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The Donald Trump thread

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-18-2015 02:50 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  

Alpha Prime = Asshole game - read up on the Shite Steve Jobs pulled - basically stole Pixar from the Founders and made more money for his legacy there than with Apple - his wife (and kids?) now the single major shareholder of Disney

Alpha Billionaire Prime = FU money Asshole game - they do not have to suck up to anybody

Larry Ellison, Michael Bloomberg, Sheldon Adelson and Donald Trump do not suck up to anybody...

Especially trump with no Shareholders to answer to like Buffet or Gates or Zuckerberg...

Will Donald Trump win - who knows - but will he cut through the moose shite being stomped around all over New Hampshire and winnow out the weak GOPers and Dems and possibly deal a fatal blow to Hillary if she ever decides to debate - bet on it... if he keeps up attacking our list of mortal enemies in my essay above - he wins my NH primary vote which really counts - as much as I admire Rand Paul - Trump has not asked me for a dime - just my primary vote.

I'm with you brother on that one. I've got family in NH who can vote too.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Donald Trump thread

Running a government is nothing like running a business. I’ve worked in both over the years and just because you succeed in business, it doesn’t mean that you will succeed in government. There’s a whole heap of shit that governments have to deal with that private corporations don’t.

Quote: (06-18-2015 09:24 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

It would be hilarious if Trump became POTUS.

Hopefully him and Boris Johnson can be POTUS and Prime Minister at the same time.

I'd tune in for their press conferences!

Boris Johnson is eligible to run for both UK PM and POTUS – he was born in New York.

Trump makes himself look bad by saying that Obama was not born in the US. How are people supposed to take him seriously?

The Donald Trump thread

One point that's recurred a few times in this thread is the idea that Trump is rich, so he can't be bought. Whether he'd make a good president or not, that's at least a point in his favor, right?

I don't think that's true. Let's say he has $8 billion dollars as his net worth. Our natural assumption is "Well fuck, he's a billionaire. He doesn't have to worry about money now. So all the lobbying and dealmaking, campaign financing isn't an issue."

I think billionaires actually want even more money. He's thinking "Shit, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett has about 10 times my net worth." Instead of someone from a background like Clinton or Obama where they are seeking to raise themselves from the masses, someone like Trump would seek to surpass even the super-elite.

I don't know how the actual mechanics of how this corruption and backroom dealing works, but the usual suspects can still throw around enough money even for a billionaire to take note, no?

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-18-2015 06:55 PM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  

One point that's recurred a few times in this thread is the idea that Trump is rich, so he can't be bought. Whether he'd make a good president or not, that's at least a point in his favor, right?

I don't think that's true. Let's say he has $8 billion dollars as his net worth. Our natural assumption is "Well fuck, he's a billionaire. He doesn't have to worry about money now. So all the lobbying and dealmaking, campaign financing isn't an issue."

I think billionaires actually want even more money. He's thinking "Shit, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett has about 10 times my net worth." Instead of someone from a background like Clinton or Obama where they are seeking to raise themselves from the masses, someone like Trump would seek to surpass even the super-elite.

I don't know how the actual mechanics of how this corruption and backroom dealing works, but the usual suspects can still throw around enough money even for a billionaire to take note, no?

I can't speak for the others, but here are my thoughts...

I don't know if Trump can be bought or not. I don't know if Trump is even serious or if this is just another move to draw ratings to his brand like in 2012. I certainly don't think he is a hero.

What I do know is that outside of Trump or Rand Paul, we are guaranteed to get the same failed policies...

More feminism. More out of control debt that crushes the middle class. More open borders and flooding our work force driving down wages as true unemployment surges towards 25%. More govt. fraud and waste taking over private industry. More out of control spending on military for an endless war. More targeting the middle class, especially men. More rape hysteria.

Outside of Rand Paul or Trump, we are guaranteed for this thing to keep heading in the wrong direction. Even with Paul and Trump we may still keep heading in the wrong direction. But as of right now these are the only two I see giving us any hope to change the current direction.

So it isn't that Trump is perfect or a hero. He is about as good as it gets right now to just getting some common sense back in DC, and it may still be an act and he turns out to be the same as the others.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-16-2015 02:03 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

This dude's a clown.

It's amazing to me how we don't even have politicians that fake class anymore.

Say what you want about Reagan, but he was undeniably classy.

Reagan raised taxes when the deficits got bad after the failed trickledown idea.

Like rich people are going to give away their money. What they do ( and what I would do if rich) is buy more apartment buildings, raise rent, and have collected much MORE since Reagan lol.

I heard a good story about Reagan once. He had a conference with some congressman, opposition, and they were really rude and mean to him.

His associate asked him why he had tolerated it.

Reagan said something like "I can't control how they treat me, I can only control How I treat them."

That sounds very impressive to me.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-18-2015 06:41 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Running a government is nothing like running a business. I’ve worked in both over the years and just because you succeed in business, it doesn’t mean that you will succeed in government. There’s a whole heap of shit that governments have to deal with that private corporations don’t.

That's true-- whether you like it or not, there is a lot of watching out/spending for the worst-off of all of us by government - criminals, people too old or sick to work, etc. People talk tough, but from the way they vote it seems they don't really want to see indigent and dead littering the streets.

Constitution preamble:

"The Congress shall have Power To...provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States…"

The Donald Trump thread

^^^ No it doesn't say that. It says "provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare". The difference between provide and promote cannot be understated. You're referencing a later section.

The Donald Trump thread

The thing I liked in his speech was adding a 35% tariff to companies making products overseas and selling them here like ford. I really like his fiscal ideas, but his foreign policy is a bit worrying.

The Donald Trump thread

We would finally have an attractive first lady! And daughter!

The Donald Trump thread


Major Media Outlets in New England - NBC etc - Reports latest polls showing Donald Trump #2 in polls to Jeb Bush #1.
Among likely Republican primary voters, former Florida Gov. Bush picked up 14 percent, while the billionaire real-estate mogul Trump grabbed 11 percent. Most respondents—29 percent—are undecided.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-24-2015 05:52 PM)Deepdiver Wrote:  


Major Media Outlets in New England - NBC etc - Reports latest polls showing Donald Trump #2 in polls to Jeb Bush #1.
Among likely Republican primary voters, former Florida Gov. Bush picked up 14 percent, while the billionaire real-estate mogul Trump grabbed 11 percent. Most respondents—29 percent—are undecided.

If Trump can come across as a Patriot, I think he may be able to take the nomination.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

The Donald Trump thread

Trump is still the best:

"A spurious fact check analysis from about Donald Trump’s announcement speech in New York City on Tuesday has been circulating around the media. Liberal outlets such as the Washington Post and CBS News have gleefully referenced it in their columns. The larger meaning is clear: They are attempting to extinguish a flame, lit whence they know not.

The fact check is most interesting for what it omits. To be sure, some of the fact check’s content includes rather wonky quibbles about what the effective rate of unemployment might be—they contend it’s less than Trump’s figure of 18 to 20 percent. Another quibble is over the growth of the first quarter, which Trump claimed was unique in being below zero. Other areas are of the fact check are less objective.

In his speech, Trump commented on the job market: “A lot of people up there [Trump motions to members of the audience on the balcony] can’t get jobs. They can’t get jobs because there are no jobs.” responds in a rather autistic fashion by stating that there are in fact some jobs available in America, and then proceeds to provide the exact figure. Now most normal people understand the colloquial expression “there are no jobs” as to mean that it’s a really tough job market. I’m sure that many readers would agree with that assessment of the economy, perhaps from direct experience.

Another point in the fact check is that Trump should not purport to be able, as president, to tax Mexican goods, as this is a policy that could only be established in the legislature. Trump has often referenced in his speeches, and repeated in his announcement speech, that he would impose a 35 percent tax on Mexican manufactured goods, specifically Ford cars—in effect a tariff. This envisioned tariff would be in retaliation for American companies’ perfidy in off-shoring their manufacturing plants, and for countries such as China and Japan manipulating their currency. It’s a creative idea, in contrast to the staid refrain from the other Republican candidates that the way to address the trade deficit is to practically eliminate environmental and other regulations. In other words, rather than leveling down to the atrocious working standards of China and Mexico, Trump proposes an alternate route, one which the financial community finds abhorrent. The extent to which the financial community and the average worker’s interests coincide I leave for the reader to surmise. primly corrects him: “But only the Congress, not the president, can impose taxes.” Obviously. All legislation must originate in the… legislative body, the Congress. By this ridiculous standard, the same fact checkers should have taken issue with Obama discussing his prospective health care legislation while campaigning for the 2008 election, which also must be passed in Congress. This is, of course, what transpired, at the president’s behest. The president practically always has to negotiate with Congress (which is not to open the can of worms which is executive actions). So readers can disagree—as surely some do—as to the merits of Trump’s ideas vis-à-vis trade, but certainly the man, as a bona fide presidential candidate, has the right to extol these ideas in his speeches. Whether or not he can first persuade the American people, and then Congress, to the wisdom of these ideas is to be seen.

Trump recites a hypothetical conversation with the CEO of Ford—whom he knows personally—in his speeches. In this imaginative dialogue, Trump threatens the tax on imported cars, and the CEO ultimately relents, agreeing to bring the manufacturing plant back home. This satisfactory denouement brings the audience to euphoria. It’s an excellent rhetorical device to make the significant issue of trade, and more specifically our trade deficit, concrete to the audience. And it clearly illustrates Trump’s vision towards ameliorating this problem. Naturally he is simplifying to some degree what would actually be involved. He’s not writing a policy paper for a think tank; he’s speaking to ordinary Americans. Yet again, this creative flourish is too much for the autistic minds of"

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-19-2015 02:22 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Like rich people are going to give away their money. What they do ( and what I would do if rich) is buy more apartment buildings, raise rent, and have collected much MORE since Reagan lol.

Yes, they give money away all the time. Tons of rich people give to charities. Do you give to charities?

They just don't want to give it to the government to mishandle.

Many billionaires are leaving most of their fortunes to charity.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-24-2015 06:45 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (06-19-2015 02:22 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Like rich people are going to give away their money. What they do ( and what I would do if rich) is buy more apartment buildings, raise rent, and have collected much MORE since Reagan lol.

Yes, they give money away all the time. Tons of rich people give to charities. Do you give to charities?

They just don't want to give it to the government to mishandle.

Many billionaires are leaving most of their fortunes to charity.

Yes, to charities that they own. The only reason people like gates donate billions is to write off billions in taxes. Let's see if they'd donate as much as they do if they couldn't use it as a write off.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-24-2015 11:59 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Yes, to charities that they own. The only reason people like gates donate billions is to write off billions in taxes. Let's see if they'd donate as much as they do if they couldn't use it as a write off.

Not always charities they own, but many do have their own charities. They are successful people, why wouldn't they do better running a charity compared to some others that spend the biggest portion of their donations on salaries.

You don't sound like you have a clue as to what Bill Gates does with his time and money. He devotes a lot of his time as well. Is that also a tax write off?

Writes offs for charitable donations were created to reinforce that behavior. You act like this is a bad thing and that people who take advantage of this is doing so out of greed. Sounds more like hater mentality to me.

Once you reach a certain point, you do start thinking about helping others. If you're not successful, you would probably not understand.

These guys are doing a lot of good around the word. What have you done?

The Donald Trump thread



The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 01:04 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (06-24-2015 11:59 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Yes, to charities that they own. The only reason people like gates donate billions is to write off billions in taxes. Let's see if they'd donate as much as they do if they couldn't use it as a write off.
You don't sound like you have a clue as to what Bill Gates does with his time and money. He devotes a lot of his time as well. Is that also a tax write off?

These guys are doing a lot of good around the word. What have you done?

Yeah, bill's such a swell guy. Him and all the billionaires are gonna give away all their money and save poor malnourished Africans. My Ass.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 10:07 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Yeah, bill's such a swell guy. Him and all the billionaires are gonna give away all their money and save poor malnourished Africans. My Ass.

Quoting a site called globalfreedommovement? haha

Anyway, it's easy for guys to sit there and criticize people who do more good than them.

The Donald Trump thread

I do plenty of good bro, which I assume you do as well. I don't tell people, because people that brag about how much they give to charity are usually the worst kinds of people.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 12:38 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (06-25-2015 10:07 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Yeah, bill's such a swell guy. Him and all the billionaires are gonna give away all their money and save poor malnourished Africans. My Ass.

Quoting a site called globalfreedommovement? haha

Anyway, it's easy for guys to sit there and criticize people who do more good than them.

With Bill and his billionaire buddies pushing to greatly increase the number of H-1B visa workers, all while the average American is struggling, just so they can save a few more million a year on salaries and sell out the country that gave them an opportunity, I have no good feelings towards him and his ilk.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 07:38 PM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

With Bill and his billionaire buddies pushing to greatly increase the number of H-1B visa workers, all while the average American is struggling, just so they can save a few more million a year on salaries and sell out the country that gave them an opportunity, I have no good feelings towards him and his ilk.

How many Americans do you employ and how much do you pay them?

The Donald Trump thread

Tu quoque.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 09:30 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Tu quoque.

It's easier to complain than be part of the solution. Your response doesn't surprise me.

If you are worried about American middle class, create some jobs and give them a fair wage.

The Donald Trump thread

I don't believe I've complained at all in this thread. You posting fallacies will get called out, tough.

The Donald Trump thread

Quote: (06-25-2015 09:34 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

I don't believe I've complained at all in this thread. You posting fallacies will get called out, tough.

You think it matters to me?

I will continue taking tax write offs for charity, move the rest of my business overseas, and continue to increase spending by hiring more foreigners to increase my profits.

Greed is good and I couldn't be happier. [Image: wink.gif]

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