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Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

^ He's still using dialectic instead of rhetoric. He hasn't learned yet. He isn't angry enough yet. But his anger is building. You can see it in real time.

You can't use dialectic on SJW's. He will learn this the hard way.

They are coming for him. God give him the courage, the energy, and the resources to fight them. God help you Mr. Peterson.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-05-2016 01:04 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

^ He's still using dialectic instead of rhetoric. He hasn't learned yet. He isn't angry enough yet. But his anger is building. You can see it in real time.

You can't use dialectic on SJW's. He will learn this the hard way.

They are coming for him. God give him the courage, the energy, and the resources to fight them. God help you Mr. Peterson.

He is still an academic and thus views himself as an elitist. Even if he is rational and logical and isn't PC he will always operate with words. He has no hands to fight with and to contrast the barbaric and simplistic SJWs he uses his words to defuse them.

He is speaking in the style and tone and to people who act and think like he does. Your GM plant worker isn't going give a fuck about its guy, his audience is largely the rest of the bohemian elitist set that runs Toronto.

For him he is playing his hand well for his audience. Never cause a stir and just keep calm with logic. The elites will have to use mental games to crack him and will fail.

What good does going shitlord serve him? It would set him up to be painted as a radical and that type of action would get the UofT to breathe even more down his neck.

He views himself above the pigs who make up the SJW set that roll around and shriek in the mud. He likely runs into these types in all his lectures who moan and cry when he says anything uncomfortable.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

He is old school.

We are used to Milo or Gavin McInnes, or even Trump.

Using rhetoric cynically has traditionally been seen as cheap and low class.

Trolling didn't really even start till the late nineties, and started on the internet, then bled out into daily life.

The first one I remember to really use words as weapons, as in making fun of the looks of a president's daughter, was Rush Limbaugh, and he was seen as little more than a buffoon for years.

Now he is mild.

I think Peterson is who he is, and cares more about his personal sense of dignity and values than winning in a gamesmanship sense.

He is a serious scholar, a psychologist who sees patients, and a family man.

He is not Mike Cernovich. He will not be posting pictures of feminists who criticize him on Twitter asking why they are obsessed with him, or claiming that Seth Rogen's wife wants to sleep with him.

Not his style.

He is not so concerned with winning in the court of ephemeral public opinion, although whether or not he will win the war remains to be seen.

I like that he keeps it dialectic, because that is what separates him from all the people we hate, the SJWs, the feminists, the hysterics.

If there isn't a return to reasoned, common sense debate, what future do we really have?

It will just be competing screeches and jeers.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

This is an opportunity to show strength. If he keeps it polite, the SJW's will interpret it as weakness. Weakness arouses their evil.

Kosko you asked why he should fight them. I ask why not? If not now, then when?

He can choose not to fight them and preserve what's left of his already decimated reputation. Or he can choose to fight them. And you know what will happen if he doesn't fight them?


"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

New video up:


Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

^ Jesus he looks awful. He looks like he is waiting for the brownshirts to break down his door and attack him.

His voice sounds really familiar. I think he has narrated a lot of Canadian shows.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Yes, he has a kind of scratching, mentoring voice which is a kind of annoying (still, I am very sensitive to pleasant/unpleasant voices): I had to switch off his videos in order to concentrate on my reading.

I think he is also breaking the important decorum principle: in his age getting excited about Pokemons.....?! It is just silly, this trying to be cool.
However, his position is made kind of difficult by the asymmetry of the protest: young people used to protest against old people, but there is no tradition of the old protesting against the young.... It automatically gives the young certain leverage in terms of perception (decorum again).

Notwithstanding decorum, it is an important protest of a wise, independent man...
I applaud him as a psychologist who in the age of computational, experimental psychology and DSM writes things like "Maps of meaning".

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Good for him standing up.

I went to U of T. The place is PC Central. Random example the gym devoted maybe 4 hours a day to womens only would see 4 girls using an entire gym during this period. Was maddening.

What can you expect from a country that changed it's anthem from 'all thy sons command' to the gobbledy goo 'all of us command' making it gender neutral.

God help us

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

The trannies are out in force, protesting, or as they say, calling out Peterson for refusing to respect brand new, ever changing, made up pronouns.

They can't say that, however, because it would clearly make them a certain sort of person:

So instead, they are, as always, lying, saying that:


Jordan V. Peterson has made it clear that he has the authority to dictate the gender identities.

Anyway, Lauren Southern is on the case:

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 12:34 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Anyway, Lauren Southern is on the case:

It's "Pat" (SNL sketch) at 1:00.

Man, trying to follow this conversation made my head hurt. If you make it past the first minutes, she actually interviews some relatively coherent people.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Toronto is lost. Jordan Peterson is fucked. I've seen this movie before. I went to the University of Western Ontario (located in London, Ontario about 200km west of Toronto) in the 90's and I watched Ontario SJW's attack a professor there named J. Philippe Rushton. Dr. Rushton was also a psychology professor and his thought-crime was to consider behavioral differences of racial groups. Dr. Rushton was the first to apply r/K selection theory to human behavioral analysis. Dr. Rushton was a pioneer and he was almost destroyed by the SJW onslaught that he suffered. I remember finding the whole situation bizarre and feeling sympathy for Dr. Rushton as he was attacked by bratty narcissistic children. But the UWO administration capitulated to the mob and supported the attack. That was the early 90's. Things are much worse now. Dr. Peterson is fucked. He is a thought criminal now.

Dr. Peterson needs to abandon all hope of satiating the SJW beasts and begin to make some allies on the Alt-Right. That's how Dr. Rushton escaped total destruction. He became a hero of the AmRen movement.

Dr. Peterson needs to find some friends and stop hoping he can placate his enemies with politeness. He ain't in Kansas anymore.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

@Ghost Tiger

Can they get rid of a tenured professor for not saying zir?

Even before this wacky law is passed?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 01:32 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

@Ghost Tiger

Can they get rid of a tenured professor for not saying zir?

Even before this wacky law is passed?

No. They won't get rid of him. They will try to demoralize him with process changes.

What they did with Dr. Rushton is they declared him "unsafe" to interact directly with students and made him conduct his lectures via video link. Dr. Rushton fought this process change and eventually won, but the SJW's and their supporters in administration know that the "process is the punishment". It's like when a cop gives you a bullshit ticket because he knows you'll have to take a day off work to go fight it in court. Same principle applies.

They are embarking on a campaign to kill Dr. Peterson with a death by a thousand cuts. He is in deep shit.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 01:21 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Toronto is lost. Jordan Peterson is fucked. I've seen this movie before. I went to the University of Western Ontario (located in London, Ontario about 200km west of Toronto) in the 90's and I watched Ontario SJW's attack a professor there named J. Philippe Rushton. Dr. Rushton was also a psychology professor and his thought-crime was to consider behavioral differences of racial groups. Dr. Rushton was the first to apply r/K selection theory to human behavioral analysis. Dr. Rushton was a pioneer and he was almost destroyed by the SJW onslaught that he suffered. I remember finding the whole situation bizarre and feeling sympathy for Dr. Rushton as he was attacked by bratty narcissistic children. But the UWO administration capitulated to the mob and supported the attack. That was the early 90's. Things are much worse now. Dr. Peterson is fucked. He is a thought criminal now.

Dr. Peterson needs to abandon all hope of satiating the SJW beasts and begin to make some allies on the Alt-Right. That's how Dr. Rushton escaped total destruction. He became a hero of the AmRen movement.

Dr. Peterson needs to find some friends and stop hoping he can placate his enemies with politeness. He ain't in Kansas anymore.

I disagree. Things are slowly changing at the UofT. Dr Peterson is not backing down with politeness. He sticks to logic. His support is also growing. He is doing a counter rally for this Tues - for Free Speech and against Political Correctness and the face book page already has 150 planning to attend. That is bigger than the rally against him.

Also I noticed that the UofT campus now has a high Chinese population. I was seeing almost out of 10 -- about 5 - 6 are Chinese. Demographics alone will end the corrupt element of the Leftist regime in the future.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

I disagree.

Excellent. Let's debate!

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Things are slowly changing at the UofT.

The administration will support the SJW's. This is why Cerno called his new movie "Silenced: Our War on Free Speech". Because the censorship is driven from the grassroots level by the SJW's. The administration will simply swim with the current. This has not changed since I was in university except that it has worsened. Things are not getting better.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Dr Peterson is not backing down with politeness. He sticks to logic.

Logic = dialectic = politeness. Rhetoric, in other words going full shitlord and triggering the little darlings is what is called for here. Dialectic < rhetoric in this situation because SJW's are creatures of emotion, not logic. The only effective tactical communication one can use on them is rhetoric. Morpheus and Neo have to RETURN to the Matrix in order to rescue future red-pill recruits. Savvy?

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

His support is also growing.

Maybe among red-pilled people like us. But where it counts, i.e. in the university administration, he has no friends. He will get knifed like Julius Caesar on the Ides of March just like what the GOPe is currently doing to Trump after smiling at him and telling him they were his friends.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

He is doing a counter rally for this Tues - for Free Speech and against Political Correctness and the face book page already has 150 planning to attend. That is bigger than the rally against him.

That's excellent. I hope he switches gears from dialectic to rhetoric. If he sends up a flag proving he is ready to FIGHT, he might win some allies. I know I myself would be one. Unless and until he shows he is ready to take this seriously though, he is just another victim.

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:01 PM)lake Wrote:  

Also I noticed that the UofT campus now has a high Chinese population. I was seeing almost out of 10 -- about 5 - 6 are Chinese. Demographics alone will end the corrupt element of the Leftist regime in the future.

The Chinese community has long been a breath of right-wing fresh air in libtarded Toronto. But this community is out-matched and too shy, just like Dr. Peterson.

The time for half-measures is over.

No more nice.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

I see relatively little discussion about exactly what is being proposed regarding pronoun usage. There are actually three scenarios: he or she; singular they or avoiding pronouns; and invented pronouns. Here is the transgender pronoun table from Wikipedia.

[Image: MAfHMWt.png]

Personally I don't have a problem referring to someone according to their preference for HE or for SHE as long as they present themselves consistently as that gender in dress and manner. At least these are already English singular pronouns. I'll just try not to think about what is underneath that dress.

I'm less open to the non-binary versions, for example, using 'singular they' for transgendered people. Another unattractive option is just to repeat the name: Jerry left Jerry's phone here.

Obviously the least preferable option is the absurd invented forms: xe, ve, ze and so on.

Non-native speakers should point out how this madness differentially oppresses them. The English pronoun system is already complex enough for them to master.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 03:29 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Non-native speaker should point out how this madness differentially oppresses them. The English pronoun system is already complex enough for them to master.

Excellent point ElFlaco! This would be a great line of counter-attack and it is certainly available to the Chinese community should they choose to adopt it. Immigrants could very reasonably argue that this bullshit further complicates the English language and unfairly increases the difficulty level in their efforts to master it.

Very tactical. Top Kek!

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

I still can't grasp how they can have such a power .... it speaks rather loudly on the level of conceptual insularity of English-speaking cultures (well, they are stemming from an island), as they have never been really confronted by other cultures on the basis of substantial day-to-day contacts.

However, I have watched Laura Southern's walk through them, and they are pretty defensive when confronted one to one - "If you want to educate yourself, then I can talk ..." etc.
They know there is nothing to defend/discuss. This is why they just want to "educate" you, by what they mean to talk about it.
Also it struck me that they like to claim to have connections to some semi-fictional transgender community; the transgender "community" is speaking, not they. Where are their letters of credence...?
The obvious tactics would be to try to divide "the community", especially as the professor's position is weak by default (see my post above): well, then, where are transgender traditionalists?!
Where are traditionalists gays?!
Where are reformed xers?!
Where are native Indians with their local languages?!

I even have a couple of slogans for such a protest, which could spur some thinking, hopefully:

Please do not translate us!

Please do not translate us once more ! (for Indians)

Yesterday straight, tomorrow xer?! No more closets!!! (for gays )

The one translation too far!

It is just a translation!

The translation theme could be used in combat here, as this is what people, the entire society, will have to do if xers come into existence.
Translation as a war banner and a reframe has the advantage of highlighting inauthenticity and fakeness of the entire concept; you translate what you do not understand, right? You do not understand what is not obvious, right?

As far as the entire idea is supposed to "free" some xer identity, you can point that linguistic oppression will still hide somewhere, for example, in shared verb endings, -s, -ed, etc. This is the obvious point of concern for users of any languages that morphologically are more flexible than English.
In Polish for example the pronouns are usually hidden, and persons as well as genders are expressed indirectly by verb inflection. It is only due to English having so-called "surface" pronouns that this entire xer concept is possible...

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-08-2016 03:44 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2016 03:29 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Non-native speaker should point out how this madness differentially oppresses them. The English pronoun system is already complex enough for them to master.

Excellent point ElFlaco! This would be a great line of counter-attack and it is certainly available to the Chinese community should they choose to adopt it. Immigrants could very reasonably argue that this bullshit further complicates the English language and unfairly increases the difficulty level in their efforts to master it.

Very tactical. Top Kek!
Maybe Top Kek but a good idea...?

This seems like a good idea, but is it so in fact? Is it an actionable PUA advice ? Chinese diaspora communities thrive as 'guests' in other communities; I cannot recall one example of Chinese diaspora somewhere protesting against some hallmark of the host culture like a language. I do not see much hope for them becoming vocal in the public in this case too.
They will see it as an internal issue of English Canada.

On the side note, let's do not get excited too much by Kek. Surely such a misty god is a very capricious beast...?


Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

This pro-noun business has the potential to get truly ridiculous.

Anyone else notice that Hollywood never uses anything but he and she? Being on the left of course, nobody really seems to call them out on this. Yet how can we believe in the sheer coincidence that not a single character in any mainstream television show isn't pro-noun diverse? When are we going to see a cartoon character refer to their pokemon as jee, ney or thon? When are we going to see Keifer Sutherland in Designated Survivor refer to one of his staff members as "per".

The president turns to his secretary of state.
"I warned jem. If jee doesn't back down then I'm going to make jem wish jee was never born."

Cue a million people scratching their heads wondering if something was wrong with their television sets.

It will never happen, for you see academia has reached peak stupidity. They have insulated themselves from the rest of the world to such a degree that the rest of us couldn't really keep track of their bullshit if we tried. By the time we'd all learned this crap the things we learned would be old-hat to the point of once again being "problematic'.

They have reached the status of insane religious zealots scribbling gibberish on cave walls with their own faeces and screaming for compliance with the new will of the Gods.

Treat them as such.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-09-2016 03:46 AM)Kaligula Wrote:  

Maybe Top Kek but a good idea...?

This seems like a good idea, but is it so in fact? Is it an actionable PUA advice ? Chinese diaspora communities thrive as 'guests' in other communities; I cannot recall one example of Chinese diaspora somewhere protesting against some hallmark of the host culture like a language. I do not see much hope for them becoming vocal in the public in this case too.
They will see it as an internal issue of English Canada.

On the side note, let's do not get excited too much by Kek. Surely such a misty god is a very capricious beast...?


As I said above, the problem with the Chinese diaspora in Toronto is they are out-matched and too shy. So, while it is a good idea, it likely will not be acted upon. Just like Dr. Peterson going full shitlord is a good idea, but I ain't gonna hold my breath waiting for him to do so. But the Chinese aren't the only foreign diaspora in Toronto that struggle with English. I could see the Latino community having enough Spanish heat in their blood to go full La Raza and act out this plan. The Chinese could quietly pay for their picket signs, bus charters, and legal fees... Soros style.

Kek is a wrathful demon, much like Loki. He would be amused.

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Quote: (10-09-2016 03:46 AM)Kaligula Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2016 03:44 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (10-08-2016 03:29 PM)ElFlaco Wrote:  

Non-native speaker should point out how this madness differentially oppresses them. The English pronoun system is already complex enough for them to master.

Excellent point ElFlaco! This would be a great line of counter-attack and it is certainly available to the Chinese community should they choose to adopt it. Immigrants could very reasonably argue that this bullshit further complicates the English language and unfairly increases the difficulty level in their efforts to master it.

Very tactical. Top Kek!
Maybe Top Kek but a good idea...?

This seems like a good idea, but is it so in fact? Is it an actionable PUA advice ? Chinese diaspora communities thrive as 'guests' in other communities; I cannot recall one example of Chinese diaspora somewhere protesting against some hallmark of the host culture like a language. I do not see much hope for them becoming vocal in the public in this case too.
They will see it as an internal issue of English Canada.

On the side note, let's do not get excited too much by Kek. Surely such a misty god is a very capricious beast...?


These new pronouns do not discriminate against the Chinese so much as project hate towards Latinos and anyone who speaks a language with gendered nouns. The SJWs are basically attacking their very language and culture.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

There is now a petition in support of the professor, and more rhetorical than dialectical it is, more militant too, even if it ends with a kind of wailing note ' I sincerely hope that there will be no retribution against him on the part of the university for this decision'. Well, if at all (it suggests a line of attack against him, especially as the university itself until now has not taken any stance as far as I know), it should be strong, like It must not be retribution against him...

It is not clear whether he penned the petition himself, but he gives a link to it at his Twitter:

Well, it seems everybody already expects that it will ends in the court...
I really do hate how the idea of rights turns everything into a complaint to authority here.... the inherent downfall of legalism, or Hobbesian Leviathan lives and thrives!

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

I like how Professor Peterson is using UofT style lecturing on his political activism, because these are some presentations which I didn't learn while studying and attending classes in university in Toronto.

Speaking about Chinese chicks, when I was around, when the academic year would start, a few 17.5-18 year old 1st year Chinese chicks would blush at me, but when I would try to talk to them, I would get this crowd of white women who were looking at me like a hawk. Language barrier was a bit problematic too, because some of these Chinese chicks are learning English for the first time, and hearing Creole language will confuse them of course.

The thing I dislike about UofT, Ryerson, Seneca, etc is that there is some type of virus going on when these fresh off the airplane female foreign students becoming into paranoid man-haters after the first month of attending university/college in Toronto.

2014 was when I started to discover that even creating casual talk with a chick on campus property felt like I was a criminal just for trying to be social. Remember this one time when a chick couldn't stop staring at me because I talked about Vybz Kartel and joked about how the Middle East stones lesbians to some friends in class, but when we had another class, I only found the back row seating where she was around. She packed up her bags and walked away fro the classroom as if she was losing blood and needed to go to a hospital.

For another class, we had a group presentation & group members exchanged txt #. When the presentation was over, I texted group members about our estimated grade, but this one chick sent one text back indicating to leave her alone. Weird.

2015 was the year which broke the camel's back because of that Roosh thing. Better "cut and run, than stay and bun" as we say it in the Caribbean.

Political correctness appears to be very powerful than when I left university last year. It is still amazing that a leftist professor who is a benefactor being tenured professor of UofT would speak out against the campus culture in Toronto.

Toronto don't want men to even seek heterosexual relationships, but they want promote lesbian and LGBTQ nonsense.

Canadian Professor stirs up controversy by refusing to use non-binary pronouns

Mr. Peterson has done the correct thing to not yield into neo-Victorianism, and I personally applaud him for that.

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