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Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

haha What a thread.

It is an interesting question but it isn't one anyone can answer because the lifestyle you or I want to live is a personal matter.

Still, these types of topics are always of interest to me. I think if you work as much as you do, you will have a hard time transitioning into a retirement without having at least a part time gig going on. Something to keep you busy and the brain working. It may not having anything to do with making money. Art, music, writing... anything that keeps you thinking and wanting to get up in the morning. From a health aspect, I believe this is critical and why many expats drink themselves to death.

As for believing the OP:

It's hard to say one way or another. No details were really posted.

Affiliate marketing can bring in that type of cash quickly. From the sounds of it, the OP got lucky and hit a winner. In a way, it is unlucky for him because he really didn't figure out why it worked and can't duplicate it. I am a little surprised at giving up right away and throwing everything into real estate. Maybe he realized that type of thing wasn't for him because it is a grind.

I'm assuming from what he posted he was buying traffic and pushing that traffic to offers (cpa offers?). Again no details were given so it's hard to say. If this is the case, he would need some good cash on hand to scale this up to where he pulled in 500k. The problem many people have starting out is cashflow. Payouts are not immediate so affiliates need cash on hand to scale out and then wait for payouts. I have reservations about the OP's story because it sounded like he had little cash on hand in order to scale up to 500k.

As for real estate, if we're talking about houses and multi units in places like Ohio or Michigan, then you can get some very nice cashflowing properties. I have seen a house in those areas sell for 40k and rent being around 750 in the area.

I wouldn't be interested in landlording myself. I don't trust management companies and I would need to scale large enough to afford my own management company.

I do like notes though. I plan on getting back into that racket when I max out my business opportunities (or get tired of the projects I'm working on haha). I only plan on doing that in states with fast foreclosure laws like Texas or Georgia.

I don't know much about the oil fields but from common sense his story doesn't sound right. A guy who has no skills goes up and finds a 200k job. I'm having a hard time believing those jobs wouldn't be the first to be filled up with all the guys looking for work in those areas. Many of those guys having skills pertinent to the oil industry.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:21 AM)Killface Wrote:  

And there is no place in America with low property tax rates. And there is no way to get a bank to lend you credit. And there is no way to make money online. Shit like this really makes me wonder if a data sheet will even help anyone


Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Troll math.
6 figures in 6 months thread title.
6months x 2 = 1 year
6 figures x 2 = 200K
Therefore I got a 200K a year job.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I'm wondering how OP got multiple mortgages for all those rental properties. Even cheap ones are going to require 20% down, absent some set aside like VA or HUD loans, neither of which are supposed to be used for rental properties. These days banks are wary of even one mortgage per mortgagee - how did OP manage to qualify for so many?

FWIW, property tax rates have a lot to do with localities more specifically than the state itself - it's folly to say there's no place in the US with low property tax rates. FL is a good example of extreme variations within a state.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I wonder if the OP was wearing a custom suit during all this success?

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Worldwidetraveler, you are correct on all counts. Also, I was getting weekly payments from my networks. I had a significant credit limit on my cards, and when that got maxed out I went to my friends and borrowed money at stupid interest rates. That's how I got off the ground cashflow-wise. I don't think I gave up easily...I kept at it for a good six months but the problem is buying ads costs money, and after losing money with no return whatsoever I called it quits to focus on real estate for the time being. I'm by no means done forever. It is a grind though.

You are also very close with the rental properties. Good to see someone knows.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I do plan on starting or buying my management company in a few years as well. Good tip on the notes... I am not an expert with them and will keep those states in mind for when I invest

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:21 AM)Killface Wrote:  

And there is no place in America with low property tax rates. And there is no way to get a bank to lend you credit. And there is no way to make money online. Shit like this really makes me wonder if a data sheet will even help anyone


I gave you that rep point in good faith that you'll post a datasheet on your affiliate marketing and RE successes.

I'm going to ask for the oil job too. You don't have to worry about getting outed unless you post the company name.

You will post those datasheets for people to pick apart. I have no qualms changing that point to a neutral point.

Post your datasheets or GTFO.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 10:36 AM)Killface Wrote:  

Worldwidetraveler, you are correct on all counts. Also, I was getting weekly payments from my networks. I had a significant credit limit on my cards, and when that got maxed out I went to my friends and borrowed money at stupid interest rates. That's how I got off the ground cashflow-wise. I don't think I gave up easily...I kept at it for a good six months but the problem is buying ads costs money, and after losing money with no return whatsoever I called it quits to focus on real estate for the time being. I'm by no means done forever. It is a grind though.

You are also very close with the rental properties. Good to see someone knows.

If you do get back into the affiliate stuff, I would recommend focusing on one market and get really good at the traffic portion for that one market. A large enough market where there will be a lot of scalability.

Once you really know your customer, then it's a matter of rotating offers and seeing which one converts better. I know the offers on those networks change a lot so you can easily swap out offers while still bringing in the same traffic.

It might take some of that grind out once you get it going and you can do this anywhere. Much better than retirement which would drive me crazy.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 10:54 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:21 AM)Killface Wrote:  

And there is no place in America with low property tax rates. And there is no way to get a bank to lend you credit. And there is no way to make money online. Shit like this really makes me wonder if a data sheet will even help anyone


I gave you that rep point in good faith that you'll post a datasheet on your affiliate marketing and RE successes.

I'm going to ask for the oil job too. You don't have to worry about getting outed unless you post the company name.

You will post those datasheets for people to pick apart. I have no qualms changing that point to a neutral point.

Post your datasheets or GTFO.

There is no point in him posting an affiliate marketing datasheet. He said he got lucky and hasn't been able to duplicate it.

How is he going to share anything valuable if he doesn't really understand why he had success?

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 11:01 AM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 10:54 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:21 AM)Killface Wrote:  

And there is no place in America with low property tax rates. And there is no way to get a bank to lend you credit. And there is no way to make money online. Shit like this really makes me wonder if a data sheet will even help anyone


I gave you that rep point in good faith that you'll post a datasheet on your affiliate marketing and RE successes.

I'm going to ask for the oil job too. You don't have to worry about getting outed unless you post the company name.

You will post those datasheets for people to pick apart. I have no qualms changing that point to a neutral point.

Post your datasheets or GTFO.

There is no point in him posting an affiliate marketing datasheet. He said he got lucky and hasn't been able to duplicate it.

How is he going to share anything valuable if he doesn't really understand why he had success?

Who cares, even if it stopped working there are enough minds on this forum to pick apart the whole process and see what went wrong and right. Even if it was truly one time luck, it's still a great story for others to branch off of.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 11:08 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

Who cares, even if it stopped working there are enough minds on this forum to pick apart the whole process and see what went wrong and right. Even if it was truly one time luck, it's still a great story for others to branch off of.

It doesn't work that way, Frenchie.

This isn't a do this, then that and you suddenly get paid. There are a lot of variables that requires testing.

Everything from traffic sources, landing pages, pre-sales copy, images used, etc... needs to be tested. A lot of times you start out losing money and if lucky you break even and then start tweaking until you make it profitable. At that point you throw all the money you can at traffic.

A lot of these offers get pulled for some reason or another and then you start over. That is why I recommended becoming an expert in a market so it would be a matter of testing out different offers.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

This thread reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite movies.


Ideal passive income to quit work forever


It might take some of that grind out once you get it going and you can do this anywhere. Much better than retirement which would drive me crazy.

Yeah selling Jacuzzi's is so much better than retirement. Do the chicks ever invite you in the tub?[Image: angel.gif]


WIW, property tax rates have a lot to do with localities more specifically than the state itself - it's folly to say there's no place in the US with low property tax rates. FL is a good example of extreme variations within a state.

I believe Florida it averages 2% of value but then it gets reduced by homestead exemption.

Plus legally they can't rise more than cpi or 3% I think so you can technically have a 500k home where the tax rate is under 1k. Nevada is very similar.

I bought a home there in 2011 for 75k. Sold it for 130k. The taxes were under 800 dollars when I owned it.

States like Tennessee, Alabama, etc have often taxes lower than 1%. It is all relative.

One of the reasons I think California went bankrupt almost is when home prices dropped , property taxes dropped because I think there is a law that RE taxes = 2% of value.

I would like to know where that home for 325k brings in 50k. In NYC it would take a home worth at least 800k to bring in that amount.

I do know a guy that buys cheap homes upstate, often 2-3 family homes. In NYS homes are cheap. A few years ago the average home in Buffalo was 50k. Elmira, Jamestown and many other cities have similar prices.

What he would do is buy like 10 of them and rent out the apts. Having many tenants gave him safety that he could live with a 10% vacancy rate. He also accepted section 8. Gov't guaranteed payments.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:11 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


It might take some of that grind out once you get it going and you can do this anywhere. Much better than retirement which would drive me crazy.

Yeah selling Jacuzzi's is so much better than retirement. Do the chicks ever invite you in the tub?[Image: angel.gif]

See, retirement at a young age isn't good. You start making stories up that make no sense. [Image: wink.gif]

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:16 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:11 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


It might take some of that grind out once you get it going and you can do this anywhere. Much better than retirement which would drive me crazy.

Yeah selling Jacuzzi's is so much better than retirement. Do the chicks ever invite you in the tub?[Image: angel.gif]

See, retirement at a young age isn't good. You start making stories up that make no sense. [Image: wink.gif]

lol.. doesn't make sense? you once posted a pic here with us in one of your jacuzzi's.


I wonder if the OP was wearing a custom suit during all this success?

Probably in addition to selling dic pictures at 3 bucks a pop. Those oil towns are lonely at night.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:21 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:16 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:11 PM)jimukr104 Wrote:  


It might take some of that grind out once you get it going and you can do this anywhere. Much better than retirement which would drive me crazy.

Yeah selling Jacuzzi's is so much better than retirement. Do the chicks ever invite you in the tub?[Image: angel.gif]

See, retirement at a young age isn't good. You start making stories up that make no sense. [Image: wink.gif]

lol.. doesn't make sense? you once posted a pic here with us in one of your jacuzzi's.

hah It took me some time to figure out what you were talking about. Maybe I do need to retire.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever


Ideal passive income to quit work forever

I am not sure why people are so aggressive with this poster. He seems to have enough of a handle on RE in my opinion to believe that he is doing this. I get that people want him to post a data sheet but the guy can get to it when he wants. Sounds like he has his hands full with work, etc. Also, if the data is that juicy, posting a data sheet may hurt him in some way. So maybe he is balancing out the merits of doing so. Some of the posters seem eager to disprove him, or take the info to make their 500k (I don't blame you). But control your emotions/frame. Stop demanding it and maybe it will come sooner. Better yet, ignore the thread until the data sheet arrives, if ever. Pretend like KF never posted. Unless, somehow what he has posted has offended you so much that you feel the need to stomp on it. Because you are an SJW fighting for truth and all that jazz.

If anything KF is just replying to some questions, he isn't posting in other threads talking about all the poosy he is slaying, etc. All the "damage" he is doing is in this thread. Except for this one post thanking RVF for the job he found.

One thing to draw from him, is that sounds very intentional, meaning he wants to get shit done. He sacrifices for the goal, he does his own research. He grinds. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. Take that lesson if he will not give you more info.

Edit: Not trying to be a dick, but no need to bring out the pitchforks. As long as he is not dropping nonsense all over the forum and starting troll threads, just let this simmer. Use your time in more valuable areas, don't get frustrated by this, no reason to.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Quote: (12-28-2014 01:58 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

I am not sure why people are so aggressive with this poster. He seems to have enough of a handle on RE in my opinion to believe that he is doing this. I get that people want him to post a data sheet but the guy can get to it when he wants. Sounds like he has his hands full with work, etc. Also, if the data is that juicy, posting a data sheet may hurt him in some way. So maybe he is balancing out the merits of doing so. Some of the posters seem eager to disprove him, or take the info to make their 500k (I don't blame you). But control your emotions/frame. Stop demanding it and maybe it will come sooner. Better yet, ignore the thread until the data sheet arrives, if ever. Pretend like KF never posted. Unless, somehow what he has posted has offended you so much that you feel the need to stomp on it. Because you are an SJW fighting for truth and all that jazz.

If anything KF is just replying to some questions, he isn't posting in other threads talking about all the poosy he is slaying, etc. All the "damage" he is doing is in this thread. Except for this one post thanking RVF for the job he found.

One thing to draw from him, is that sounds very intentional, meaning he wants to get shit done. He sacrifices for the goal, he does his own research. He grinds. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. Take that lesson if he will not give you more info.

Edit: Not trying to be a dick, but no need to bring out the pitchforks. As long as he is not dropping nonsense all over the forum and starting troll threads, just let this simmer. Use your time in more valuable areas, don't get frustrated by this, no reason to.

There is no datasheet yet. He speaks a lot but he has not delivered yet. So i repeat again

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Fine, he is a troll. Enough people have warned in this thread that anyone reading it would be smart to be cautious in reading the thread. He isn't posting anywhere else. Push too hard, he will never post this data sheet. Complain too much he might get banned before ever posting it. If his info is that juicy, just sit tight and do other things. I know everyone wants action, but sometimes patience pays off.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

@samx3- There's enough of us legit members that have met and invested in each other not to let the vultures ruin what this place was become. I'll be out your way soon to have a sit down and sort out where to take this forward. You can't post anything now publically due to the thirsty ones.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

What the fuck is this?

It's poor form to try to use game on a game forum. I'm not sure if some of you think you're pulling Jedi kind tricks, but I don't appreciate the rude, commanding tone. I "WILL" post my data sheet? Fuck off. Are you really threatening me with an electronic demerit point on an Internet forum? Get real.

Brilliant mind games also on the part of the guy who jumps on every opportunity where it sounds like I might not post a data sheet to call me a troll, as if that is going to motivate me to post it.

I said I would post a data sheet and I will as soon as I get an opportunity. Dollars are not going to disappear tomorrow. It's a shame that some of you are going to have access to it, but with your thirsty mentalities you won't be able to do anything with it anyway.

Some of you are acting like the women you constantly complain about.

To the rest of you, thank you for your intelligent posting that has really helped me think through some things. A data sheet is on the way, either way.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Also laughing my ass off over here as I just realized the only other thread I posted on in this forum has my title in it. The thirsty fools couldn't even check my post history...they're just waiting to be spoon fed all the answers. You want me to just cut you a check too?

My spite here is not directed at those of you who are being civil, for the record. I don't care if you believe or disbelieve, but some of these guys are being douchebags.

Ideal passive income to quit work forever

Troll meltdown *alarms full blast*

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

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