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Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 04:36 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

So which are you, killjoy? The sociopath nexting girls or the guy desperate to find a 5 that will stick with him?

I generally lack empathy for most people (possibly due to a deep emptiness I've always had) so I'm closer to the sociopathic end of the spectrum I would say. That's not to say I am a sociopath, I just don't care for most people.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Killjoy, by "going against the group think" you are admitting that you're trolling the forum.

I don't agree with absolutely everything on this forum, so I often just keep quiet on those opinions. However, the main points I mentioned; self improvement and red pill have been hugely beneficial to me. It's not " group think" I've held these views privately for a long time and am delighted to find that there are like-minded men out there. For one example, I do believe women should be feminine and traditional in behaviour and views and not "feminist".

It is actually modern society, government and media, feminism and left/ liberal politics that is the "groupthink". The manosphere is the Winston smith who rebels against the group think.

You've got it arse- backwards, if you're not trolling that is. And your tendency to be abrasive and insulting to other forum members is a "Troll tell".

I suggest you read or re-read 1984 before using the term "group think" here again. And while you're at it, Animal Farm.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:08 AM)Guitarman Wrote:  

Killjoy, by "going against the group think" you are admitting that you're trolling the forum.

I don't agree with absolutely everything on this forum, so I often just keep quiet on those opinions. However, the main points I mentioned; self improvement and red pill have been hugely beneficial to me. It's not " group think" I've held these views privately for a long time and am delighted to find that there are like-minded men out there. For one example, I do believe women should be feminine and traditional in behaviour and views and not "feminist".

It is actually modern society, government and media, feminism and left/ liberal politics that is the "groupthink". The manosphere is the Winston smith who rebels against the group think.

You've got it arse- backwards, if you're not trolling that is. And your tendency to be abrasive and insulting to other forum members is a "Troll tell".

I suggest you read or re-read 1984 before using the term "group think" here again. And while you're at it, Animal Farm.

Is it "trolling" or am I just being honest about my views? People on the internet have the tendency to label anything they don't agree with and/or challenges their worldview as a "troll". It's absurd.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Why would you deem this traits you mention as negative or "psychopatic" or "sociopathic"?
From what moral or practical, perhaps biological perspective are you engaging the issue?
Why is it a bad thing? Or a good thing?

We move between light and shadow, mutually influencing and being influenced through shades of gray...

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Why did he get banned? He didn't do anything wrong.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:30 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Why did he get banned? He didn't do anything wrong.

Its not what he said but how he said it IMO.

I don't agree with alot of things here and I have gotten into arguments with other members over topics but there is a way to discuss things and calling people or accusing people of being sociopaths isn't really a good way to go out about it.

However, the core fundamentals of game and self improvement I do agree with. If you dont at least agree with that.. then you have no place on this forum.

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Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Kirdiesel just said exactly what I was thinking. ( groupthink? Ha ha ;-) )

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:46 AM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:30 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Why did he get banned? He didn't do anything wrong.

Its not what he said but how he said it IMO.

I don't agree with alot of things here and I have gotten into arguments with other members over topics but there is a way to discuss things and calling people or accusing people of being sociopaths isn't really a good way to go out about it.

However, the core fundamentals of game and self improvement I do agree with. If you dont at least agree with that.. then you have no place on this forum.

I wish I could talk about why I would dispute what you say. Unfortunately I can't.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Sir, I don't want you banned because you're a newbie, or even because you bring zero value to the forum.

I solely want you banned because you clog up the front page of the main game forum with your pointless, non-interesting, open-ended threads. You think you're above the rules and etiquette of the forum. Now many people have to waste time clicking your bullshit before they can find something of value. You have been gently teased and directly warned about this, but you still do it and you get upset at others for calling you out.

You aren't Aristotle, and you aren't Johnbozzz either. No one on RVF will be making killjoy references after you have a line through your name in the next 6 hours.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Damn, banned before I could even finish my post. RIP

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

If anything, he stated the obvious. Not that most could achieve it, but the average male isn't made for the player lifestyle.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

You can take the "average" male and turn him into a cold-blooded killer in 6 months.

Pretending that everyone here is cut from some special magical cloth is nonsense. Any man can learn game given motivation and tutelage.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:56 AM)Eddie Winslow Wrote:  

Damn, banned before I could even finish my post. RIP

He's still here. Pretty sure he (and his neckbeard) has multiple accounts. Maybe even in this very thread.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

OP had been starting roughly a thread a week since he joined. Threads that even he didn't bother to follow up on or contribute to. I and a few others had previously suggested that perhaps he might get more from the forum if he spent more time reading and contributing in his existing or other threads.

Out of 50 some odd posts 22 dead end threads. Most of them dupes that really brought nothing new

He took exception to the fact that Id called him on it a couple times and seemed to think that I was trying to get him banned (The fact is I never even clicked the report button once)

Perhaps he wont be so sensitive or abrasive in his next incarnation

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Thank god this low energy, anti game, repetitive, Jon Bozz faggot got banned.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

I'd say he crossed the line completely when he called PapayaTapper a fag. This is just one of many cases where he used flaming language towards forum members in general and in particular. This has long been something that leads to an instaban.

As for his main point, it's true that most men are just looking for any woman who will get naked with him, then want to lock her down. Some women are like this too with men.

However, any one of these type of men have dated women who got with them briefly, then moved on. A woman being able to next a man when he's not what she's looking for is no different than a man doing the same.

Just because a man reaches the point of being able to break up with a girl that would be interested in keeping him doesn't mean he's some kind of ice cold sociopath. Being able to break up with a girl your seeing or otherwise Next her is just something that comes from feeling that you can get somebody better.

Every man that struggles with women should learn to improve themselves to the point where they know they can get other women, and then have the power to pick a woman that meets their standards, and have enough hand in their relationships to keep their women treating them well.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:52 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

I wish I could talk about why I would dispute what you say. Unfortunately I can't.

Then dispute it, and explain what you disagree about.

Quote: (06-23-2017 06:13 AM)underboss Wrote:  

If anything, he stated the obvious. Not that most could achieve it, but the average male isn't made for the player lifestyle.

It's not the obvious, it's also anti game.

The "player" lifestyle is NECESSARY in this day and age in dealing with women in general, you still need "player" game to talk to women or find a good woman in general.

Dudes don't understand, you still needs skills to rope a feminine chick for marriage, let alone a decent girlfriend, or start a harem of girls.

It's not just about fucking all the girls in the world, that for sure is not for the average male.

However, OP was speaking to a forum which accepts game, excels in it, revels in it, and knows it can be done.

Wrong forum for him.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

It's true that most men are not built evolutionarily for high-volume cold approach, or, consequently, change of partner every time. Men have hearts and most who do not have some kind of sociopathic mental disorder - heck even many of those who do have sociopathic traits - still desperately want to love and be loved by one decent looking, pleasant woman.

Men in this forum will obviously come in all shapes and sizes. Preferences go from one extreme to the other, and anywhere in between. I like Roosh's adjustment of "sex tourism" to "love tourism", because that is really what it is for most guys on this forum: it's just become an unpleasant game in the Anglosphere; seduction has turned into very stressful psychological warfare for ever decreasing rewards in terms of quality of looks or personality. Yet there still remains a small percentage of guys who are absolutely killing it in terms of new notches. Check out DigitalNomad's thread in the Travel section. He is at 70 notches this year alone. He doesn't give a fuck, doesn't seem to perceive the Anglo/Western European sluts as unpleasant, and maybe they treat him well because he is their kind of guy. Who knows, but it's clear that more actively analytical, introverted guys such as Krauser, who in contrast to DN, absolutely hates Night Game period, while DN thrives on the drinking and the party scene. All of us are different; we are not cut from the same cloth. DN talks about downing half a dozen shots like it's nothing; I can't even take one without a banging headache the next morning. Other guys who have chosen day game or social circle instead say similar things about the party, get drunk, ONS kind of thing; despite its rewards of SNL it is very unpleasant in many ways for many men. However if you genuinely like that scene, then this is a huge strength before you've even started to game at all. All the things that many guys class as "unpleasant", you by contrast absolutely love.

Introverts and even guys "in the middle" have to find different ways of succeeding if they're not your typical YTC extrovert. I prefer actually seeing girls multiple times and having mLTRs for a few months to a year or so. The sex is better obviously because rawdog, second because you are not in a mad drunken haze. You can relax, your girl can give you an oil massage first and she doesn't mind massaging your hairy ballsack, because you're comfortable with each other. With random ONS, all sorts of weird and uncomfortable shit can happen.

At the end of the day, to each his own. I think the OP actually had a good point in isolation, but didn't provide context and made many assumptions about the members of this forum, for example, amongst others. Do you think fucking Quintus Curtius really loves to go out at 2am, down 20 shots with a bunch of vapid whores, and bang them both once in a pleasurable but completely chaotic drunken mess? Just as you meet guys who genuinely prefer that kind of style, there are many ways to go about things. The fact that there are philosophers, doctors, lawyers, quasi-political dissidents on here reflects the diversity of the membership. Even just through this forum I've talked to intelligent men about various topics who have their heads screwed on so well there is no way I would classify them as "average". But if you're talking about "most men" in general, then yes, it's kind of depressing how men are enabling women in the sense of blindly maintaining their chase thus giving women implicit permission to become even fatter, uglier and even more unpleasant. They're not really aware of what they are doing, and I think this is the sort of guy OP was referring to, not "most members of this forum".

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 04:12 AM)killjoy Wrote:  

What I'm saying is, it takes an inherent coldness and/or and lack of empathy (sociopathic traits) to the apply the "NEXT" mentality to your real life relationships. You see it over & over, a chick causing a guy the slightest bit of annoyance or inconvenience and the dominant response is "NEXT!". It's easy to say NEXT when you have absolutely no stake in that relationship.

I find it quite the opposite, with girls behaving this way because of all the abundance of men she has lined up. Girls these days make zero effort to start a relationship/date and go through and deal with the ups and downs that comes with it. As soon as they feel a bit weird, rather than confronting or addressing the issue(as it may be something simple) and trying to understand it, they cop out and go for the easy dump and move onto the next guy. How can they even say they wanna get married someday when they can't even deal with even the most basic stuff? "For better or for worse"... Most can't deal or have no tolerance "for the worse" part IMO.

Guys for the most part, are driven by logic. With Girls, it's always the mood and vibe and how it makes them feel at the moment.

For example, I was suppose to go out with a girl tonight. She texts me last night saying she decided she doesn't want to see me. Huh? Even after we made solid plans? I mean I understand if a better option came along for her but it really speaks to her integrity, something that seems to be lacking in a lot of women(especially online dating) these days. [rant off] My $.02

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 11:12 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:52 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

I wish I could talk about why I would dispute what you say. Unfortunately I can't.

Then dispute it, and explain what you disagree about.

No thanks. Some opinions should be kept to oneself. I don't make the rules.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 11:52 AM)chitown72 Wrote:  

For example, I was suppose to go out with a girl tonight. She texts me last night saying she decided she doesn't want to see me. Huh? Even after we made solid plans? I mean I understand if a better option came along for her but it really speaks to her integrity, something that seems to be lacking in a lot of women(especially online dating) these days. [rant off] My $.02

You're thinking of it the wrong way.

You should always assume women flake, and you should always assume hypergamy is in full effect.

ESPECIALLY via online gaming, I'm so used to girls flaking.

This is why abundance mentality is mandatory to have. I always have a back up date or 2 just in case 1 or 2 flakes - if they all flake - I have plates I can call and bang.

You're right sometimes it's the mood, sometimes it's striking while the iron is hot, or she hasn't been fucked or has been fucked.

At the end of the day, you can't worry about shit like that.

Something may seem lacking on your end too keep that in mind.

Are you maximizing your self and your SMV ? What can you improve on ?

The questions go on, the solutions are out there.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 01:01 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2017 11:12 AM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:52 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

I wish I could talk about why I would dispute what you say. Unfortunately I can't.

Then dispute it, and explain what you disagree about.

No thanks. Some opinions should be kept to oneself. I don't make the rules.

I'm a little confused on what you're trying to say, but if you want to PM me and explain why you dispute it, I'd be interested.

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 01:14 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

You're thinking of it the wrong way.

You should always assume women flake, and you should always assume hypergamy is in full effect.

I do know that girls flake and that hypergamy is rampant. However, thanks for the reminder on "always" assuming girls will flake.

I sometimes forget that kind of mentality as I've never had a girl flake on me before in my last 60 dates. Maybe I'm lucky or something but I guess the cold hard truth has to hit sometime. LOL

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Like most threads started by trolls, I dont get what this is about.

Most men aren't made for the player lifestyle. And? Problem? That's like saying most men aren't made to be a ballet dancer.

Whoever said that you have to be a player to enjoy girls and life?
If you think this forum is all about the player lifestyle and getting your notch up, you are better off in the RSD forum.

If you dont want to be a player, be a serial monogamist. Be a guy who does his things and fuck women when he pleases. Be a husband. Be whatever the fuck you want to be. What's the problem?

On one hand you have white knights SJW who think protecting women is the most sacred duty in the world.
On the other hand you have guys who think the only thing that matter is to get his notch count up to 3 digits. And that being a player is what all men think about.

One is just as misguided and pathetic as the other.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Truth Is, Most Guys Just Aren't Built For The Player Lifestyle

Quote: (06-23-2017 04:27 PM)chitown72 Wrote:  

I sometimes forget that kind of mentality as I've never had a girl flake on me before in my last 60 dates. Maybe I'm lucky or something but I guess the cold hard truth has to hit sometime. LOL

Hey man it happens, take it in stride, let it roll off your back and carry on !

Hell I've had a 7 girl topless on top of me, decide to get dress and leave because she had a slut epiphany of "I've been doing this way too much"

Just remember, it's ALWAYS their loss if they flake or leave you.

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