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Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Bummer JG got banned but even when he first joined he had a way of swinging his dick around like he owned the place. I recall being surprised he wasn't booted after his first fee posts.

Anyway, this is a great thread and a lot of different perspectives here. Good discussion.

Still disagree with the folks saying how necessary private schooling and high-property-value living is.

I grew up in a small suburb about 35 minutes north of Boston that was about 99% middle class white folks. Public school my entire grade school career. My HS was a 3-town district college prep school. The town/district I grew up in is still nice, quiet, and small with about zero crime, a nice home can be had there for under $300k, and that Highschool is still one of the highest scoring public schools in the state as far as I know.

That is not unique. You can find suburbs all over the country not far from city centers that offer quality affordable living and quality schooling. I think our generation has some kind of weird stigma against public education and not raising our kids like they are special little snowflakes who need all the money in the world thrown at them to not wind up in prison by graduation.

Hell, the area I love in now in Colorado is nice. A nice 3 bedroom in my neighborhood goes for around $250k-$300k, it's quiet and safe, and there is a nice public elementary school right around the corner. I would feel perfectly fine raising children here. I'm also about 20 minutes from Denver city center.

Edit: also I don't know about you folks but every company I've worked for since I was 19 provided heavily subsidized health insurance and even family plans were quite affordable depending on what frills you opted to tack on.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I still don't understand why some people live in NYC with incomes like 50-100 and even 150k.
Most of them commute 2 hours every day just to go to work. That is insane in my opinion. You are wasting 2 hours everyday of your life. Multiply that by 5 its 10 hours a week multiply it by 4 its 40 hours a month.
The only way I'd live in NYC is if my company paid for my housing in full in Manhattan and I am within a walking distance to my work.
People waste the best years of their life in subways, they post pictures on Instagram and Facebook showing off that they are a New Yorker but the reality is they live in Queens and commute 2 hours everyday just to reach their workplace.
My family lives in NYC but their situation is very different, they live in Manhattan and their housing is covered in full. But the rest of the population is insane in my opinion
I visited Vegas 3 months ago and I was shocked to say the least. The prices were amazingly cheap. My dollar went a long way. A taxi driver I talked to bragged about how he was renting a nice studio for 600$/month and he was very happy with his life. That's a lifehack right there.

USA has so many opportunities its a huge ass place.In most of the country you can have a very good standard of living without having to have a massive commute.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:37 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Damn, people had to cry to the mods instead of just calling John_Galt out for what they didn't like.

Agree. Real trolls and scammers are worth reporting. Not necessarily internet tough guys. They're kind of fun as long as it doesn't turn into a game of Soggy Biscuit.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

To add to the discussion thread: find a homeschooling community that is solid. I've met some very good people that are homeschooled and not the crazy secluded repressed type. Just solid, intelligent people.

Why have some kids if some academically trained feminist with no experience worth having is going to raise them?

Save your money on real vocational training and building them an entrepreneurial nest egg. Get them involved in competitive sports and toastmasters.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:55 PM)LikeABaller Wrote:  

I still don't understand why some people live in NYC with incomes like 50-100 and even 150k.
Most of them commute 2 hours every day just to go to work. That is insane in my opinion. You are wasting 2 hours everyday of your life. Multiply that by 5 its 10 hours a week multiply it by 4 its 40 hours a month.

Back in the mid 1980s, the Lefrak group built a couple high rise apartment buildings that rose out of the no man's land of an abandoned rail yard.

They hung a big banner on the side of the building that people stuck in traffic outside the Holland tunnel could see it that said, "If you lived here, you would be home by now".

That area is almost completely built out right now. I can count over 10 major construction projects in addition to the dozens of high rise buildings that exist already. Dense cities that are not plagued by crime and have good public transportation can be a great place to live.

I don't live in that area, but I live near the subway line that services it. My commute into NYC takes less than 40 minutes (most of it walking). Plus, everything I need is within walking distance, accessible by public transportation, or a short drive away. My car is 8 years old and has less than 52k miles on it. Sometimes I drive it just to keep the battery charged. My truck is 10 years old and has less than 40k miles.

I grew up in the suburbs and spent years in the country. Both places you were married to your car, which gets expensive and time consuming. The country in particular... everything (i.e. groceries) is a 40 minute drive to and another 40 minutes back.

Back on topic... This is a good place to raise a kid given how much is available for a kid (parks, extra curricular activities like martial arts, museums, etc.). The sticking point is the costs associated with education followed by health insurance / medical costs. Everything else is easily managed by being frugal.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:02 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

To add to the discussion thread: find a homeschooling community that is solid. I've met some very good people that are homeschooled and not the crazy secluded repressed type. Just solid, intelligent people.

This is an option I have discussed intently with the wife. She isn't too comfortable being a teacher (part of her concern is that English is not her native language), but with school costs and our plans to have two more kids might make home schooling a necessity.

Thankfully home schooling is no longer illegal in this state (it was when I was a kid) and there is some degree of school choice (charter and magnet schools). Though the teachers unions got their candidates elected to the school board this election. Those candidates ran on a platform of de-funding the charter school and pretty much ridding the city of any form of school choice.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:16 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:02 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

To add to the discussion thread: find a homeschooling community that is solid. I've met some very good people that are homeschooled and not the crazy secluded repressed type. Just solid, intelligent people.

This is an option I have discussed intently with the wife. She isn't too comfortable being a teacher (part of her concern is that English is not her native language), but with school costs and our plans to have two more kids might make home schooling a necessity.

Thankfully home schooling is no longer illegal in this state (it was when I was a kid) and there is some degree of school choice (charter and magnet schools). Though the teachers unions got their candidates elected to the school board this election. Those candidates ran on a platform of de-funding the charter school and pretty much ridding the city of any form of school choice.

My wife can teach math waaay better than me. I obviously like writing and it is my strength. Right now, my kid is speaking Chinese and English, which is step one. I will see if I can squeeze in some Spanish later, but it won't be a very high priority. Those 3 languages are the top three spoken in the world, so that can cover alot career wise.

There is at least 2 private Christian schools in my area ran by a Chinese church that I want to look into later on. I got a short list of other Christian schools, but nothing jumps at me, except the price possibly.

If all else fails, I will just homeschool and split the subjects with my wife.

One major reason why homeschooling can work is if the parents are very educated or smart. I have a good friend that does this with his 4 kids, and his wife has a doctorate degree. She even teaches them piano. I may not be able to pair up with him because my two are just too young for now, but he told me that he is part of a local homeschooling group in town that link up for field trips, etc. I would likely use one of these quiver communities if it came down to it.

The only serious issue I hate, is the property taxes for Texas area schools is getting extremely out of hand. You cannot avoid them if you own a house. Problem is that all these stupid tax bonds just end up getting wasted or spent on bigger football stadiums. It's ridiculous. I wish I could direct my taxes for that into schooling of my choice somehow.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 11:19 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Who is to say we cannot raise kids smart enough to gain entry into a school like Stanford (liberal hellhole I know, it's an example), be athletic and in good shape, and have great sociable personalities? That father's son is who your kids will have to compete with. He is a citizen, he's smart, he's Christian, he's cool, and has no accent.

If your kid wants to major in Women's studies or basket weaving, who's fault is that? May not be the kid's fault at all. Now that we are "woke" we should know better on where to steer them. No matter what Satanic shit was on my university's campus, or even outside it, my Christian upbringing helped guard my heart. I eventually figured it out but I dread how awful I would still be if I did not learn the Bible as well as I did back then. I bet I would still be with my exwife and living through pure hell. Probably worse stuff than that, like dead because I loved to fight.

In the end, you cannot protect them forever, especially free minds and free will, but you could at least put them into a position where they can come back and still win.

Make no mistake. Samseau is right about white women. They turned their backs on Christ and his plan/design for their lives and are making them and their men pay the price. It isn't really a white problem. This could happen to any group with too much leisure and luxury (Baby Boomers especially). Blacks and Latinos are well on their way to the same fate, if not already actually. Their birthrate will drop like a rock soon enough if conditions continue. The culture here is just toxic if you do not diligently raise them right.

The Jews are not the only historic reference, to show the effects of degeneracy (Sodom and Gommorah). Athens(the Greeks) and the Romans have fiddles to play in these songs as well. It should not be an uncomfortable discussion, because it is a purely human thing to want to devolve into these destructive behaviors, when getting away from what you were designed to accomplish. If the shunning of God continues, he will simply just find someone else to do his work. He doesn't need anyone white. He doesn't need anyone at all. He will work with the faithful that keep his ways (values).

I agree with you that teaching your children technology is the key to success, but what's that got to do with sending them to college?

Why do they "need" Stanford and the like? The skills from tech is what they need, the Great Books can and should come from the father himself or through internet research.

The internet is going to replace all liberal arts schools, it's just a matter of time anyways.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

The most terrifying thing for me is seeing professional white women in their 30s who are sloppy overweight, no real great attributes have a kid or two.

I am shocked that their husbands own businesses or are high earning professionals. And the women are obviously mediocre quality ex-party girls.

Meaning that white women get bailed out and rewarded so highly at such a low quality level it is astonishing.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities


My wife can teach math waaay better than me. I obviously like writing and it is my strength. Right now, my kid is speaking Chinese and English, which is step one.

I am OK with the math until the later years. I haven't done an integral or non-linear differential equation since college. Frankly, I wasn't that proficient at it.. I never really "got" it. I at least have two good school choices (one public-magnet) starting in grade 9. The school is particularly hard to get into though if you are Indian, Asian, or White. My wife plans to teach our son Thai.. which I am not sure how that will stick if all his friends speak English.


There is at least 2 private Christian schools in my area ran by a Chinese church that I want to look into later on. I got a short list of other Christian schools, but nothing jumps at me, except the price possibly.

The Christian schools by me are Catholic, but you don't have to be Catholic to send your kid there. I'll take a look at them. I have a bad personal experience as a kid (got sent to a protestant religious school when I was really little) that has been burned into my memory. So I have a bias against religious education.


The only serious issue I hate, is the property taxes for Texas area schools is getting extremely out of hand. You cannot avoid them if you own a house. Problem is that all these stupid tax bonds just end up getting wasted or spent on bigger football stadiums. It's ridiculous. I wish I could direct my taxes for that into schooling of my choice somehow.

Looks like Texas is getting the NJ disease. Until the 1970s we like Texas had no income tax. An income tax was implemented to defray the school costs (paid by property taxes). Now we have really high property and income taxes.. and the schools here spend about $23k per student per year.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 11:19 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Who is to say we cannot raise kids smart enough to gain entry into a school like Stanford (liberal hellhole I know, it's an example), be athletic and in good shape, and have great sociable personalities? That father's son is who your kids will have to compete with. He is a citizen, he's smart, he's Christian, he's cool, and has no accent.

If your kid wants to major in Women's studies or basket weaving, who's fault is that? May not be the kid's fault at all. Now that we are "woke" we should know better on where to steer them. No matter what Satanic shit was on my university's campus, or even outside it, my Christian upbringing helped guard my heart. I eventually figured it out but I dread how awful I would still be if I did not learn the Bible as well as I did back then. I bet I would still be with my exwife and living through pure hell. Probably worse stuff than that, like dead because I loved to fight.

In the end, you cannot protect them forever, especially free minds and free will, but you could at least put them into a position where they can come back and still win.

Make no mistake. Samseau is right about white women. They turned their backs on Christ and his plan/design for their lives and are making them and their men pay the price. It isn't really a white problem. This could happen to any group with too much leisure and luxury (Baby Boomers especially). Blacks and Latinos are well on their way to the same fate, if not already actually. Their birthrate will drop like a rock soon enough if conditions continue. The culture here is just toxic if you do not diligently raise them right.

The Jews are not the only historic reference, to show the effects of degeneracy (Sodom and Gommorah). Athens(the Greeks) and the Romans have fiddles to play in these songs as well. It should not be an uncomfortable discussion, because it is a purely human thing to want to devolve into these destructive behaviors, when getting away from what you were designed to accomplish. If the shunning of God continues, he will simply just find someone else to do his work. He doesn't need anyone white. He doesn't need anyone at all. He will work with the faithful that keep his ways (values).

I agree with you that teaching your children technology is the key to success, but what's that got to do with sending them to college?

Why do they "need" Stanford and the like? The skills from tech is what they need, the Great Books can and should come from the father himself or through internet research.

The internet is going to replace all liberal arts schools, it's just a matter of time anyways.

Early technology use will assist them on "learning how to work" in college or the real world. Book smarts are not always enough. Technology knowledge is a skill. You gotta have skills to make it in life. The workplace, competition wise, works mostly in the following hierachy: Experience, Skillsets, Credentials/Pedigree.

If your kids want to become a Mechanical Engineer, you have to send them to a university for that. You cannot homeschool that, or 2 year college that discipline. No one needs Stanford, I was just using that as an example of a high ranked school with smart people in it. It could be Rice, Carnegie Mellon, UT, Texas A&M, etc.

If Samseau Jr. with a ~4.0 GPA, after high school, wants to be a Petroleum Engineer, or a Biomedical Engineer, you would be crazy to not let him look at Baylor University or MIT, University of Texas, Texas A&M, or University of Houston for schools. Those particular ones can give him a bigger bang for the buck than just going to a regular university with just a regular Mechanical/Chemical program that has one or two electives at the 4-5th year for petroleum or medical. Or he has to get a plain ME then pray he gets into a Eastcoast school for Medical school. Also, the alumni from those particular schools would put his resume on the top of the pile, just because he went to xxx. People from these schools dominate these fields in the whole country. In many fields, it's who you know, not what you know. It's just the way it is.

Now if he just wants to be a Master Electrician, Plumber, or mechanic for BMWs, then obviously a big university would not matter too much, and isn't really worth the money.

The internet isn't free and is becoming less free as time passes on. It's more likely people will be able to use online universities instead and that will grow. Still need to pay for it. Guys like you or me won't have a book for everything and even if we did, maybe people learn better in a structured classroom environment. Back and forth interaction with professors harken back to Ancient Greek times. That was a great way to learn then and now.

We just need these public universities to drop these ridiculous tuition prices! Problem is, even if many of us stop attending these schools in protest, all they will do is open up the already bloated, foreign student slots more. AtlantaMan in another thread said UCLA looks like Chinatown. Shit, that isn't the only one at all. Trust me, it could get even worse than it already is, and they will pay whatever the university asks for. East Asians alone have plenty money saved up for this stuff. They don't give a shit about the prices at all. That's one of the major problems. Can Trump fix that? I have no ideas for that.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:01 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  


My wife can teach math waaay better than me. I obviously like writing and it is my strength. Right now, my kid is speaking Chinese and English, which is step one.

I am OK with the math until the later years. I haven't done an integral or non-linear differential equation since college. Frankly, I wasn't that proficient at it.. I never really "got" it. I at least have two good school choices (one public-magnet) starting in grade 9. The school is particularly hard to get into though if you are Indian, Asian, or White. My wife plans to teach our son Thai.. which I am not sure how that will stick if all his friends speak English.


There is at least 2 private Christian schools in my area ran by a Chinese church that I want to look into later on. I got a short list of other Christian schools, but nothing jumps at me, except the price possibly.

The Christian schools by me are Catholic, but you don't have to be Catholic to send your kid there. I'll take a look at them. I have a bad personal experience as a kid (got sent to a protestant religious school when I was really little) that has been burned into my memory. So I have a bias against religious education.


The only serious issue I hate, is the property taxes for Texas area schools is getting extremely out of hand. You cannot avoid them if you own a house. Problem is that all these stupid tax bonds just end up getting wasted or spent on bigger football stadiums. It's ridiculous. I wish I could direct my taxes for that into schooling of my choice somehow.

Looks like Texas is getting the NJ disease. Until the 1970s we like Texas had no income tax. An income tax was implemented to defray the school costs (paid by property taxes). Now we have really high property and income taxes.. and the schools here spend about $23k per student per year.

Chinese learn really high level math for just basic grade school. They are math crazy over there. Ditto for Korea. My wife can still do Calculus 2 right this very moment, and she only went to a 2 year college in China for a Tourism Trade certification! I stopped using Calculus because to carve storage for servers, no longer requires it and there are good tools for alot of these kinds of architecture.

We do not have a state income tax here, but the property taxes are getting brutal. It's a problem in many states, not just Texas and NJ. The states that don't have this problem are places I cannot live and expect to make the same money (prior to me becoming location independent). Now that I could live anywhere, I could go to the country side, but... I am torn on where I would like to go in that regard. My lifestyle matches up better where I currently am. I haven't ruled it out, but I want to split time between China and the US regardless no matter what.

I don't think I would like to 100% expat out like Roosh and some of the others here. I think I would go crazy a little bit after a while. Other places have their share of problems and drama as well. I also like my guns, hunting, cars, and BBQ. Cannot do that in Asia and probably not Europe either.

Working out the details isn't easy. I'm glad I still have a little more time before I really have to do something final.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:39 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If your kids want to become a Mechanical Engineer, you have to send them to a university for that. You cannot homeschool that, or 2 year college that discipline. No one needs Stanford, I was just using that as an example of a high ranked school with smart people in it. It could be Rice, Carnegie Mellon, UT, Texas A&M, etc.

When I was a teenager and still in military school, I was given the advice by one of my mom's friends (successful engineer): "If you go into engineering, go to an engineering school. If you go to a regular university, you will be stuck studying while everyone else is partying. At an engineering school, everyone is in the same boat and activities are structured around the heavy duty course load".

The man was 100% right. The funny thing is my college was 'old school'.. I had to take a number of credits in liberal arts. Most of the my liberal arts courses were old school as well (Western literature free of PC stupidity).

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities


Early technology use will assist them on "learning how to work" in college or the real world. Book smarts are not always enough.

My Dad bought me a computer (Franklin Ace 1000) in a era where kids really didn't have them. In grade school I taught myself how to type, use a spreadsheet, use a word processor, and even run an amortization program (my Dad had me run these when he was refinancing the house).

Knowing how to use that technology was a big boost up in high school and college.

Side note: I had a teacher ban me from turning in typed reports (grade school). She accused me of having the computer write the report for me... Yes.. this was public school.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Who is John Galt.....

[Image: jordan.gif]

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:58 PM)Hell_Is_Like_Newark Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:39 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

If your kids want to become a Mechanical Engineer, you have to send them to a university for that. You cannot homeschool that, or 2 year college that discipline. No one needs Stanford, I was just using that as an example of a high ranked school with smart people in it. It could be Rice, Carnegie Mellon, UT, Texas A&M, etc.

When I was a teenager and still in military school, I was given the advice by one of my mom's friends (successful engineer): "If you go into engineering, go to an engineering school. If you go to a regular university, you will be stuck studying while everyone else is partying. At an engineering school, everyone is in the same boat and activities are structured around the heavy duty course load".

The man was 100% right. The funny thing is my college was 'old school'.. I had to take a number of credits in liberal arts. Most of the my liberal arts courses were old school as well (Western literature free of PC stupidity).

If I could do everything all over again, I would have gone to the Air Force or the Navy. Back then no university could have taught me what I needed for what I actually do for a living except for those two entities.

One possible problem would have been my crazy desire to want to fight and being athletic I would have eventually tried out to be some kind of spec ops guy. Some folks I know in the AF and Navy said, they would have likely sent me into a systems/cyber command type job and told me to shut up. Hehe.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-08-2016 02:26 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I suspect humans have a built-in suicide switch. When life becomes too comfortable for groups of them, they stop reproducing, because they are too far out of the scope of nature that mostly dictates survival. Whites have been doomed by their own success, but if you track birth rates of immigrants to USA, you'll see they become less fertile in time too, suggesting that no race is immune to the "poison" of comfort. The West has become metaphoric birth control for human beings, which is why I don't have much confidence that it will be saved.

The old mouse utopia experiment. Some combination of overpopulation and, like you've alluded to, excess comfort. Makes sense when you think of the families in the country with multiple kids vs. urban/suburban families with fewer kids.

I think it kind of points out the futility of "how can we save country xyz" ideas. Everything in life is cyclical on the large scale, all you can worry about is your small sphere of influence. Hence why family is important to a sense of fulfillment.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 10:09 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:31 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:06 AM)John_Galt Wrote:  

Quote: (12-08-2016 11:51 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

No one is talking about iPads when they say how expensive it is to have kids now. They're talking about the exorbitant costs it takes to simply avoid having your children sitting in a classroom at age 8 where half of the other children will have criminal records by the time they're 18.

This is only true if you accept the false paradigmn that you need a job to be successful, and that good jobs only exist in cities.

Both of these are false.

You don't need a job to be successful. As Enigma pointed out, you can easily make 50k+ a year with no formal education. Furthermore, you can do it and live anywhere you want.

Move out of the cities like LA, Chicago, and NYC, and suddenly your "right zip code" problem simply disappears. Bonus: Housing costs plummet as well.

Cities are great if you're single and looking for new pussy. If you're married with kids, the appeal is greatly diminished.

This "you need to be rich to raise kids in a respectable environment" argument is [Image: tard.gif]

There is an entire country outside these sardine cans. Stop confining yourself to 5% of the US.

I have children and I'm with Galt here. I live in the suburban south, and I work for myself.

You can live comfortably here on $30k a year. I consider my family well off in terms of resources, housing and schooling and that only requires a $50k before tax budget.

There are even these rural fiber optic grants that were given out a few years ago and you can live in these tiny towns that build their own 1 gig up/1 gig down networks that are cheaper and more reliable than what they have in the cities.

Churches subsidize a lot of the private schools and tuition is 9k/year. The public schools that aren't in the city are great (memphis and the surrounding counties are excellent examples here. The city schools are 1/10 shit holes and the counties are 9/10)

Get an HSA for health insurance and pay cash for minor things. Medical operations give huge discounts for timely cash payers. I mean 30 to 60% off a bill, and we pay $95 to visit the family doctor.

Family life compared to single life is exceptionally steady and boring, sort of like being a farmer. I think that people get trapped in this idea that it needs to be exciting or that they have to spend this shit ton of money on their kids to "win" at it.

Last, unless your wife is a doctor, or the library porn girl and is making serious money she should be staying at home and being a mom, especially in an expensive city. Here are the sunk costs that she has to out earn in order to have a career:
- $20k private school for kids
- $16K in vehicle depreciation, maintenance and fuel
- $5k in work lunches and starbucks
- $??? in work clothing
Thats $41k in expenses for her to work. So if she makes 60k, then your net is $19k from her job...right..wrong! She has to pay tax on that 60k. So its more like 40k after taxes and social you're paying 1k out of pocket for her to work. Oh and her 60k in income also bumps your income into a higher tax bracket when its added together.

Do the math, and don't buy into the insanity.

Good luck finding that White unicorn willing to raise a family on 30K in the middle of nowhere. For every girl who puts up with that, there are 10 who will refuse. And that one White girl who is willing to do so is most likely hideous.


Better change my name to Unicorn rustler then.

Find a girl that grew up in an $18k family and then they think that $30k is living the good life.

Here are two real estate examples of just how much house you get for the money in the south (memphis suburbs)
high end

low end $1000/year in property tax, excellent schools.

I agree that there is an overall problem, but like the now banned John Galt said, the overall problem isn't my problem. Same for the members of this forum. We all just need to know how to beat the average.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:39 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 11:19 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  


I agree with you that teaching your children technology is the key to success, but what's that got to do with sending them to college?

Why do they "need" Stanford and the like? The skills from tech is what they need, the Great Books can and should come from the father himself or through internet research.

The internet is going to replace all liberal arts schools, it's just a matter of time anyways.

Early technology use will assist them on "learning how to work" in college or the real world. Book smarts are not always enough. Technology knowledge is a skill. You gotta have skills to make it in life. The workplace, competition wise, works mostly in the following hierachy: Experience, Skillsets, Credentials/Pedigree.

If your kids want to become a Mechanical Engineer, you have to send them to a university for that. You cannot homeschool that, or 2 year college that discipline. No one needs Stanford, I was just using that as an example of a high ranked school with smart people in it. It could be Rice, Carnegie Mellon, UT, Texas A&M, etc.

If Samseau Jr. with a ~4.0 GPA, after high school, wants to be a Petroleum Engineer, or a Biomedical Engineer, you would be crazy to not let him look at Baylor University or MIT, University of Texas, Texas A&M, or University of Houston for schools. Those particular ones can give him a bigger bang for the buck than just going to a regular university with just a regular Mechanical/Chemical program that has one or two electives at the 4-5th year for petroleum or medical. Or he has to get a plain ME then pray he gets into a Eastcoast school for Medical school. Also, the alumni from those particular schools would put his resume on the top of the pile, just because he went to xxx. People from these schools dominate these fields in the whole country. In many fields, it's who you know, not what you know. It's just the way it is.

So resign yourself to the rat race because there is no way out. I agree that engineering and heavy tech fields benefit from colleges, and that is a legitimate reason to send your kids (especially if they get a scholarship).

It's still an unsustainable zero-sum system that can only end in complete disaster, however.


The internet isn't free and is becoming less free as time passes on. It's more likely people will be able to use online universities instead and that will grow. Still need to pay for it. Guys like you or me won't have a book for everything and even if we did, maybe people learn better in a structured classroom environment. Back and forth interaction with professors harken back to Ancient Greek times. That was a great way to learn then and now.

The internet is uncensorable with the right tools. I don't think the cat will ever be put back into the bag.

Your historical knowledge of universities is a bit lacking. The university system has gone through multiple collapses. After Rome, the university system collapsed and the thinkers like Augustine went to the monastery. And they taught for free.

Eventually the Medieval Schools became bloated, and the great thinkers went outside of the Monastic system and taught within private universities, and this became what we have today.

Now the universities are bloated dogmatic piles of trash, and people are moving to the internet. The internet is the future of knowledge because it is free.


We just need these public universities to drop these ridiculous tuition prices!

Prices cannot go down unless less people attend. The government must stop guaranteeing loans.


Problem is, even if many of us stop attending these schools in protest, all they will do is open up the already bloated, foreign student slots more. AtlantaMan in another thread said UCLA looks like Chinatown. Shit, that isn't the only one at all. Trust me, it could get even worse than it already is, and they will pay whatever the university asks for. East Asians alone have plenty money saved up for this stuff. They don't give a shit about the prices at all. That's one of the major problems. Can Trump fix that? I have no ideas for that.

Ideally this is fixable with proper government policy. But even if they don't fix it people will just migrate to the internet. The manosphere itself is mainly an intellectual movement suppressed out of the university.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities


Better change my name to Unicorn rustler then.

Find a girl that grew up in an $18k family and then they think that $30k is living the good life.

Here are two real estate examples of just how much house you get for the money in the south (memphis suburbs)
high end

low end $1000/year in property tax, excellent schools.

I agree that there is an overall problem, but like the now banned John Galt said, the overall problem isn't my problem. Same for the members of this forum. We all just need to know how to beat the average.

It may not be your problem but it will be your children's problem when the country falls into barbarism.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 04:49 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 02:39 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 01:50 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 11:19 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  


I agree with you that teaching your children technology is the key to success, but what's that got to do with sending them to college?

Why do they "need" Stanford and the like? The skills from tech is what they need, the Great Books can and should come from the father himself or through internet research.

The internet is going to replace all liberal arts schools, it's just a matter of time anyways.

Early technology use will assist them on "learning how to work" in college or the real world. Book smarts are not always enough. Technology knowledge is a skill. You gotta have skills to make it in life. The workplace, competition wise, works mostly in the following hierachy: Experience, Skillsets, Credentials/Pedigree.

If your kids want to become a Mechanical Engineer, you have to send them to a university for that. You cannot homeschool that, or 2 year college that discipline. No one needs Stanford, I was just using that as an example of a high ranked school with smart people in it. It could be Rice, Carnegie Mellon, UT, Texas A&M, etc.

If Samseau Jr. with a ~4.0 GPA, after high school, wants to be a Petroleum Engineer, or a Biomedical Engineer, you would be crazy to not let him look at Baylor University or MIT, University of Texas, Texas A&M, or University of Houston for schools. Those particular ones can give him a bigger bang for the buck than just going to a regular university with just a regular Mechanical/Chemical program that has one or two electives at the 4-5th year for petroleum or medical. Or he has to get a plain ME then pray he gets into a Eastcoast school for Medical school. Also, the alumni from those particular schools would put his resume on the top of the pile, just because he went to xxx. People from these schools dominate these fields in the whole country. In many fields, it's who you know, not what you know. It's just the way it is.

So resign yourself to the rat race because there is no way out. I agree that engineering and heavy tech fields benefit from colleges, and that is a legitimate reason to send your kids (especially if they get a scholarship).

It's still an unsustainable zero-sum system that can only end in complete disaster, however.


The internet isn't free and is becoming less free as time passes on. It's more likely people will be able to use online universities instead and that will grow. Still need to pay for it. Guys like you or me won't have a book for everything and even if we did, maybe people learn better in a structured classroom environment. Back and forth interaction with professors harken back to Ancient Greek times. That was a great way to learn then and now.

The internet is uncensorable with the right tools. I don't think the cat will ever be put back into the bag.

Your historical knowledge of universities is a bit lacking. The university system has gone through multiple collapses. After Rome, the university system collapsed and the thinkers like Augustine went to the monastery. And they taught for free.

Eventually the Medieval Schools became bloated, and the great thinkers went outside of the Monastic system and taught within private universities, and this became what we have today.

Now the universities are bloated dogmatic piles of trash, and people are moving to the internet. The internet is the future of knowledge because it is free.


We just need these public universities to drop these ridiculous tuition prices!

Prices cannot go down unless less people attend. The government must stop guaranteeing loans.


Problem is, even if many of us stop attending these schools in protest, all they will do is open up the already bloated, foreign student slots more. AtlantaMan in another thread said UCLA looks like Chinatown. Shit, that isn't the only one at all. Trust me, it could get even worse than it already is, and they will pay whatever the university asks for. East Asians alone have plenty money saved up for this stuff. They don't give a shit about the prices at all. That's one of the major problems. Can Trump fix that? I have no ideas for that.

Ideally this is fixable with proper government policy. But even if they don't fix it people will just migrate to the internet. The manosphere itself is mainly an intellectual movement suppressed out of the university.

That's an interesting concept. Looking at RVF for example, we have a underrated wealth of knowledge here. Someday Roosh will want some means to organize it into a better structure, but its all there. The Big Data platforms large companies are using today will be cheaper and easier to use in the future. So Roosh could easily add something like that to his already present platform and create his own data warehouses.

As more places collect knowledge, it is possible for people to give themselves a basic education using the internet, but until doctorate level engineering professors start giving away lectures for free online, I'm skeptical that someone can give themselves an advanced education just using the internet.

You can read how a nuclear missile works on Wikipedia to only a small degree. There is a good bit more to it than that. Same goes for oil pumping tools, and other engineering marvels, etc.

I can see where you are going with that. It's not too far fetched. I once had a French professor for engineering that lamented how industry used to come to the university for innovation and ideas, but now it is the opposite. The university has to work hard to keep up with private industry. It's possible that the internet could widen that gap even more.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:58 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:37 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Damn, people had to cry to the mods instead of just calling John_Galt out for what they didn't like.

Agree. Real trolls and scammers are worth reporting. Not necessarily internet tough guys. They're kind of fun as long as it doesn't turn into a game of Soggy Biscuit.

I only report when obvious trolls are obvious.

For the guys who think you have to make six figures to raise a family, here are a couple income statistics (per Wikipedia).

The highest per capita is DC with $45,877, lowest is Mississippi with $21,036.

Highest household income is Maryland with $70,004, lowest is again Mississippi with $36,919.

Nationwide, the median household income is $57,616.

Most people in the U.S. live and raise children on extremely modest incomes.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:58 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2016 12:37 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Damn, people had to cry to the mods instead of just calling John_Galt out for what they didn't like.

Agree. Real trolls and scammers are worth reporting. Not necessarily internet tough guys. They're kind of fun as long as it doesn't turn into a game of Soggy Biscuit.

His last little interaction was with me. That isn't why he got banned is it? That didn't seem malicious to me at all.


Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

I think part of this touches on a bigger issue. As part of men being determined to grow and succeed, the natural part of this progression is to want our kids to carry on, and even exceed what we have accomplished. So on one hand you can say your kids don't need all of this extra stuff, but on the other the inner "patriarch" comes out and wants our kids to continue to build our families legacy, and it is up to me to ensure they have every possible advantage, not because it is required, but because it does help to some extent and it is in my control to give it to them, so why not? Why is should my races population growth take precedence over my immediate family when I can try to build something that will set them up for success for generations to come? There is a reason that "old money" is a very real and meaningful term, and, some families have maintained relevance throught the decades or even centuries.

Census Bureau: majority of American babies born are now minorities

Quote: (12-09-2016 04:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  


Better change my name to Unicorn rustler then.

Find a girl that grew up in an $18k family and then they think that $30k is living the good life.

Here are two real estate examples of just how much house you get for the money in the south (memphis suburbs)
high end

low end $1000/year in property tax, excellent schools.

I agree that there is an overall problem, but like the now banned John Galt said, the overall problem isn't my problem. Same for the members of this forum. We all just need to know how to beat the average.

It may not be your problem but it will be your children's problem when the country falls into barbarism.

If america falls, the south will rise again. I'm not particularly worried. I'm sure the people of Utah feel the same way.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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