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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Girls who refuse to let you wrap them in cling film !

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

How blundstone boots used to be cool, but now, because every hipster asshole in the city wears them, they are pretty lame. I also hate seeing people out in track pants. The only reasons why you would be wearing track pants are that you're too lazy to put on a proper pair of pants, or you're too fat to fit into a pair of jeans.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

That these guys exist:

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

- Assholes who won't control their bratty kids in public venues such as restaurants
- Assholes who put others at risk by driving like douches e.g., running red lights, disregarding pedestrians in crosswalks, etc.
- Assholes who yap on their phones in restaurants, etc.
- Kooks who paddle out into crowded surf-spots and then shoulder-hop and/or get in the way
- Lift-line cutters at ski resorts...wait your fuckin' turn
- Assholes who bring crying babies on flights and then put on noise-cancelling headphones rather than trying to calm the baby
- Guys who claim they're musicians, but don't know the first thing about the mechanics of theory, improvisation, style, etc.
- Women who act like therapists (in their "interviews") on first dates - it's a first date, bitch - keep it light & breezy
- American tourists who act like foo's in foreign countries...we have a bad enough rep without you adding to it
- Neighbors who crank their tunes late into the night - you can have fun without keeping everyone in your vicinity up at all hours

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

It pisses me the fuck off that people have enough intelligence to drive to a convenience store but stand there retarded for 5 minutes figuring out what they want.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

- Annoying fucking bratty kids in public (already mentioned) - self explanatory control your damn kids before little billy gets a knee to the face for running in front of me not looking where he is going
- When people get into a public hot tub who just got done working out full of sweat, wearing some nasty t shirt or other clothing, or have some kind of nasty ass bandage or sore somewhere on their body - seriously use common knowledge and respect. people dont want to be sitting in your pool of filth.
- when someone is driving slow in the fast lane and you try to pass them on the right and there is a car up ahead on the right lane and the dumbass slow driver speeds up and closes the gap so you cannot pass them - next time this happens to me Im putting a paintball gun through the grill of my car and they are going to be in for a nice surprise
- when people order food or buy something and then change their mind after the transaction is done - make up your damn mind before you decide to order

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

i dislike stupid people.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2013 02:15 AM)AlphaEnchantment Wrote:  

- when someone is driving slow in the fast lane and you try to pass them on the right and there is a car up ahead on the right lane and the dumbass slow driver speeds up and closes the gap so you cannot pass them

I just cut the fuckers off.

One of the benefits of driving a truck. People fucking move if you are aggressive.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

lol I like that strategy. Ive often thought about getting a death race type of truck and just cut people off left and right that dont know how to drive and let them learn the hard way

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-07-2013 08:50 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Quote: (03-07-2013 02:15 AM)AlphaEnchantment Wrote:  

- when someone is driving slow in the fast lane and you try to pass them on the right and there is a car up ahead on the right lane and the dumbass slow driver speeds up and closes the gap so you cannot pass them

I just cut the fuckers off.

One of the benefits of driving a truck. People fucking move if you are aggressive.

lol I like that strategy. Ive often thought about getting a death race type of truck and just cut people off left and right that dont know how to drive and let them learn the hard way

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Girls that want you to meet their parents. Why do they always want you to meet their parents? I really don't get it, I don't care at all if a girl never meets my family. It only takes a month of seeing a girl and she's usually hinting about meeting up with her family. Pisses me off.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Cab drivers, especially Haitian ones in Miami
Rat tails
Periods (Female minstration)
Guys wearing girls jeans
Getting stuck in powder in a flat spot while I'm snowboarding
Spirit Airlines
Cock Blockers
Kids kicking my seat and/or crying on an airplane. But what pisses me the fuck off more are their parents for letting them do it.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-06-2013 06:36 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

It pisses me the fuck off that people have enough intelligence to drive to a convenience store but stand there retarded for 5 minutes figuring out what they want.

I think these people should be excused though if they just got done smoking a blunt.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Life is great and we are living in great times but my top 3 are:

Girls that dont give head ( especially when you put in a good amount of your time to get them in bed)
Slow internet
Low pressure shower heads

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

When one of my contacts goes bad for no apparent fucking reason.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Fuckstick crane operators that can't follow basic fucking instructions.

Job is THIS CLOSE to getting shut the fuck down for the rest of the day.....

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-08-2013 02:29 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Fuckstick crane operators that can't follow basic fucking instructions.

Job is THIS CLOSE to getting shut the fuck down for the rest of the day.....
Text them from the truck and tell them what to do.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

STDs really piss me the fuck off too. Along with that, paying ridiculous amounts of money for medical treatment also pisses me the fuck off.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-08-2013 02:36 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-08-2013 02:29 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

Fuckstick crane operators that can't follow basic fucking instructions.

Job is THIS CLOSE to getting shut the fuck down for the rest of the day.....
Text them from the truck and tell them what to do.

Fuck that. I already told them that if I have to throw my horn again I'm going to the bar.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Accidentally washing my clothes with bubble gum in the pockets almost pisses me the fuck off as much as STDs.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Greeks piss me the fuck off. Always got a finger up their nose. Nasty lot they are. I refuse to eat in one of their restaurants for fear of getting a booger kabob.

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

What do you call it when you are pissed at something and don't even know what it is [Image: huh.gif]

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Quote: (03-08-2013 03:35 PM)Lothario Wrote:  

What do you call it when you are pissed at something and don't even know what it is [Image: huh.gif]

Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Cunts that text while driving.

I can only imagine the cumulative productivity lost because the first car at the stoplight is a chick who texts while waiting and therefore not prepared to go when it turns green. It creates a staggered effect and everyone after is affected. A couple of cars don't make the light because of the cunt. Who knows what those last couple of cars were headed, home maybe? An emergency to deal with?

Today the lead car was at a turn light and it turned green. Of course some cunt was texting. I made the turn and as I was passing, she was slowing down, all smiling while driving and texting. Luckily, her window was down. And I have a loud deep voice when pissed. The whole block heard me shout, "Stop Fucking Texting Cunt!". Of course, I am the bad guy in the story, but I have had a rough few days and my calm demeanor has escaped me, doesn't matter how much boxing I am doing. I feel like a time bomb lately.

And of course, she shouted back something that I couldn't hear and gave me the finger of course I gave her ugly face one back.

[Image: 25-greatest-star-trek-movie-moments-05.jpg]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Thing That Piss Me The Fuck Off

Mother of God i love this thread!

So tired of Bitches who bitch about being tired. Like what in the hell do you even do besides sucking dick and doing homework?

The fact that a man like me can't get a BJ on demand. I have to ask twice!!! What type of world is this?

Plus I hate all people and the fact that Craig always talks like an ass and can't look me in the eyes when I see him. He fucking makes me rage! All he does is talk about that mustang.. like he made it himself! WTF?? You buy a car from the dealership, you didn't design it you fuck and they are the ones
that screw you. Sure the extended warranty sounds nice, but then what? It breaks and you have to pay the deductible. That ain't me bro.

Oh and this dude from Allen High who always shows up at house parties with his shitty guitar and gets all the girls' attention.

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