it turned out she was from Glasgow with the accent and humour! Turns out she was an air hostess for a major airline. She was super friendly and sadly not available. What are the odds...

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:46 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Funny side note. Lately in Warsaw I approached a girl I thought was a solid blonde Ukrainian 8 at a mall.

I may pop in to Warsaw early April for a day or two.

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:46 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

As soon as she spoke it turned out she was from Glasgow with the accent and humour! Turns out she was an air hostess for a major airline. She was super friendly and sadly not available. What are the odds...

[Image: giphy.gif]


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-16-2018 01:08 PM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:46 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

Funny side note. Lately in Warsaw I approached a girl I thought was a solid blonde Ukrainian 8 at a mall.

I may pop in to Warsaw early April for a day or two.

Quote: (02-16-2018 12:46 PM)WannaBang Wrote:  

As soon as she spoke it turned out she was from Glasgow with the accent and humour! Turns out she was an air hostess for a major airline. She was super friendly and sadly not available. What are the odds...

[Image: giphy.gif]

I'm sure you will be impressed with the talent if all you have to go by is London and Glasgow

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

I ordered Bodi's second book last week. I thought his first was hilarious, but I've forgotten how it ended since I finished it in 2015. Would any of you mind filling me in on how it ended, as I can't remember? ... I donated my copy to a charity shop in London in order to pass on the lighthearted, joyful message [Image: biggrin.gif]

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

He banged a brown girl in Singapore.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-16-2018 02:36 AM)Merengues Wrote:  

Quote: (02-15-2018 07:35 PM)Pointer Wrote:  

Kudos to the guy though, day gaming in London can be soul crushing.

A lot of people claim that London is tough for day game.

However, which city in Europe could be better to actually learn day game? Paris, Madrid, Barcelona? A city of at least one million in EE?

There are some good things about London IMHO:

- Girls from various ethnic backgrounds to satisfy everyone's taste
- Huge population
- High turnover of people
- A lot of tourists
- Pedestrian traffic dense areas
- Talking to a random stranger does not seem 'weird' in such a cosmopolitan metropolis

You forgot the most important advantage: people speak English [Image: smile.gif]

I would take the scientific approach: search for a first or second tier city that's not too spread out with a healthy population of young women and more importantly, a good ratio of young women to men.

Then add in your ethnicity, your preference in women and your language skills. Are you a darker dude ? Then go to a country where those guys are considered exotic and where the women seem appealing to you. If you're a Brit you would be more successful in countries where the accent is considered sexy such as the US. A Russian guy would kill it in a small backwater town but would be miserable in London.

I would argue that a mix of ethnicity is not an advantage. I have 0 interest in Black, Asian or Indian women so instead of having 3 Black, 4 Asians and 2 Indians roaming around I'd prefer 6 Slavic women. A huge population is also not a measure of quality. I'm sure that Beijing has a massive population and is full of tourists, that doesn't make it a good day game destination.

Is daygame the worst way to meet women?

Quote: (02-21-2018 02:36 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

He banged a brown girl in Singapore.

I was expecting a little bit more of a recap than that, but thanks all the same.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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