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Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

I cant stand to see my friend take abuse from women any longer.

I'm trying to 'redpill' him but I don't know where to begin. Where can I find some good introductory manosphere literature?

Thanks guys.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

"Bang" - Roosh and "The Rational Male" - Rollo Tomassi.

To be honest, the way I stumbled into TRP was through HBD blogs (Half-Sigma, now Lion of the Blogosphere and Sailer).

However, I get the sense that HBD isn't as welcome on here as it is on other rp sites so I'm going not discuss it.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan and The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.

The Way of Men is a great book to read to get a better understanding of what masculinity is and what it means to truly be a man. It doesn't really touch on the red pill, game, or gender relations but will help a guy get in touch with his masculinity. I dont know if your friend is an overly masculine guy or not; if not but he is open to the idea of improving himself as a man, then it will help give a foundation as to what makes a man a man. It's a great read regardless.

The Rational Male is the red pill in the form of a book. He often makes references to it throughout the book. He goes very heavily into the psychology of women, alpha males, and beta males. This is THE book he should read if he has an open mind about improving his relations with women. If he is not ready for it, he will probably not even want to finish the book. Rollo lays out examples of the AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) aka beta males and if a beta male were to read it but not be open to improving his condition, it would probably just piss them off.

Your friend should read The Rational Male if I had to pick just one of the books. However, if he is not ready for it, then it probably wont help anyways. The only reason the manosphere exists is because men sought this community out. They didnt just end up here. Some of the greatest critics of the manosphere are men themselves. The AFC/blue pill/beta/white knight/mangina types who will ferociously attack the men of this community. I know some friends of mine who are virtually incels but they would not be open to ideas such as 'game' to improve their lives. So the red pill is not for everyone, just be aware of that.

Sometimes people just have to suffer, hit rock bottom, and then they will be open to alternative ideas.

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Read my Blog: Fanghorn Forest

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 01:01 AM)nigerian Wrote:  

I cant stand...
As long as He can stand it, you will hardly be able to change his mind.
Maybe you should wait for a hard break-up, when he'll be really looking for answers. [Image: smile.gif]

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Just get him to buy a plane ticket.

Law 9 states that a demonstration is always more effective than verbal argument. If he witnesses lovely foreign girls treating him well whilst plain local girls treat him poorly, he'll get his wake up call. He should automatically develop a level of contempt for them which will prevent him from tolerating abuse.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

I don't know what's up with this trend. 'go to Poorer countries'

There are plenty of pretty girls you can go after in states.
You will see plenty of happy couples hanging out especially around this time of the year.

Some guys portray U.S as filled with nasty fat women, hot girls just want attention and they just ignore guys, most guys are after something below their league etc.

Go to a bar and you will see plenty of attractive women hanging out with guys like you. Try to figure out why you can't instead of running away to poor countries.

Quote: (12-19-2014 07:48 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Just get him to buy a plane ticket.

Law 9 states that a demonstration is always more effective than verbal argument. If he witnesses lovely foreign girls treating him well whilst plain local girls treat him poorly, he'll get his wake up call. He should automatically develop a level of contempt for them which will prevent him from tolerating abuse.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

1) I don't understand this sentiment Sebastian. It is apodictically true that if you travel outside the West, you can raise the average attractiveness of the women around you, and increase your attractiveness to them. You'd be hard pressed to find a handful of members on this forum who will disagree.

2) I was talking about Australia, and I'd argue that the effect is even more extreme here than in the US or other western countries.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:17 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

Great reference, and one probably most of us, I know I, can completely relate to. My entire life I had been looking for the red pill, all the more so just before I found it.

Only a couple months prior to splitting up with wife and finding The Game, we were at a drinking event and I remember saying to an acquaintance something about "anybody could get these girls, it's just about applying yourself"...and I had never heard about game.

If the seed doesn't fall on fertile ground, nothing will happen.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Who doesn't know it's easier there?

What's the logic behind it? He needs to go to those countries just because he is having a problem with women in his country?

Is that what you did?

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:29 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

1) I don't understand this sentiment Sebastian. It is apodictically true that if you travel outside the West, you can raise the average attractiveness of the women around you, and increase your attractiveness to them. You'd be hard pressed to find a handful of members on this forum who will disagree.

2) I was talking about Australia, and I'd argue that the effect is even more extreme here than in the US or other western countries.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 07:16 AM)Latan Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 01:01 AM)nigerian Wrote:  

I cant stand...
As long as He can stand it, you will hardly be able to change his mind.
Maybe you should wait for a hard break-up, when he'll be really looking for answers. [Image: smile.gif]

Exactly this.

[Image: Horse-Tied-To-a-Small-Chair-Thinks-It-Ca...Around.jpg]

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Just putting a book in front of him, or trying to have an hour long talk, is a strategy with a low success percentage. Yes, he will need information to change, but he needs to be in a mind/body state where he is receptive to that change.
Does your friend work out? If he doesn't, the increased testosterone levels may make him more open to manning up and taking control of his life. Of course this should be combined with a natural diet, and an avoidance of bullshit supplements (99% of the stuff on the market).
A quick shortcut can be the adrenaline high from certain adventure sports like skydiving that don't require a high fitness level.
A somewhat more risky shortcut (a small percentage of people can have severe adverse psychiatric reactions and activate underlying mental illness), but one which I am personally in favor of, is to take a controlled dose of psilocybin mushrooms or LSD in a safe setting, preferably out in nature on a nice day.
I've come to the conclusion that humans in large part are big bags of chemicals...and if your body isn't primed the right way, it's much more difficult for ideas and habits to change.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Show him the Last American Summer.

It'll do more for you than reading 90% of the literature.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:17 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

He went asking my female roommate for advice. The guy needs help.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 11:13 AM)nigerian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:17 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

He went asking my female roommate for advice. The guy needs help.

Maybe a mommy's boy. I could be wrong, but I don't see hope for my friends who ask our chic friends for help and depend on them for emotional advice. They'll literally disqualify and disregard any advice their guy friends say, but gulp down everything their chic friends say...drives me nuts, so I don't even attempt, just listen and pity them.

This is one "natural" advantage I have. I've never thought "this girl will be able to offer some advice or insight".

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 10:25 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Show him the Last American Summer.

It'll do more for you than reading 90% of the literature.

Can you link that film? I googled it no luck. Thanks.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

I just talk with my friends like normal people instead of being like "Read this book by this guy Roosh"

You can say "you're being so beta bro" and it sounds dumb honestly.

You can say "man, have some self-respect, don't be a pushover" and anyone will understand that.

You could just send articles you think your friend will find interesting. The manosphere touches on lots of themes, don't send your friend something out of left-field he won't care about, but something relevant. I have sent Heartiste or ROK links to friends when I think "oh this guy will appreciate this." If he reads the site further, cool, if not, cool.

No one forced me to read any of this stuff, I stumbled upon it searching for travel advice, kept reading, and enjoyed it.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Show him how you are successful with women using your red-pill knowledge, take him out for a beer and discuss it. Give him a list of reading material. If this does not work he is a white knight or one of those 'blue-pill for life guys'

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 04:53 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Show him how you are successful with women using your red-pill knowledge, take him out for a beer and discuss it. Give him a list of reading material. If this does not work he is a white knight or one of those 'blue-pill for life guys'

What kind of mentality is this?

Is this how you found out about this site? A friend sat you down and was like "listen, either read this website, or you're some kinda bitch"

Doesn't sound like how most people come here, usually people read an article or two somehow, agree with it, enjoy it, and continue reading on their own. I think most peoples beliefs change very slowly so trying to force someone to change all their beliefs immediately is pretty ridiculous.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 11:38 AM)heavy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 11:13 AM)nigerian Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:17 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

He went asking my female roommate for advice. The guy needs help.

Maybe a mommy's boy. I could be wrong, but I don't see hope for my friends who ask our chic friends for help and depend on them for emotional advice. They'll literally disqualify and disregard any advice their guy friends say, but gulp down everything their chic friends say...drives me nuts, so I don't even attempt, just listen and pity them.

This is one "natural" advantage I have. I've never thought "this girl will be able to offer some advice or insight".
They are just misguided men. They need help. However, asking your female friends for help probably has other reasons behind it. He is probably hoping to get out of one of the friendzones, or worse, he is hoping they will hook him up with one of their hot friends, which is one of the biggest dellusions of the 21st century.

I have a friend who is a good-looking bodybuilder. He keeps flirting with tens of girls but never scores a goal. One of his many problems is that when he meets a hot girl he has a dilemna between trying to score her or friending her up so that she would introduce her hot friends to him. He keeps miserably failing, since no girl will value you enough to help you unless she is attracted to you and you destroy the chance of attraction by trying to be her male buddy, and he won't take my advice although I talked to him for hours about the basic theory of game and my personal experience with women. After a few weeks, I stopped trying. I'm waiting for the day he hits the bottom and comes to me for help, ready to stop being a stubborn smartass and fully commit to my advice. Until then, he is beyond help.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 04:35 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 10:25 AM)Truth Teller Wrote:  

Show him the Last American Summer.

It'll do more for you than reading 90% of the literature.

Can you link that film? I googled it no luck. Thanks.

It's the Last American Virgin. There's a movie called Wet Hot American Summer, and I conflated the two.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 08:17 AM)turkishcandy Wrote:  

This might be taking the metaphor a bit too far, but Neo was already looking everywhere for Morpheus and the truth before Morpheus gave him the red pill. My point is, you can't shove the red pill down his throat. He needs to be looking for it and come to you. He needs to be asking you questions like ''What am I doing wrong? Why does my dating life suck?'' only then can you help him make life-changing decisions such as swallowing the red pill.

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Quote: (12-19-2014 04:55 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (12-19-2014 04:53 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

Show him how you are successful with women using your red-pill knowledge, take him out for a beer and discuss it. Give him a list of reading material. If this does not work he is a white knight or one of those 'blue-pill for life guys'

What kind of mentality is this?

Is this how you found out about this site? A friend sat you down and was like "listen, either read this website, or you're some kinda bitch"

Doesn't sound like how most people come here, usually people read an article or two somehow, a hi gree with it, enjoy it, and continue reading on their own. I think most peoples beliefs change very slowly so trying to force someone to change all their beliefs immediately is pretty ridiculous.

I found out about this site watching guys be assholes to girls and be successful, while I acted like a nice guy and got rejected. So I did some googling and ended up here. I'm still not an asshole to anyone, nevermind girls, because that's not me... But I learned to act on my own volition rather than by what some broad expects of me.

My experience with many friends is that some people refuse to accept the truth. Belittling them certainly won't work... The only way to get them to accept the truth is by example and exposing them to several different red-pill points of view. If that doesn't work I don't know what will.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Hey El Nigeriano, you should drop a datasheet of your city, Lagos maybe?


Trying To Show My Friend the Truth

Be careful with trying to redpill people who aren't receptive to it.

You could lose a friend at best or be put on blast at worst. Remember that we are thought criminals. People need to find this shit on their own.

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