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The Ukraine Thread III

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-15-2016 12:27 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


Trip G, you've never noticed bigger than a 10 year age difference for successful couples ie. western man/ukrainian girl?

If he was to be honest he would admit the chances of a successful western man/Ukrainian women couple is slim to begin any AGE (hell the chances of a successful Ukie man/women couple is also slim)


Reason I ask if that I've been pipelining some seemingly quality girls and plan to go there. I'm mid 40s (though consistently go on looks of about 10 years younger) and dang sure don't want to wife up a woman in her mid 30s. I'm going for mid 20s or frankly below.

For me, it'd be a waste to travel there and settle for a mid 30s wall bumper

Well then you ARE WASTING your time. Hardly any mid twenty women or lower are looking to marry a western man in their forties. In fact the majority wouldn't even want to marry a western man close to their own age..UNLESS looking to escape. I can tell you stories of how those often end.

If you are seeking short time gf or live over there the dynamic changes and is more positive.


I have another intel on subject of Ukrainian/Russian wife finders.

That hardly qualifies as intel.[Image: whip.gif]

Went to a Cognac musem with tasting in Odessa. With me in the group was an american guy mid 30s and a sexy late 20s russian girl from Nikolaev. After chatting to them I found out they met via bride searching website. They were obviously on one of the first dates but both guy and a girl seemed happy. So apparently not all of it is a scam.
No it isn't all a scam, but women LIKE that who are serious often have BIG mental issues.

That being said..the best scammers ACT HAPPY. Some of the gals are hookers for crissake and can give a happy ending.

Interestingly, the American (FRANK) owner of a big Odessan agency is married to a gal from Nikoliev who was much younger. Rumor was that she was trying to take his business.

Anyway, you know how he scouted gals to join his agency?

He would offer them a meal at Mc Donalds(2002). I also used to overhear these gals skyping multiple BF'S at internet cafes.

So good luck...some here will need it! muhahaha

I'll keep this in mind. I'm assuming you have some experience with Ukranian women/western men or, as you say, you seem to know a good number of those types of couples/former couples.

The below ROT article, however, would seem to indicate, in a general sense, the international unions have a better chance than 100% western marriages.

I'd be interested on your take on this:

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


The Ukraine Thread III


l keep this in mind. I'm assuming you have some experience with Ukranian women/western men or, as you say, you seem to know a good number of those types of couples/former couples.

The below ROT article, however, would seem to indicate, in a general sense, the international unions have a better chance than 100% western marriages.

I'd be interested on your take on this:

I will get back to pm's latter but let me say that it doesn't take much to have a better marriage than a western couple union.

But the marriages that work out tend to be closer in age(and looks) and often are NOT the 1st time around for these guys. Many marry multiple times.

I would also like to add that I would think marriages to Asians work best. Perhaps second is Latin Americans. Remember often the guy marrying the Latina is an American Latino himself and has the same culture. Most studies fail to mention that Americans of Spanish descent often marry 3rd world Latina's. I also know Chinese guys who marry other Chinese women from overseas.

But what is the overall statistic when it is a western man marrying a women who is from overseas who has a completely different culture and race/ethnicity even? These are the numbers I would like to see!

BTW the success rate of Belorussian, Russian, and Ukrainian marriages is worst than American unions. I think Ukies are a bit more successful than Russians but that is probably due to the higher religious Ukies in Western Ukraine skewing the stats.

As for the sarcastic member that said everyone should forget about Ukraine..well if you are depending on unnatural marriage agencies..then I agree!

The marriage business has been on decline since 1999. Every year it just becomes more of a scam! The gals just aren't looking to get out or be with a foreigner that much anymore. They all KNOW the deal in the west these days!

That being said an unemployed 45 year old mom with 2 kids might be! lol

The Ukraine Thread III

No matter the risk, it is still better than the West.

I believe it is over half of marriages in the West will end in divorce, the number is close to 70% or depending what source you read.

I am sure the guys running around that region right now aren't concerned about marriage.

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The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-15-2016 03:27 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2016 12:27 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


Trip G, you've never noticed bigger than a 10 year age difference for successful couples ie. western man/ukrainian girl?

If he was to be honest he would admit the chances of a successful western man/Ukrainian women couple is slim to begin any AGE (hell the chances of a successful Ukie man/women couple is also slim)


Reason I ask if that I've been pipelining some seemingly quality girls and plan to go there. I'm mid 40s (though consistently go on looks of about 10 years younger) and dang sure don't want to wife up a woman in her mid 30s. I'm going for mid 20s or frankly below.

For me, it'd be a waste to travel there and settle for a mid 30s wall bumper

Well then you ARE WASTING your time. Hardly any mid twenty women or lower are looking to marry a western man in their forties. In fact the majority wouldn't even want to marry a western man close to their own age..UNLESS looking to escape. I can tell you stories of how those often end.

If you are seeking short time gf or live over there the dynamic changes and is more positive.


I have another intel on subject of Ukrainian/Russian wife finders.

That hardly qualifies as intel.[Image: whip.gif]

Went to a Cognac musem with tasting in Odessa. With me in the group was an american guy mid 30s and a sexy late 20s russian girl from Nikolaev. After chatting to them I found out they met via bride searching website. They were obviously on one of the first dates but both guy and a girl seemed happy. So apparently not all of it is a scam.
No it isn't all a scam, but women LIKE that who are serious often have BIG mental issues.

That being said..the best scammers ACT HAPPY. Some of the gals are hookers for crissake and can give a happy ending.

Interestingly, the American (FRANK) owner of a big Odessan agency is married to a gal from Nikoliev who was much younger. Rumor was that she was trying to take his business.

Anyway, you know how he scouted gals to join his agency?

He would offer them a meal at Mc Donalds(2002). I also used to overhear these gals skyping multiple BF'S at internet cafes.

So good luck...some here will need it! muhahaha

I'll keep this in mind. I'm assuming you have some experience with Ukranian women/western men or, as you say, you seem to know a good number of those types of couples/former couples.

The below ROT article, however, would seem to indicate, in a general sense, the international unions have a better chance than 100% western marriages.

I'd be interested on your take on this:

That is an interesting article and I have heard those statistics again and again over the years. It is interesting that of my friends who married foreign women the majority are still married. These women were mainly Asian and Eastern European. The comical thing is many of the American couples that criticized the marriages are now divorced while those they criticized are at the moment together and happy. It just doesn't take much to surpass the life expectancy of the average western marriage.

I agree there are a lot of variables involved with meeting a foreign wife. Those variables can be knowledge of the culture, language, etc. However, if an intelligent, well-travelled guy really wants a family (and some do) he has just as good of a chance of success with a foreign girl (if not better) rather than an American. Again there are a lot of variables at play. Just my two cents.

The Ukraine Thread III

First of all, it has been almost common sense in the manosphere that marriage is a bad deal for men, (for the many reasons that I will not bother elaborate) and I agree with that, no matter the origins of the woman.
But, since this wife hunting theme is very common, not only in the Ukraine thread, but also in other threads dedicated to this matter, here goes my take on what are the most important things in order to have a successful relationship with a FSU woman, from the perspective of a westerner.

In this order:

1) Realistic expectations

This is the most important point, and Jimkur nailed it right on the spot. A male 4 or 5 will only be milked by a russkoe devushka on the range of 7 and above. Playing in his league or improve himself is the way to go. One thing is to get her in bed, other thing is putting her in lockdown, and these women learn the arts of seduction and getting what they want from men since very young age.
I reinforce the notion that men scale is measured by looks, personality (game included) and money, the order of the previous varies from place to place, and in FSU looks is not the first...
Beware that many men in the west have wife's who are inferior to them, so getting an equal match is not bad at all.
Also take note that pretty girls are not so desperate to leave as one might think, there are many guys with money and connections who can maintain an harem, and the redneck local guy has much more in common with her than any foreigner. No foreign player is a match for a local guy, less to a local player.

2) Command of the language

Well, without proper communication it will be hard to have a good connection. Some guys can shoot for the ones who speak good English, but again lets be realistically here. In a world dominated by such a strong russian culture and language (russkoe mir) why would a village girl (Mikolayev comes to my mind, but also applies to a big city one) invest so much in English language skills when this would take her precious time to work a few extra hours and earn some much needed and scarce money? More often than not, although not a rule, the ones that dominate it are the ones with the most mileage, the ones who "modeled" abroad, the ones who work with, the ones who frequently travel abroad with foreign sponsors or the ones who are simply pros or semi-pros...

3) Time

Yes, I have been learning that finding the better girls is not in bars, clubs or online. The ones who are worth to commit, and this is a pattern not only from FSU but around the world, are the conservative ones, who drink only at home with her man, who cook wonderful meals, and who almost never complaint about unmeaningful things. These girls are not club rats or damaged online need time to find them, and more often than not is through social circle, wich is only doable with time. Again this is not a rule, and of course is open to debate. Daygame or work can be also good hunting grounds, or even in clubs or online I believe there are good girls, it is just they are much fewer.

4) Money

You can not expect to wife hunt if you are broken. Again, between a broken foreigner and broken Ukranian, they will go for the broken Ukranian, the same between an ugly foreigner and an ugly Ukranian, with the same conditions they will go with the ugly Ukranian.
If a guy wants to take her to the west, he has to give her a good quality of life, under penalty that she flies back home, or she jumps to next one with more money who hit on her...

5) Common sense

Social retards and complete failures back in the west will have a hard time dealing with russkoes, whether woman or man. It is a harsh land, with many wars in its history, and badly distributed resources. Idiots should be punished by being that way. Citing Ivan Drago from Rocky IV "If he dies, he dies".

6) Knowledge of the culture
It will be easier to connect if a guy knows some history, music, food, literature. Those things are valued, and your SMV goes up some points. It can bring a spark in her eye and she will be proud that her foreign man can karaoke sing that Gregoriy Leps love song, knows who was Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Stepan Badera, Ivan the Terrible, Zhukov or Yuri Gagarin, can serve some salo, vodka and ogurets and has read Bulgakov or Tolstoi. It is even better if he genuinely likes the culture. She will be willing to raise a family with that man, who will not be an obstacle in the fact that eastern values will be passed on to her children.

7) Cultural awareness

They do not smile too much while on the street, yet they are the most wonderfully happy people inside four walls with friends. Once you are invited to someone’s house, you are one of them and will be treated in the best possible way. If there is only one beer in the fridge, he will give it to you. He will even open that old bottle of Moldovan Cognac… Threat them the same way.

8) Knowledge of local connections between man and woman

Their relationships are not the same of western ones. Men command, woman obey. That is how things work, and they woman are fine with it. Watch and observe the local couples. Normally, he is a brute gentleman, he can open the doors for her and dressing her coat with the left hand, and he can smack her face and berate at her for absolutely no apparent reason with the right hand. Tough men provide, and if he gives, he will enjoy the best sex, no such thing has a “honey my head hurts tonight”. Learn to think like them, learn to act like them.

Hope this will be helpful for you wife hunters in Ukraine [Image: angel.gif]

The Ukraine Thread III

Quick question for Ukraine experts; according to this site: the avg. salary in Kiev is only $314 (6900 hryvnia) per month. I'm therefore guessing that one could live like a king there (with a studio apartment near the city center, going out several times a week etc) for about 1000 USD/month, would this be right? Thanks in advance.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

The Ukraine Thread III

Hi guys, thinking of going to Ukraine, but what's it like in the winter for girls and in general?

Strongly debating between doing something of a EE tour (free until end Feb), or South America... I'd pick EE but I'm just worried the cold is going to slow things down significantly enough where it'd put SA ahead.



The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-18-2016 09:16 AM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Quick question for Ukraine experts; according to this site: the avg. salary in Kiev is only $314 (6900 hryvnia) per month. I'm therefore guessing that one could live like a king there (with a studio apartment near the city center, going out several times a week etc) for about 1000 USD/month, would this be right? Thanks in advance.

Maybe with the exchange rate but a center apt will set you back 500. You can't go by avg salaries. Most families own their flats and it isn't a RENTAL society(like NYC).

If you had only 1k a month in Kiev it would probably be depresing. Even in 2001 1k for a Westerner wasn't great.

The Ukraine Thread III


The Ukraine Thread III

Can't compare a province city with Kiev or any of the large cities. But realize good restaurants are = in price to USA and province cities aren't not pick up cities. They are date and groom and dating cost money.

Also realize that even the 270 studio would be more if the currency gets stronger. Last thing someone wants is long term living in a country when their king status ends due to currency equalization.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-18-2016 12:01 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2016 09:16 AM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Quick question for Ukraine experts; according to this site: the avg. salary in Kiev is only $314 (6900 hryvnia) per month. I'm therefore guessing that one could live like a king there (with a studio apartment near the city center, going out several times a week etc) for about 1000 USD/month, would this be right? Thanks in advance.

Maybe with the exchange rate but a center apt will set you back 500. You can't go by avg salaries. Most families own their flats and it isn't a RENTAL society(like NYC).

If you had only 1k a month in Kiev it would probably be depresing. Even in 2001 1k for a Westerner wasn't great.

Official salaries don't mean much in Ukraine, there is a huge black economy.

$1000 nevertheless is a good amount, you can get a studio apartment in the 'burbs for $300, then with the rest you can eat out for every meal, gym membership, and a few nights out boozing

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-18-2016 10:02 AM)Lian Wrote:  

Hi guys, thinking of going to Ukraine, but what's it like in the winter for girls and in general?

Strongly debating between doing something of a EE tour (free until end Feb), or South America... I'd pick EE but I'm just worried the cold is going to slow things down significantly enough where it'd put SA ahead.

Don't go to Ukraine in deep winter. I spent a week in Kiev in February some years ago and it was simply depressing starting the first day. It was a dark, grey, covered sky for seven days and though I was even lucky with temperatures in that very year (around 0 degrees centigrades during my visit and not the -15 nights they have right now) the cold gets to your body and soul really fast and will freeze you literally. Plus the eye-candy is not nearly as nice and abundant as during the other times of year. You will not see much of the girls wrapped in thick winter clothes, and they will not sit around in parks or on squares that much.
Plus many buildings in Kiev are really poorly heated in winter even if the heating works and there are no energy-saving gas cutting measures. While this might not apply to the typical tourist hotel you would stay in, it definitely applies to many of the private apartments I rented in Kiev during my many stays there. The apartments can be ice-cold despite a working heating.

I enjoyed Kiev much more when I went there in summer or autumn with sunny, warm days and summer outfits or not-too-thick autumn stuff like skirt and tights.

Just my two cents, but save your Ukraine trip for spring or summer, and if you want or need to go somewhere right now, any warm country in South America sounds like the nicer option.

The Ukraine Thread III

I really like Ukraine in Winter, the girls are home alone, horny and broody. Then they want to go the clubs and blow off steam

Summer is actually not great for getting laid, the girls have too many options and the competition is increased. Ukrainian guys now that it's hard for a Ukrainian girl to turn down a free full-board holiday in Odessa, if all she has to do is fuck him.

In addition, many girls disappear overseas(if they are lucky) or to the village - many clubs are dead.

I would say to survive a Ukrainian winter you should have a regular bang, and something to do in the daytime(work), as daygame is not as enticing as they have winter coats covering their assets

The Ukraine Thread III

Online game has a lot of different websites, all worth trying and they have different rewards for different people. Much different result for me based on site.
Daygame needs to start early in winter due to the early sunset- early aftern to about 5:00 or 6:00 is the sweet spot.

Everyone wants to hear the happy magic unicorn fairtales success stories, but Kiev ain't that.
The good thing is its a huge city so you can experiment and meet lots of new people. The bad news is there are lots of shitty people and you have to work your ass off to meet the good ones.

A buddy has been here even longer than me(he got here last year), and he's gotten cynical. He's told me stories of people almost getting robbed because they trusted the wrong person and befriending them.

The expats scene here ain't it. 90% are either jelaously guarding their 1 girl or they don't have shit. They won't cooperatively wingman and will even cockblock you.
Same with many of the Ukrainians.

Don't expect shit. Refer to Roosh's post "Everyone is hoping that you'll fail." :

"Beta males are hoping. White knights are hoping. Feminists are hoping. Believe it or not, some of your friends and family members are hoping. They want you to fail because your success is their failure. It reminds them of their laziness, their poor work ethic"

I don't agree with everything Roosh writes. But this article is spot on.

"There is no point in telling other people your goals. They will talk you out of it or give you bad advice. There is no point trying to convince others of your world view. They will plant seeds of doubts that prevent you from action and seeing the truth. The minute you go just slightly higher than you have been, they will try to sabotage you."

"You’re completely on your own. You don’t need help from anyone. If you can’t reach your goals without the validation and support of other human beings, the bulk of whom I promise are against you, then you don’t deserve to succeed."

Its easy to let people push you off balance. Don't let them. Just smile, and nod and agree with their nonsense. Then, turn around and work hard on your success.

A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
-Alexander Pope

The Ukraine Thread III


The expats scene here ain't it. 90% are either jelaously guarding their 1 girl or they don't have shit. They won't cooperatively wingman and will even cockblock you.

Finding decent Wingmen in Ukraine is nigh impossible, the expat scene is very diverse, you end up befriending guys that you wouldn't associate yourself with back home.

I don't have a decent "All rounder", some of my friends are daytime only, or others are night-time only. Some drink too little and are boring, others drink too much and are an embarrassment. Some guys wont talk to a girl, other guys spam every girl in sight. Some like dive bars, others like upscale lounges. Etc Etc

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-23-2016 05:28 PM)Blake2 Wrote:  

Online game has a lot of different websites, all worth trying and they have different rewards for different people. Much different result for me based on site.
Daygame needs to start early in winter due to the early sunset- early aftern to about 5:00 or 6:00 is the sweet spot.

Everyone wants to hear the happy magic unicorn fairtales success stories, but Kiev ain't that.
The good thing is its a huge city so you can experiment and meet lots of new people. The bad news is there are lots of shitty people and you have to work your ass off to meet the good ones.

A buddy has been here even longer than me(he got here last year), and he's gotten cynical. He's told me stories of people almost getting robbed because they trusted the wrong person and befriending them.

The expats scene here ain't it. 90% are either jelaously guarding their 1 girl or they don't have shit. They won't cooperatively wingman and will even cockblock you.
Same with many of the Ukrainians.

Don't expect shit. Refer to Roosh's post "Everyone is hoping that you'll fail." :

"Beta males are hoping. White knights are hoping. Feminists are hoping. Believe it or not, some of your friends and family members are hoping. They want you to fail because your success is their failure. It reminds them of their laziness, their poor work ethic"

I don't agree with everything Roosh writes. But this article is spot on.

"There is no point in telling other people your goals. They will talk you out of it or give you bad advice. There is no point trying to convince others of your world view. They will plant seeds of doubts that prevent you from action and seeing the truth. The minute you go just slightly higher than you have been, they will try to sabotage you."

"You’re completely on your own. You don’t need help from anyone. If you can’t reach your goals without the validation and support of other human beings, the bulk of whom I promise are against you, then you don’t deserve to succeed."

Its easy to let people push you off balance. Don't let them. Just smile, and nod and agree with their nonsense. Then, turn around and work hard on your success.

What are your results like in other places compared to Kiev?

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-23-2016 10:11 PM)EuroSlumming Wrote:  

What are your results like in other places compared to Kiev?

Better in some places and worse in others.
You have to make up for it with higher volume/more approaches in Kiev.

Quote: (01-23-2016 09:03 PM)BangBoy123 Wrote:  

Finding decent Wingmen in Ukraine is nigh impossible, the expat scene is very diverse, you end up befriending guys that you wouldn't associate yourself with back home.

I don't have a decent "All rounder", some of my friends are daytime only, or others are night-time only. Some drink too little and are boring, others drink too much and are an embarrassment. Some guys wont talk to a girl, other guys spam every girl in sight. Some like dive bars, others like upscale lounges. Etc Etc

Agreed. I actually found myself doing better solo. When you walk in with an embarrassing wingman, he ruins your aura and your flow.

A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
-Alexander Pope

The Ukraine Thread III

Had a nasty run in with a couple guys today. They tried to extort money from my friend...till they found out I had his back.
Can't back down.

Same principal works with game. Results come from being assertive and bold.

Also encountered a hilarious expat. The dude probably couldn't get laid in a whorehouse in Thailand! He dressed like a fuckin janitor and had a small seizure each time he talked.
Ah, life here in is certainly....interesting.

Have to take things in more than ever.
Laugh at the craziness of it all!

A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
-Alexander Pope

The Ukraine Thread III


You mentioned in a previous post about a friend telling you stories about people almost getting robbed for befriending others. And the extortion comment above? Could you elaborate? Thanks.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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The Ukraine Thread III


Had a nasty run in with a couple guys today. They tried to extort money from my friend...till they found out I had his back.
Can't back down.

Russians/Ukrainians are dangerous in only 2 situations:
1. When they are drunk
2. when they are in a a pack of wolves.

Otherwise they are pussies! Problem is they will come back with the pack!

Oh yeah #3. they are dangerous behind the wheel! lol
Quote: (01-24-2016 12:11 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  


You mentioned in a previous post about a friend telling you stories about people almost getting robbed for befriending others. And the extortion comment above? Could you elaborate? Thanks.

I know stories of attempting kidnappings and robberies and beatings. I once had a gypsy cab driver refuse to let me out of his car. Elbow into his nose worked!

Apparently he thought he had the avg tourist in his car and not an NYPD officer. He must have missed

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-24-2016 10:57 AM)Blake2 Wrote:  

Had a nasty run in with a couple guys today. They tried to extort money from my friend...till they found out I had his back.
Can't back down.

Same principal works with game. Results come from being assertive and bold.

Also encountered a hilarious expat. The dude probably couldn't get laid in a whorehouse in Thailand! He dressed like a fuckin janitor and had a small seizure each time he talked.
Ah, life here in is certainly....interesting.

Have to take things in more than ever.
Laugh at the craziness of it all!

Blake2, it would be good if you could provide the circumstances of that run in with those guys.

Meanwhile I will quote myself:


5) Common sense

Social retards and complete failures back in the west will have a hard time dealing with russkoes, whether woman or man. It is a harsh land, with many wars in its history, and badly distributed resources. Idiots should be punished by being that way. Citing Ivan Drago from Rocky IV "If he dies, he dies".

The Ukraine Thread III

The guy assaulted my friend up for a few Grivnas. Petty bullying. 9th grade type shit.
Soon as I caught on I was in his face and he showed his true colors. Everyone else in the place we were in said that guy was psycho (псих). You see people with loose screws time to time. Just steer clear unless it can't be avoided, like this instance.

I can confirm what JimUkr said. Guys will push until they hit resistance, then be surprised when it comes. I wouldn't say Ukraine is different than other places. Crime happens everywhere, you just don't see it most of the time.

A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
-Alexander Pope

The Ukraine Thread III

Did ýou tell him to "go home"?

two scoops
two genders
two terms

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-24-2016 04:33 PM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Did ýou tell him to "go home"?

Not sure what you mean. No, we ended up not fighting and we didn't lose any money either.
Probably the best possible outcome.

The main agressor there got kicked out by security and banned from the establishment.

Sometimes you really want to escalate into a physical fight, but staying cool is the smart move.
I haven't seen any real violence here and I hope to keep it that way.

A man should never be ashamed to own that he is wrong, which is but saying in other words that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
-Alexander Pope

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (01-24-2016 06:08 PM)Blake2 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-24-2016 04:33 PM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

Did ýou tell him to "go home"?

Not sure what you mean. No, we ended up not fighting and we didn't lose any money either.
Probably the best possible outcome.

The main agressor there got kicked out by security and banned from the establishment.

Sometimes you really want to escalate into a physical fight, but staying cool is the smart move.
I haven't seen any real violence here and I hope to keep it that way.

Was it at a club? Weird that some guys would try to extort you at a club. Meaning they just saw you and thought hey let's go demand money? Not questioning whether it happened just curious where it happened. Thanks for the info you share.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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