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Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:20 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

All the straight clubs I remember from ~15 years ago in Providence, Rhode Island are gone now. Pretty much every nightclub or bar has to be at the very least gay friendly if not outright gay to survive. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that social media has made Providence the gayest little city in the nation.

Is Providence really that bad? I was thinking of moving there. How would you compare it to Boston as far as gaming options and overall quality of life?

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I'm surprised OP has not replied or posted again on this thread.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-23-2016 09:55 AM)The Wire Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:16 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

I do look young for my age which definitely helps. My game generally is demonstration of high value without actually speaking of it with a lot of intrigue and sense of mystery (I don't tell them even what I do), which plays a lot towards attracting the younger women.

When you get the 'what do you do for a living' question how are you answering that?

Reading your post was a good wake up call for myself. Even though I've had varying degrees of success I'm not where I want to be and my general vibe must be wrong. I have no issue matching with the under 29 crowd for the most part but im floundering early on with early conversation.


I also use a very methodological approach to game. The same proven to work outfit (with backups or slight alterations if necessary) down to my underwear and socks, the same logistics, the same dive bar, the same general script, wines and drinks at the ready at mine, laptop with movie at the ready on my bed, a few items scattered around my place to make them intrigued whether I actually have had girls round recently, the same items in my jacket pocket I carry to every date, cash at hand so I can pay quickly at the point of high buying temperature, uber at the ready on my phone to bounce elsewhere, condoms with sealing slightly open next to the beds so I don't have to fumble around trying to open them, toys at the ready, shisha pipe as alternative bounce, yoga mat next to bed, gym bench in spare room as another alternative escalation method (indoor logistics are highly important). The list goes on and on. For me after a certain stage it is all about creating your own game.

and I thought I planned well. The condom sealing slightly open is a good one. I like to leave condoms scattered around like easter eggs. A lot of good info and some of the same routine planning as myself. I am curious on the bait you leave around to make them wonder if other girls have been around. Any good examples of this? I remember reading about this years ago but I never followed up with doing it myself. I'm pretty clean and usually just ended up throwing out anything that was left behind.

I've experimented with all sorts of things. I've even put a condom under the pillow but have been blown out with a couple of girls who noticed them - which then shatters their Disney reality of "it just happened". I hit back with "not planned, just prepared" or with a change her mood not her mind methodology of "my boyfriend must have left it there from last night", but the damage is already done. I hate how condoms are packaged in general and avoid condoms with red packaging as it is like a warning signal to a girl.

Girls do get intrigued by girly objects at your place and it hits them with a "it's now or never" regarding sex with you. It adds to the perception in their minds that girls have been there and will be there and that she's not one of a kind. You don't want to make it too obvious and put an earring next to the bed (although that's happened by accident earlier this year and it worked), a woman's perfume or a Channel handbag. One girl from a week ago laughed when she even saw a white hairdryer in the bedroom "that can't be yours you have short hair you don't need that" (it is mine), one girl spotted a long hair in the shower (I told her it's my dogs), one girl spotted a safety pin in the bathroom. One girl left a cleanser here and another girl spotted it, one girl bought me a candle (not one a guy would usually buy) and another one noticed it in the drawer, you can go on and on. A lot of the time it's mentioned only after sex, "why do you have an earring next to your bed?" with a smirk on the face. I also like to make sure woman are comfortable in their surroundings and have some a couple of girly products in bathroom like cleanser and toner and so on but that's as a separate point.

When you have one girl after another it is not even deliberate. Irregardless to that as you can see by how I respond it is all about frame. I would say that indoor logistics are highly understated generally in game and as good as many can be pulling a girl home getting her into bed is a completely different matter, and particularly with online game getting a kiss when she's back at yours means pretty much nothing to her. It might do at that particular moment and she may think it does, the next morning she'll forget about it and forget you. Smoking a shisha can be sexy, playing pool and showing her how to use the cue as she's bending over is sexy, watching a movie on the bed and then cuddling before something happens is a classic way of escalating, showing her your yoga moves can be sexy, sitting outside in the balcony with a view to the city with drinks can be sexy, showing her your gym moves as she's straddling on top of you can be sexy. It's not usually as simple as you get her home "well now it's time to fuck" although if you were warm enough it sometimes can be.

The UK is nothing particularly special in terms of online game, the big cities attract the tourists so that helps massively with volume and finding the adventurous girls. Attracting them is completely replicable to any big city. For having lots of sex go live in Eastern Europe, New York, parts of Asia or a select number of liberal cities sparkled across the globe and you won't be disappointing.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:51 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Is Providence really that bad? I was thinking of moving there. How would you compare it to Boston as far as gaming options and overall quality of life?

It does have a pretty large LGBT community; I do get approached by gay men on the street on the weekend from time to time, so if that's going to completely wig you out it's likely not a good fit. From my perspective that actually might work as an advantage.

Straight night game options are a little thin on the ground these days, and the nightlife scene pretty much shuts down during the week, but that's essentially the same situation as Boston. It's not entirely a lost cause, though. Overall my success with night game in New England has been pretty limited compared to online, but essentially all of it has been in Providence, not Boston. I've pulled one girl from night game there (my only night game pull in a year), but I don't have much problem taking a phone number or two if I visit on a crowded weekend...though as we know phone #'s aren't worth much these days. It's hit or miss though depending on season and other factors, sometimes the weekends are packed with girls, and other times even the weekend nights are completely dead as well.

If you're ever in the area PM me and I'll give you the lowdown on the places to check out.

In terms of women I'd say the white girls are in general less attractive, but more friendly than their Boston counterparts. It has a large Hispanic population as well, and I'd say the Latinas I've seen are much more attractive by comparison, so if that's your thing it might be a good fit. There's a decent college population during the school year, and a lot of them are on Tinder, OKC, etc. as well so that's another option.

General "quality of life" is so-so. It's an economically depressed small city, has a higher per-capita crime rate than Boston, and definitely has a more "ratchet" vibe, though housing costs in certain areas of downtown and near Brown U are just as expensive as any other major Northeast city.

Outside of those areas though, apartments and homes are pretty cheap, so if you're self-employed/financially independent picking up a place there seems like a no-brainer. Even on the weekends, finding street parking downtown is usually no problem, and since many restaurants and clubs take their hospitality talent directly from J&W, which has one of the biggest hospitality schools in the country, food and drink is cheap and (at least to my palate) good quality as well.

I'm hoping to get a second apartment there this year because I've had some successes and it seems like a good value.

Boston's only about 40 miles north, it's an easy drive up I-95 if you want to be somewhere else sometimes.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Tinder is dead.

Here are a couple of examples. In one particularly skank filled post LTR time period in my life, 3 years ago, I could set the mileage to 1 Mile, and swipe away at 7pm on my couch until I got a few hits. Then I would go to work texting, and end up meeting for a drink then SNL, or having the chick show up to my place wanting sex. This happened a lot. Either I am not trying hard enough, or I have to try harder now, but that "shooting Tinder fish in a barrel" spree from what I can tell is totally over.

Another favorite past time is gone. I could land in a city and swipe a bunch, and line up multiple dates in one night, within a few hours. I used to do this all the time. Several same night lays and lots of slutty fun. Those days seem to be over. The one thing I hated was kicking out the squirters and having to sleep in their goo in my nice fresh hotel bed.

Swiping like crazy over the last few weeks is only resulting in mostly snaggle toothed matches and sugar babies. And the occasional mid 30's spinster, over compensating. I saw a ghastly face swiping in Atlanta recently that still haunts my dreams. I thought it was a joke, but it was real, she looked like Chunk. If all of the 1's, 2's, 3's, 4's and 5's are now on Tinder, in large numbers, then its 10x that for the homely dudes and neck beards that have joined. Which suppresses the hot girls from checking their profiles, thus using the app much less. Making it suck for anyone now trying to line up some hot poon.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)


The attention is high, as is the thirst

It is very random, but generally probably as you describe

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

I have found online is like shooting fish in a barrel.

If you are not ugly, and can write well, then its all down to your screening and processing systems to avoid time wasters and SIFS.

I can't be arsed harassing married women on the streets by the thousands, ain't got time for that shit, online they are lined up and ready to go like a shopping catalogue.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 12:27 AM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

I have found online is like shooting fish in a barrel.

If you are not ugly, and can write well, then its all down to your screening and processing systems to avoid time wasters and SIFS.

I can't be arsed harassing married women on the streets by the thousands, ain't got time for that shit, online they are lined up and ready to go like a shopping catalogue.

You're in Thailand. Pretty sure the OP and and majority of commenters are all discussing online in the US.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:51 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:20 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

All the straight clubs I remember from ~15 years ago in Providence, Rhode Island are gone now. Pretty much every nightclub or bar has to be at the very least gay friendly if not outright gay to survive. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that social media has made Providence the gayest little city in the nation.

Is Providence really that bad? I was thinking of moving there. How would you compare it to Boston as far as gaming options and overall quality of life?

I went to a club in Providence 2 months ago. It was ghetto but was packed. It had an upstairs and a downstairs. It was crawling with women. A lot of the puerto ricans there were very cute too. BTW is was a puerto rican/black club.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Its been said before but online in the U.S. serves the limited purpose of being a passive pussy pipeline. I've stopped opening girls on Ok Cupid for example and only will use it when a reasonably cute girl texts me first. I'm down to tindering about once a week and rarely even text girls I match with.

On the other hand, I pipeline like crazy before I travel and depending on where I am going will spend quite a bit of time on online dates. If nothing else these can lead to great experiences or indirectly get you laid. For example, when I was in Lima for 3 days I went on 4 tinder dates. I made out with the first one and she got me into the hottest club for free ($25). The second one was a ladyboy yuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkk, ugggggggghhh. The third one was in the afternoon and amazing but conservative. The 4th one led me to meeting another much hotter woman at a club resulting in my Peruvian flag.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

From a male model experience, Tinder and Bumbl still get me a lot of dates. But a lot of flakes, bullshit, ghosting, awkwardness, it's just that I have 10x the options I did before becoming a model.

I am talking to at least 10 girls at all times, probably converting 30-50% dates, half of those makeouts, half of makeouts bangs.

I used my model pics on OKC and POF and nothing. The worst sites in creation. A few girls responded, but they just wanted attention. Do not waste a second on them.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:06 PM)Red_Pillage Wrote:  

... check out my Youtube channel where I talk all about it. ...

[Image: laugh7.gif]

I'm surprised you even bothered to give her views. She may as well have told you "Insurance companies hate me - watch my video to find out why!"

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

^ She has less than a few hundred followers and no more than a few hundred views. It goes to show that even a hot chick has to make SOME effort to accrue followers. So it's not like I was helping her pay her abortion bills by simply satisfying my curiosity.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:43 AM)Graft Wrote:  

From a male model experience, Tinder and Bumbl still get me a lot of dates. But a lot of flakes, bullshit, ghosting, awkwardness, it's just that I have 10x the options I did before becoming a model.

I am talking to at least 10 girls at all times, probably converting 30-50% dates, half of those makeouts, half of makeouts bangs.

I used my model pics on OKC and POF and nothing. The worst sites in creation. A few girls responded, but they just wanted attention. Do not waste a second on them.

Do you get a fair number of makeouts that you never see again? This has happened to me, and I'm not trying to understand it (I don't) but just wondered if it happened to any others

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 08:52 AM)NewDayNewFace Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:51 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:20 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

All the straight clubs I remember from ~15 years ago in Providence, Rhode Island are gone now. Pretty much every nightclub or bar has to be at the very least gay friendly if not outright gay to survive. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that social media has made Providence the gayest little city in the nation.

Is Providence really that bad? I was thinking of moving there. How would you compare it to Boston as far as gaming options and overall quality of life?

I went to a club in Providence 2 months ago. It was ghetto but was packed. It had an upstairs and a downstairs. It was crawling with women. A lot of the puerto ricans there were very cute too. BTW is was a puerto rican/black club.

Was it Colosseum? There's one other place in the same area that I recall that fits that description, but I'm blanking on the name. It's in a brick building near J&W.

I've considered checking out those places, but when out solo I feel really uncomfortable hitting up clubs that have huge signs by the door regarding their "ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY", dress codes designed to curb gang activity (no hats), and bouncers with metal detectors. Shit doesn't give me a good vibe.

Many years ago there was a trashy little club called Hell in the theater district where as a young man I could pull emo/goth chicks with little difficulty. It's a gay club now, seems most of the clubs in that area are. And it was before social media, circa 2003, so everything was easier in general.

Providence seems to have its fair share of unpleasant cunts as well; I remember a couple times where I'd simply smile at a couple women walking on the street or sitting in their car, not even approaching, and get bitched out for it:

"Ugh, not YOU." - two white chicks sitting in their Honda Civic

"Yeah forget you dude..." - two Hispanic girls walking down the street

It's still New England, after all.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 02:48 PM)Kid Twist Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:43 AM)Graft Wrote:  

From a male model experience, Tinder and Bumbl still get me a lot of dates. But a lot of flakes, bullshit, ghosting, awkwardness, it's just that I have 10x the options I did before becoming a model.

I am talking to at least 10 girls at all times, probably converting 30-50% dates, half of those makeouts, half of makeouts bangs.

I used my model pics on OKC and POF and nothing. The worst sites in creation. A few girls responded, but they just wanted attention. Do not waste a second on them.

Do you get a fair number of makeouts that you never see again? This has happened to me, and I'm not trying to understand it (I don't) but just wondered if it happened to any others

Absolutely. Ridiculous amounts.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

^ A first date where you make out but don't close with an online girl is her way of saying you seem OK in an abstract way, but she's not really interested.

A first date where that doesn't even happen means she really disliked you, or you were just #4 out of 9 this week, or she's 30-something.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)


A first date where you make out but don't close with an online girl is her way of saying you seem OK in an abstract way, but she's not really interested.

A first date where that doesn't even happen means she really disliked you, or you were just #4 out of 9 this week, or she's 30-something.

This is true. I do think though that *sometimes* if a girl makes out with you it's because there is genuine attraction there, and her ghosting after has to do with her age and level of abundance. Chicks ghost even after sex! I absolutely fucking hate it when they ghost after sex as I tend to want to keep them in rotation.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:45 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

This is true. I do think though that *sometimes* if a girl makes out with you it's because there is genuine attraction there, and her ghosting after has to do with her age and level of abundance. Chicks ghost even after sex! I absolutely fucking hate it when they ghost after sex as I tend to want to keep them in rotation.

I've been ghosted on several times afterwards, but I've only ghosted on an online girl once after sex. She was attractive and pleasant...but...

She had a really messed-up looking vagina. I went through with it because I liked her otherwise...but just yikes.

I felt bad about that one. I really just didn't know what to say.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 06:38 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:45 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

This is true. I do think though that *sometimes* if a girl makes out with you it's because there is genuine attraction there, and her ghosting after has to do with her age and level of abundance. Chicks ghost even after sex! I absolutely fucking hate it when they ghost after sex as I tend to want to keep them in rotation.

I've been ghosted on several times afterwards, but I've only ghosted on an online girl once after sex. She was attractive and pleasant...but...

She had a really messed-up looking vagina. I went through with it because I liked her otherwise...but just yikes.

I felt bad about that one. I really just didn't know what to say.

I've been ghosted at least 7 times this year after sex. It happens more so with the younger girls despite compliments of how good the sex was.

They just want an experience and nothing further.

It also has to do with the newer generations of social media attention whores. It is only going to get worse and more common.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-28-2016 12:48 AM)Vincent Chase Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 06:38 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 05:45 PM)griffinmill Wrote:  

This is true. I do think though that *sometimes* if a girl makes out with you it's because there is genuine attraction there, and her ghosting after has to do with her age and level of abundance. Chicks ghost even after sex! I absolutely fucking hate it when they ghost after sex as I tend to want to keep them in rotation.

I've been ghosted on several times afterwards, but I've only ghosted on an online girl once after sex. She was attractive and pleasant...but...

She had a really messed-up looking vagina. I went through with it because I liked her otherwise...but just yikes.

I felt bad about that one. I really just didn't know what to say.

I've been ghosted at least 7 times this year after sex. It happens more so with the younger girls despite compliments of how good the sex was.

They just want an experience and nothing further.

It also has to do with the newer generations of social media attention whores. It is only going to get worse and more common.

I prefer the ghosting after sex. No crazy girls stalking you around. Most girls are just lousy at sex in general, the good ones are also the ones who are the most screwed up personality wise. Seems hard to find a "vanila" girl in public but crazy in the sheets. Perhaps just asia.

+4 in two days after a mini-drought of a week. Gotta love Asia.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-28-2016 03:18 AM)Putin Closes Wrote:  

I prefer the ghosting after sex. No crazy girls stalking you around. Most girls are just lousy at sex in general, the good ones are also the ones who are the most screwed up personality wise. Seems hard to find a "vanila" girl in public but crazy in the sheets. Perhaps just asia.

+4 in two days after a mini-drought of a week. Gotta love Asia.

Ya, but see that makes it harder for the rest of us. [Image: dodgy.gif] At my age going after notch after notch is really just too draining and time consuming. I'm trying to run "mini-LTR" relationship game on some of these girls, and they get jaded and bitter for a while after they get banged out by a guy who doesn't let them down easy...[Image: dodgy.gif]

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Quote: (07-27-2016 03:30 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 08:52 AM)NewDayNewFace Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 01:51 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2016 02:20 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

All the straight clubs I remember from ~15 years ago in Providence, Rhode Island are gone now. Pretty much every nightclub or bar has to be at the very least gay friendly if not outright gay to survive. I don't think it's an overstatement to say that social media has made Providence the gayest little city in the nation.

Is Providence really that bad? I was thinking of moving there. How would you compare it to Boston as far as gaming options and overall quality of life?

I went to a club in Providence 2 months ago. It was ghetto but was packed. It had an upstairs and a downstairs. It was crawling with women. A lot of the puerto ricans there were very cute too. BTW is was a puerto rican/black club.

Was it Colosseum? There's one other place in the same area that I recall that fits that description, but I'm blanking on the name. It's in a brick building near J&W.

I've considered checking out those places, but when out solo I feel really uncomfortable hitting up clubs that have huge signs by the door regarding their "ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY", dress codes designed to curb gang activity (no hats), and bouncers with metal detectors. Shit doesn't give me a good vibe.

Many years ago there was a trashy little club called Hell in the theater district where as a young man I could pull emo/goth chicks with little difficulty. It's a gay club now, seems most of the clubs in that area are. And it was before social media, circa 2003, so everything was easier in general.

Providence seems to have its fair share of unpleasant cunts as well; I remember a couple times where I'd simply smile at a couple women walking on the street or sitting in their car, not even approaching, and get bitched out for it:

"Ugh, not YOU." - two white chicks sitting in their Honda Civic

"Yeah forget you dude..." - two Hispanic girls walking down the street

It's still New England, after all.

No it wasn't that. I forgot the name right now. All I know is Saturday night it was packed with women. I got like 10 numbers that night.

Are you in Providence now? If so PM me. I might make a trip there this weekend. Anything is better then Hartford.

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

What's the best maneuver on a 20 year old in summer break from college for a meetup? It's hard to keep these girls attentions, let alone get them to meet up (text game)

Online dating currently sucks. Here's why (and what to potentially do about it)

Create attraction. Remember, you're the prize. As long as you're chasing, you're 1 in a 1000 guys thirsty for her.

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