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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Hi, I’ve read some of the threads on this site and you guys seem really helpful and so I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions on which countries in Europe that would be good for me to study abroad in and also to meet girls. Note, I am not choosing a location based solely on the women, it’s just a plus I would like to have, a really big plus.

I’m in college in the U.S. right now and studied abroad last semester in London. In general, the British women seemed to have something against Americans and/or Asians and I didn’t find them all too attractive mostly due to their attitudes, so it was a lose-lose situation. The girls that I went after were all girls from Eastern Europe or South America that I met in the apartment complex I was staying in who were studying at local universities. These girls had phenomenal personalities and opened my eyes to how bitchy American girls are compared to the feminine, sweet/caring Eastern European ones. In my eyes, these Eastern European women valued themselves below what I thought they were worth, the opposite seems to apply to a lot of American women who expect to be treated like princesses and play mind games with men. Of course I am just talking averages based on my minimal observations and what I have read in other forums and am making a sweeping generalization. But that’s what I want, I want to know about the averages in other countries, the average type of personality, etc.

I’m plan on studying abroad again in Europe, but this time, I want to go to a country where being an Asian-American will either be a plus or at least make me average when it comes to picking up girls; I just don’t want to be seen in a negative light. In America for example, the white girls I hook up with are at first are hesitant about approaching me or whatever because they don’t meet a lot of Asians and because I don’t fit the typical tall white guy stereotype found at my school (Their words not mine). Basically my question is, in which countries have you noticed or heard that the girls have a thing for Asian guys and girls from which countries might have a bad view of them. I’ve heard that outside of the U.S, Australia and the UK, an Asian dude’s chances increase exponentially with girls. I don’t fit the tall white guy mold which seems to be a requirement in some of these countries.

To describe myself, I am fairly good looking, dress well, am short unfortunately (5’6) but with a muscular/athletic build, I have pretty good game and personality wise, I am outgoing and sort of a “whitewashed” Asian, I hang out with white people, am in a fraternity and am confident. What separates me from the Asian stereotype is that unlike many that I notice on campus, I’m not a passive pushover. I’m assertive, maybe a bit arrogant, ruthlessly go after what I want, but a nice guy. I’m pretty short so I am avoiding the countries where everyone is tall as hell.
I’m looking to pick up girls yeah, but ideally I want an exotic girlfriend while I’m abroad, I dated a girl from Turkey while in London but the timing didn’t work out. All my friends know that exotic girls are my thing but they are virtually nonexistent at my university so I have resorted to joining some of the race based student societies. Some of the more developed countries that I am considering are Spain, Italy, France, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I speak Italian and Spanish conversationally so perhaps Spain/Italy would be a better place, but I don’t know, and was hoping you guys had some experience to share. I am also considering Eastern Europe because I want to actually integrate myself into the local culture and believe that it would be harder in a major city.

In terms of which cities, I have not decided obviously but basically the big cities, Barcelona/Madrid, Rome/Urbino, Paris, Belgrade, Slovenia, etc.
Sorry if I put too little or too much information, it’s my first post and if you need any more info I’ll get on it right away. The first time I studied abroad, I had a lot less bar/club game and so that screwed me over, I fucked up my first time around going to England, and can’t afford a second fuck up.

Thanks a lot guys.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Poland, Romania, Moldova, and the Ukraine

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

Hi, I’ve read some of the threads on this site and you guys seem really helpful and so I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions on which countries in Europe that would be good for me to study abroad in and also to meet girls. Note, I am not choosing a location based solely on the women, it’s just a plus I would like to have, a really big plus.

I’m in college in the U.S. right now and studied abroad last semester in London. In general, the British women seemed to have something against Americans and/or Asians and I didn’t find them all too attractive mostly due to their attitudes, so it was a lose-lose situation. The girls that I went after were all girls from Eastern Europe or South America that I met in the apartment complex I was staying in who were studying at local universities. These girls had phenomenal personalities and opened my eyes to how bitchy American girls are compared to the feminine, sweet/caring Eastern European ones. In my eyes, these Eastern European women valued themselves below what I thought they were worth, the opposite seems to apply to a lot of American women who expect to be treated like princesses and play mind games with men. Of course I am just talking averages based on my minimal observations and what I have read in other forums and am making a sweeping generalization. But that’s what I want, I want to know about the averages in other countries, the average type of personality, etc.

I’m plan on studying abroad again in Europe, but this time, I want to go to a country where being an Asian-American will either be a plus or at least make me average when it comes to picking up girls; I just don’t want to be seen in a negative light. In America for example, the white girls I hook up with are at first are hesitant about approaching me or whatever because they don’t meet a lot of Asians and because I don’t fit the typical tall white guy stereotype found at my school (Their words not mine). Basically my question is, in which countries have you noticed or heard that the girls have a thing for Asian guys and girls from which countries might have a bad view of them. I’ve heard that outside of the U.S, Australia and the UK, an Asian dude’s chances increase exponentially with girls. I don’t fit the tall white guy mold which seems to be a requirement in some of these countries.

To describe myself, I am fairly good looking, dress well, am short unfortunately (5’6) but with a muscular/athletic build, I have pretty good game and personality wise, I am outgoing and sort of a “whitewashed” Asian, I hang out with white people, am in a fraternity and am confident. What separates me from the Asian stereotype is that unlike many that I notice on campus, I’m not a passive pushover. I’m assertive, maybe a bit arrogant, ruthlessly go after what I want, but a nice guy. I’m pretty short so I am avoiding the countries where everyone is tall as hell.
I’m looking to pick up girls yeah, but ideally I want an exotic girlfriend while I’m abroad, I dated a girl from Turkey while in London but the timing didn’t work out. All my friends know that exotic girls are my thing but they are virtually nonexistent at my university so I have resorted to joining some of the race based student societies. Some of the more developed countries that I am considering are Spain, Italy, France, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I speak Italian and Spanish conversationally so perhaps Spain/Italy would be a better place, but I don’t know, and was hoping you guys had some experience to share. I am also considering Eastern Europe because I want to actually integrate myself into the local culture and believe that it would be harder in a major city.

In terms of which cities, I have not decided obviously but basically the big cities, Barcelona/Madrid, Rome/Urbino, Paris, Belgrade, Slovenia, etc.
Sorry if I put too little or too much information, it’s my first post and if you need any more info I’ll get on it right away. The first time I studied abroad, I had a lot less bar/club game and so that screwed me over, I fucked up my first time around going to England, and can’t afford a second fuck up.

Thanks a lot guys.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

If I were you, I'd avoid places in western Europe where there's tons of diversity and girls would be indifferent to you. Many times these places people are cliquish and you really have to go above and beyond to demonstrate value and build attraction. Even if girls in these places seem to exhibit sluttiness, you'll be in a dogfight to be the winner that gets the spoils. Personally, I just don't find it worth it. I'd put West Europe and Nordic countries in this category.

From what else has been reported on this forum, the Balkans and Southern Europe is very cliquish and its hard to break in social circles. In Italy and Spain people live with their families and hang out with those they've known since childhood. You can do some research on the forums or check out these places yourself.

Of those countries suggested, I've spent time in Poland, Ukraine and Romania AKA the love tourist EE triangle. The girls are generally attractive and feminine. A great time can be had in all those places. I've gotten the most eye contact from girls in Poland and Romania, but only occasionally in Ukraine even though hardly any asians visit there or game girls.

There's plus and minuses in all those places. Like girls in Ukraine are better than Poland or Romania in some ways, but vice versa can also be true in other ways. It'll depend on which place would play to your strengths and which culture, mentality and kind of women you prefer. I might give a complete breakdown one of these days, but you can message me and I can give you more customized feedback.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

With Moldavia I don't know, but heard both good and bad.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Southern Europeans are racist as fuck towards Asians. Probably would not recommend.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-12-2015 04:32 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Southern Europeans are racist as fuck towards Asians. Probably would not recommend.

I don't know where you get this, I'm pretty sure this is not the case of Spaniards.

It's true that in Spain it can be difficult to crack into social circles among the natives, specially in 2nd and 3rd tier cities but in Madrid and Barcelona there's plenty of foreigners as well as Spaniards from other regions and meeting people is somewhat easy.

That being said, I think Poland would be your place to go. There's very few asians and if you are assertive and have some game you should probably do fine there. The education is not bad at all so that's also a plus. I wouldn't consider studying in Moldova or Ukraine and I also doubt you'd find many universities which offer lectures in English, although I don't know what you're studying and how American universities work in terms of doing a semester abroad.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

It is true specifically in the case of Spaniards. I have spent nearly 2 years in Spain, in Madrid and Granada, and while I am not Asian myself I made a few Chinese friends there so that my Chinese wouldn't deteriorate. As much as I love Spain, their accounts paint a pretty bleak picture overall. Spain has a number of Chinese immigrants mostly from Zhejiang doing work such as supermarket cashiers and running small restaurants, but also gets a metric fuckton of tourists as of late and we all know how mainland tourists behave abroad. So it is somewhat understandable but still pretty scary. In one particular instance I walked with a Chinese girl and her dog around Granada and some dude yelled out some smartass comment about the dog being her dinner. The girl (who grew up in Spain and was perfectly native) sarcastically replied that she never heard that one before. Lots of "konichiwa" and "ching chang chong" as well.

To be fair it is hard to say where ignorance ends and racism starts (most Spaniards thought Hong Kong was in Japan when I told them where I studied) and these things will also happen in more northern countries. But Southern Europe has a particular brand of cliqueish, xenophobic backwoods mentality that starts to become really noticeable once you go south of, say, Barcelona. I also witnessed similar things in Malta. It is gradually changing but a lot of people's horizons do not stretch beyond their hometown, for cultural (family is everything) as well as economic reasons.

Edit: Just to clarify this all of course applies only as a general rule while interacting with locals. Obviously yes you can just go to a big city like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville and exclusively hang out with the tourists/backpackers/exchange student crowd, meet people from all sorts of countries and you will also find a subset of open-minded locals who seek out those groups to improve their English or have sex with a foreigner.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

^^ so it isn't just Americans with a poor knowledge of geography.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Thanks a lot for your answer. So I understand that there are some areas I should avoid but are there some that you might recommend I consider going to?

Quote: (01-12-2015 09:56 AM)atlant Wrote:  

It is true specifically in the case of Spaniards. I have spent nearly 2 years in Spain, in Madrid and Granada, and while I am not Asian myself I made a few Chinese friends there so that my Chinese wouldn't deteriorate. As much as I love Spain, their accounts paint a pretty bleak picture overall. Spain has a number of Chinese immigrants mostly from Zhejiang doing work such as supermarket cashiers and running small restaurants, but also gets a metric fuckton of tourists as of late and we all know how mainland tourists behave abroad. So it is somewhat understandable but still pretty scary. In one particular instance I walked with a Chinese girl and her dog around Granada and some dude yelled out some smartass comment about the dog being her dinner. The girl (who grew up in Spain and was perfectly native) sarcastically replied that she never heard that one before. Lots of "konichiwa" and "ching chang chong" as well.

To be fair it is hard to say where ignorance ends and racism starts (most Spaniards thought Hong Kong was in Japan when I told them where I studied) and these things will also happen in more northern countries. But Southern Europe has a particular brand of cliqueish, xenophobic backwoods mentality that starts to become really noticeable once you go south of, say, Barcelona. I also witnessed similar things in Malta. It is gradually changing but a lot of people's horizons do not stretch beyond their hometown, for cultural (family is everything) as well as economic reasons.

Edit: Just to clarify this all of course applies only as a general rule while interacting with locals. Obviously yes you can just go to a big city like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville and exclusively hang out with the tourists/backpackers/exchange student crowd, meet people from all sorts of countries and you will also find a subset of open-minded locals who seek out those groups to improve their English or have sex with a foreigner.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Thanks a lot for your answer. So Spain isn't that bad of a destination as long as I stick to the major cities you are saying? I am studying finance and have heard that Poland has a great educational system, most of the students would know English (Warsaw). But why would you recommend Poland over Spain and would language be an issue in Poland if I do not know Polish?

Quote: (01-12-2015 07:18 AM)Luisaceo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2015 04:32 AM)atlant Wrote:  

Southern Europeans are racist as fuck towards Asians. Probably would not recommend.

I don't know where you get this, I'm pretty sure this is not the case of Spaniards.

It's true that in Spain it can be difficult to crack into social circles among the natives, specially in 2nd and 3rd tier cities but in Madrid and Barcelona there's plenty of foreigners as well as Spaniards from other regions and meeting people is somewhat easy.

That being said, I think Poland would be your place to go. There's very few asians and if you are assertive and have some game you should probably do fine there. The education is not bad at all so that's also a plus. I wouldn't consider studying in Moldova or Ukraine and I also doubt you'd find many universities which offer lectures in English, although I don't know what you're studying and how American universities work in terms of doing a semester abroad.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-12-2015 09:56 AM)atlant Wrote:  

It is true specifically in the case of Spaniards. I have spent nearly 2 years in Spain, in Madrid and Granada, and while I am not Asian myself I made a few Chinese friends there so that my Chinese wouldn't deteriorate. As much as I love Spain, their accounts paint a pretty bleak picture overall. Spain has a number of Chinese immigrants mostly from Zhejiang doing work such as supermarket cashiers and running small restaurants, but also gets a metric fuckton of tourists as of late and we all know how mainland tourists behave abroad. So it is somewhat understandable but still pretty scary. In one particular instance I walked with a Chinese girl and her dog around Granada and some dude yelled out some smartass comment about the dog being her dinner. The girl (who grew up in Spain and was perfectly native) sarcastically replied that she never heard that one before. Lots of "konichiwa" and "ching chang chong" as well.

To be fair it is hard to say where ignorance ends and racism starts (most Spaniards thought Hong Kong was in Japan when I told them where I studied) and these things will also happen in more northern countries. But Southern Europe has a particular brand of cliqueish, xenophobic backwoods mentality that starts to become really noticeable once you go south of, say, Barcelona. I also witnessed similar things in Malta. It is gradually changing but a lot of people's horizons do not stretch beyond their hometown, for cultural (family is everything) as well as economic reasons.

Edit: Just to clarify this all of course applies only as a general rule while interacting with locals. Obviously yes you can just go to a big city like Madrid, Barcelona or Seville and exclusively hang out with the tourists/backpackers/exchange student crowd, meet people from all sorts of countries and you will also find a subset of open-minded locals who seek out those groups to improve their English or have sex with a foreigner.

What you describe sounds a bit like your typical ignorant dude from a small 3rd tier city. In Spain, generally, Asians are regarded in a positive light. Many are hard working entrepreneurs.

Unlike in the anglosphere, in Spain it's ok to make non PC jokes that can be borderline racist, sexist etc. Our sense of humour is very different to other countries, in that sense, race is not a taboo in Spain.

Quote: (01-13-2015 05:21 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

Thanks a lot for your answer. So Spain isn't that bad of a destination as long as I stick to the major cities you are saying? I am studying finance and have heard that Poland has a great educational system, most of the students would know English (Warsaw). But why would you recommend Poland over Spain and would language be an issue in Poland if I do not know Polish?


In Poland most students speak English and many universities offer english taught modules.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

I am not Asian. From my observation based on time spent in Europe:


Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Avoid Spain. Recommend Germany in Berlin or other major cities.

I'm Asian myself and I have traveled extensively in Spain, and also Argentina and Uruguay.

I grew up in Central Asia and moved to US when I was younger to a DC suburb. Despite all the bad rap that DC gets it's a very multicultural and accepting place. After college graduation I went on a month long trip with my two best friends (white and Filipino) to Spain. Our main goal was to be there for Ibiza music season opening.

We visited Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza, Madrid, Seville, and various other small towns. We hung out with hostel travelers and local yokels. Had a lot of fun but I also experienced straight up racism and discrimination. The "ching chong" thing was always prevalent, especially in the south as a previous poster mentioned and didn't really bother me. What happened at a club in Madrid took me for a shock.

There are some really shitty touristy clubs in Madrid but also some great ones where locals go. That's where we were headed after talking to local guys and expats. We loved good EDM as well as game, so when quality club with good music and local girls was recommended we were like "heck yeah!"

As we stepped up to the club there was a decent sized line with some nice looking girls in line. Seemed like a good mix of girls and guys and everyone looked good. Also didn't see any foreigners, especially USA/UK/AUS bros. (They're great fun but can be tiring as well). When it was my turn to present my id and get in the bouncer let my white buddy go ahead and then put his hand on my chest and pushed me back. I wasn't falling or anything but definitely a shove, not just a "stand back" signal. Then he called over another bouncer and started talking about me right in front of me. Calling me all kinds of names and saying stuff like "can't let this chino in" etc... Everyone who was waiting in line was gawking me and I felt like my dignity was stripped away from me. I started walking back to the train station when my buddy realized what was going on and he came back with me. At the hostel I sulked in my room and drank myself to sleep. Not a good plan but my mood was soured.

That was the worst experience, mostly I experienced staring, gawking, and people making fun of us. At a bull fight in Madrid bunch of older men called my Filipino friend a monkey and wanted to buy him alcohol. It was very childish ignorant harassment but it still hurt.

In clubs I actually had a lot of Spanish girls talking to me and taking pictures with me etc... but I felt more like a clown than someone they were romantically interested in.

I also had an asian friend studying in Barcelona while living with his fiancee of same culture. He said that when took dance class lessons with his girl when it came time to swap partners in class all the Spanish women refused to dance with him. But the Spanish men apparently had no problem dancing with his fiancee. lol. But yeah he did not like living in Barcelona.

Ibiza was better but the mega clubs are a complete ripoff. The DJ sets are amazing but the place is so crowded with annoying British teens on their "lose my virginity" trips it spoils it. The bars were more enjoyable and we made local connection with a cool Brit who gave us hookups and invited us to his apartment for parties. He was a good looking guy with money (mostly from his dad) but he said that he had never gotten laid from just club game in Ibiza and thought it was a waste of money even though his job was to sell tickets to these places.

On a related but different take I also had very similar experiences in Argentina and Uruguay. Not a friendly place for Asians. In the city in the cultured neighborhoods I felt comfortable as an Asian but generally you always feel like very much the outsider. In Argentina they are very proud to be European descendants and look down anything non white.

These trips were amazing but I just wanted to contextualize their culture and what it was like for me. I did not get a single notch in my Spain or South America trips. Ironically month after I came back to the US from my Spain trip and I went to NYC by myself when unexpected 3 day weekend came up. Stayed at a hostel and ended up sleeping with a Spanish girl working at the hostel. Just goes to show you.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

@monsquid I'm surprised to read about your bad experiences in Spain, perhaps it's worse than I thought.

Тот, кто не рискует, тот не пьет шампанского

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Even though you are considering Europe, Latin America is a place to consider if you are Asian. Here is this Korean-American guy's experience in Colombia:

You have a major exotic factor down there. They dont get many Asians.

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Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

@C-Man, unless you are very outgoing with little approach anxiety you might want to avoid the Scandinavian/Baltic states & Serbia just because of the fact that everyone is so tall there. While guys who study game would want you to believe that anything is possible, I must say from personal experience that it is extremely disheartening to be in a club where almost half the women are taller than you. I am 5-9" and last year when visiting clubs in Lithuania it was brutally difficult approaching tall model blondes [Image: angry.gif]
I thought my game was tight, dressed sharp and I had plenty of liquid courage built up but to be shot down approach after approach get's depressing fast. Some nights I was literally batting 1 for 20. Perhaps one has to lower their standards overseas...

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 01:15 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

@C-Man, unless you are very outgoing with little approach anxiety you might want to avoid the Scandinavian/Baltic states & Serbia just because of the fact that everyone is so tall there. While guys who study game would want you to believe that anything is possible, I must say from personal experience that it is extremely disheartening to be in a club where almost half the women are taller than you. I am 5-9" and last year when visiting clubs in Lithuania it was brutally difficult approaching tall model blondes [Image: angry.gif]
I thought my game was tight, dressed sharp and I had plenty of liquid courage built up but to be shot down approach after approach get's depressing fast. Some nights I was literally batting 1 for 20. Perhaps one has to lower their standards overseas...

Perhaps for these particular places it can be tough going. Try Poland for starters then move up to places with hotter girls.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

We visited Barcelona, Valencia, Ibiza, Madrid, Seville, and various other small towns. We hung out with hostel travelers and local yokels. Had a lot of fun but I also experienced straight up racism and discrimination. The "ching chong" thing was always prevalent, especially in the south as a previous poster mentioned and didn't really bother me. What happened at a club in Madrid took me for a shock.

Out of curiosity, when did you visit Spain? I've only been in Madrid/Barcelona. Madrid in Winter 2010 and the two city pairing Winter 2012. Very short stays. Got a lot of good reception from locals in Madrid, flirty looks, and great convos. There were even a few times where girls would come up to me and say "our friend likes you" but those friends were too shy to follow up based on limited English. Didn't score but got a makeout that 2nd trip.

At least in Madrid, winter fashion sense & Spanish are going to be key. It's probably the one time I would visit via cold weather seasons because pickpockets will have a harder time accessing inside pockets haha.

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

That was the worst experience, mostly I experienced staring, gawking, and people making fun of us. At a bull fight in Madrid bunch of older men called my Filipino friend a monkey and wanted to buy him alcohol. It was very childish ignorant harassment but it still hurt.

Sorry you had to deal with that. But if others resort to those low actions, it's more of a personal reflection on how idiotic they are opposed to you guys. Shouldn't take that so personally.

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

In clubs I actually had a lot of Spanish girls talking to me and taking pictures with me etc... but I felt more like a clown than someone they were romantically interested in.

Then again..why take this so personally? My feelings wouldn't be hurt. What are you expecting these girls to embrace you as a soul mate upon meeting you for the first time? Gotta stop being fragile.

Can't turn back time...but you gotta use these situations to escalate & create a more sexual vibe in the future. Use the humor and exotic vibe to your advantage.

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

I also had an asian friend studying in Barcelona while living with his fiancee of same culture. He said that when took dance class lessons with his girl when it came time to swap partners in class all the Spanish women refused to dance with him. But the Spanish men apparently had no problem dancing with his fiancee. lol. But yeah he did not like living in Barcelona.

During my limited stay in Barcelona, that's one place where East Asians seemed to be treated like Gypsies. Don't want to be that guy who plays the race card..but that's how I felt. Then again, all of Catalan pretty much hates tourists or other Spaniards not speaking their fictitious tongue. Overrated...overpriced..ok Gaudi built a lot of shit in Barca...but that's really all the city has.

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:01 AM)monsquid Wrote:  

These trips were amazing but I just wanted to contextualize their culture and what it was like for me. I did not get a single notch in my Spain or South America trips. Ironically month after I came back to the US from my Spain trip and I went to NYC by myself when unexpected 3 day weekend came up. Stayed at a hostel and ended up sleeping with a Spanish girl working at the hostel. Just goes to show you.

One of the main themes of RVF is you can get turned down first impression wise...but you're also not "rejected" unless someone has known you for 1-2 years. So if you get turned down first impression wise...don't take it so personally. Case in point with that Spanish notch in NYC.

"Who" you travel with is also going to change the perception of how girls view you as well. One of my best friends traveled to his hometown of Belo Horizonte as I got him hooked up with some gals down there. He however traveled with two of his HS friends that just fucked everything up for him. How you dress & carry yourself is going to be a major key as well.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:15 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

One of the main themes of RVF is you can get turned down first impression wise...but you're also not "rejected" unless someone has known you for 1-2 years. So if you get turned down first impression wise...don't take it so personally.

Thanks for the wisdom here. Yeah it didn't bother me to get rejected by girls but the couple of sour episodes hurt my expectations of the culture itself a lot. I had more than average emotional investment in Spanish culture and history before I went on the trip. I admired and still admire many things about it. I still think it's an amazing culture but just had a couple of bad apples that's all.

Just trying to manage the OP's expectations. Know that ignorant racism is possible in Europe so you're not surprised by it, but still go.

Overall the trip was a blast and I don't define my travels by game alone. There are no guarantees when it comes to the nature of people, especially in foreign culture. Sometimes life surprises you with the best experiences as long as you're putting your balls out there.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

I’m in college in the U.S. right now and studied abroad last semester in London. In general, the British women seemed to have something against Americans and/or Asians and I didn’t find them all too attractive mostly due to their attitudes, so it was a lose-lose situation.

Never experienced that before. They seem to be happy to speak to Americans. I however don't find them attractive due to bad hygiene and obesity primarily....didn't notice personality issues due to the layers of fat disguising what was on the inside.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

In America for example, the white girls I hook up with are at first are hesitant about approaching me or whatever because they don’t meet a lot of Asians and because I don’t fit the typical tall white guy stereotype found at my school (Their words not mine).

And why are you offended by this? That's a win in my books. Good job.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

I’ve heard that outside of the U.S, Australia and the UK, an Asian dude’s chances increase exponentially with girls. I don’t fit the tall white guy mold which seems to be a requirement in some of these countries.

UK chicks are pretty open IMO...once again just couldn't overcome the fat aspect of things....

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

Some of the more developed countries that I am considering are Spain, Italy, France, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. I speak Italian and Spanish conversationally so perhaps Spain/Italy would be a better place, but I don’t know, and was hoping you guys had some experience to share. I am also considering Eastern Europe because I want to actually integrate myself into the local culture and believe that it would be harder in a major city.

If you have the time & this luxury, I would focus on Spanish only classes before moving to Spain. PM me for details. It will only accelerate your development. Spanish btw will also help you in EE because many of the people (esp gals) will study that language as their 3rd language now after English.

Quote: (01-11-2015 04:55 PM)C-Man Wrote:  

In terms of which cities, I have not decided obviously but basically the big cities, Barcelona/Madrid, Rome/Urbino, Paris, Belgrade, Slovenia, etc.
Sorry if I put too little or too much information, it’s my first post and if you need any more info I’ll get on it right away. The first time I studied abroad, I had a lot less bar/club game and so that screwed me over, I fucked up my first time around going to England, and can’t afford a second fuck up.

Never been to France, Italy, or Slovenia but will chime in on the other three cities.

Madrid - Love the vibe of the women. Lot of talent from Latin America (even Brazil) and other transplants from within Spain come here for professional reasons or schooling. Easy lays are likely out of the question...but winter fashion sense & grasp of Spanish will help exponentially. Not easy but my attraction to Spanish women & local culture has me sold on the process of everything that I'm willing to up with....just need an excuse to live here long-term though I do not have one yet. The cheap flights to other Euro cities & abundance of continental tourist chicks here do not hurt matters as well.

Barcelona - I would avoid this place for study abroad. If you're looking to spend time in a place for the sake of learning a language, this is not the locale because people are reluctant to respond in Spanish insisting on Catalan. It's also more expensive & found the quality of tourists to be much lower as well. Sure there are some high quality tourist chicks flowing in & out...but for personal development reasons, there are better places to be.

Belgrade - Very friendly people overall. Tough as nails women though. I can't remember the thread but somebody mentioned that even the best local Serbian players with the looks & $$$ do not get one night stands here; all of their player-related lays come from some form of social circle harem. I'd believe that based on my visit in 2010. If you can get in on that..mad props to ya. I think Poland would be a better bang for buck than Serbia.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:47 PM)monsquid Wrote:  

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:15 PM)Brosemite Wrote:  

One of the main themes of RVF is you can get turned down first impression wise...but you're also not "rejected" unless someone has known you for 1-2 years. So if you get turned down first impression wise...don't take it so personally.

Thanks for the wisdom here. Yeah it didn't bother me to get rejected by girls but the couple of sour episodes hurt my expectations of the culture itself a lot. I had more than average emotional investment in Spanish culture and history before I went on the trip. I admired and still admire many things about it. I still think it's an amazing culture but just had a couple of bad apples that's all.

Just trying to manage the OP's expectations. Know that ignorant racism is possible in Europe so you're not surprised by it, but still go.

Overall the trip was a blast and I don't define my travels by game alone. There are no guarantees when it comes to the nature of people, especially in foreign culture. Sometimes life surprises you with the best experiences as long as you're putting your balls out there.

I don't know what all the big deal is with Spanish girls or southern european girls in general. If you want hot Mediterranean-looking females, go to Latin America or Romania and Moldova where they have a similar look but look much better and are nicer.

Spain and Italy is more expensive and going to these places for anything other than culture is not worth it IMHO.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Quote: (01-18-2015 08:47 PM)monsquid Wrote:  

Thanks for the wisdom here. Yeah it didn't bother me to get rejected by girls but the couple of sour episodes hurt my expectations of the culture itself a lot. I had more than average emotional investment in Spanish culture and history before I went on the trip. I admired and still admire many things about it. I still think it's an amazing culture but just had a couple of bad apples that's all.

Just trying to manage the OP's expectations. Know that ignorant racism is possible in Europe so you're not surprised by it, but still go.

Overall the trip was a blast and I don't define my travels by game alone. There are no guarantees when it comes to the nature of people, especially in foreign culture. Sometimes life surprises you with the best experiences as long as you're putting your balls out there.

Curveballs will hit you whether you're relocating to a different city for school/work or merely just for vacation. I know what it's like to be surprised by negative moments. Part of the struggle!

Those good bounces are something else though.

Quote: (01-18-2015 09:11 PM)dontuan Wrote:  

I don't know what all the big deal is with Spanish girls or southern european girls in general. If you want hot Mediterranean-looking females, go to Latin America or Romania and Moldova where they have a similar look but look much better and are nicer.

Spain and Italy is more expensive and going to these places for anything other than culture is not worth it IMHO.

I personally don't see the appeal in paying the exorbitant costs of Italy. Spain outside of Barcelona/Ibiza can be a good deal in the realm of Western Europe if playing your cards right now. And if you're a gringo that speaks Spanish (2nd most spoken language in the world), why not test drive it in Spain? I know that's not appealing to everyone but to me it is.

I have huge interest in visiting Romania/Moldova but going the easy route for the sake of going the easy route doesn't appeal much to me personally.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

Go to countries where K Pop has a big fanbase.

I am serious. Just try [Image: wink.gif]

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

No offense, but one of the more puzzling aspects of asian-americans and other westernized asians is that you guys tend to go to places where you are considered low tier shit and you get beat down. These places seem obvious but yet it's like a moth to flame. There are self destructive tendencies involved. There's some psychological issues there that need to be addressed first and foremost. A lot of this is due to obvious asian parenting and low self worth appraisal. A lot of it I feel is lack of personal development. I wasn't raised with this but I understand it from people I know.

You should seek and realize goals that are congruent and necessary to your immediate satisfaction. The constant masochistic need to get beat down should not be internalized as the norm.

Best countries in Europe for an Asian-American male to study abroad in and meet girls

OK, here's my take. Besides warm eye contact and some smiles, places I like the most were where I got certain reactions when I do approaches such as them getting slightly embarrassed, giggle, turn modest and bashful and just a sense of them being flattered by a guy hitting on them. It's a little childish, but I see it as a sign of the girls being very sweet and feminine. Basically, it's like you're dealing with FOBs.

The best places where I felt received well were in eastern bloc countries like Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Eastern Czech Republic and Costa Rica in Latin America. The guys in these places tended to be either uncivilized brutes or gentle, mild-mannered and deferential. As an Asian dude I was seen as at least just a guy from another country. I never felt compelled to be super outgoing, witty while maintaining a bulletproof aloofness to demonstrate I'm not passive or socially awkward like I do in the states, Britain or with Australians. The weight of judgmentalness I usually deal with is lifted it seems.

I also visited some nordic countries and it was different but still overall more positive than Anglo countries. Girls were more receptive, guys were also fairly chill and deferential. Albeit I had to flirt in a more deliberate cocky manner and front some alpha-ness because girls were more assertive, so I had to match it. But at least doing so I can engage them on a flirtatious and on a sexual level without having to amp myself up so much.

Still, I don't think a FOB from Asia would be able to hang in North Europe and definitely not in the west, but he'll do fine in East European countries where any potentially perceived dorkiness won't be as much of a hinderance or even interpreted as such, though he wouldn't exactly be killing it with the hotties. Even if he's a clueness nerd, or has a goofy personality, he'll do ok with some decent EE girls. An indicator of this is that there's a notable Kpop following in these EE countries.

Latin Countries like Spain are a whole other story. They seem kind of insular and into their own thing. Social groups are cliquish, proud of their culture. I mean they're modernized with fairly well off economies and yet many people there still don't speak english.

I hope this analysis makes sense.

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