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Best vitamins/supplements for men

Best vitamins/supplements for men

So in the past year I've gotten more into vitamins and food supplementation. I was down on multivitamins for a while, but taking high doses of specific vitamins has definitely led to differences in my body. I wanted to start a master thread on what you think are the most important things to take.

Here's what I'm taking right now and the effects it has had:

Vitamin D, 5000 IU per day - This has stabilized my energy and lifted my mood, especially in the winter. I'm thinking of dropping to 4000 IU a day soon since I don't see a difference from taking 5000 than a dose of 3000 like I was doing before.

Magnesium, 200mg per day - I have a mild heart palpitation that has gotten worse with the Vitamin D. I learned that magnesium is a co-factor for vitamin D uptake, so taking the extra vitamin D was leaving me deficient with magnesium. Now the palpitation is less severe than before I was taking vitamin D at all.

Fish oil, two capsules a day - This has slightly eased my sensitive stomach symptoms that I developed after South America.

Coconut oil, one teaspoon a day - This had made me hornier and seems to help with muscle building. I'm guessing it's doing something to my testosterone levels. It also has increased my energy noticeably.

Vitamin C, 1000mg a day - I just started taking this. Immediately I noticed that my allergies decreased enough to where I didn't have to take allergy medicine like before. I will experiment with the dosage.

My supplementation is mostly to achieve peak performance in the present moment as opposed to living until 100. I probably wouldn't take something daily with the hopes it will help me 30 years from now. What are you taking and what effects have they had?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

ZMA - made me hornier, more energy, better deeper sleep (wild dreams) than anything I have ever taken (Tribulus, L-Argenine, Horny Goat Weed etc.. and so on tried them never noticed a difference after stopping taking them)

ACV - gives me an energy boost, never even get a slight cold when I take a tablespoon of this a day, clears throat sinus etc. My insides feel cleaner as weird as that sounds.

Alot of guys are anti-sun for skin aging, but going in the sun when you can with just shorts for at least 30 minutes a day I always feel more energized and alive. Have never tried Vitamin D pills, I am in SoCal. If you ever notice beach going guys that are on the beach running, surfing, boating etc... whatever with shirt off they always have that extra glow, energy, and never seem even slightly depressed and are usually always upbeat.

Everything else I have taken if I stop taking it I don't notice a difference.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 01:23 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So in the past year I've gotten more into vitamins and food supplementation. I was down on multivitamins for a while, but taking high doses of specific vitamins has definitely led to differences in my body. I wanted to start a master thread on what you think are the most important things to take.

Here's what I'm taking right now and the effects it has had:

Vitamin D, 5000 IU per day - This has stabilized my energy and lifted my mood, especially in the winter. I'm thinking of dropping to 4000 IU a day soon since I don't see a difference from taking 5000 than a dose of 3000 like I was doing before.

Magnesium, 200mg per day - I have a mild heart palpitation that has gotten worse with the Vitamin D. I learned that magnesium is a co-factor for vitamin D uptake, so taking the extra vitamin D was leaving me deficient with magnesium. Now the palpitation is less severe than before I was taking vitamin D at all.

Fish oil, two capsules a day - This has slightly eased my sensitive stomach symptoms that I developed after South America.

Coconut oil, one teaspoon a day - This had made me hornier and seems to help with muscle building. I'm guessing it's doing something to my testosterone levels. It also has increased my energy noticeably.

Vitamin C, 1000mg a day - I just started taking this. Immediately I noticed that my allergies decreased enough to where I didn't have to take allergy medicine like before. I will experiment with the dosage.

My supplementation is mostly to achieve peak performance in the present moment as opposed to living until 100. I probably wouldn't take something daily with the hopes it will help me 30 years from now. What are you taking and what effects have they had?

A friend majored in sports kinesiology (bio mechanics, motion and nutrition) and insisted that NatureMade were formulated to have the highest absorption rates so i have become partial to that brand...

Buy in bulk at Costco or 2 for 1 sales at Walgreens.

1. NM Mens Multi Vitamins - entire list of essential Vitamins and Minerals
2. 2 2,000 IU Vitamin D3 gel capsules
3. 1 Burp-less fish oil Capsule mornings 360mg omega3
4. 1 500Mg Vitamin C
5. 2 250 Mg magnesium with the D3 morning and evening
6. 1 500mg Krill Oil evenings
7. Probiotic 10 Cultures 10 billion live cultures ten varieties for gut and immunity health or a small serving container of stoneyfield farm organic yogurt
8. 2 Tablespoons Morning and Evening of Clear Fiber - dissolves clear in water, tea or a smoothie - I use it in the water I drink down the supplements with.

Find that it keeps me regular and alert when working on mind numbing Cyber Security contracts.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Fish oil...I take it, but if you have family who've had cancer, be careful taking too much. It can lead to prostate cancer.

Glucosamine Chondroitin for my tendonitis

For any doubters of micro-nutrients and vitamins (I used to be a doubter), when I started my job a few years ago, for some reason I was getting nose bleeds. I googled and found a few nutrients that would help, and sure enough, after taking a multivitamin every day, the nose bleeds stopped. I forgot to take them for a week or so, got another nose bleed. (I had a poor diet at the time) ...very objective evidence.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Travesty, what brand of ZMA do you take?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Here's what I'm taking at the moment and what it's for:

Zinc (testosterone, immune support) [3x/week]
Magnesium Citrate (testosterone, nervous system support)
Vitamin D (testosterone, mood, immune support)
Creatine Monohydrate (gainz)
Fish Oil (omega 3 fat source, joint support)
Super Cissus Rx (joint/ligament support)
Bromelain (anti-inflammatory, joint support)
5-HTP (seratonin/mood enhancement)
Maca Root (boners)
L-Tyrosine (neurotransmitter support)
L-Citrulline (enhanced protein synthesis, boners)
L-Arginine (boners)
L-Theanine (stress/anxiety reduction)
Glucosamine Chondroitin/MSM (joint support)

I'm taking these supps on a 4 day on 3 day off cycle during the week to sustain their effectiveness. The main reason I'm taking so many supps for joint support is because of an old shoulder injury.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Beet Juice, I got some for a natural pre work out a few months ago and it seemed to help me keep my energy up longer in the gym. The other benefit I noticed was rock hard erections

(The follwing is from Mike and D&P)
Beetroot juice is high in NO3, a nitrate. Nitrates are vasodilators, that is, they open (dilate) the vascular system (blood vessels and capillaries). When your blood vessels open wider, you have increased blood flow throughout the body.

Increased and improved blood flow throughout the body confers many health and performance related benefits.

You will have better sex.
You will be stronger in the gym and have more endurance.
You will have fewer hangovers.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 02:44 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Travesty, what brand of ZMA do you take?

Primaforce. I think any kind I have taken over the years on a daily basis has given noticeable results.

I second beets and beet juice as well for energy and hard-ons. Very noticeable.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Best vitamins/supplements for men

If you're reaching 40, you should take testosterone injections. You'll feel like you're in your 20's again. Don't take my word for it. There's a book about it. Testosterone for Life:

[Image: PBHGBG6.png]

Exercise, healthy food, vitamins and testosterone.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

For me, it's this multivitamin. It recommends 3x/day but I usually just do one in the mornings, unless I'm super active like marathon training in which case I'll take one in the AM and one in the mid-afternoon.

[Image: nowf38784x01.jpg]

Also, fresh squeezed orange or grapefruit juice whenever possible.

Latin American Coffee Guide
-What other people think of you is none of your business.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 04:23 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Beet Juice, I got some for a natural pre work out a few months ago and it seemed to help me keep my energy up longer in the gym. The other benefit I noticed was rock hard erections

(The follwing is from Mike and D&P)
Beetroot juice is high in NO3, a nitrate. Nitrates are vasodilators, that is, they open (dilate) the vascular system (blood vessels and capillaries). When your blood vessels open wider, you have increased blood flow throughout the body.

While it might not be a supplement in and of itself, I want to add juicing to this thread. In addition to general health benefits, your skin can take on something called a "carotenoid tan," which, according to some studies, looks better than an actual tan.

I do beet juice with carrots and whatever fruits are lying around.

More info about carotenoid tans in this thread:
Health Tanning AND staying out of the sun: the carotenoid tan: thread-50844.html

More on ZMA: thread-15255.html
Edit: Sometimes I take Methylsulfonylmethane. It's a sulfur supplement. 3-5 grams every few days, but I used to take it daily. It's cheap as shit, you can't really overdose, and it has all kind of benefits for skin and hair (sulfur is a key component in durable proteins, and one of the most abundant and important elements in your body).

Lots of people on the net claim that it's very good for detox, too. I don't know much about that, but when I started taking it, I pissed buckets for the first two days.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

In addition to the basics (multivitamin, vitamin D, fish oil, juicing, green tea, coconut oil, ACV), the one thing that's made the biggest difference in my life has been collagen:


Gelatin (also known as cooked collagen) is a wonder food with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging qualities, as it helps to fill in the missing amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) in the standard American diet.

The standard American diet tends to be very high in muscle meats (such as beef, chicken, lamb and turkey), which when not balanced by other proteins (such as eggs, fish, dairy, shellfish, organ meats) can contribute to inflammation over time.

Four tablespoons of collagen a day completed eliminated my post-squat knee pain. I've been able to consistently push myself harder in the gym, and it's definitely shortened my recovery time.

There are numerous other benefits to collagen even if you're not a heavy lifter:

-an increased ability to repair connective tissue (bone, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin)
-stronger, thicker hair and nails
-promotes rapid cell growth producing synovial fluids to lubricate joints
-slows the skin degradation that leads to wrinkles

My preferred brand is Great Lakes Collagen Hydrolysate, as they derive the product from grass-fed cows, and the hydrolysate treatment process reduces the molecular weight so that the powder dissolves in either hot or cold liquids (i.e. it won't clump up like regular gelatin).

You can buy the product on Amazon by the pound, but it's cheaper to order directly from the manufacturer's website.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Centrum for Men.

I've been taking it for 10 years and has never let me down.

[Image: 7869052470_ba81dc89d9.jpg]

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Another vote for beet juice. But some brands work better than others.

I also take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, magnesium, and small dose of zinc.

I try to get as much nutrients as I can from whole foods, fruits, and veggies to keep supplements to a minimum. But Vit C and D are essentials that we don't get enough otherwise.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

After reading this thread this morning I went out and bought:
Natrol 5-HTP - 100mg
Bio nutrition Maca Max - 1000mg
Solgar full spectrum omega (Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil)
(it was like $80 for those 3)

I already had Zinc & ZMA supplements. I also drink green tea with honey and coconut oil daily. I have some kind of NAC (N-acetylcysteine) supplement that I have carried around with my for th3 past few years and never taken, Mike at D&P recommended it on his website.

I'm going to add GNC Mega man sport multi, some kind of Vitamin C, and some kind of Vitamin D to the mix

Isaac Jordan is collagen really worth it? It seemed like it was very expensive for months supply so I skipped out on it for now till I could further research it.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-24-2015 12:25 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

Isaac Jordan is collagen really worth it? It seemed like it was very expensive for months supply so I skipped out on it for now till I could further research it.

It really depends on your diet. If you're regularly eating a wide variety of proteins (like fish, shellfish, bone broth, etc.) then you may not benefit as much. (My work provides most of my meals, and they tend to be your standard American chicken/beef/pork dishes, so I rarely find myself eating any part of the animal aside from muscle tissue.)

Aside from those without a varied diet, the folks that will see the greatest benefits from collagen are:

1) heavy lifters/hardcore athletes
2) those recovering from a injury
3) older guys looking to delay the aging process

If you're already naturally getting a variety of amino acids in your diet, and you're a young, healthy man without any nagging injuries, then you probably don't need to supplement.

If your body is deficient in the amino acids collagen provides, you should see a change pretty quickly after starting supplementation - my weeks of post-squat knee pain disappeared almost overnight after I started taking four tablespoons/day. So you could certainly buy a month's supply for ~$20, give it a try, and determine whether or not to continue depending on your results.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I've been using multivitamin tablets with 56.5mg magnesium, 160mg vitamin C for each tablet and other vitamins such as B1,B2,B12,B6. With regards to magnesium and vitamin C do you think that a tablet a day is enough or should I up the dose for maximum results?

I'm already doing well enough with one tablet per day but I'm wondering if I should take even more.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I only take l'optizinc and calcium with magnesium the rest I get from food and juicing

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Thanks Isaac Jordan

I went ahead and bought some yesterday anyway, it was $35 here in the Phils. I had a little mole removed in Serbia a few weeks ago and I figured this would help heal my skin up faster. Plus I have a few nagging little injures and have recently started getting a little pain in my knee sometimes so hopefully this can help resolve those issues as well.

I ended up going with Neocell beauty infusion, its like 6000mg per scoop. It has decent reviews on Amazon.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Quote: (10-23-2015 02:28 PM)heavy Wrote:  

Fish oil...I take it, but if you have family who've had cancer, be careful taking too much. It can lead to prostate cancer.

Got any link or source for that?

Best vitamins/supplements for men

Two spoons of this in the morning.
The real deal of fish oils.

[Image: attachment.jpg28540]   

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I'm currently taking AnimalPak multivitamin. (I take 1 pack per day so the values below would be halved)

[Image: 14.jpg]

Opinions? All that is most likely unnecessary but I figure anything my body doesn't need will just pass through and I should get enough of anything that I'm missing in my diet.

There are quite a few pills to swallow..
[Image: HwUqi2v.jpg]

Best vitamins/supplements for men

The real game changers for me over the past year have been Zinc Citrate & Copper, Magnesium Citrate, type 1 + type 3 Collagen, and Turmeric Curcumin+Bioperine.

Issac Jordan mentioned Collagen already and I can go to bat for everything he has stated. Great suggestion.

The benefits of Zinc and Magnesium have been spoken about on this forum extensively in their own respective threads. From research and anecdotal evidence, Citrates are the most bioavailable forms of these two supplements.

The Turmeric Curcumin+Bioperine supplement has been the biggest game changer of them all of them for me. It's one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatories out there. It's helped me speed up my recovery time from the rigors of daily lifting and sport, as well as prevent inflammatory acne breakouts. I've previously referenced an article on this forum that describes the basic benefits I've been getting from it.

Best vitamins/supplements for men

I grew up with Standard Process. My mom is a vet and gets the stuff wholesale. It is all naturally derived and organic- just concentrated whole foods and herbs. Check out the ingredients and vitamin/mineral content on Immuplex, my basic go-to multivitamin and immune support supplement. There are many, many other supplements and herbs they sell.

[Image: 51LQqjuTZYL.jpg]

Best vitamins/supplements for men

The only supp I've taken religiously is OptiZinc. I take a tablespoon of coconut oil daily in my coffee.

When I have digestive issues I take the NOW brand probiotic. I have pretty sensitive digestion, prone to loose stool, possibly even IBS. The NOW probiotic will have me back on track in 2-3 days with solid stool and regularity.

When I have acne breakouts I take ACV. Used to be a daily user but it's hard to look forward to drinking vinegar.

Good call on the beet juice. I used to drink it regularly and I vividly remember the energy boost it would give me. I've been sluggish lately so I'm gonna buy some bulk beets today.

I did D supplements when I was working a lot but it's been sunny in Vegas and I just run or walk to the gym on top of standing in my driveway and scowling at my new Jewish neighbors, I feel like that's enough.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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