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Male modeling?

Male modeling?

A couple of things that got me thinking.

1. Messing around on tinder, I got compliments on my eyes at least 3 times in one week. Typically they say "you have nice eyes".... and this wasn't even with professional photos.

2. On Saturday, I have a photo shoot with a friend of mine who's just gotten her photography business off the ground. I will be using these professional photos for my online game as well as general use and social media. This culminated from my reading of BlurredSeven's post about getting professional photos. I do the eye squinch thing all the time, I don't even realize I'm doing it.

So. What if I were to take this a step even further, and look for a male modeling gig to compliment my game and get access to the best parties with hot women? I can also take advantage of social media by posting professional shots of myself. (Not that I'm going to quit my day job or anything - that would be foolish with the $$ I'm making!)

I know NYC or LA are the modeling capitals of the world, but I want to stay in Houston for the time being... link below points to Houston having a secondary market.

Anyone here are male models or have tried to break into it, or know the in and outs of the business?

(Mods: not sure where this post belongs, so feel free to move it to another subforum if it doesn't really belong in Game)

Male modeling?

Good post! And if you're just looking for part-time gigs, NY/LA aren't really necessary. Actually, it's waaay easier in other major metros as you're the 'big fish'. Here's something I posted a couple years back in the DC forums:

Modeling for Fun (and Profit)

In the age of social media and reality TV, it seems that all young girls are “models” these days. They’re obsessed with celebrity and fame, even if they don’t have much in the way of looks or talent. While briefly dating someone a few years ago who claimed to be a model, I was temporarily impressed, until finally realizing that she wasn’t all that hot. Not to mention, her personality was awful and the sex couldn't be any worse.

But she gave me insight into how the amateur modeling industry works. And through her I gained the confidence to say, “if she can do this anybody can”. Initially, my goal was to have some professional shots done for online profile purposes. So I found a professional photog. online, and we did an outdoor shoot in Georgetown a few years back. Ninety percent of the captures weren’t very good, mostly due to my lack of experience and slightly better than average looks. But three to four turned out well. And with some Photoshop editing they were transformed into some very good shots.

From there I created a page on Model Mayhem, and was approved on the second try. During that first year, I applied for a dozen or so TFP (“Trade for Print”) shoots, and two photogs. were interested. These were semi-pros with home studios. Again, just a few were usable and Photoshop worked wonders. Yes, slowly I was building a portfolio, and with a minimal investment of time as this was all a very low priority.

But it served as a tremendous DHV to have “modeling” as part of my online profiles along with these shots. Just like that, it established commonality with these young chicks. And, as I experienced with the earlier chick, it gave me a certain aura in their eyes. Not to mention, I started hitting on other local Model Mayhem girls, leading to a SNL with one.

Just as I drifted into all this with no prior interest or plans, while dating the porn girl, we decided that a photo studio would be necessary. So after doing some extensive online research, I purchased the necessary lighting for fairly cheap, and converted a spare bedroom. She was my first shoot, and shortly afterwards, we stopped seeing each other. But just like that, I was a photographer. And the next few girls I dated all got free sessions. Again, most of the pics. were discards. But with some Photoshop magic, many turned out very well to the point where I was ready to set up a photog. profile on Model Mayhem as well. And the approval process there was much easier.

This also served as a strong DHV, and a lure to get many of these chicks back to my place on the D1. Meanwhile, my skills have improved over time to where each shoot is better than the next, and I’m starting to develop a decent portfolio, despite having a not so decent camera. I’ve found that lighting, angles, attention to detail, and of course, editing are key. So just like modeling, I’ve been using it as a valuable but non-essential PUA tool that’s an interesting but low-priority side hobby.

And just like that, having not done any shoots as photog. for nearly a year now, nor any shoots as a model for maybe two years, I needed some new excitement in life and decided to start creating a composite card for agency representation. Again, this was always on the “back burner”. So just a couple of months ago, I researched all of the legit area agencies. I also looked into companies specializing in these cards, finding one that actually provided career advice along with excellent design, print quality and reputation.

In consulting with the company owner, who is a former model, he recommended fhe top five shots of the fifteen or so that I had sent in for consideration. From there, he created the cards, and the end result was very impressive. After sending them to just four agencies, I received my first interview. And while I’ve contemplated using modeling as a step toward getting into acting, this particular company specializes mostly in the latter. So without any training or experience, I prepared an audition monologue, and just like that, now I’m an aspiring actor, lol!

Life can take some interesting and unexpected turns, so we’ll see where this all leads since only a couple weeks have passed since then. But already, I’m meeting some VERY hot young girls on these casting calls, often sitting by themselves and just waiting to be opened. Plus, since I’m supposedly a model/actor too, it’s a strong DHV and commonality between us. Granted, I’ve only had a few of these so far, and none of the #’s have led to anything solid just yet. But this could be a gaming goldmine with any money to be made serving as merely a bonus beyond all the ego gratification, confidence boosting and high quality new targets.

So the take-away from all this is that everyone can be a photog, model or even an actor these days. And unlike some who have been striving all their lives for this type of thing, sometimes dedication isn’t even necessary as opportunities will just appear naturally. Meanwhile, just by being involved with this industry, good-looking (and not so good- looking) chicks are now abundant. As the slogan says, “Just Do It”!

Male modeling?

I've looked into it a bit but no longer have interest in pursuing it. I did a bit of research and think you're off to the right start.

Step 1 is getting a professional portfolio. This will allow you to have something to give to local modeling agencies to let them see if youre a good fit.

Another place I would check out is Model Mayhem. It'll allow you to put up some information about yourself and to check out events, photographers, and other models in your area.

Edit: I would also not get your hopes up about nailing 10's and getting into exclusive parties. Male models don't have as much status and value as their female counterparts. There's also strong homoerotic undertones to the whole industry, at least from what I perceive.

Male modeling?

Think it would go in "Everything Else"

For a brief stint, I did a bit of modeling between the ages of 19-21. Now a disclaimer: I may not be the best person to chime in here, considering I'm only 5'10" and from height alone didn't have any future in this industry. I met one guy around my height during a fashion show, but he was quite swole and did more fitness/underwear modeling. He does primarily photo. Also, I'm not balding in any way, but my hair isn't too appealing either, IMO. However, I did get some experience both behind the camera and on the catwalk, and I'll share with you what I know.

The idea started for me when I went to a private photographer for my high school graduation pictures, no less. After the shoot, photographer said she would waive the cost of the photos to use for promotion of her business, and to sell to companies who wanted this type of subject matter - they were all done in and around a very antiquated white house.

Not knowing what else to do (I wasn't aware of Model Mayhem, and you have to list your height on that site anyways), I applied to be a model at Abercrombie and Fitch. What I didn't know was a model there is just a greeter, and during some holidays, greeting shirtless. But working there did give me the opportunity to practice cold game on girls who came in the store, and the other coworkers were attractive and we would often party together off work I did get invited to go to some regional casting calls (majority of their photo models start as store models), but those went nowhere. So it didn't end up all being too bad.

It wasn't until I saw an open casting call when I moved out to california where I finally got to do real modeling. To be honest, I don't know what they saw in me. I was the shortest guy they took. But this group would take amateur models and made profiles of us for designers to pick and choose for walks and for photoshoots. The pay was abysmal, but I guess that was part of the deal.....experience and exposure to the industry. "Signed" models would make almost 10x as much for the same photoshoot. A few months in, I ended up getting into an LTR with one of the other models. The most beautiful girl I had ever dated, but one of the worst girlfriends I had. Sadly, I don't think I will ever date a girl who competes with her in looks again. Once I started dating her, you could only imagine the attention I got from the other girls and they were part of the reason the relationship fell apart.

Ironically with this group I only did one photoshoot, but I did two fashion shows. One of the fashion shows was all underwear (guy and girl), and the other was one big conventional one where I did two walks for one designer, and one walk for another designer. I can perhaps break to you some more of the details over PM if you are interested. At the afterparty of the "conventional" runway show, one of the designers offered me a meeting with some of the guys he knows at Ford, a major modeling agency. The designer had tried to make several passes at me, going along with what Seth_Rose said, so I ended up declining and leaving early.

After this experience, I chased down other hustles in my life, and I never really tried modeling again. As you probably have noticed how I've mentioned it several times, I am extremely insecure about my height, and modeling did not help. This was my main rationale in stopping. Since then, I have done a couple of photos in advertising, for very scant pay as again, I'm not signed.

I think the first step as the above posters have said is to build up a portfolio. You want multiple different photographers, and preferably get a chance to get on the runway as well, as they will capture different sides of you, and their ideas will cast you in a different light.

So you know I'm not talking out of my ass, I just sent you a PM of a shot with me on the catwalk. Because of all the non-members of RVF and inability to edit posts, I'd rather not post pics ITT.

As a final note, Its really the photographers who clean up with women, not the male models. I got laid more from non-models than from model chicks during this time. Knowing what I know now with game, its most likely because they have a position of authority over the models they are shooting. Women will do anything for a man in power, as we all know.

Best of luck,

Male modeling?

Maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking?

[Image: zoolander.jpg?w=670&h=377&crop=1]

Male modeling?

one last thing.......

I'm sure most of the agencies like Ford and Elite will accept portfolios online, but I would try to network your way in. Any way you can, see if your photographer has a connection with people there, or even better, see if you can find a way to meet a designer. With a designer, flat out, they're just going to need to like your look. This doesn't mean you are "hot" this means you are "fierce." Just squinting your eyes I don't think would help a la Zoolander (lol'd above).

"Fierce" replaces "hot" as a term in that industry.

also, if you walk on thirds (its not stepping on every beat), that will really help. Most models cant for the life of them, no matter how much they practice, and its required for some of the songs they play on the catwalk.

Male modeling?

Unless you look like Sean O'Pry, you're not going to have much success in the modeling industry. Modeling is a hopeless endeavor - only the top 10% get compensated really well, and to be in the top 10%, they have to scout you. And by they I mean high-end fashion brands like Givenchy, Armani, and Ralph Lauren, etc.

I have a friend who models. I wouldn't say he's successful (relatively speaking), but he has a pretty good social media following and it does help him pull chicks. He's all over the H&M website and has modeled for Calvin Klein.

What you can do is start small - seek out mid-sized fashion companies and send them your portfolio. Think Topman, Asos, and Superdry. These companies are good for up-and-coming models who want a little bit of exposure. I'm not sure how Model Mayhem works, but try to get some exposure through there, too.

As for getting access to hot parties and women, that's supermodel status (e.g. Tyson Beckford). It's definitely not going to happen overnight. Most successful male models start at a really young age and it's a lifestyle you have to fully commit to because they hold you up against some crazy standards (like maintaining a certain body fat %).

Male modeling?

Did you get hit on by a guy?

This guy told me how the agency guy blatantly asked if he could do 'other things' to move upward. he also told me how the photographers stock drugs and just give out on the set. (they would say so it would make you more relaxed in front of camera but I bet there are other reasons)

I assumed such things for women but I didn't expect that for guys.

Male modeling?

At some bridal shows, they have men model tuxedos and other formal wear.

Smaller agencies do random shit like that where they need a decent number of men who are basically part time models at random events like those to wear their clothes.

I went in to a small local agency out of curiosity and they said the majority of their regular lineup just do smaller shows like that. You dont have to be the top 10% in looks necessarily since they are small local shows.

Obviously, the real 'compensation' is not the $$, but access to all the girls who work for the agency.

Even at a small agency in a part time, low paying modeling gig you would have tremendous access to tons of 9s and 10s, whereas some shmuck pua has to calculate every move to try and even get near 1 or 2 high value women at a club.

If you can get any sort of connection to a modeling agency as a photographer, model, lighting technician, etc.... The access you will have to top tier pussy will be a massive payoff, instead of running around clubs trying to make a 7 laugh.

I never had any shred of interest in photography as a career, but it's clear if you could be some type of photographer's assistant you would get better access to top pussy than even the best pua's.

Male modeling?

Just sell drugs. That is the easiest avenue to get into model circles. Sell drugs to the sceneter gays who party with female models and you will get invites.

I was able to crack into model circles briefly in Toronto from a female friend who knew some gay Filipino dude who did hair or some shit for models. But it was him partying and doing coke with those broads all the time where the hook up was really cemented.

The parties I found boring though. Hot girls but evreybody is hyped on shit and you basically spend you night dodging drugs if your not into them. Some girl tried to convince me to take a line of her tit she wanted me to get high. It was to much pressure to dance around it and eventually I faded away from it. It was fun while it lasted though.

Male modeling?

Quote: (02-19-2015 04:36 PM)Midas Wrote:  

Good post! And if you're just looking for part-time gigs, NY/LA aren't really necessary. Actually, it's waaay easier in other major metros as you're the 'big fish'. Here's something I posted a couple years back in the DC forums:

Modeling for Fun (and Profit)

In the age of social media and reality TV, it seems that all young girls are “models” these days. They’re obsessed with celebrity and fame, even if they don’t have much in the way of looks or talent. While briefly dating someone a few years ago who claimed to be a model, I was temporarily impressed, until finally realizing that she wasn’t all that hot. Not to mention, her personality was awful and the sex couldn't be any worse.

But she gave me insight into how the amateur modeling industry works. And through her I gained the confidence to say, “if she can do this anybody can”. Initially, my goal was to have some professional shots done for online profile purposes. So I found a professional photog. online, and we did an outdoor shoot in Georgetown a few years back. Ninety percent of the captures weren’t very good, mostly due to my lack of experience and slightly better than average looks. But three to four turned out well. And with some Photoshop editing they were transformed into some very good shots.

From there I created a page on Model Mayhem, and was approved on the second try. During that first year, I applied for a dozen or so TFP (“Trade for Print”) shoots, and two photogs. were interested. These were semi-pros with home studios. Again, just a few were usable and Photoshop worked wonders. Yes, slowly I was building a portfolio, and with a minimal investment of time as this was all a very low priority.

But it served as a tremendous DHV to have “modeling” as part of my online profiles along with these shots. Just like that, it established commonality with these young chicks. And, as I experienced with the earlier chick, it gave me a certain aura in their eyes. Not to mention, I started hitting on other local Model Mayhem girls, leading to a SNL with one.

Just as I drifted into all this with no prior interest or plans, while dating the porn girl, we decided that a photo studio would be necessary. So after doing some extensive online research, I purchased the necessary lighting for fairly cheap, and converted a spare bedroom. She was my first shoot, and shortly afterwards, we stopped seeing each other. But just like that, I was a photographer. And the next few girls I dated all got free sessions. Again, most of the pics. were discards. But with some Photoshop magic, many turned out very well to the point where I was ready to set up a photog. profile on Model Mayhem as well. And the approval process there was much easier.

This also served as a strong DHV, and a lure to get many of these chicks back to my place on the D1. Meanwhile, my skills have improved over time to where each shoot is better than the next, and I’m starting to develop a decent portfolio, despite having a not so decent camera. I’ve found that lighting, angles, attention to detail, and of course, editing are key. So just like modeling, I’ve been using it as a valuable but non-essential PUA tool that’s an interesting but low-priority side hobby.

And just like that, having not done any shoots as photog. for nearly a year now, nor any shoots as a model for maybe two years, I needed some new excitement in life and decided to start creating a composite card for agency representation. Again, this was always on the “back burner”. So just a couple of months ago, I researched all of the legit area agencies. I also looked into companies specializing in these cards, finding one that actually provided career advice along with excellent design, print quality and reputation.

In consulting with the company owner, who is a former model, he recommended fhe top five shots of the fifteen or so that I had sent in for consideration. From there, he created the cards, and the end result was very impressive. After sending them to just four agencies, I received my first interview. And while I’ve contemplated using modeling as a step toward getting into acting, this particular company specializes mostly in the latter. So without any training or experience, I prepared an audition monologue, and just like that, now I’m an aspiring actor, lol!

Life can take some interesting and unexpected turns, so we’ll see where this all leads since only a couple weeks have passed since then. But already, I’m meeting some VERY hot young girls on these casting calls, often sitting by themselves and just waiting to be opened. Plus, since I’m supposedly a model/actor too, it’s a strong DHV and commonality between us. Granted, I’ve only had a few of these so far, and none of the #’s have led to anything solid just yet. But this could be a gaming goldmine with any money to be made serving as merely a bonus beyond all the ego gratification, confidence boosting and high quality new targets.

So the take-away from all this is that everyone can be a photog, model or even an actor these days. And unlike some who have been striving all their lives for this type of thing, sometimes dedication isn’t even necessary as opportunities will just appear naturally. Meanwhile, just by being involved with this industry, good-looking (and not so good- looking) chicks are now abundant. As the slogan says, “Just Do It”!

This is a great linear and extrapolated answer that breaks down what the OP requested in gradual time-driven phases. I'm going to have to rep you for this.

What the vibe like when you see all these wannabe actress/models at the casting calls. Is it acceptable to approach and close or is it bad form? Must be shooting hot fish in a barrel. Very cool.

Male modeling?

Thanks all for the good info. I'm 5'11 and 35 years old with a BF of 16-17% (they expect 10% or less for male models, right?), so the barriers of entry might be pretty tough for me to break into... it might be worth it, or it might not be. I'll look for connections around here and see if I can get my foot in the door... if nothing else, I can post my photos on social media and get a mini-following.

Male modeling?

@LAX Thx for the rep., bro! And I've got a serious problem w/gaming chicks in public when others are around...I def. need to work through it some. But a few times the room has been empty w/one cutie and myself, just waiting for our appointment times. So those have been nice!!! It's something you already have in common AND you're assumed to be attractive as a 'model', so the open is VERY easy! But here's an amazing story that just popped into my mind: several years ago, even before I started getting into any of this, by mistake I walked into some casting call office in Tyson's (Northern VA). Dude, it was a silent room filled with maybe 100 beautiful young babes all just sitting there and waiting their turn...unforgettable!!!

@CleanSlate If you're not talking NY/LA and this isn't some major career aspiration, it's extremely easy to break in. Just set up a profile on MM and find a photog whose willing to shoot TFP. Set up a comp. card, and then send it out to various agencies in your area. Also, if you're willing to do some acting too, that seems to be an even easier way of getting auditions with these companies, since lots of them specialize in both.

Male modeling?

Just had a photo shoot yesterday. The photographer, a female friend of mine, doesn't know I'm doing this for online dating or potentially as a bridge to male modeling. She thinks its for business, general use, and social media.

But there was this one photo she took. When she looked at it, she gasped in delight and said "you have to use this one on match!"

Definitely gonna use that one at the very least! I'll give MM a shot when I get the edited photos.

Male modeling?

Setting up a profile on Model Mayhem... let's see what comes out of this. They have to approve it first, though.

Male modeling?

Quote: (02-22-2015 09:51 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Setting up a profile on Model Mayhem... let's see what comes out of this. They have to approve it first, though.

Dont expect them to come to you. You have to look at this like a business and you have to be a salesman reaching out to everyone else.

Male modeling?

MM is pretty easy. Just create a profile w/some solid pics. Then read through all the offers, and contact those that seem interesting. Most are TFP though. But from there you should get more good shots. Create a comp card, and start sending it out either digitally or by mail to local agencies for paid work. And here's the real fun part: search out some babes meeting your criteria. Tell them you're new to MM, enjoyed their port and would like to meet up sometime to discuss the biz, providing your #. Most won't hook, but I banged out a hottie once on the overnight and then mid-afternoon using this approach.

Male modeling?

I would browse BigCartel, Shopify, and T-ShirtForums for designers in your area, buy some items and set up a shoot w/ your photographer friend. If the photos come out good, it's a win win situation for both you and the designer, and they might be willing to pay you to use your images on their site.

The last time I was browsing ModelMayhem instead of having a multi-paragraph bio, this one guy simply wrote "CLICK HERE TO SEE A BEHIND THE SCENES VIDEO" and that immediately impressed me more than the thousands of bios I've read on that site. A Film student could probably do a great job for $200, and you might be able to convince your photographer friend to pay for it, since it would also be benefitting her too.

As far as networking, I think you'll be able to make more connections by going to a salon than anywhere else. Once you start going on a weekly basis, the estheticians/stylists will become curious about you and what you do, and this would be a great time to whip out an iPad and show them your portfolio. Besides introducing you to their other clients who model, they might start giving you free services, in hopes you'll bring them on set to one of your photo shoots.

Even in Houston, you can easily make $20-30k your first year and effectively have a full time career. Besides photos, there are plenty of trade shows/conventions where they need good looking charismatic people. If you combine the Social Media w/ cold approach on the street and really do it every day there's no doubt you can hit $100k. Having a huge following is valuable and will impress anyone.

Male modeling?

Low Status Beta, any chance you can find that link to the video you mentioned? I'm curious. Thanks!

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Male modeling?

Got a couple of bites from MM, they're talking of sending me money to help with the photo shoot and clothing and asking for my dates of availability. They sound serious.

Stay tuned...

Male modeling?

Get it, but honestly I'd just use it for the fun/raised SMV

Male modeling?

Quote: (03-22-2015 12:07 PM)Sonoma Wrote:  

Get it, but honestly I'd just use it for the fun/raised SMV

Exactly what I'm trying to do.

I think the whole SMV thing is completely warped in the US. After reading Rational Male, by Rollo Tomassi, you would think that a good looking dude at 35 years old would have women falling all over him - game or not. But that certainly isn't the case with me... I have 40 year old women trying to qualify me! WTF.

So I'm working on raising my SMV as far as I possibly can, and allow my improving game to do the rest.

Male modeling?

So this whole thing about sending me money and then paying the wardrobe managers smelled a little funny... and it also seemed way too easy. I checked MM to see who contacted me in the first place, and their are no longer there.

Turns out they are scams. Fortunately I didn't send them any bank information!

If it smells a little funny or seems too easy, watch out!

Male modeling?

Get yourself "otter mode". They all want that.

Male modeling?

Quote: (03-22-2015 12:50 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Quote: (03-22-2015 12:07 PM)Sonoma Wrote:  

Get it, but honestly I'd just use it for the fun/raised SMV

Exactly what I'm trying to do.

I think the whole SMV thing is completely warped in the US. After reading Rational Male, by Rollo Tomassi, you would think that a good looking dude at 35 years old would have women falling all over him - game or not. But that certainly isn't the case with me... I have 40 year old women trying to qualify me! WTF.

So I'm working on raising my SMV as far as I possibly can, and allow my improving game to do the rest.

I was a model in my teens and early 20s, but after 35 I don't think it matters as much. If you're a fantastic looking 37yo, you still won't have many girls under 25 coming after you. Some will bang you if you approach, lead, etc, but it's less likely they'll do any of the work.

The part of the country matters, too. I found in the south, Louisiana for example, a ten year age difference didn't matter at all. I had college girls hitting on me A LOT. That was the case in NYC as well, but not as frequently. In California, forget it. You are going to get shit tested about it way more and it's incumbent upon you to pass those tests.

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