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The Hillary Clinton thread

The Hillary Clinton thread

She's going back to the playbook of her old idol Saul Alinsky. She just can't help being a toxic hag, that's who she's always been.

God, can you imagine having this hag as the President today, what a nightmare this would have been.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Hillary Clinton thread

Not Hill, but Bill.

"Helping people learn about HIV and AIDS are two of the things I do a lot"

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The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: C8p90iRXkAAHvLm?format=jpg&name=large]

Guess who's number 6?

[Image: C8p91MEXsAMOOlF?format=jpg&name=large]

[Image: wFovN4O.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Hillary Clinton thread

[Image: fuckthat.gif]
[Image: barf.gif]

I'm starting to seriously think about moving back to Russia with my wife and kids.

The Hillary Clinton thread

A new book about their failed campaign is coming out next week. A common theme is the Clinton disconnect from voters and their constant laying of blame at the feet of others.

Apparently there's a segment in the book about a conference call between the clintons and the senior campaign staff. Hillary lectures them, and bill berates and verbally abuses them.

Normally I don't buy political books, but I may make an exception since this was written by campaign insiders. I'll never forget the joy I felt watching so many liberals cry on election night. Whenever possible, I try to find as much as I can about what happened behind the scenes as they realized they would lose. Every new narrative of this story brings me such joy. It's like seeing and hearing it for the first time over and over again.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I wonder if Donna the Brown Cow episode is in there or not. What about the whisky glass thrown at staffers heads. Probably too racist and violent to publish. Still might be decent enough otherwise to skim through. I might wait to read a few reviews first.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-05-2017 08:07 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: C8p90iRXkAAHvLm?format=jpg&name=large]

Guess who's number 6?

[Image: C8p91MEXsAMOOlF?format=jpg&name=large]

Holy shit you're not kidding.

The list sucks in general, too. #1 is Beyonce. [Image: tard.gif] Emma Watson #4. #2 is some cute-in-the-right-light 34 year old Indian chick I've never head of.

Then they used a shitty picture of Margot Robbie and put her #7, after Hillary Clinton. Because I know we all want to get it on with Grandma Thunder Thighs instead of this:

[Image: 7170d8dd7797b0049875307145555007.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

Talk of her running for mayor seems to be heating up. My assessment is that the odds just got higher. She sat with Cuomo who hates de Blasio. de Blasio is also unpopular and vulnerable. If she decides to run, she could win easily. God help us.

Still no credible Republican or independent challenger.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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The Hillary Clinton thread

Is this bitch just not content with being filthy rich and the wife of a former president?

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 08:41 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Is this bitch just not content with being filthy rich and the wife of a former president?


I can't believe NYers embrace this cunt. I wish more than ever we could just make NYC its own city state.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 08:41 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Is this bitch just not content with being filthy rich and the wife of a former president?

She gotta keep an eye on the NYPD so they do not spill the beans on the Anthony Weiner stuff, since the FBI nor Trump will come after her or her gang.

You know. Loose ends n stuff.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Instead of going to jail, she becomes NYC mayor.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 02:53 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

Normally I don't buy political books, but I may make an exception since this was written by campaign insiders. I'll never forget the joy I felt watching so many "liberals" cry on election night. Whenever possible, I try to find as much as I can about what happened behind the scenes as they realized they would lose. Every new narrative of this story brings me such joy. It's like seeing and hearing it for the first time over and over again.

[Image: highfive.gif]

Same with me. Watching, again, their socialist tears, the frustration of these "liberal" perverts ans satanists, their utter despair, is like seeing for the tenth time Once Upon a Time in The West: nothing new actually, but still bringing you joy and satisfaction. Victory of good and hard-working people over evil cheats...

[Image: c9c33cd7b4c22551bc048b92c56a4a6c.jpg]

Eye-bleach to make us forget all the ugliness of Hillary, Huma and their fat-lesbian voters:

[Image: 3286c7c9a315a1677d3703b216469127.jpg]

The Hillary Clinton thread

I wonder what her plans were, that she didn't want to concede. What was she going to do? The recounts were pointless.
Hubris. It's a helluva thing.

Obama Had To Pressure Hillary Multiple Times To Concede On Election Night


The presidential election of 2016 shocked the world, but no one was more shocked than Hillary Clinton. A new book on the Clinton campaign contains the revelation that Clinton had to be pressured into conceding her loss on election night by President Barack Obama.

“POTUS doesn’t think it’s wise to drag this out,” White House political director David Simas is reported as saying to Robby Mook, Clinton’s campaign manager.

The campaign did not concede at that point.

Later, President Obama himself called and told Clinton, “You need to concede.” The president then repeated the demand to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta shortly thereafter.

While she didn’t publicly concede on election night — she waited until morning to address supporters — The Washington Post reports the calls from Obama had the desired impact. “At last, Clinton said, ‘Give me the phone.’ And then the first woman who was going to be president got her opponent on the line and said two words she never expected to say: ‘Congratulations, Donald.'”

The calls from President Obama started after Wisconsin was called for Donald Trump. The Post reports, “President Barack Obama thought it was over and did not want a messy recount.”

The exchanges come from the new book, “Shattered” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes.

I am afraid that women appreciate cruelty, downright cruelty, more than anything else. They have wonderfully primitive instincts. We have emancipated them, but they remain slaves looking for their masters all the same. They love being dominated.
--Oscar Wilde

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-18-2017 09:46 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

I wonder what her plans were, that she didn't want to concede. What was she going to do? The recounts were pointless.
Hubris. It's a helluva thing.

I think it shows that she knew she had behind-the-scenes fixers using shady actions and deals to put things right for her. She figured they would all jump in and get the election fixed for her while she maintained a plausible distance.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 02:53 AM)porscheguy Wrote:

A new book about their failed campaign is coming out next week. A common theme is the Clinton disconnect from voters and their constant laying of blame at the feet of others.

Apparently there's a segment in the book about a conference call between the clintons and the senior campaign staff. Hillary lectures them, and bill berates and verbally abuses them.

Normally I don't buy political books, but I may make an exception since this was written by campaign insiders. I'll never forget the joy I felt watching so many liberals cry on election night. Whenever possible, I try to find as much as I can about what happened behind the scenes as they realized they would lose. Every new narrative of this story brings me such joy. It's like seeing and hearing it for the first time over and over again.

It cannot be coincidence that everybody that had worked close with the Clintons always say the same, from the Arkansas days to to the 90s on the White House to the campaign in 2008 and now 2016.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 08:26 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Still no credible Republican or independent challenger.

I really hope Donald Trump Jnr beats her.

At the rate his father is getting things done, his name would be an asset not a liability by November.

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The Hillary Clinton thread

I bought the book. It's a bit of a grind. They spend a lot of time discussing finer points of minutiae. Haven't reached the part about liberal tears.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-18-2017 09:46 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

The calls from President Obama started after Wisconsin was called for Donald Trump. The Post reports, “President Barack Obama thought it was over and did not want a messy recount.”

Despite their cuck tendencies, WI people deep down know what's up.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-18-2017 09:46 AM)MOVSM Wrote:  

The exchanges come from the new book, “Shattered” by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes.

Aaah. Tell daddy, what was the name of that book, again? Yeahhh...that's it...

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Hillary Clinton thread

I finished reading the book. The writers were clearly biased in favor of Clinton, but they did make valid points along the way.

-Clinton ran without a clear message as to why she was running.
-Her campaign was a reflection of her management style. They had all the right people involved, but those people didn't really work well together. They were all too focused on their own personal profit.
-The Clintons refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions. They could have put the email issue to bed in 2015 but they refused to acknowledge it until many months had passed.
-Clinton relied too heavily on minority voters and did so at the expense of white, working class voters in flyover country. Nowhere was this more apparent than at the convention when she had people like Trayvon's mother make a speech.
-Hillary Clinton has not driven a car since she and Bill left Arkansas. She hasn't ventured into a 7-11 without a security detail a few steps behind her since then. For this she is unable to relate to most people.
-The Clinton campaign was totally unprepared for the outcome on election night. They disregarded traditional pollsters in favor of in house analytics chosen by Robby Mook. His models were devised to give a desired result rather than the honest truth. They were so convinced they would win, they did almost nothing to prepare themselves for not winning. When it came crashing down, it crashed hard.
-The Clinton campaign grossly underestimated Sanders, and the general disgust of voters.
-Clinton blamed Comey and Russia for her loss. It's all she talked about for days after. They were incapable of any self reflection during this time, and very little after.

All in all, I didn't get to read about liberal tears. And as I stated earlier, the writers were a bit biased. They speak of the Russian hackers as though there is no other plausible alternative. As if it's been proven beyond all doubt.

The book doesn't really tell you anything new. At best it just confirms what you suspect. Save your money. This one will be forgotten in a few weeks when the next tell all is released. That's how these political books work.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-23-2017 01:35 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

I finished reading the book. The writers were clearly biased in favor of Clinton, but they did make valid points along the way.

-Clinton ran without a clear message as to why she was running.
-Her campaign was a reflection of her management style. They had all the right people involved, but those people didn't really work well together. They were all too focused on their own personal profit.
-The Clintons refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions. They could have put the email issue to bed in 2015 but they refused to acknowledge it until many months had passed.
-Clinton relied too heavily on minority voters and did so at the expense of white, working class voters in flyover country. Nowhere was this more apparent than at the convention when she had people like Trayvon's mother make a speech.
-Hillary Clinton has not driven a car since she and Bill left Arkansas. She hasn't ventured into a 7-11 without a security detail a few steps behind her since then. For this she is unable to relate to most people.
-The Clinton campaign was totally unprepared for the outcome on election night. They disregarded traditional pollsters in favor of in house analytics chosen by Robby Mook. His models were devised to give a desired result rather than the honest truth. They were so convinced they would win, they did almost nothing to prepare themselves for not winning. When it came crashing down, it crashed hard.
-The Clinton campaign grossly underestimated Sanders, and the general disgust of voters.
-Clinton blamed Comey and Russia for her loss. It's all she talked about for days after. They were incapable of any self reflection during this time, and very little after.

All in all, I didn't get to read about liberal tears. And as I stated earlier, the writers were a bit biased. They speak of the Russian hackers as though there is no other plausible alternative. As if it's been proven beyond all doubt.

The book doesn't really tell you anything new. At best it just confirms what you suspect. Save your money. This one will be forgotten in a few weeks when the next tell all is released. That's how these political books work.
Liberalism in a nutshell.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Robby Mook was and still is an amateur. He built her entire campaign around feelings and virtue signaling. Remember, this dude was a Howard Dean guy. I'm surprised they even bothered to bring up the Trayvon's Mom thing as a mistake. The honest truth is that the vast majority of the country does not give a fuck about her, crazy ass Florida, or her son. Sounds insensitive, but it's the truth. The only people who care about things like that are typically liberal Blacks, liberal Latinos, and very sensitive liberal white males as well as ultra liberal older white women. I am being generous when I say, that number is less than 30% of the entire country.

I bet he was using Nate Silver's analytics and other similar outfits. They were probably not looking at any Rand style data either, if they even bothered looking at each state. They probably preferred alot of those new school samples based upon social media and internet sampling. Had he been using real stuff and actually knew what he was doing, he would have called time out back in the first week of September at the latest, and completely ditched the entire plan.

Also, Hillary being sick with her Parkinson's and flu, prevented her from doing legit groundwork. If she was a more humble person, she could have been wheeled around in a wheel chair and still hurt Trump, but she is far too arrogant to step down from her ego driven persona to ever do that.

Robby also played to lose instead of playing to win. He knew it was neck and neck all of October. By then she was walking around again somewhere around in that month. If you do not try to run up the score, you are liable to lose in the EC. Most legit strategists know this. Maybe he knew, but Hillary did not give a shit.

It's actually a little too easy to blame Robby, in a sense, because it is not like he has enough gall to walk up to Clinton, tell her something, she shouts at him, then he follows up louder and makes demands. You and I know, damn well, if Hillary tells you to fuck off, you better leave or face her wrath.

If anyone thinks an effeminate, openly gay, 37 year old man, is telling Hillary Clinton the truth about anything, is fooling themselves. The dude's resume is very light compared to many in that space. Hillary wanted a yes man and he was with her in 2008, so he was familiar to her as a useful idiot. The Clinton's have a bad habit of keeping people like that in their ranks. Goes way back to the Arkansas days.

Well, hopefully the next book will be juicier and have alot more insight we can pull from and hopefully it will come from someone not too liberal, like Dick Morris and his wife, who they killed his Youtube channel. Good report Porcheguy!

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TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-13-2017 02:53 AM)porscheguy Wrote:

A new book about their failed campaign is coming out next week. A common theme is the Clinton disconnect from voters and their constant laying of blame at the feet of others.

Apparently there's a segment in the book about a conference call between the clintons and the senior campaign staff. Hillary lectures them, and bill berates and verbally abuses them.

Normally I don't buy political books, but I may make an exception since this was written by campaign insiders. I'll never forget the joy I felt watching so many liberals cry on election night. Whenever possible, I try to find as much as I can about what happened behind the scenes as they realized they would lose. Every new narrative of this story brings me such joy. It's like seeing and hearing it for the first time over and over again.

Confirms everything we were saying here and which I wrote in my own book. Hillary was a terrible persuader and an uninspiring candidate, didn't know it, and would go down as a result.

The world is now only starting to find out, reluctantly (particularly given the Russia bullshit) what we said here in the summer of 2015.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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The Hillary Clinton thread

Quote: (04-23-2017 01:35 PM)porscheguy Wrote:  

-Clinton blamed Comey and Russia for her loss. It's all she talked about for days after. They were incapable of any self reflection during this time, and very little after.

In other words, she was a sore loser and not a good sport. To this day, she is still butthurt over it. Not surprised the Clintons live in their own bubble and couldn't connect with ordinary people.

Good summary and writeup.

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