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I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-14-2016 05:46 AM)Skull_Leader Wrote:  

Lol You all are making fun of him, but it probably DID happen! It's happened to me before, but it was nothing like 30 of them
One day, I was fixing my truck in the front yard, and my sister was playing out by the tree closer to the yard. when 15- no - 20(!!) ninjas did try to raper her right out in the open. I leaped out from under my truck and howled with the force and intensity of 20, no 30(!!) ROARIN angry tigers. And terror possessed them then. An eagle flew over, it shed a tear, and I KNEW what I must do. I grabbed my tool satchel, and hurled it at the first one, I closed the distance, and furiously threw punch after punch connecting every time till his face looked like a sad, abused halloween on the fifth of may pumkin, and the rest fled, as they ran, I hurled 12mm hexagonal sockets at them and yelled "WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY IN THE NIGHT!"

True story.
Really. Guys like this...they act like they gots the big balls, but once they seen resistance. they shriveled up and because the bitch that they really are.
Little Dark has sent his first prophet down to us. Can he continue the saga?

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-14-2016 07:00 AM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

If Littledark went to Germany there wouldn't be a rape problem.

Little Dark is simultaneously everywhere and nowhere at all.

We should not test Him by willing Him to solve our earthly problems. If it's His will, then it will be done.

For Little Dark truly does work in mysterious ways.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I think I'm going to write an epic poem called "The Saga of Little Dark". People thought the fight was the whole story. In reality, that was just a piece, a snapshot and only a minor story in the saga.

Once the saga is finished it will be known as the greatest literary piece of this century solely because it was written about the Legend Little Dark.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Then it would be made into a movie. Michael Bay would have to direct because he has a hard on for non-stop action and explosions.

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

This OP reminds me so much of a 4chan thread and a Jean Claude Van Damme movie.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-15-2016 10:01 AM)Remington Wrote:  

Then it would be made into a movie. Michael Bay would have to direct because he has a hard on for non-stop action and explosions.

Good choice, but my pick would be Paul Verhoeven.

Director of such greats as the original RoboCop and Total Recall, and Starship Troopers.

It would suitably accommodate the requisite ultra-violence, whilst imparting an odd-ball vibe that Verhoeven is known for; apt for presenting such a unique and enigmatic character as LD.

Now, who would be cast to play LD? I think it would have to be a little known actor, in order to retain the under-dog feel.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Obviously, Little Dark will have to act as himself in the flick. No one else is going to be able to do his character justice.

I'm the King of Beijing!

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

Its not fake what do you think this is?

When they make the movie it will be "based on a true story"

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Obviously, Little Dark will have to act as himself in the flick. No one else is going to be able to do his character justice.

Then it will be more of a documentary then, which is probably more fitting.

In fact, his identity probably shouldn't even be revealed, retain the mystery. The fight scenes can be from a POV camera angle, which will amplify the terror on the WK's faces. Occasional probing interview questions with a pitch shifter on his vocals and silhouette head-shot. The "go home" command can spawn other scenes, tracking the lives of the WK's as they go home to their average existences.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

[Image: Surely-You-Cant-Be-Serious-In-Airplane-G...=245%2C232]

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:45 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:28 AM)Suits Wrote:  

Obviously, Little Dark will have to act as himself in the flick. No one else is going to be able to do his character justice.

Then it will be more of a documentary then, which is probably more fitting.

In fact, his identity probably shouldn't even be revealed, retain the mystery.

It won't matter. I hear he gets his entire appearance altered with plastic surgery every three years.

I'm the King of Beijing!

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.


Fellow believers ... how shall we punish this brazen display of sacrilege?

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

Enjoy your ban.

I'm the King of Beijing!

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

[Image: tumblr_na44vnHIva1rkno72o1_500.gif]

Keaton always said, "I don't believe in God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I believe in God, and the only thing that scares me is Little Dark.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

[Image: barney-stinson-kill-myself-boring-suicid...Mother.gif]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

I managed to obtain some footage of Little Dark in action.

[Image: 3Mn3SbP.gif]

[Image: LgEWRbT.jpg]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

^ Little Dark, aka Big Beak.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

How dare you.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:23 AM)Windom Earle Wrote:  

Quote: (01-15-2016 10:01 AM)Remington Wrote:  

Then it would be made into a movie. Michael Bay would have to direct because he has a hard on for non-stop action and explosions.

Good choice, but my pick would be Paul Verhoeven.

Director of such greats as the original RoboCop and Total Recall, and Starship Troopers.

Starship Troopers. Greatest movie ever and totally encompasses the Little Dark attitude.

[Image: tumblr_ncqzk6ujDH1r6rjufo1_500.png]

Reporter: What keeps you awake at night?
General James "Mad Dog" Mattis: Nothing, I keep other people awake at night.

OKC Data Sheet

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 08:43 AM)Beyond Borders Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2016 12:29 AM)Eskhander Wrote:  

I am just blown away by how obviously fake the story is.

How dare you.

You mean "How Dark you."

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

The Saga of Little Dark
Act 1-Little Dark Awakens

The story begins in the darkest place known to man. Only those born there know of its location. It’s a treacherous cave, underneath an underground lake with astonishing depth, throughout the caverns of another treacherous cave. Within this cave no light reaches and nightmares are born. Within this cave an ancient race of humans dwells.

The ancient humans have the ability to tame the nightmares that come from the darkness. Tame the darkness to confirm the nightmares never see the light of day. They were known as the Ancients of Darkness.
Another sect of ancient humans lived in the brightest place on earth, the highest cloud. Their role was to limit the power and spread of white knights around the globe so women were not unjust fully protected from their own mistakes. They were known as the Ancients of Light.

Although both sects despised each other, the leaders of each ancient sect knew the importance of balance and that they each had a role to play. This balance played on for centuries.

This balance played on for centuries, until one day the son of leader of the Ancients of Light wanted more power. He wanted light to rule and dominate the landscape. He wanted the light to touch everywhere, even the cave where the Ancients of Light ruled.

The son, Sunameus, went to his father, Lightameus, and demanded that the light of white knights be spread so it touches the cave of the Ancients of Darkness. Lightameus dismissed his sons request and recognized that was just the anger and inexperience of youth speaking and Sunameus would soon become wise to his wrongs.

Instead an event happened that even Lightameus didn’t expect. Sunameus plotted to murder his father so he could take hold of the Ancients of Light. Once Sunameus took lead he would plot an attack on the Ancients of Darkness.

Sunameus then devised a plan that would make the most evil proud. Sunameus would penetrate the deep caverns, depths of the underwater lake until he reached the darkest of dark caves, where the Ancients of Darkness lied. While there he would release a nightmare that would assassinate his father.

Sunameus did just that and took his place as leader of the Ancients of Light. The other Ancients of Light were furious of the outrage and betrayal of balance as done by the Ancients of Darkness. Little did they know it was the doing of their own. Sunameus then made his first act to gain revenge against the Ancients of Darkness and was cemented as undisputed leader.

The Ancients of Light made their move against the Ancients of Darkness. They no longer kept the white knights in check. White Knights spread as far as they eye could see. It reached the point where White Knights were now the new normal. At this point the knighting was so white and so bright it touched the cave of the Ancients of Darkness. Sunameus led a full frontal assault on the cave and slaughtered much of the Ancients of Darkness, including the leader, Darkanomus. Darkanomus’s son, Darkoman was spared to forever remind the Ancients of Darkness to never release a nightmare on the Cloud of the Ancients of Light again.

Darkoman decided to take another plan of action. There was a nightmare that had just awoken so was very small but had a lot of potential due to its pure and absolute darkness. Darkoman decided to train this darkness nightmare to exact revenge and restore balance to the world with the elimination of white knights.

The first training involved garnering the attention of white knights. Darkoman trained the darkness nightmare to first find “cheekiest bitches”. This was the most difficult of training as these days most bitches are “cheeky bitches,” due to excessive white knighting. It was the darkness nightmares role to separate the contenders from the pretenders and find the “cheekiest bitch” in the area.

Once the darkness found the “cheekiest bitches” he was taught to lure these “cheeky bitches” to shove him. Once the shoving commenced, he was taught to shove back. That would instinctively attract the white knights.

This led to his final training, the answer to THE WHITE KNIGHT’S WEAKNESS. One must show no fear, fight back, sense fear and once the fear is determined, charge and yell “GO HOME” with the power of the voice of GOD himself.


The darkness nightmare chanted this nonstop. With each chant, “GO HOME” grew stronger, louder and more powerful than ever before. The Darkness had repeated this chanted for 3 years straight. The darkness nightmare then went to Darkoman asking for his approval to be released. Darkoman recognized the great progress but knew that would not be enough against the hordes of white knights and Sunameus.
Darkoman continued the darkness nightmares training.


For another 7 years. The darkness nightmare thought he would never reach what was required until, one day, one chant of “GO HOME” sent a ray of darkness so powerful, so pure, so absolute that it pierced a white knights soul and he burst into nothing.

At this point Darkoman sensed the darkness nightmare was ready and released him to the world as “Little Dark.”

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 03:43 AM)ComebackKid Wrote:  

I managed to obtain some footage of Little Dark in action.

[Image: 3Mn3SbP.gif]

[Image: LgEWRbT.jpg]

What is this? I must know.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-16-2016 01:08 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

[Image: Surely-You-Cant-Be-Serious-In-Airplane-G...=245%2C232]

[Image: post-41414-I-am-serious-and-dont-call-me-Kvga.gif]

I was in a huge fight against white knights at the club

Quote: (01-17-2016 04:56 PM)nek Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2016 03:43 AM)ComebackKid Wrote:  

[Image: 3Mn3SbP.gif]
What is this? I must know.

It's Little Dark in a huge fight against white knights at the club.

[Image: giphy.gif]

In all seriousness, I was also curious, so I took a wild guess and searched "Turkish dwarf fight." It's this guy, and the men who relentlessly taunt him are complete arseholes.

Edit: I was still a little curious so I did some more searching. It turns out that he's a Turkish internet celebrity called Köksal Baba and these videos come from his Youtube channel, so the guys perhaps aren't the arseholes I thought they were.

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