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Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

I searched and didn't see a thread on this.

As you've probably seen, the nationwide atmosphere of racial tension that Obama and his minions have fostered has resulted in civil unrest and violence these past few nights in Charlotte, NC as a result of a police shooting.

Crowds of lawless cretins are destroying property and inflicting violence upon unsuspecting citizens over the shooting of a black man by local police.

Nevermind that the man who was killed by police was holding a gun and a clear threat to the police according to, not just the police, but other witnesses. It's just another opportunity for the scourge in this country to cause chaos and another "cause" for Black Lives Matter to tear away a little bit more at the fabric of the country.

As we know, facts and reason don't apply in these situations. The mob takes on a life of its own.

As I watch on TV typing this, a group of 30 or so are standing in the middle of the road and are randomly throwing rocks at cars going by. Yeah, that makes sense.

Reminds me of the old quote "Hell is the impossibility of reason."

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Been a lot of videos on twitter. One guy got shot by another rioter and looked dead. It was hard to see in the video but there was a big pool of blood spreading from him. It's unclear if the other guy in the video was shot or what, but he was face down and not moving much:

They apparently tried to throw a reporter in a fire:
[Image: Cs7Pj7hXgAEEyQa.jpg]

A cucked CNN reporter also got body checked.


Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

The officer who shot the man was black as this isn't even about white cops killing blacks anymore, it's about this desire from social justice fascists for selective application of the law based on race.

It's almost like certain people want trial by combat, and when they lose they want to call it racism.

There are three main ideologies at work here. The social justice crowd who want different laws for different races, a text book example of racism.

Then you've got the anarchists, who will take any excuse to riot.

And then you've got the Soros-mafia, who are just waiting for a situation like this to be shipped into a battle zone and stir the pot.

Sanction with extreme prejudice and let the bodies hit the floor.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:01 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

The officer who shot the man was black as this isn't even about white cops killing blacks anymore, it's about this desire from minorities for selective application of the law based on race. It's almost like certain people want trial by combat, and when they lose they want to call it racism. It doesn't even matter what the cause is anymore to these "protesters", the Soros-mafia are just waiting for any excuse to to be shipped into a battle zone and stir the pot. Sanction with extreme prejudice and let the bodies hit the floor.

Nailed it. And Soros has been at this game a long time, as the DNC email leaks prove. Since then, he's not even hiding his intentions anymore.


Why I’m Investing $500 Million in Migrants
I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees.
Sept. 20, 2016 12:00 a.m. ET

The world has been unsettled by a surge in forced migration. Tens of millions of people are on the move, fleeing their home countries in search of a better life abroad. Some are escaping civil war or an oppressive regime; others are forced out by extreme poverty, lured by the possibility of economic advancement for themselves and their families.

Our collective failure to develop and implement effective policies to handle the increased flow has contributed greatly to human misery and political instability—both in countries people are fleeing and in the countries that host them, willingly or not. Migrants are often forced into lives of idle despair, while host countries fail to reap the proven benefit that greater integration could bring.

Governments must play the leading role in addressing this crisis by creating and sustaining adequate physical and social infrastructure for migrants and refugees. But harnessing the power of the private sector is also critical.

Recognizing this, the Obama administration recently launched a “Call to Action” asking U.S. companies to play a bigger role in meeting the challenges posed by forced migration. Today, private-sector leaders are assembling at the United Nations to make concrete commitments to help solve the problem.

In response, I have decided to earmark $500 million for investments that specifically address the needs of migrants, refugees and host communities (read: Your mostly white, unsuspecting middle class town in flyover country). I will invest in startups, established companies, social-impact initiatives and businesses founded by migrants and refugees themselves. Although my main concern is to help migrants and refugees arriving in Europe, I will be looking for good investment ideas that will benefit migrants all over the world.

This commitment of investment equity will complement the philanthropic contributions my foundations have made to address forced migration, a problem we have been working on globally for decades and to which we have dedicated significant financial resources.

We will seek investments in a variety of sectors, among them emerging digital technology, which seems especially promising as a way to provide solutions to the particular problems that dislocated people often face. Advances in this sector can help people gain access more efficiently to government, legal, financial and health services. Private businesses are already investing billions of dollars to develop such services for non-migrant communities.

This is why money now moves instantaneously from one mobile wallet to another, drivers find customers by using only a cellphone, and how a doctor in North America can see a patient in Africa in real time. Customizing and extending these innovations to serve migrants will help improve the quality of life for millions around the world.

All of the investments we make will be owned by my nonprofit organization. They are intended to be successful—because I want to show how private capital can play a constructive role helping migrants—and any profits will go to fund programs at the Open Society Foundations, including programs that benefit migrants and refugees.

As longtime champions of civil society, we will be focused on ensuring that our investments lead to products and services that truly benefit migrants and host communities.

We will also work closely with organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Rescue Committee to establish principles to guide our investments. Our goal is to harness, for public good, the innovations that only the private sector can provide.

I hope my commitment will inspire other investors to pursue the same mission.

That man is a walking piece of globalist shit.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

After the Oklahoma shooting, I believe Hillary was mouthing off about how, "if I could speak to white people directly" she'd implore these types of things need to stop.

Please, please, pleasssssse get on your racial high-horse about this, Hillary. Blame white people, blame white privilege, blame the patriarchy, blame whatever.

Ideally tonight's events have solidified your losing North Carolina, mouth off and lose some more please.

As a sidenote: I am of the "wait until the facts come out" persuasion. Are the cops unnecessarily trigger happy? Maybe. But it bugs me when we see a video - like the Oklahoma one - but they only show the video starting right before he gets shot. They don't mention if the police gave him a lawful order to stop and not move (which I'm pretty sure they did), you clearly see him going back to the car and reaching in so wtf are they supposed to think?

99% of these issues don't occur if you just act respectful. Maybe the authority figures are wrong and assholes but just be respectful. Eric Garner was belligerent. Alton Sterling was shot because he was belligerent. Sandra Bland wouldn't shut the fuck up so the cop took her in and she killed herself in jail. Geez, now I'm getting on my high horse.

Basically, protestors think this is real:

[Image: attachment.jpg33538]   

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-21-2016 10:48 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

A cucked CNN reporter also got body checked.

Good clean hit (didn't leave his feet), stood him up, shoulder on shoulder. Gonna have to call out a stretcher for CNN


Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Periscope showing rocks thrown at random cars at the end:

riot police vs. rioters towards the end:

Breaking into and looting around 13:30

There's a bunch more going on, I didn't watch all of them, and he just ended another livestream and looks like he's going to keep running more.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

The Tulsa Oklahoma shooting definately looks terrible. No way around it, and I think it's because a skittish woman with her finger on the trigger feels the need to exert control over the suspect. A man could have just grabbed his hands and put them behind his back while body-checking the suspect against the car.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Let's take a step back and examine the situation at a very high level, using just the cold hard facts:

We live in a heavily armed nation of ~320 million people. Every year, around a thousand people are killed by police. Black people make up roughly a quarter (25%) of these victims, which is out proportion with their share of the overall population (13%), but below their share of violent criminal offenders (blacks are 49% of convicted murderers, for example). These figures do not demonstrate any evidence that racial bias is commonly a factor in police killings.

The overwhelming majority of these incidents are not at all controversial, as the victim posed a clear threat to officers or the surrounding community. However, in the past few years, a handful of incidents have risen to national prominence where the victim was black and the justification for the killing was questionable.

In many of these cases, the officer was cleared of any wrongdoing in a court of law. This is point of contention #1 for Black Lives Matter; they believe the legal system is biased in favor of police officers, though on a case by case basis, they have never offered any explanation as to how the court's decision was incorrect.

In a very tiny handful of these incidents; we're talking single digits in any given year; the officer clearly did act in a completely unacceptable manner and kill an innocent person. This is point of contention #2 for Black Lives Matter; they are outraged that in a nation of 320 million people, there are a few unacceptably trigger-happy police officers.

And this is what's causing massive rioting.

These are the facts. Leftists tend to use vague, abstract language to obfuscate the heart of the issue, so here it is, plain as can be. Two things jumps out:

Point of contention #1 is obviously utter bullshit until someone can actually articulate how the courts keep arriving at the wrong decision, instead of demanding people take it as axiomatic that every cop in one of these controversial cases must be a cold-blooded murderer.

As far as point of contention #2 goes, if there's one iron law of statistics that anyone can easily observe, it's this: In any gigantic set of people (such as police officers), there are some bad individuals. Protesting against this is akin to protesting against the the existence of tornadoes. No policy can stop every bad thing from happening.

Of course, it's a waste of time presenting a factual, logical, unemotional argument to the type of people who would sympathize with far-left causes such as BLM in the first place, but hey, can't hurt to try.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Contention #3 is that while only a few police are trigger happy, police and legal system in general will defend and protect those few trigger happy police officers.

There have been a few cases where you could make an argument that the system unfairly protected bad cops.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:35 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

The Tulsa Oklahoma shooting definately looks terrible. No way around it, and I think it's because a skittish woman with her finger on the trigger feels the need to exert control over the suspect. A man could have just grabbed his hands and put them behind his back while body-checking the suspect against the car.

A soldier in Iraq told me that female soldiers were trigger-happy, then listed a bunch of incidents in which women in HUMMV turrets had shot civilians unnecessarily. Protect those eggs!!

Trump, to his credit and possible political gain, has questioned the Tulsa shooting.

EDIT: two videos of the Tulsa shooting here:

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

They were rioting in Charlotte because the suspect was "unarmed, disabled" and carrying a "book". Turns out he was actually carrying a gun, refused to drop it, and had a history of violent crime.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 01:39 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

They were rioting in Charlotte because the suspect was "unarmed, disabled" and carrying a "book". Turns out he was actually carrying a gun, refused to drop it, and had a history of violent crime.

The Charlotte police have done themselves no favors by not putting the videos and audios out, saying they are "being reviewed by investigators." My observation is that the sooner the information is released, the better. Ferguson held on to shit for days, let tension build. Other departments like Cleveland and Tulsa put stuff out right away, it went much better.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

^ They want riots though.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 02:09 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

^ They want riots though.

The police want riots? I don't think so.

I doubt the overtime for riot duty is worth it - better to collect overtime in a routine detail in a nightclub or arrest some crackhead for court overtime. City police can usually get as much overtime as they want.

Crap, the rioters attacked the HQ of the Bank of America, the Hyatt!! Who wanted that?

Nope this is incompetence or a full-out cover-up.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

^ The police collecting overtime for riot duty aren't the ones who have the authority to release the footage.

The media agitates these situations, then refuses to call them rioters, and then has Soros bus in "protestors" from out of the city/state.

Yes, "they" want riots. When the same person funding the Dem. Party is the same person funding the groups that organized riots, it's pretty obvious.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:01 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

The officer who shot the man was black as this isn't even about white cops killing blacks anymore, it's about this desire from social justice fascists for selective application of the law based on race.

The SJWs have an elegant solution to that as well, it's called "internalized racism".

i.e. it doesn't matter what you are doing or what race you are because your thoughts are possibly impure

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 02:39 AM)Enigma Wrote:  

^ The police collecting overtime for riot duty aren't the ones who have the authority to release the footage.

The media agitates these situations, then refuses to call them rioters, and then has Soros bus in "protestors" from out of the city/state.

Yes, "they" want riots. When the same person funding the Dem. Party is the same person funding the groups that organized riots, it's pretty obvious.

There are news reports from Charlotte local TV that "sources" say the police dashcam shows the guy rushing the police with a gun. What possible investigatory motive to withhold that? Protect the dead guy's right to an unbiased jury?? Shit like that just makes people mad, think there is a coverup.

The police chief is a 23 year veteran of the same force. The DA is an elected Republican. You seriously think they are taking orders from Soros?

If anything, this tilts NC towards Trump. Hmm, if the DA is ordering the video withheld . . . .

Nah, I go with Hanlon's Razor on this one: never attribute to malice or conspiracy that can be explained by stupidity.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

EDIT: I realized I erroneously wrote this about the Tulsa shooting. My error sorry.

Looks like a totally bad shoot, victim moved away from cops slowly with hands high, got to car and looked like he was trying to get in, cop(s) freaked and shot him. no one is even claiming he had a weapon. Guess cop and victim both were scared.

Cops need some de-escalation training. Just barking and bullying may not get the automatic submission desired if someone is scared shitless. I've worked with thousands of prisoners and unless they've just come off an intense conflict with someone else it's not that hard to calm people down if you stay calm yourself.

Speculation: Someone noticed he looked high, and he might have been-- PCP in the car?

Hope they're not learning from Du7ert3 in Phils.

The cops should have had him lie down spread eagled if they were scared. I wonder if he kept moving away against orders, he might have been really stoned and very scared or disoriented. Three cops drawing down on your and you're black. I could imagine just wanting to get away if I were him.

It's hard for even a skilled commando to do much lying down spread eagled if they don't have a weapon in hand already.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016


Three cops drawing down on your and you're black. I could imagine just wanting to get away if I were him.

I don't think being uncomfortable with police is a racial thing.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:07 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  


Three cops drawing down on your and you're black. I could imagine just wanting to get away if I were him.

I don't think being uncomfortable with police is a racial thing.

I'd sure be scared shitless too, and I know lots of cops and am highly verbally skilled. I also wouldn't have the added stress of maybe carrying in the car.

EDIT: I'm commenting on the Tulsa shooting I think. Sorry for confusion.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:01 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

The police chief is a 23 year veteran of the same force. The DA is an elected Republican. You seriously think they are taking orders from Soros?

You're implying things that I never said.

If Soros funds riots, that doesn't mean he's giving orders to the police.

And we know that the police have been given stand down orders in many of these situations. This is a fact, not a conspiracy.


Nah, I go with Hanlon's Razor on this one: never attribute to malice or conspiracy that can be explained by stupidity.

This would mean that multiple police forces across multiple states suddenly got very stupid within the past year or two.

We just had riots in Milwaukee a month ago, and there were riots in Baton Rouge and St. Paul a month before that.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Looks like a totally bad shoot, victim moved away from cops slowly with hands high, got to car and looked like he was trying to get in, cop(s) freaked and shot him. no one is even claiming he had a weapon. Guess cop and victim both were scared.

That was Tulsa. There is no footage of the Charlotte shooting yet.

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Looks like a totally bad shoot, victim moved away from cops slowly with hands high, got to car and looked like he was trying to get in, cop(s) freaked and shot him. no one is even claiming he had a weapon. Guess cop and victim both were scared.

Cops need some de-escalation training. Just barking and bullying may not get the automatic submission desired if someone is scared shitless. I've worked with thousands of prisoners and unless they've just come off an intense conflict with someone else it's not that hard to calm people down if you stay calm yourself.

Speculation: Someone noticed he looked high, and he might have been-- PCP in the car?

Hope they're not learning from Du7ert3 in Phils.

The cops should have had him lie down spread eagled if they were scared. I wonder if he kept moving away against orders, he might have been really stoned and very scared or disoriented. Three cops drawing down on your and you're black. I could imagine just wanting to get away if I were him.

It's hard for even a skilled commando to do much lying down spread eagled if they don't have a weapon in hand already.

Agree with just about everything you said based on the reports but we haven't seen the dash video yet. Probably was scared and knew he had illicit drugs in the car (edit: this was Tulsa).

Supposedly the person shot at the protest last night was originally reported as dead but corrected as that he is currently in critical condition and on life support. Media claiming he was shot by a fellow citizen protester and not police. Maybe someone with a beef taking advantage of the chaos or completely random. Police heard the shots and knew they weren't the ones who fired, immediately release tear gas. Makes sense to me.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Civil unrest in Charlotte N.C. 9/21/2016

Quote: (09-22-2016 03:04 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Looks like a totally bad shoot, victim moved away from cops slowly with hands high, got to car and looked like he was trying to get in, cop(s) freaked and shot him. no one is even claiming he had a weapon. Guess cop and victim both were scared.

Cops need some de-escalation training. Just barking and bullying may not get the automatic submission desired if someone is scared shitless. I've worked with thousands of prisoners and unless they've just come off an intense conflict with someone else it's not that hard to calm people down if you stay calm yourself.

Speculation: Someone noticed he looked high, and he might have been-- PCP in the car?

Hope they're not learning from Du7ert3 in Phils.

The cops should have had him lie down spread eagled if they were scared. I wonder if he kept moving away against orders, he might have been really stoned and very scared or disoriented. Three cops drawing down on your and you're black. I could imagine just wanting to get away if I were him.

It's hard for even a skilled commando to do much lying down spread eagled if they don't have a weapon in hand already.

I think you are mixing up the Tulsa shooting with the Charlotte shooting. Tulsa is the one where his hands were up and they found PCP in the car.

The Charlotte shooting is the one where the cops saw a gun, he wouldn't cooperate, and they shot him. Later his daughter claimed he was reading a book. I wonder if the book was titled Bang?

(Disclaimer: I've been busy working all day and had a few bourbons since so my facts may be jumbled)

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