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The Donald Trump thread

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 10:43 AM)Tokyo Joe Wrote:  

And here is the future First Lady interviewed by Mika B on February 24.
American womyn could take some lessons in poise and dignity from her.

She did really well with this. Can't stump Melania either.

Melania on how she behaved as an immigrant: "I followed the law."

[Image: ohshit.gif]

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 11:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

[Image: 1456331138711.jpg]

This is hard to admit, but I had to google what the phrase "hayseeds" means.

North Korean propaganda operators have better English than me.

[Image: Shame-Bell-Lady-From-Game-Thrones.gif]

I think I'll go jump from a cliff now.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 11:36 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 11:28 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

[Image: 1456331138711.jpg]

This is hard to admit, but I had to google what the phrase "hayseeds" means.

North Korean propaganda operators have better English than me.


I think I'll go jump from a cliff now.

To be fair, they're not real North Koreans. It's a comedy account.

The Donald Trump thread

HCE, the comment you posted is a quote from the Adam Sandler move, Billy Madison.

The Donald Trump thread

[Image: Clipboard02.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:54 AM)Prince of Persia Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:52 AM)Emancipator Wrote:  


Trudeau won't be letting any of these Americans in, too busy with the Syrian refugees.

Fuck, America gets Canada's ambitious and brightest talents and in return Canada always gets these hippies and leftist losers. No thanks send them to Mexico

Send 'em to North Korea, where they can live out their days in their joyous and equitable socialist wonderland once and for all!

No, they only want to live in white countries. Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Australia.

Funny how the same people who are always screeching about racism and are all "ya diversity" just want to live in white dominated countries.

Take care of those titties for me.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 11:25 AM)iop890 Wrote:  

Establishment traitors are showing their true colors.

[Image: 1456330748462.png]


Conservatives can recover from four, or even eight, years of Hillary Clinton. We might even flourish.

You mean the remaining <10% of the electorate that are conservative in principle after illegals are legalized, 2 mil socialist-leaning foreigners are imported per year (16 million in 8 years) and Shillary has turned the SCOTUS liberal for the next 30 years?
[Image: ohshit.gif]

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 11:33 AM)Nemausus Wrote:  

And here is the future First Lady interviewed by Mika B on February 24.
American womyn could take some lessons in poise and dignity from her.

Damn classy act.

- Hot
- Foreign
- Immigrant
- Successful modeling career
- Speaks half dozen languages
- Backs up her husband 100%, follows all his media and talks several times a day
- Gives him advice but accepts he doesn't always take it
- Very intelligent, humble and articulate
- Has plans but smart enough to keep them quiet for now


Would Bang on Air Force 1

The Donald Trump thread

CNN's video on the wall. Actually pretty unbiased.

Here is another one. This one shows the joke that is the current wall. This one unfortunately takes a few swipes at Trump.


The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 02:00 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

"I'm moving to Canada if Trump becomes president."
"What about Mexico?"
"I don't want to live in Mexico, it sucks!"
"Me either, that's why I'm voting for Trump!"

This is a fantastic counter-punch to the libtards who scream about moving to Canada/other western nations.

I've been hearing a lot of "I'm moving to Canada!" statements lately since it is obvious to the simpletons now that Trump is gonna be the nominee. Not a single one of these libtards has mentioned Mexico; it's always Canada or some western European country.

These sort of libtards are the real racists. They live in their nice middle-upper class communities (mostly white with some token Asians) and have zero issue selling out middle-class and below neighborhoods to appease their retarded libtard views regarding immigration/multiculturalism. It's not their neighborhood so they don't give a shit about the possible ramifications; they are just giddy that they can buy some "ethnic" food some time and be around people with some "culture" occasionally.... as long as they don't have to live near them.

But when the original middle-class and below native residents get fed up seeing their neighborhoods and schools going to shit due to reckless immigration/illegal immigration, these middle-upper class libtards call you a racist and threaten to move to rich western nations which are mostly white.

I really hope these libtards put their money where their mouth is and leave. Imagine a USA with no illegal immigrants and a decimated libtard population?

[Image: msKNSs8rmJ5m.gif]

The Donald Trump thread

Interesting now that Mr. Trump has solidified his major MOMENTUM the Globalist Liberals are going bat shite effing crazy:

2 winners and 3 losers from the Nevada Republican caucuses
Donald Trump won the Nevada caucuses in a landslide Tuesday night. Now, the precise delegate count still has to be worked out. But, in early states, winning one delegate more or less in the final count has less effect on a campaign than having momentum going into the next round of primaries and caucuses.


Trump shatters the Republican Party
POLITICO 6 hours ago

Donald Trump Is Just a Symptom. Marco Rubio Is the Cure
Liz Peek,The Fiscal Times 5 hours ago

The Donald Trump thread

Oh, there's no doubt that the GOPe and the cucksters want Hillary in the WH rather than Trump. Hillary doesn't threaten their system (hell, she's the most evolved form of it), while Trump scares them to the very cores of their black souls.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда begins at "70% Warning Level."....

The Donald Trump thread

I hope Trump deports the cucks along with the illegals.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:20 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

I've been hearing a lot of "I'm moving to Canada!" statements lately since it is obvious to the simpletons now that Trump is gonna be the nominee. Not a single one of these libtards has mentioned Mexico; it's always Canada or some western European country.


I really hope these libtards put their money where their mouth is and leave. Imagine a USA with no illegal immigrants and a decimated libtard population?


[Image: npGxUSK.gif]

[Image: AsruojS.jpg]

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:18 PM)username Wrote:  

CNN's video on the wall. Actually pretty unbiased.

They're talking about The Wall™ as if it wasn't a biggie. Analyzing potential materials, costs and time frame as if Trump already won. On CNN. We've come a long way. 4 months ago, nobody would have believed that this was gonna be a serious topic on CNN today.

The Donald Trump thread

I was having a strong cup of espresso coffe and what do I see - looks like CNN stopped with the Koolaid and has smelled the strong aroma of sober coffee as well!

Robbins: It's over; Trump is going to be the Republican nominee
By Mel Robbins, CNN Commentator
Updated 1740 GMT (0140 HKT) February 24, 2016

He just added Nevada to the growing list of caucus primary wins, and while he needs more delegates to clinch it, who the heck can stop him now?

He is leading in national polls and in many state polls; he's succeeded in upending rivals such as Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush and Ben Carson; and there's no one in sight who can stop him. The only question is when will the GOP embrace him? The answer: no time soon.

The establishment doesn't like him because it can't control him. Yet he's the only conservative candidate who stands a chance against Hillary Clinton. The polls may reflect Marco Rubio doing well as a conservative uniter, but no one will hammer Clinton's biggest weakness better than Trump, and that's Clinton fatigue.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:18 PM)username Wrote:  

CNN's video on the wall. Actually pretty unbiased.

Here is another one. This one shows the joke that is the current wall. This one unfortunately takes a few swipes at Trump.

I feel dumber after watching those.

There's a pretty long wall--5500 miles--in China that was built hundreds of years before steam power was even invented. A more recent wall was along the Inner German Border during the cold war. It was 866 miles long.

Americans completed the Empire State Building, which is 1250 feet tall sans antenna, in 1931. We harnessed the power of atomic fission for war in 1945 and finished our first nuclear power plant in 1957. We got edged out by the damn commies on that one, but then we never had a Chernobyl so they can suck it. We put men on the moon in 1969, and no other country has managed that yet. Anyone telling me it's a challenge for Americans to build a goddamn wall in 2016 can fuck right off.


The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:56 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:20 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

I've been hearing a lot of "I'm moving to Canada!" statements lately since it is obvious to the simpletons now that Trump is gonna be the nominee. Not a single one of these libtards has mentioned Mexico; it's always Canada or some western European country.


I really hope these libtards put their money where their mouth is and leave. Imagine a USA with no illegal immigrants and a decimated libtard population?


It's for the greater good.

Canada's sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:18 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:18 PM)username Wrote:  

CNN's video on the wall. Actually pretty unbiased.

Here is another one. This one shows the joke that is the current wall. This one unfortunately takes a few swipes at Trump.

I feel dumber after watching those.

There's a pretty long wall--5500 miles--in China that was built hundreds of years before steam power was even invented. A more recent wall was along the Inner German Border during the cold war. It was 866 miles long.

Americans completed the Empire State Building, which is 1250 feet tall sans antenna, in 1931. We harnessed the power of atomic fission for war in 1945 and finished our first nuclear power plant in 1957. We got edged out by the damn commies on that one, but then we never had a Chernobyl so they can suck it. We put men on the moon in 1969, and no other country has managed that yet. Anyone telling me it's a challenge for Americans to build a goddamn wall in 2016 can fuck right off.

I agree this "impossibility" of the wall construction is retarded. There are plenty of wall examples out there.

Israel anyone?
[Image: ouro.583.1.jpg]
precast sections put in place with cranes. These sections can be moved out as Israel encroaches further into palestine as well. 400 miles long on a militarized border. 5 times that length on a passive border? piece of cake.

PS the guard towers can also be replaced with giant menacing concrete statues of Trump.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:25 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

it's for the greater good.

Canada's sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

America should have a similar "visa" like the Tn1 for Britain/Australia/Newzealand/Ireland and have a cultural metric when it comes to migration.

The visa would mean that the citizens of US/canada/britain/australia/newzeland can work anywhere as long as they have a job in the degree(field) that they hold. This would solve the majority of the US needs for migrants.

If there is more need then the cultural metric would push european and east asian migrants on top of the list.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:25 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:56 PM)Ghost Tiger Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 12:20 PM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

I've been hearing a lot of "I'm moving to Canada!" statements lately since it is obvious to the simpletons now that Trump is gonna be the nominee. Not a single one of these libtards has mentioned Mexico; it's always Canada or some western European country.


I really hope these libtards put their money where their mouth is and leave. Imagine a USA with no illegal immigrants and a decimated libtard population?


It's for the greater good.

Canada's sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

Nothing to worry about. Remember back when they were all going to move to Canada because Bush got elected?


Often times, white people get frustrated with the state of their country. They do not like the President, or Congress, or the health care system, or the illegal status of Marijuana. Whenever they are presented with a situation that seems unreasonable to them, their first instinct is to threaten to move to Canada.


For example, if you are watching TV with white people and there is a piece on the news about that they do not agree with, they are likely to declare “ok, that’s it, I’m moving to Canada.”

Though they will never actually move to Canada, the act of declaring that they are willing to undertake the journey is very symbolic in white culture. It shows that their dedication to their lifestyle and beliefs are so strong, that they would consider packing up their entire lives and moving to a country that is only slightly different to the one they live in now

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:32 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:25 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

it's for the greater good.

Canada's sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

America should have a similar "visa" like the Tn1 for Britain/Australia/Newzealand/Ireland and have a cultural metric when it comes to migration.

The visa would mean that the citizens of US/canada/britain/australia/newzeland can work anywhere as long as they have a job in the degree(field) that they hold. This would solve the majority of the US needs for migrants.

If there is more need then the cultural metric would push european and east asian migrants on top of the list.

couldnt agree with this more. as a canadian, its actually easier for me to move to ANY country in europe than it is the united states. To them (unless im an engineer, doctor, etc) im viewed "equally" as someone from madagascar, bangladesh, or guatemala. common sense has been lost on immigration policy in basically every western nation

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:28 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

PS the guard towers can also be replaced with giant menacing concrete statues of Trump.

Dude if that happens I'm going there and taking a picture with myself. Hopefully some Gothic Styled towers and a Roman Bust styled portrait.

[Image: trump-meet-trump.jpg?w=640]

Still hoping for a resurgence of old school art.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:51 PM)Cosmonaut Wrote:  

couldnt agree with this more. as a canadian, its actually easier for me to move to ANY country in europe than it is the united states. To them (unless im an engineer, doctor, etc) im viewed "equally" as someone from madagascar, bangladesh, or guatemala. common sense has been lost on immigration policy in basically every western nation

A move from Canada to US is easy, i have detailed it here. Its just not advertised and there is significant brainwashing in CANADIAN colleges to halt the brain drain south. Students going to Ontario universities for instance are dumb enough to believe Americans are fare worse of. A simple search in salaries and taxes in the desired field and city would be enough to change their mind, unfortunately students are only taught to obey.

Of course this should be easier and should include the rest of anglosphere. The cost of assimilation should be part of the discussion when it comes to "comprehensive immigration." For anglosphere the cost is 0.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:51 PM)Cosmonaut Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:32 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (02-24-2016 01:25 PM)iop890 Wrote:  

it's for the greater good.

Canada's sacrifice will be honored in the coming empire.

America should have a similar "visa" like the Tn1 for Britain/Australia/Newzealand/Ireland and have a cultural metric when it comes to migration.

The visa would mean that the citizens of US/canada/britain/australia/newzeland can work anywhere as long as they have a job in the degree(field) that they hold. This would solve the majority of the US needs for migrants.

If there is more need then the cultural metric would push european and east asian migrants on top of the list.

couldnt agree with this more. as a canadian, its actually easier for me to move to ANY country in europe than it is the united states. To them (unless im an engineer, doctor, etc) im viewed "equally" as someone from madagascar, bangladesh, or guatemala. common sense has been lost on immigration policy in basically every western nation

You guys don't know that America has a visa for Canadians literally called a TN1 Visa? It was established under NAFTA, costs $50 and is essentially an employment letter that you bring with you to the border.

It applies to a certain list of professions, and as long as you are working in that profession allows for an almost unlimited non resident stay in America.

I used it for about 8 years

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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