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Need someone who can « read » a painting

Need someone who can « read » a painting

I’m not sure if we have some artistic types on here?

Long story short, a girl drew me a portrait. At first I was feeling pretty doped, just how often girls do this to you?

Then I started looking closer, and this is where it gets creepy. Not wanting to sound drama but it’s like the beginning of an Asian horror mindfuck movie.

It’s probably just nothing but being the curious guy I am I would like to get to the bottom of this. I cant resist mystery and interpretation.

If anyone has a “sense” or “feel” or whatever it is they called, that allows you to resonate or connect with someone through their painting, I kindly need your help.

I showed this to an artist acquaintance of mine and what she said absolutely blew my mind. Even though she never met the chick who drew this she could guess 100% correct her behaviors, anguish and personality type.

I know this sounds new agey and I’m a skeptical ass, but please PM me if you are interested.

Thanks in advance,

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Need someone who can « read » a painting

[Image: Norton.gif]

Very artistic females (poets, writers, painters, sculptors, etc) are often crazy and/or bipolar and/or have BPD (Borderline personality disorder).

The sex is usually fantastic, but the day to day long term relationship is hell on earth.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Truer words never spoken, Merc.

They who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety- Benjamin Franklin, as if you didn't know...

Need someone who can « read » a painting

This is not my first brush with artistic girls and usually I can smell the crazies a mile away. Hell I'm the first here to shout "dont stick your dick in crazies".

But this one caught me off guard. It's your cute usual girl next door type, doesn't speak much, pretty loving and feminine. Generally low maintenance other than a few texting. No huge red flag other than what's typical for girls her age.

So I wanna know if this is abandon ship button.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 11:48 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

This is not my first brush with artistic girls and usually I can smell the crazies a mile away. Hell I'm the first here to shout "dont stick your dick in crazies".

But this one caught me off guard. It's your cute usual girl next door type, doesn't speak much, pretty loving and feminine. Generally low maintenance other than a few texting. No huge red flag other than what's typical for girls her age.

So I wanna know if this is abandon ship button.

There are always exceptions of course. (very few)
Have you seen some of the other stuff she has painted/drawn ?
Does it match how she drew you ? Or is it different ?

If you can see some examples of her artistic style covering 5 years or more, that will give you a good idea of her psyche.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Ok, now I am super curious. What exactly did creeped you out, would you say that portrait is very accurate and done good but something is "off" with it?

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Was your girlfriend traveling in Spain recently Dalaran?

[Image: s-l1600.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 11:38 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

[Image: Norton.gif]

Very artistic females (poets, writers, painters, sculptors, etc) are often crazy and/or bipolar and/or have BPD (Borderline personality disorder).

The sex is usually fantastic, but the day to day long term relationship is hell on earth.

Yeah. I suppose schizos is another category. Apparently there's another group thats part schizo, part bipolar.
The thing is, bipolar and schizo are only meant to be 1% of the population each. If so, why are there so many female loons of that type?

I heard that 1 in 4 people in some counties of Britain are having mental health treatment at any one time. And I think it was 1 in 3 people at any point during their lifetime.

Next bitch sleeps over at mine, I think I'll hide the sharp knives.
And blunt objects.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 02:12 PM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

Yeah. I suppose schizos is another category. Apparently there's another group thats part schizo, part bipolar.
The thing is, bipolar and schizo are only meant to be 1% of the population each. If so, why are there so many female loons of that type?

I heard that 1 in 4 people in some counties of Britain are having mental health treatment at any one time. And I think it was 1 in 3 people at any point during their lifetime.

The answer is simple.
Pregnancy and childbirth prevents most of these problems.
Pregnancy and childbirth literally changes female brain chemistry in a permanent (positive) way.

The longer a female goes without getting pregnant and giving birth, the more prone she is to all these mental problems.
That's why mental problems in females are more widespread than ever today.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 12:05 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

If you can see some examples of her artistic style covering 5 years or more, that will give you a good idea of her psyche.

Here's schizophrenic artist Louis Wain's progression as his episodes increased in severity over the years. To his mind, they're all cats.

[Image: tumblr_mwsw3qJnGv1r8x2ybo1_500.jpg]

The tells I see are usually that they grow increasingly hyper-detailed and intricate, obsessively-so; the more talented ones use repetitive patterns that have a definite structure but eventually structure itself becomes more abstract; and the colour combinations become increasingly-garish and violent in their juxtapositions.

Here's one from 1888:

[Image: schizophrenic_artist__the_by_teppo_j_mor...6iynom.jpg]

More examples:

[Image: nick%2Bblinko%2B1.jpeg]

[Image: crazy-drawings-made-by-people-who-strugg...nia-12.jpg]

[Image: schizophrenic-art-4-1.jpg]

[Image: Art-Brut-3.jpg]

[Image: 09804b09a712b77356a4079556fbb3e0.jpg]

[Image: shot+to+the+head+final.jpg]

[Image: Portrait-of-a-Schizophrenic_art.jpg?v=1492501821]

By contrast, I'd peg this as an upper middle class teenager who gains social currency and attention by talking loudy to other SJW's about her 'headmates'.

[Image: schizophrenia__personified_by_shadowspill-d50tmjd.jpg]

Do you see any evidence of that kind of thing, Dalaran?

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Hey thanks everyone who offer to help. I left the portrait at my workplace for discretion purpose (plus it makes me unease at home), soon as I get to work tomorrow I'll scan it and send ya all a message.

You will have to forgive me for not giving out too much details, there's a bit of privacy involved.

Like I said, on the surface it looks like a nice portrait, maybe even flattering depending on your taste. It's when you look closer that you noticed something's off. When you look really closer you realize it's some weird shit. Which then makes me feel...unease.

I showed it to my best lesbian "bro" who is also a plastic art guy, and a colleague at work who is an exceptional painter. Both said there's something troubling about the painting, if not the painter herself. That's why I think it's best to ask some of you "professionals".

EDIT: double checked with a dude trying to hit on her... yeah she draws some weird shit. Like a woman vomit out a pair of hands which push out other grotesque humans.
Fuck it enough internet for tonight. And enough fucking around with this girl. I shoulda know.

The thing is that I'm in fucking Paris and all 18-20 years old here are a "artistic" and a lot more passionate than your average broad, so sometimes it's hard to tell the normal French chick from the BPD chick.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Need someone who can « read » a painting

I don't think you really need any help with this one. Your gut instinct is ringing off the hook already telling you what you need to know. You just don't want it to be true, so you are looking for other explanations.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 05:08 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I don't think you really need any help with this one. Your gut instinct is ringing off the hook already telling you what you need to know. You just don't want it to be true, so you are looking for other explanations.


Though an inquiry into painted messages would be worth it for it's own sake, you already have all the knowledge you need to make a decision.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 05:00 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

The thing is that I'm in fucking Paris and all 18-20 years old here are a "artistic" and a lot more passionate than your average broad, so sometimes it's hard to tell the normal French chick from the BPD chick.

Whilst the subject matters sound offensive, then I guess you'd have to be able to detect if it genuinely-feel wrong, with the sort of insanity and obsessiveness shown in those pictures above, or is it a little girl playing Wednesday Adams to seem deep and dark for attention?

It's 'has been seriously institutionalized' versus 'shops at Hot Topic'. A lot of 'artistic' girls tend to be the latter.

That being said, you should know there's a significantly-high correlation between those in Creative Fields and in increased chance of genetic predispositions towards Bi-Polarity and Schizophrenia. I vaguely-remember it being something like 25-28%.

I understand the attraction. I had a fetish for banging Crazy Hot Artistic Girls in my early 20's.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

+1 Arty chicks are the best.

They also come loaded with "special" unpleasant personality traits, but you can't have everything.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Quote: (12-28-2017 05:00 PM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  

You will have to forgive me for not giving out too much details, there's a bit of privacy involved.

Since we don't have any details, do an unfiltered google image search for "shitting dick nipples" and tell us how it compares to that.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

At AB the third top kitten picture, and gremlin coming out the person head are sweet. Great design. Would love to see this picture too. I have an art background.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Send it to me. You have my number. I deal with these types a bit more often than I'd like, and I can provide a bit of insight. Though I guess it's more morbid curiosity if she's in the "painting stage".

Let's just say if your relationship develops further stranger things might be invoked. 50% of the artistic type are fun and games. The other 50% are liable to fuck your life up though the degree being how superstitious you are. My unshakable faith in a higher power was the result of some of these experiences.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Need someone who can « read » a painting

The dis-ease you're feeling is your intuition ('spidey sense', wordless knowing, God's voice, etc.) which I liken to your future self sending messages back in time to warn you of negative outcomes. I've ignored my intuition a few times with fairly disastrous consequences so I'm well-aware of it now. It could be that physics one day can connect measurable subtle energy to concepts like intuition. Some researchers I know of are working on these ideas.

It's amazing how much more emotionally-relevant content is communicated through visual media than a thousand words. Thanks for sharing, curious how events turn out.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Get out now before she draws your false rape scenario, D.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Saw the painting. It's off and ticked off a lot of bad boxes. And knowing the background story for it especially so. It's not malevolent but it's certainly from an evil source to say the least. Certain facets gave me chills and a few bad flashbacks.

I'll post my analysis here if he decides to post it here but for discretion's sake I suggest he PM it to people.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Need someone who can « read » a painting

Ok guys, after talking with Comte I decided this shit is a whole lot more serious, I can't talk about it this openly.

Thanks for all the offers for help. I'll send a PM to some of you in which case stock up your popcorn, but please dont take it personally if you don't hear from me.

Of course I should jump ship, but as a man, imagining you are looking down at a dark tunnel leading to an uncharted territories full of danger, how many of you will turn back? Cause I'm going in.

This shit is so fucked up dangerous but so exciting at the same time!!! If I pull through this I'll have stories to tell for the rest of my life!

[Image: djkl341.jpg]

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Need someone who can « read » a painting

This will not end well for daredevil OP... Will be interesting for us though.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

Now you know how Dorian Gray felt.

Need someone who can « read » a painting

OP, after reading this thread, I can't help but be curious. If you are willing, please send me a copy of the image. Feel free to email me for a privacy safe email address if you want to keep the image off-forum.

I'm the King of Beijing!

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