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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 04:59 PM)Killface Wrote:  

Also laughing my ass off over here as I just realized the only other thread I posted on in this forum has my title in it. The thirsty fools couldn't even check my post history...they're just waiting to be spoon fed all the answers. You want me to just cut you a check too?

My spite here is not directed at those of you who are being civil, for the record. I don't care if you believe or disbelieve, but some of these guys are being douchebags.

well that actually works against you, posting on this thread minus one post. it makes it look like your trolling and only interested in this thread.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I don't care how it looks, I didn't sign up to look a certain way or play politics. The title is those of you who couldn't bother doing a simple search can get halfway through the job application and quit.

I should also add that I was denied on every online application. Showing up in person resulted in a 50% offer rate and a 100% offer rate from companies with the position open. Many straight up said they don't even look at online apps. Initiative and balls are respected in this industry...if you have neither then you are probably better off in your shitty office job.

*invective is not directed at you, Antitrace... You came around and also showed initiative by PMing

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 10:04 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Troll math.
6 figures in 6 months thread title.
6months x 2 = 1 year
6 figures x 2 = 200K
Therefore I got a 200K a year job.

More math:

30 units = 30 white knights

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I really hope that krt40 guy gets banned soon.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Kill, you came in as a new member claiming some very impressive accomplishments. Nothing that is impossible mind you, but still very high accomplishments. Obviously there is interest, based of the 10 pages of this thread. If you want the douchebaggery to stop, and for people to stop doubting you and calling you a troll, you need find a way to show us what you say is real.

If you don't want to do that, let the thread die and go on your merry way. But the troll accusations will not stop unless you provide something of value or otherwise prove yourself.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

It's coming.

I'm just disgusted with certain attitudes

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

i love a good underdog story [Image: wink.gif]

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 05:50 PM)Killface Wrote:  

It's coming.

I'm just disgusted with certain attitudes

Try not to take it all so seriously. I could care less if your telling the truth or not, other than the forum needs to make sure it's members are legitimate. That's where it's value is. You mentioned you owe the forum a lot, so here's a golden opportunity to give back.

There's been some good info shared through the thread and most importantly a lot of laughs. At least I've found it all very humorous. [Image: smile.gif]

Troll or not, it's been fun.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Forget the attitudes. When I first started posting I had some guy whos banned now keep saying over and over I was starting a thread because I wanted internet hi fives.

Then later on in the same thread, I posted photos that a girl sent to me that I wanted to bang and shed sent me pics that are all over the net haha

Even though it was an honest mistake I had some nasty little haters that wouldn't shut up about it. (For the record, I was utterly convinced it was the same girl because she has a perfect ass although I never did smash her)

It's just the nature of this place. The spectrum from Never-Did-Anything-Mommas-Boy to Making-Shit-Happen-Champion posts here, and everything in between.

What strikes me as obvious is that most of these guys crying troll the loudest are looking at mirrors for themselves.

It happens over and over. Guys that are so upset about trollish behavior end up being banned.

If you're solid then you'll be fine and the dudes that are more about putting others down than lifting themselves up will be banned eventually.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I know there are guys who make shit happen on here and that's why I'm still here. Thanks guys

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 06:35 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

Forget the attitudes. When I first started posting I had some guy whos banned now keep saying over and over I was starting a thread because I wanted internet hi fives.

Then later on in the same thread, I posted photos that a girl sent to me that I wanted to bang and shed sent me pics that are all over the net haha

Even though it was an honest mistake I had some nasty little haters that wouldn't shut up about it. (For the record, I was utterly convinced it was the same girl because she has a perfect ass although I never did smash her)

It's just the nature of this place. The spectrum from Never-Did-Anything-Mommas-Boy to Making-Shit-Happen-Champion posts here, and everything in between.

What strikes me as obvious is that most of these guys crying troll the loudest are looking at mirrors for themselves.

It happens over and over. Guys that are so upset about trollish behavior end up being banned.

If you're solid then you'll be fine and the dudes that are more about putting others down than lifting themselves up will be banned eventually.

What's funny is you got one guy who has been an active member for quite some time jumping from post to post giving advice when he clearly has no experience.

When he is asked a specific question he never answers.

I have seen only one person call him out on it.

Killface gets jumped on when he asked a question and provided some backstory for the question. Quite a few guys skip the question and jump on his claims as if the are affected by his success. He wasn't offering advice, he was asking a question.

No one asked gringuito for bank statements when he claimed he had a private plane and was worth 9 figures.

The question should have interested many here but some decided to fuck up the thread because they couldn't handle someone saying they had found some success.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Hey WWT, do you buy traffic to run to CPA offers as well? You seem familiar with the space

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 07:56 PM)Killface Wrote:  

Hey WWT, do you buy traffic to run to CPA offers as well? You seem familiar with the space

No, I have my own products.

I posted this thread quite some time ago that lays out what I do and have been working on for the past year or so.

This past year was spent on making a deep product line (many different product lines to be specific) for one market. Once I get someone in my sales funnel I have a lot of shit to sell to them.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

WWW who did you mean? Is gringuito a forum member?

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 08:56 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

WWW who did you mean? Is gringuito a forum member?

Yeah, gringuito is a member. I didn't mean to make it sound like gringuito was talking out of his ass. I happen to believe him and found him to give great advice. Still, no one asked for his bank statements or skype interviews when he came forward about his own success.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever


gringuito is legit. But he never listed out his process or started a thread. He just pitched in on threads when other people were.asking questions. He seems very humble about his achievements and very willing to offer useful knowledge when he feels it is appropriate.

KF, on the other hand didn't ease into the forum and gave details in his initial thread when maybe he should have held back a little initially. The share the more can be picked at. Not trying to pick on KF, I think know my prior posts on this thread have been very reasonable. Just pointing out the differences and maybe why they are being treated differently.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 09:03 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 08:56 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

WWW who did you mean? Is gringuito a forum member?

Yeah, gringuito is a member. I didn't mean to make it sound like gringuito was talking out of his ass. I happen to believe him and found him to give great advice. Still, no one asked for his bank statements or skype interviews when he came forward about his own success.

It could be that he actually provided advice and dropped info instead of getting defensive. He actually provided data and helped others when they asked questions about him or their situation instead of saying "I'll drop a datasheet, just watch you shitlord!".

Food for thought.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Granted i entered this thread as a shithead and completely skeptical. I'm still completely skeptical, but lets give the man some room to make his case. He either puts up, or we all know he is a troll.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 04:59 PM)Killface Wrote:  

Also laughing my ass off over here as I just realized the only other thread I posted on in this forum has my title in it. The thirsty fools couldn't even check my post history...they're just waiting to be spoon fed all the answers. You want me to just cut you a check too?

My spite here is not directed at those of you who are being civil, for the record. I don't care if you believe or disbelieve, but some of these guys are being douchebags.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

- Abroham Lincoln

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I'm going to go with samx3.

its one thing to be skeptical, and another to be a complete bitch

I didn't expect this forum to be full of bitches.

What Killface claims is possible. Its rare, but its not 1 in a million rare. More like 1 in 500.

The moment this forum is dominated by people who don't believe that 1 in 500 success is plausible, is when this forum fails.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 09:40 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 09:03 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 08:56 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

WWW who did you mean? Is gringuito a forum member?

Yeah, gringuito is a member. I didn't mean to make it sound like gringuito was talking out of his ass. I happen to believe him and found him to give great advice. Still, no one asked for his bank statements or skype interviews when he came forward about his own success.

It could be that he actually provided advice and dropped info instead of getting defensive. He actually provided data and helped others when they asked questions about him or their situation instead of saying "I'll drop a datasheet, just watch you shitlord!".

Food for thought.

Killface asked a question. He wasn't trying to provide advice. Killface handled many of the accusations without getting defensive. There is only so far you can push a guy until he does get defensive and some of you crossed that line a long time ago.

We can also look at your participation in the oil threads where Ali called you out.

I remember one guy asking if you worked in the oil industry only for you to ignore him. Big on advice but weak on answering specific questions.

I would consider you one of the biggest trolls on this board, Cattle Rustler.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Also Killface, if you are down to 8% bodyfat, you will have abs right?

Here is a very quick and easy test then: write "RVF Killface" on your belly, take a photo of just your belly (no one can identify you from just this), and post it here.

I think the doubters will quickly melt away after you do that.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Guys, imagine if all you ever did was go out and game women. That was your only focus. You woke up thinking about gaming, you went out gaming and ended up dreaming gaming.

Do you think you would have some stories that others would be skeptical about?

Now remove game and put in any other subject matter.

The take away from this is massive action and focus. When you develop an obsession it takes over you and crazy things happen. Things many would think are rare or lucky or disbelieve you altogether.

I understand this all too well. It doesn't surprise me there isn't a lot of people who understand that type of focus or obsession because it does seem rare.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I've said it from the begining. I think Killface's story is very doable.

WWW - Ali has some funny stories you should pm him.

Phoenix tell me you are joking man

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Unflexed, no crunches or bullshit. Can post a before gut pic if you'd like to be grossed out too. Funny how a simple question has devolved into me posting pics of body parts lol

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