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Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexico City Data Sheet

I am in CDMX=DF until at least Dec 16
I am gonna do daygame 4x per week for 1-2 hours, and a few club games.

I am not gonna do any online game...

Searching for open minded wings....

Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexican women, for the most part are horrible. Curves in none of the right places. I got a top 5% off tinder in Mexico City though

Mexico City Data Sheet

Just thought I would pop in and give an update on my trip. I landed at a little after 11 and started texting my leads thinking I would be out on the town in less than an hour. Unfortunately the line for customs was ridiculous. I waited almost 3 hours. I didn't get to my Airbnb until 230.

So I'm tired and my tinder leads are all in bed or in different parts of town. I decide to just grab some food and hit the sack. I found some incredible bistec tacos right next to my pad.

I ended up walking around Condesa all morning as it really is a beautiful neighborhood with great architecture. The weather is also flawless. Like low 70's and sunny with a slight breeze.

So I hit up one of the girls I met on tinder and have been talking to on whatsapp. She has to get a cab from the other side of the city that takes over an hour, but she meets me in Condesa at La Botica. She is not as cute as she looks in her pics but for sure still WB. A solid 6.5. I can tell immediately she is really into me. I have her order for us as my Spanish is shit. I get some delicious Mezcal and she grabs a beer.

She is young and is obviously nervous but I can feel she is down. I told her I wanted to go back to my pad to grab my jacket and she consented immediately. I bought some really nice Tequila during the day today and poured us both a little to sip on. I was expecting some resistance but there was almost none, she was so fucking loud that I know everyone in this little apartment building had to hear it.

Anyway one full day, great food, incredible weather, Mexican flag, and like 30 dollars spent. It was a good way to welcome me to the DF.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Nobody has any tips? I see condesa is much recommneded for daygame + nightlife, but it's miles from the university. Are there other decent areas that are within striking distance by subway or taxi?

Mexico City Data Sheet

Try hitting some spots in pedregales or san angel. I mean if you're close to the UNAM there should be some college parties or bars at least. Search. For UNAM groups on FB and join them, they won't check if you are a student. Go there and make a social circle so you can get better acquainted.

Search for LIV Pedregal, don't go there as the service sucks and is rather overpriced but there should be some other fresa joints nearby.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Thanks man!

Mexico City Data Sheet

Happy holidays gents. Just ponied up $20 for quick access and more so to contribute to a very valuable resource.

jdelisi and everyone else, respectively - thanks for the data sheet, and for all your contributions. Heading to Mexico City tomorrow for 4-6 nights (potentially Cancun / PDC for NYE). If anyone is around let me know and be glad to buy you a drink.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Just got into DF, super busy with my business right now and trying to sign a lease, but would love to meet up with some fellow rooshers.

God I love this fucking city man I just signed up for a beautiful coworking space today that has 100mbps/100mbps fibre. You can't get that shit anywhere else in Latin America. Had a delicious 3 course lunch for $2.50US in Roma. Signed up for the nicest gym in town for $85US a month no contract. Man mexico city is such a deal right now with the peso in the toilet. I can't wait to move my remote team to an in-person team here in DF. I will have my work harem and my play harem, or maybe mix the two?

Just wondering whatsup with Tinder, the girls seem to have gotten WAY skinnier and hotter from what I remember, but also getting way less matches compared to 2014,2015. I thought this was just a SE asia thing, appears gringo dick has lost some lustre south of the border too. Maybe takes a few days to get me rolling thru the system. we'll see, either way just got off a 7 day mini vacation relationship with beautiful girl in Playa del carmen so not too horny for the next couple days until the "itch" comes back jaja.

I know the girls here aren't as pretty as Colombians or Brazilians but all the other benefits outweight the cons I think, plus there are still plenty of 7s and 8s running around town.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I think Mexico City is the worst place I've ever been on New Years Eve. Everyone here usually spends time with their family as opposed to the normal night of Poppin' Bottles like im used to. I went to one of my normal spots at 1am and found it a ghost town with around 7 people inside. I later spoke to a girl who told me that people here don't arrive to the clubs on NYE until 4am....absurd.

Watching the fireworks display at the Angel of Independence monument was really nice though.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Latino Heat, I had the same experiences with Tinder when I was there about two months ago. Pretty good quality, but much less matches than in other places in Latin America.

What sites are considered best for pipelining now? If you look at Latincupid and Mexicancupid, there are very few profiles on there compared to DR and Peru. Do Mexican chicks use some secret site gringos are not hip to? Or are they just not into meeting dudes online?

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:36 AM)slipnslide Wrote:  

Latino Heat, I had the same experiences with Tinder when I was there about two months ago. Pretty good quality, but much less matches than in other places in Latin America.

What sites are considered best for pipelining now? If you look at Latincupid and Mexicancupid, there are very few profiles on there compared to DR and Peru. Do Mexican chicks use some secret site gringos are not hip to? Or are they just not into meeting dudes online?

My main hunch is that rich gringo dick that speaks spanish (me) is still a hot ticket here and that its just Tinder thats gotten fucked up. More dudes showing up. In addition I can tell that both men and women started putting up more carefully crafted photos, its gotten more competitive for both sexes I think with ugly or short dudes and fat girls just giving up and getting off the app (funny cause in Brazil the opposite happened where Tinder is "only" for fat chicks lmao)

The only girls I got off Tinder in DF in 2015 were not very attractive ONS. The only girls I got that I'd consider 6 and above would be from coffee shop game or social circle.

When I was last in DF in early 2015 it was more matches then not was like match match match, I could swipe for 5 minutes and have 15 matches. I've been in DF now 3 days and gotten virtually no matches at all despite vigorous swiping. Then again I looked at the girls I was matching with 2 years ago and realized my standards have also gone way up too.

I don't think online dating is still super big in DF as I think it still carries a bit of a stigma. Nevertheless Tinder is the best app here. I also got a few matches of Happn. I don't know about those cupid sites but I don't think many people are on them, haven't checked but I know lots of players around and none of them ever mentioned it ... I think day game and social circle still reign supreme. Nightgame never yielded me much results but when I was here 2 years ago I also didn't dress as sharp.

I think it will take a few weeks here to calibrate and see whats going on with the dating scene. I don't think everything got flipped upside down like in Bangkok because i'm not seeing tons of gringos everywhere.

I'll keep reporting back.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (12-02-2016 12:32 AM)peloozoid Wrote:  

I am in CDMX=DF until at least Dec 16
I am going to do day game 4x per week for 1-2 hours, and a few club games.

I am not going to do any online game...

Searching for open minded wings....

Messaged you

Quote: (01-04-2017 08:26 PM)LatinoHeat Wrote:  

Just got into DF, super busy with my business right now and trying to sign a lease, but would love to meet up with some fellow rooshers.

God I love this fucking city man I just signed up for a beautiful coworking space today that has 100mbps/100mbps fibre. You can't get that shit anywhere else in Latin America. Had a delicious 3 course lunch for $2.50US in Roma. Signed up for the nicest gym in town for $85US a month no contract. Man mexico city is such a deal right now with the peso in the toilet. I can't wait to move my remote team to an in-person team here in DF. I will have my work harem and my play harem, or maybe mix the two?

Just wondering whatsup with Tinder, the girls seem to have gotten WAY skinnier and hotter from what I remember, but also getting way less matches compared to 2014,2015. I thought this was just a SE asia thing, appears gringo dick has lost some lustre south of the border too. Maybe takes a few days to get me rolling thru the system. we'll see, either way just got off a 7 day mini vacation relationship with beautiful girl in Playa del carmen so not too horny for the next couple days until the "itch" comes back jaja.

I know the girls here aren't as pretty as Colombians or Brazilians but all the other benefits outweight the cons I think, plus there are still plenty of 7s and 8s running around town.

Tinder has definitely taken a shit. I believe there algo has become fucked with all their recent attempts to collect cash.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I'm in Mexico - I'm loving this place. I've been to Mexico before but I'm really enjoying this trip. Mexico City seems to be lovely in a way - full of cool people. Just don't expect anyone to arrive on time, haha.

I went out my first night after landing and got some tacquitos near my place - lovely. I ate a bunch of food with a Coke and with the Mexican peso being what it is, it cost only $7.

I took a flight the next day to another city in Mexico and got talking with the abuelita sitting next to me. She was traveling with her daughter (they're on vacation) but live in DF. The abuelita loved me and was very keen to introduce me to her daughter - how could I resist? We all met up that night and had seafood dinner near the beach, with beers and rum. I'm loving this country already.

I'll be in DF presently if anyone cares to meet for a drink.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:36 AM)slipnslide Wrote:  

Latino Heat, I had the same experiences with Tinder when I was there about two months ago. Pretty good quality, but much less matches than in other places in Latin America.

What sites are considered best for pipelining now? If you look at Latincupid and Mexicancupid, there are very few profiles on there compared to DR and Peru. Do Mexican chicks use some secret site gringos are not hip to? Or are they just not into meeting dudes online?

After a few days my tinder started blowing the fuck up, esp after I made some "mexican adjustments" (think less abs, more status), my tinder basically exploded last weekend, I have over 100 matches and more whatsapps that i know what to do with.

Tinder is still where its at it just takes time. I've really been focused so much on my online business, finding an apartment and hiring that i've hardly had time for chicks. I'm playing the slow roll this time instead of trying to fuck as many 5's as possible which is the classic gringo experience here, i'm slow working the 6s and 7s on Tinder.

Pata Negra is as shitty as ever if you don't have the "gringo look" and heaven on earth if you are (according to my blond tall friend)

Rodesia looks like its gotten out of style;

If you look more latino head to polanco suited up you'll do better and the girls there like rich guys more.

It still seems pretty easy here though haven't pulled yet. Suprising number of cuties at my coworking space but haven't built up balls to talk to them yet. My game once a girl is in the orbit is not bad, but my initial pickup at night and esp at day needs some work.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I've been to DF quite a few times, but I mostly stayed in San Ángel. However my first time I stayed in a hostel in Centro Historico. My first time to Mexico City, one euro-mestiza woman saw me standing up and eating my quesadillas, and she invited me to sit down. As I sat she asked where I was from. And even an indigenous girl from Oaxaca who was one of the street vendors asked where I was from. Next morning I chatted up a few Oaxaca girls (they were indo mestizas but their skin color was olive and not brown) at breakfast. Had relatively deep conversations with them.

Anyways, here's my overview:

Mexico City is hardly representative of the remaining 95 percent of the country. And in many ways, I thought it felt like Los Angeles.

- cost of living is significantly lower than in large cities in first world countries
- tasty food
- many things to do and see
- cute girls, although mostly in more affluent areas like Condesa, Roma, and Polanco
- easier to get laid (with normal women) compared to most other parts of Mexico, which are more for finding a long-term girlfriend or wife
- public transportation is everywhere - you have the Metro, Metrobus, microbuses, and taxis

- fast-paced lifestyle which can be especially stressful for people who are more used to being in small to medium-sized cities
- air pollution in some parts of the metropolitan area
- congestion on the roads, and public transportation gets crowded, especially during rush hour
- sometimes, taxi drivers won't stop for you if you hail a cab, even if there aren't any passengers
- people take advantage of others (but especially foreigners) more than anywhere else I've been to in Mexico
- it has the highest divorce rate in all of Mexico, and is on par with the U.S.
- no fault divorce (although the municipal government provides temporary 2 year marriage licenses to ease breakups)
- many municipalities in the metropolitan area that are in Mexico state have fairly high crime rates; and sometimes, first class and executive buses traveling on the autopistas (freeways) going through those municipalities are robbed during a traffic jam

Mexico City Data Sheet

Alright so I was just here for a few days with my girl - she's Brazilian for reference and I'm American. Have a few tips if that's something y'all are interested in. My tips and observations are mostly non-game related.

General Thoughts

It had been about two years since I'd been here (solo) and I remember the women generally being better looking. The hipster invasion is strong here! Lots of shitty tats, poor style, and cigarette smokers of women seen out and about during the day in the city - although this concentrates in certain areas like calle Regina in Centro, Calle Genova in Zone Rosa, and the more hipster-leaning areas. I saw very few bangable women and even fewer stunners out and about during the day - but I didn't visit any high-end shopping malls or spend much time in Polanco. Also we didn't go to any high-end clubs at night.

I think that after now having traveled throughout Latin America extensively, my ranking of Mexico generally doesn't compare well with a lot of other Latin American countries in terms of women. I'd rank Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica above Mexico in terms of women. Were all the nice looking ones in Playa del Carmen for vacation? Maybe. But the lower class women are quite hideous here. This is unlike Colombia or Argentina where I noticed quite a few bangable girls from the lower classes walking around during the day in all parts of the city and in the metro/bus stations.

This place still feels pretty safe. Especially the neighborhoods of Zona Rosa, Roma Norte/Sur, Condesa, Polanco, and Coyoacan.

It's cheap for USD holders. Conversion was around 20 - 21.5 MXN to $1 USD during our visit. We took cash out at ATMs. Banamex gave a good rate and had modest ATM fees.

People don't love Trump. Perhaps that's to be expected. I was considering bringing my MAGA hat but didn't want to come back in a body bag either. I tried to broach the subject of politics in a gentle manner with many locals during my trip and didn't find a single pro-Trump Mexican...many were openly hostile towards the idea of him.

Getting in and around, Sim Cards, and Logistics

Uber is pretty cheap here. We used this a LOT. We took an Uber from the airport to our apartment in Condesa around mid-day on a Monday for like $103 MXN. That's about a 25-30 minute ride for less than $5 USD. I think the Metrobus ride from airport is like $30 MXN per person. Metro rides are $5 MXN - buy a ticket at the Taquilla at metro station in cash and you can get little paper tickets. This is a great option to get to centro and other neighborhoods, but it can be a little busy at peak times.

I paid $150 MXN for a sim card here with Telcel and it had I believe $50 MXN credit. You can also pay $200 MXN additionally for a plan that gets you 700 MB data and unlimited talk/text. Coverage was very good in the places we visited in MX and the 4g worked well. Top ups are easily done in any Oxxo store. Just tell them your cell company, phone number, and top up amount.

We used airbnb to find a private apartment in a nice area in the neighborhoods of Condesa and Roma Norte, and paid around $30 per night with big private bed, private terrance, big bathroom/shower and kitchen. There's probably better rates if you spend more time as there are big discounts for weekly or monthly stays...I would definitely stay in Roma Norte again as this is probably my favorite neighborhood.

Food and Drink

Food and the food prices is where this city really shines in my opinion. Though drinks are comparatively expensive for Mexico. Craft beer prices and cocktail prices are higher in CDMX in many places in the USA. I couldn't find any place to buy a six pack of craft beer for the apartment fridge. You pay a per bottle price that that price will be around $50 - $75 MXN. We got 5 craft beers for our fridge for around $330 MXN. That's about $400 MXN for a sixer or $18.63 USD. Comparatively, in the USA, you will pay about $8 - 10 for a high quality six pack of craft beer.


El Vilsito - Peten 248, Benito Juarez - Best place in my opinion for Al Pastor pork tacos and gringas in the city. It's a bit disorganized in terms of ordering, is very busy, has weird hours, and limited seating, but this is the holy grail in my opinion for this style of taco.

Antojitos Lety - Privada Francisco Montes de Oca 96, Condesa - Great little whole in the wall serving small plates like Flautas, Enfrijoladas, Enchiladas de Mole Rojo, Pozole, etc. Great prices too, but it's super tiny. Open later so a good place to satiate the beer munchies...

Condesa Tianguis - Corner of Pachuca and Augustin Melgar, Condesa - A weekly street market (every Tuesday) in Condesa with an array of Taco, Soup, and other tasty food vendors. Pretty solid albeit somewhat chaotic and busy place during prime lunch hours.

Chilakillers - Av. Revolución 23 (Benjamin Franklin y Progreso), Tacubaya - Great Chilaquiles for breakfast here. My top pick in DF for that. Slightly hipster, but totally solid food. The super picosa Chilaquiles is probably one of the spiciest and tasiest sauces I've had during my travels. Full portions are large. Come hungry.

Fonda Margarita - Adolfo Prieto 1364, Tlacoquemecatl del Valle - Great little breakfast place with a daily changing menu. Open early like from 5:30 and closes before noon. I recommend the huevos con frijoles. Quite a unique and delicious breakky with tortillas. Probably some of the best refried beans of all time.


For coffee, check this guide. Probably best place for coffee in the city now is a place called Quentin Café in Roma Norte.

Damajuana Boutique Cervecera - Avenida Mazatlan 152, Condesa - Great little bottle shop with nice selection of MX craft beer bottles.

Mexicano Bar - Calle Regina 27, Centro - Smallish little hipster beer and brewery serving nice craft beer. Draft beer from Cerveceria 27 and other local breweries from 80 - 110 MXN per mug. Chill place to have beers in the street.

Bósforo Mezcalería - Luis Moya 31, Centro - Tiny little mezcal bar hidden behind a red curtain lit by candlelight. Open from around 6pm. Good place to taste some nice mezcal and craft beer as well. Good small intimate date place. Leans towards hipsterish, as there's no sign outside.

La Clandestina Mezcalería - Av Álvaro Obregón 298, Condesa - Another pretty smallish mezcal place in Condesa serving a nice selection of mezcals from around Mexico. You can also buy a bottle here as a souvenir or for the apartment if that's your thing.

El Moro - Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 42, Centro - Solid spot for churros in the centro, friendly place to take a girl and satisfy her sweet cravings..

Farina - Calle de Chihuahua 139, Roma Nte - If you get tired of eating Mexican food after a while, this spot has very good pizza (wood oven) and decent red wine selection, also more classy and good date spot.


Pretty fun city to come with a girl. I think perhaps if you know where to look to meet women, this would be a fun city to live for a while as a single man, although not my first choice in Latin America. [For a single man, you would be silly to go anywhere other than Playa del Carmen or Tulum in my opinion if considering other MX options.] Seemed like museums would not be a bad day game option as I saw some decent talent in some of the museums like the National Art Museum and the Anthropology Museum. Otherwise, I'll be back here for the tacos, cost of living, culture, and great sunny and clear January weather...

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Turns out renting an apartment is much easier than I expected. Virtually no one is requesting a fiador and it seems no one has a problem renting to foreigners. As a matter of fact i've been finding agents to be much more responsive and taking more more serious when I talk in English.

I did have a question for you guys here?

Originally I wasn't even considering anywhere other then La Roma or Condesa but now i've been considering Polanco just because the apartment buildlings there are so much nicer with nice views. And to be honest a little bit because of the prestige.

However, I've checked out some apartments, it looks like Polanco is 100% NOT walkable at all and you need to uber pretty much anywhere. Am I just not looking in the right parts of Polanco? Besides impressing girls and being in nicer buildling stock, are there any other advantage to Polanco? I went during the day it seemed totally quiet and boring.

Its a tough sell considering how walkable and easy Roma and Condesa are you can get by on foot everywhere and there is always something going on.

Am I missing something here or is Roma the obvious choice?

I also saw some spots in Reforma but I Think its too far out (though my friend said the main av on Reforma is a great daygame spot)

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (01-15-2017 06:25 PM)LatinoHeat Wrote:  

Turns out renting an apartment is much easier than I expected. Virtually no one is requesting a fiador and it seems no one has a problem renting to foreigners. As a matter of fact i've been finding agents to be much more responsive and taking more more serious when I talk in English.

I did have a question for you guys here?

Originally I wasn't even considering anywhere other then La Roma or Condesa but now i've been considering Polanco just because the apartment buildlings there are so much nicer with nice views. And to be honest a little bit because of the prestige.

However, I've checked out some apartments, it looks like Polanco is 100% NOT walkable at all and you need to uber pretty much anywhere. Am I just not looking in the right parts of Polanco? Besides impressing girls and being in nicer buildling stock, are there any other advantage to Polanco? I went during the day it seemed totally quiet and boring.

Its a tough sell considering how walkable and easy Roma and Condesa are you can get by on foot everywhere and there is always something going on.

Am I missing something here or is Roma the obvious choice?

I also saw some spots in Reforma but I Think its too far out (though my friend said the main av on Reforma is a great daygame spot)

Polanco is super quiet during the day and also very spread out and not walkable - 100% agreed. Night venues seem to be spread out there as well. I'm curious to hear what other people here have to say about it. It's probably a good place for a bike or a scooter, lol. Polanco is probably one of the few metro stations where I actually saw nice talent during the day, however.

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Quote: (08-27-2016 09:34 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  


I've lived in Mexico City for several years now. Here are some ideas for day trips within the city itself. They're not generally considered places of interest for tourists but they do show an undiscovered / off-the-beaten-path side of Mexico City that few visitors experience. You do need some basic Spanish for most of these, for your safety if nothing else.

In Iztapalapa, La Central de Abasto is an enormous indoor wholesale food market, the biggest in the world. Wikipedia in English: You can get there on foot in 10-15 minutes from metro Apatlaco or metro Aculco.

Another forgotten part of Mexico City is all the way to the north: Cuahtepec. Take the metro to Indios Verdes and take a bus from there. Because it's isolated geographically -- there's only one road in -- it feels very much like a small village. There is some street life at night. You'll never see another foreigner there. Order an elote (corn on the cob) on the street and walk to the plaza.

To the south, there's the semi-rural 'delegation' of Milpa Alta. I've been exploring and walking around neighborhoods there (the first bus of the trip leaves from metro Tasqeña).

Tláhuac is located in the southeast of Mexico City. Take the new metro (line 12). It's an aboveground/elevated train for most of the line, so you get to see neighborhoods and churches along the way. That could be your whole trip, actually, but if you get off at the end of the line, walk around and you're in a small town not far from agriculture. Earlier in this thread I published a photo of a pulquería there. You don't feel like you're in Mexico City at all.

Neza (Nezahualcóyotl) is a famously sketchy neighborhood to the east of Mexico City (actually in the State of Mexico). Take a bus (a combi, actually) from metro Pantitlán that goes along Avenida Pantitlán. That could be your whole trip, or get out and eat something.

Chalco is on the same general side of town (state of Mexico). Take a bus from Metro Santa Marta. Get off and walk around. Dirt roads. I had some custom bookshelves made there once.

Another way to experience the city is to just get on any bus and take it to the end of the line, wherever it's going. The trip is the adventure. Just tell the driver you are going to 'la base' or mention one of the places listed on the windshield sign. It's liberating to not have a destination in mind. You can do the same with the metro.

These are all potential 'escape/get-away' destinations if you're based in Mexico City, just visiting and want a short day trip without a car or the guidebook. Mexicans would find these recommendations to be bizarre at best. They can't imagine the appeal. An interest in these kinds of places and experiences sometimes gets denigrated as 'poverty porn' but there's nothing at all like them in the US, so that by definition makes them potentially interesting, to me at least.

Thanks to naswanji for suggesting I write about Iztapalapa. His Mexican Cultural Calendar Datasheet is here: thread-57884...pid1380670.

This is a great idea, ElFlaco. Mexico City has a lot to explore beyond Condesa/Roma for us long-termers here. Here are a few of the things I've discovered during my time here:

Birria - the best birria is near the Bondojito metro stop. The block before the stop (if you're coming from the Centro), there are two birria restaurants right next to each other. People argue over which is the best, but they are both excellent. Good way to load up on protein or get over a hangover.

Tianguis of San Felipe de Jesus - "Tianguis" are Mexico's open-air markets that are held on certain days. The tianguis held every Sunday in the neighborhood of San Felipe de Jesus are famous as "the largest in Latin America" (as many taxi drivers have assured me). This sprawling market is a labyrinth of nearly every product under the sun, usually cheap, sometimes stolen. It's worth checking out even if you don't need to buy sneakers for 50 pesos. The neighborhood is kind of hard to reach though, since on Sunday all of the streets are blocked by the tianguis. The best way to go is to either get a camion (bus) from either the Deportivo de 18 de Marzo or the Martin Carrero metro stops. It will take about 20 minutes to get there, and you'll recognize it when you're there because the bus will slow to a creeping pace because of all the market stalls blocking the street.

Pulquerias - There are definitely still pulquerias in Mexico City, and I think pulque in general is making a big comeback, especially among the hipster crowd. My favorite pulqueria for atmosphere is Las Duelistas in the Centro. Absolutely packed on weekend afternoons, it gets a mix of old-timers and hipsters. Another place that's technically a pulqueria but functions more like a bar is Pulqueria Los Insurgentes, which is on Insurgentes in Roma. It's in a big sprawling old building with three or four stories and a number of different rooms, each with a different ambience.

Mercado Sonora - This mercado is the place to go for all sorts of weird and wild stuff related to magic and popular superstitions, such as statues of Santa Muerte and Jesus Malverde, implements for Santeria rituals (including animals suitable for sacrificing), and other New Agey stuff.

Tepito - Not that far north of the centro, Tepito is a rough neighborhood where Mexico City's main black market is located. You can find anything and everything here, and can assume that it is most likely stolen. You run a fair chance of getting robbed here yourself if you visit, so it would be best not to bring any valuables with you, and if you look very gringo, to come in the company of a Mexican.

Mercado San Juan - Another strange market near the centro. It hosts a number of gourmet food stalls that import fancy meats and cheeses from Europe and serves them tapas-style to visitors. Alongside that, it's also known as a place that sells exotic meat of every description (including lion, tiger and dog). There are various restaurants in the market that claim to serve such meats, but they only serve them cooked and sliced, so who knows what they actually are (probably burro). On the other hand, the market does definitely have some of the less common meats in raw form, so should you ever be in the mood to cook goose, rabbit or duck, it's the place to go.

Mexico City Data Sheet

Recently spent one week in DF. I don't have too much new intel to add as my experiences mirrored those already written about here. Mostly stayed in Roma/Condesa.

Using Tinder I had plenty of matches but girls tended to ghost or flake more often than I'm used to, and early in the week several dates flaked at the last minute which threw me off. Once the ball got rolling though I had more whatsapp chats and dates scheduled than I could manage, and if I'd stayed another week likely would have converted several of them. My last night I did smash a hot little rich fresita 23 y.o. on a second date (first was a lunch date). The upper class there really do live interesting lives (private drivers, beach houses, etc).

I also got a number and solid interest from a girl I opened in a museum which was cool; I'm good at getting girls into bed once we're talking but my "non-online" opening game is non-existent, so this was a big step for me. She was visiting from GDL and I didn't get to meet up with her due to scheduling logistics but she's still sending me texts.

Overall I really enjoyed the city; having lived in NYC in recent years I feel at home in the more chaotic atmosphere. I like the contrasting mish-mash of opulent and squalid, modern and decaying, often to be found right next to each other.

As many others have noted the average hotness and easiness of the girls might not be as high as other places in Latin America. But for overall quality of life including food, culture, nightlife, weather, ability to find "first world" amenities, and feeling relatively safe stumbling around the Roma/Condesa neighborhoods . . . for me it pulls out ahead of other more "game friendly" spots. Oh and I can't forget to mention the prices: ungodly cheap. Nice dinner for two with drinks $30. Uber from airport $5. Most day to day things including accomodations I was paying 1/3rd of the US cost. Someone I met who has insider knowledge says they are expecting the exchange rate to go up to 1USD:25MEX by April.

Strongly considering making a home base here in the near future.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I have been living here for a year. I will contribute more in writing sometime soon but I just recently began to change my social life.

I throw parties and am aiming to network with even more influencers. Shoot me a message if you live here or are visiting. This Friday will have a party then go to see the mariposa on Saturday.

Mexico City Data Sheet

I will be there most likely April 26th for a month, if anyone knows of an apartment available for rent, I would really appreciate any info. Interested in Condesa - Roma North - Z. Rosa triangle but would consider other areas too
Would also share a bigger place with a RF member, could be fun.

Mexico City Data Sheet

It seems to me that Mexicanas don't like cocky funny. For example there was a cute girl whose number I got on SA. Text convo went like this:

Hey I'll be there next week

Hey! In Mexico?

No heaven! [emoji for LOLing]

No response after that.

A whore ain't nothing but a trick to a pimp. (Iceberg Slim)
Beauty is in the erection of the beholder. (duedue)
Grab your life by the pussy.
A better question to ask is "What EXACTLY do I want out of life and what EXACTLY am I doing to get EXACTLY that? If you can answer that question truthfully you will be the most Alpha motherfucker you will ever need to be. (PapayaTapper)

Mexico City Data Sheet

Mexicans like direct. Just tell her you want to fuck her

Mexico City Data Sheet

Any ideas how much internal flights in Mexico cost? are there any low budget airlines. I was looking on Skyscanner and everything seemed fairly expensive.

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